
Dictator charlie - Lilith is alive

Jan 28th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ Hazbin Hotel general #602 & #603
  2. part 1:
  3. part 2:
  4. part 3:
  5. part 4:
  6. Big Brothers is Back - de-conditioning part 1:
  7. Big Brothers is Back - de-conditioning part 2:
  8. DC timeline Octavia:
  9. Dictator charlie - alt-ending:
  10. DC what if part 1:
  11. DC what if part 2:
  12. Dictator charlie dealing with her inner demons part 1:
  13. Dictator charlie dealing with her inner demons part 2:
  14. Dictator charlie dealing with her inner demons part 3:
  15. Timeline shenanigans happens:
  16. Dictator Charlie - Revengance 5000:
  17. -----
  19. -
  20. >Lillth is also there, working working om her tan while reading a book
  21. >She takes a quick glance at Anon's board and coos.
  22. >Goes back to reading her book.
  23. -
  24. >Lilith living in the DC timeline
  25. ...yyyyeah...
  26. -
  27. >Lilith living in the DC timeline
  28. >DC Timeline
  29. Shit, I forgot.
  30. -
  31. >Lilith is alive in the DC timeline
  32. >It's the timeline where Anon didn't go to purgatory and just fucking murdered Solagne as soon as he saw her to keep her away from Lilith
  33. -
  34. Better yet:
  35. >she was captured after a moment of hesitation upon seeing Lilith smile at her
  36. >Anon, too worried after weeks of nightmares about a grim world that would now never come to be, was quick to knock her out, with Charlie and his friends arriving in the nick of time as back-up
  37. >the elite exterminator, who called herself "Solagne", and claimed to be the... "Personal creation", of Archangel Adina, Lucifer's replacement, was in shock to learn that the Devil knew her "mother"... And called her actions "typical of her"
  38. >captured and examined, the exterminator herself brought quite a bit of shock to the Royal family and the demonic nobbles, once the extent of her augmentations were mapped out
  39. >unsure of what to do with her, she remains in the custody of the Magne family, whilst Hell waits patiently, as the Heaven's scramble for a response
  40. >one thing's for certain: heads will be rolling Upstairs
  41. --
  42. >Everbody in heaven is panicing.
  43. >Except for the big boss himself.
  44. >He knew this was gonna happen.
  45. >Just like he does with everything.
  46. --
  47. >You knock on the door to the prisoner's room
  48. >Razzle, Dazzle, and Charlie are at your side
  49. >They're ready for anything, but they're not planning to enter the room unless you call for them
  50. >The "sternguard" exterminator that has somehow ended up dwelling in Pandemonium with you and your family has been...difficult thus far
  51. >Forget about any sort of negotiations, even the most basic of conversation has been impossible
  52. >All anyone seems to get from her is epithets and threats and various thought-terminating-cliches about the superiority of angels
  54. >You've been trying to rationalize and empathize
  55. >She's probably very frightened
  56. >A lone exterminator trying to take out the queen of Hell really sounds like an absolute suicide mission
  57. >And she'd failed in it
  58. >And been captured
  59. >By the very demons she'd been trying to erase
  60. >To her mind it was probably logical that she'd suffer a horrible fate now that she was at your mercy
  61. >And to be fair, your father had been rather put out by the whole affair
  62. >He was typically a jovial and playful man, but when he'd learned how close the exterminator had come to slaying his wife and son, he'd been ready to "take that blade of hers and cut her into so many fucking pieces that God himself won't be able to put her back together"
  63. >It had taken quite a bit of convincing from both you and your sister to cool him off and make him recognize that showing a bit of mercy might be the better option
  65. >But after all those promises for retribution, all of you "ganging up on her" in a group whenever you paid her a visit must feel terribly threatening
  66. >So now you're on to Plan B
  67. >A one-on-one meeting
  68. >As far as she knows
  69. >Send a single demon to visit with her, but keep a few others closeby, out of sight but ready to act if she tries anything untoward
  71. >Having received no answer the first time, you tap on the door again
  73. >"Solagne?"
  74. >"I brought you some lunch."
  75. >"Are you hungry?"
