
Raven Snapped (Story)

Dec 10th, 2017
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  1. Raven was tired of being bullied and treated like shit all her life, one night she finally snapped. This is the story of that night, the night starts off like any other. Raven gets forced into doing something she didn't even want to be part of and this time was the high school talent show. Raven was back stage trying to just find something she was good at, she picked up several instruments and tried to play anything, but alas the sounds she made were just awful to the ears. The other contestants were making fun of her and asking her why she is even in the talent show, Raven hated everyone and especially hated the preppy better than everyone attitude people. The curtain rose and the 1st contestant started the talent they were going to preform, all of a sudden Raven started just hearing Poison by Alice Cooper in her mind and decided fuck it all. Raven used her telekinetic powers that no one knew about and made ripped the insides of the contestant out of the body. Everyone in the audience was shocked, but that didn't stop Raven, Raven made the lights from the stage crash down and crush all the other contestants. Now covered in blood Raven smiled and yelled, "Everyone who has been mean to me is gonna die!" Raven grew Wolverine like claws and leaped from the stage and stabbed the assholes that she spotted in front of her, she of course didn't forget about the people who were trying to run and used her telekinesis powers to rip them all apart.
  3. Raven was finally happy, she waited her whole life to finally be free of assholes.
  5. This is a story that was inspired by a dream I just had. (12/10/17)
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