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Feb 21st, 2020
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  1. Dear fellow GDevelopers,
  2. I'm sure you all enjoy the few extensions GDevelop has in store for you, and I'm also sure you would like to have many more to choose from.
  3. Therefore, we decided to make a GDevelop jam event focused on GDevelop extensions. The goal will be to build the best extension possible related to a chosen theme.
  4. The theme will be given on the start day of the jam, and you will have **one week** to create your extension and submit it for review.
  5. The theme will be rather general to encourage variety in the submissions. Ideally, a single jam could lead to up to three published extensions.
  6. For instance, if the theme is "health indicator", you can make any type of health display system (small blocks above the player's head, a bar at the top of the screen, a circle below the player's feet, etc.). You can offer anything of course, like changing the player's opacity according to its health, but bear in mind that your extension might be published for the whole community, so you should strive for the most useful (universal/compatible) game mechanics.
  8. So everyone... Welcome to the first GDxJam! (it reads jeedexjam /dΚ’ΙͺdeksdΚ’Γ¦m/. Practice it so you feel comfortable telling your friends about that awesomely geeky contest! :grinning:)
  10. The theme for this first edition will be announced on [Sunday, March 1st] and the deadline for submitting the extensions will be [Sunday, March 8th 23:59 GMT].
  11. The winners will be announced on the following Sunday evening [March 15th].
  13. The rules are:
  14. - Do it yourself, alone, or as a team if you agree on splitting the wonderous prizes we have in store (namely, eternal gratitude from the people who'll use it, and a fancy badge on the forum)
  15. - Seven days, no exceptions
  16. - Only one extension per person/team
  17. - To submit your extension, use it with any of the official GDevelop examples, upload the zipped project folder on or similar, and send a private message on the forum to "@moderators" with the link.
  18. - If you include sprites which are not part of the base example, we ask you to provide *CC0* sprites. CC0 is the "no copyright reserved" option in the Creative Commons toolkit - it effectively means relinquishing all copyright and similar rights that you hold in a work and dedicating those rights to the public domain.
  19. - The extensions will be judged on the following criteria: usability (for game makers), quality of the events (the insides of your extension), compatibility (with different game mechanics), innovation and purpose. See detailed criteria below.
  20. - The winner(s) will be decided by a jury composed of any forum moderators, forum regulars (Trust Level 3) and Discord regulars (purple nicknames) nice enough to participate.
  21. - Members of the jury **cannot** submit extensions but will be encouraged to correct the winning submission(s) before publishing.
  23. Detailed evaluation criteria for the jury:
  24. - [15] UX/UI: settings/actions/labels are easy to use and understand
  25. - [15] Compatibility: can be used in a variety of situations/mechanics
  26. - [15] Innovation: anything unusual, creative in the way the theme is applied
  27. - [15] Purpose: is it how you imagined it, what you think you would need or like to have
  28. - [40] [For the technical jury] Event quality:
  29. - Clean: no garbage, no useless items/events
  30. - Clear: events are properly structured or commented
  31. - Concise: no unneeded intermediary events or variables
  32. - Conventional: adequate naming of variables (ExtensionAwesomeVariableEnglishName)
  33. - Classy: no better way to do it
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