  76. -
  77. >You wait another moment, look to R, D, and C to make sure they're still ready, and push the door open
  78. >You're trying to be good hosts...or at the very least merciful jailers, and offer the exterminator a modicum of respect and privacy, but she doesn't get to just ignore you
  79. >You grip the plate tightly with one hand and leave the other at your side, but you're sure to keep yourself ready to toss out a quick bit of battle magic if she ends up lunging at you again
  80. >Like she did the first time you and Charlie tried to talk to her
  81. >Or like she did maybe a week or so ago
  83. >Fortunately, this time, she seems to be too unmotivated to make another attempt at a heroic escape-slash-killing-spree
  84. >She's sitting in a chair near one of the windows, gazing out at The Pentagram's skyline
  85. >She's almost placid
  86. >It takes her a few moments before she even turns to look at you
  87. >You can't read her expression when she does so
  88. >She looks you over, then speaks
  90. >"Just a sandwich today?"
  92. >You clear your throat awkwardly
  94. >"I thought it best to give you something you could eat with your hands"
  95. >"If you remember, the other day when we brought you a steak, the first thing you did was try to stab me with the knife you were given to cut it"
  96. -
  97. >The warrior angel shrugs
  99. >"Fair enough"
  101. >You cross the room carefully, ready to sling a lightning bolt and call for your sister and her pets at the drop of a hat
  102. >You hold the plate out
  103. >Solagne takes it and sets it down on the small table beneath the window
  104. >You step back to a respectful (and safe) distance
  105. >You let out a silent sigh
  106. >So far, this is better than things usually go with her
  108. >Solagne picks up a triangular wedge of bread and meat and vegetables
  109. >She sniffs at it, and scrutinizes it for...whatever sort of trickery her angry, disdainful mind has convinced her a demon might try with it
  110. >Satisfied that it isn't secretly a wad of broken glass and poison-dipped nails masquerading as a light meal, she bites down
  111. >Her eyes remain on you the entire time
  112. >There's nothing in them
  113. >They're flat
  114. >It's like looking at two beads of lapis lazuli
  115. -
  116. >You shiver as she meets your gaze
  117. >It's an awful thought
  118. >Rather mean spirited
  119. > the nine circles, this woman creeps you out
  121. >You know very little of her "creator", the archangel Adina
  122. >Creator
  123. >Not her mother, very specifically her "creator", dry and dispassionate and detached
  124. >But she must have a rather sick mind, for such a supposedly divine being to make what she's made
  126. >The exterminator tucking into her lunch before you almost seems like some kind of macabre parody
  127. >Like a color negative of your sister
  128. >Both literally and figuratively
  130. >Jet black in hair, rather than blonde
  131. >Pale as skim milk, distinctly lacking Charlie's rosy cheeks and puppy-dog nose
  132. >Piercing, electric-blue eyes
  133. >Whereas your sister typically kept her slender horns tucked away, the ram-like horns typical of exterminators are always on display with Solagne
  134. >And of course, a halo
  135. >A halo like a piece of twisted-up barbed wire
  136. >It matched her personality
  137. >Charlie was always a sweet and cheerful thing, a lover of music and a very gentle soul, but her angelic doppelganger waffled between joyless stoicism and being mean as a snake
  138. >Really, you have to wonder if she was created out of anything beyond spite
  139. -
  140. >Solagne takes her time eating
  141. >Maybe its difficult for her to choke down something other than manna
  142. >But you'd like to believe she's savoring her food, rather than that you're torturing her with every serving
  143. >This is Hell, you've got gluttons in abundance, from Apicius to Adolf Frederick, you'd hope that you can put a meal on the table that isn't a chore to eat even for an angel
  145. >Solagne snaps up the last of the first piece of her sandwich, but doesn't reach for the next
  146. >Instead your sister's merciless doppelganger sits back, folds her hands in her lap, and stares at you
  147. >Eventually her azure eyes narrow, her mouth curls down into a disgusted frown, and she spits out a single word
  149. >"Incubus"
  150. -
  151. >You're at a loss
  152. >So much venom, carried on a single word
  153. >The fact that it came from the mouth of someone who's the spitting image of your sister doesn't help
  154. >Charlie has gotten angry at you before, called you things she didn't really mean when you pissed her off, but she's never spoken with such disturbingly genuine hate
  155. >You wait for Solagne to continue but instead she returns to boring her vivid blue acrylic eyes into you
  157. >"...yes, I am an incubus."
  158. >"Why do you bring it up?"
