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Oct 15th, 2016
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  1. August 2014: 7th grade me got asked to play on an iron highlander team by some spy main i met on a trade server, the people on that team were super nice and helped me actually learn about comp and the very very basic stuff about it. I ended up making friends and playing steel and silver hl before moving on to 6s. I ended up putting in 120 hours per 2 weeks into the game which looking back at it is probably why my grades were so shit.
  3. 2015: i started to play 6s in around feb. 2015 and played with nab in steel (differ, luna, togain, omnific, stevokinevo), silver (differ, zacice, togain, radeon, jiggs), and open (differ, zacice, orbit, raf, morin) while subbing for some hl teams i dont really remember until i got cut. When i got cut i tried to look at it as a positive thing because i had honestly gotten addicted to playing tf2 but it didnt rly stop me from playing just as much, and it didnt stop my grades from being just as bad.
  5. Offseason 2016: lost all motivation to improve or play 6s and just played sniper for a friends steel hl team, in may i got 144hz + new pc and started playing 6s again i started grinding so hard, i was putting in 150 hours per 2 weeks, started the summer with 0 pugs on scout and ended with 200+.
  7. S22 2016: I was determined to find a team to play for in s22 almost got picked up on nab and EVIL, ended up playing with bearly alive (viper, wari, arsie, geo, elliot).
  9. Offseason/current 2016: i wanted to play IM but i had been told i wasnt good enough so i thought i could at least try out for a few it couldnt hurt anything. I ended up getting offered a scout spot from EVIL(fab, troopo, campy, reflecto, daffodil) but due to roster issues i ended up leaving and joining dunehon defenders (exile, demoted, mc, megaboy, kryptonite).After getting kicked out of my old school bc grades were bad ive ended up doing very well at my new school and im still putting in around 90 hours per 2 weeks so who knows maybe it was just me not liking the old school. tf2 wise im pretty happy with where ive gotten to in 2 years.
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