  160. >Solagne's frown deepens
  162. >"You absolutely fucking REEK of lust"
  164. >Again, you're at a loss
  165. >You're quite certain you're caught up on your suppression treatments
  166. >Your presence should be quite inoffensive, especially at this distance
  167. >The angel continues her angered ramblings
  169. >"Is that why you're here alone today?"
  170. >"So that there won't be any witnesses to you spending all of that base, vulgar desire on me?"
  172. >She grits her teeth and her halo takes on a faint glow
  174. >"I won't be an easy conquest, demon."
  175. -
  176. >You're offended
  178. >Point blank
  180. >Full stop
  182. >You're flat-out appalled by the assumption she's making
  184. >And saddened
  186. >Is that really the first place her mind went when she saw you?
  187. >You sigh
  188. >You pretend you didn't just hear that
  189. >You try to carry on and hope for the best
  191. >"Is there anything else I can do for you, Solagne?"
  193. >Solagne is quiet for a moment
  194. >She runs a finger along the windowsill in thought
  196. >"How are your hands?"
  197. >"I cut them up pretty badly when you caught my spear if memory serves right"
  199. >You clench your fists around wounds that will never fully heal as the memory of her smirking at you, the point of her soul-erasing weapon inches away from your chest, comes rushing back
  201. >"Probably no worse than yours"
  202. >"I did quite a number on them with the high voltage, if memory serves"
  204. >Solagne glowers at you, then glances down at the scars along her arms left behind from your ruthless but rather clever defensive tactic of channeling lightning down the length of her weapon as she attempted to skewer you
  206. >"It wasn't the electricity that did the worst damage, it was prying the armor plates off after you fused them to my implants"
  207. >"What did you do to my armor anyway?"
  209. >"The same thing we did to your spear"
  210. >"Melted it into scrap, so that it can't do any of us any more harm"
  212. >Solagne smirks cruelly
  214. >"And you think that will be enough to keep you safe from me?"
  216. >It's your turn to scrutinize her now
  217. >That wicked smile is paper thin
  218. >The way she has her legs crossed is very, very casual, too much so, an obvious and unsubtle performance rather than the act of someone who is genuinely at ease
  220. >"Solagne..."
  222. >The exterminator fluffs out her midnight-black hair with carefully orchestrated flippancy
  224. >"'re full of shit"
  226. >You turn and walk back out into the hall
  228. >"Enjoy the rest of your lunch. I'll see you later."
  229. ----
  231. -
  232. >You draw in a deep breath, hold it, and let it out, carrying tension away with it
  233. >You sometimes forget how nasty you can get when your blood starts to run hot
  235. >"I also think I saw mom smile at her when she landed"
  236. >"And she just..."
  237. >"Stopped"
  238. >"Stopped and stared"
  239. >"Like she couldn't make sense of that"
  240. >"I think there's something wrong with her, more than just being a crazed killer with too many knives"
  241. -
  242. >Charlie rests her cheek in her hand while she digests what you've said
  243. >Razzle and Dazzle return to pestering you for headpats
  245. >" that mom and dad aren't around..."
  246. >"What do YOU think we should do with her?"
  248. >"What if we just lashed her to a skyrocket and shot her back up to Heaven?"
  250. >"Anon!"
  252. >Charlie reaches up and a black-nailed finger flicks you across the nose
  254. >"Be serious!"
  255. -
  257. -
  258. >"I mean it."
  260. >You take hold of Charlie's wrist to keep her from booping you again and retaliate with a playful pinch of the cheek
  262. >"What if we just let her go?"
  264. >Your sister cocks an eyebrow at you, and Razzle and Dazzle both show evident surprise at the suggestion
  266. >"She came down here well-heeled, ready for a fight"
  267. >"She lost the fight, fair and square"
  269. >You take a breath and try to pull your thoughts together enough to express them succinctly
  271. >"We keep talking about redemption and forgiveness and second chances..."
  273. >You keep a careful throttle on yourself as you continue
  275. >"That bitch came down here with a standing order to slice up as many of us as she possibly could..."
  276. >"...but would we really be any better than her for returning the favor now that we've got the upper hand?"
  277. >"Fuck Adina, forget about her, she's probably a hack anyway"
  278. >"Fuck archangels in general"
  279. >"Think about mortal souls"
  280. >"We know sinners firsthand, and we can make a decent guess about saints and prophets"
  281. >"They wouldn't kick someone when they're down, and I don't think we should either"
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