
For Whom the Bewitching Bell Tolls - Epilogue Part 2

Oct 26th, 2019
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  1. >As for your other friends...
  3. >Starlight returned to her duty as guidance councilor, but encouraged for students to speak with the other members of staff when concerns or problems arise, lessening her overall load and creating a better bond between the students and the teachers
  4. >Turns out that not a lot of the problems the students had were -that- difficult to deal with. Most were interpersonal issues that almost anyone could handle
  5. >They just needed some assurance or a little advice to help them along
  6. >Sunburst eventually moved to Ponyville and sought employ in the School, providing a second experienced voice of reason to stand in for her on occasion
  7. >In time, you were able to delegate the handling of the School of Friendship to the two of them. Trixie even became a Principal to help the new Headmare, too
  9. >With more time on her hooves, Applejack was able to find somepony and later start a family, along with her brother and his wife
  10. >The whole apple family and student body and faculty were there for the biggest wedding since your bro's, even when she had hoped to not make a big deal out of it
  12. >Rainbow Dash and Rarity excelled in their careers before settling down themselves. Dash became a Captain and Trainer for the Bolts as Spitfire had before her, eventually becoming one of the faces of their association and inducted into their Hall of Fame
  13. >Rarity's fashion chain was world-renowned for its exceptional design and her innovation in fashion to bring out the best in everycreature
  14. >A design philosophy that she would pass on to those who would manage her chains.
  15. >Both would be great donors and contributors to the School of Friendship and other associated businesses
  17. >As the populace of Ponyville grew, so did the demand for parties. Pinkie alone couldnt keep up with it all, but fortunately, she wouldnt be alone on that front for long
  18. >A familiar stallion would return to help form the ultimate party duo Equesstria's ever had the fortune to see in action.
  20. ---
  22. >Discord....was still as problematic as ever. Always looking for ways to get under somepony's skin. His mischievous ways were now kept under a sharp watch from Fluttershy, however
  23. >She had changed somewhat since that day - still quiet and kind, but now she could be firm and strict when needed, easily convincing Discord to cut the shenanigans if she suspects he's going too far
  24. >Fluttershy confided to you in secret that she felt that she was partially responsible for Anon's disappearance, bringing up the proposed question he asked of her when the two had gone to the hospital together to help Discord heal.
  25. >As happy as Fluttershy was in her work of establishing more sanctuaries where her animal friends could live safely, she felt she had failed to ensure the same for Anon living here...despite having done what she could for Discord when he was offered a chance.
  26. >It was something she never really forgave herself for, and hoped to apologize for should he return.
  28. >Discord had noted her sullenness and blamed it on Anon himself for "ruining everything|",
  29. >Even when you explained time and time again that it was his fault things turned out as they had, he refused to take responsibility in full
  30. >That's likely a big part of why Fluttershy hasn't been so easy on him lately.
  31. >He offered to "hunt him down" for Fluttershy, but she vehemently refused, stating that she didn't want Discord to have anything to do with him anymore
  32. >It didn't stop him from looking for the human (likely for his own reasons), but he couldn't find a trace of him in Equestria's ether.
  34. >It was almost like he left this world or never existed.
  36. ---
  38. >Fluttershy also informed you that his magic had not returned in full, but he was gradually recovering.
  39. >It would likely take him hundreds of years to be back to what he once was, by his own estimation, however.
  40. >She....had speculated to you of the possibility that somepony or some method may be necessary to put a stop to him long after she and the others are gone, should the need arise.
  41. >The not-so timid pegasus knew the poem Anonymous had left, that somepony would always be waiting to aid them should things go to Tartarus
  42. >But she wanted to let him rest, wherever he may be. It was her belief that Equestria had to learn to prepare for themselves, instead of hoping someone comes to save them again
  43. >And you agree.
  44. >Perhaps ultimately, harmony and disharmony couldnt truly coexist beyond a certain point.
  45. >Or maybe Discord hasn't been properly reformed from the get-go, despite all that's happened.
  46. >You would still hold out hope that something can be done to make him understand....but if not, you will do what you must for Equestria's sake.
  48. ---
  50. >And you.
  51. >Since the handover of the Friendship School, you took to Canterlot to look after Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns, as you always wanted to since you were a filly
  52. >Like your mentor before you, it wouldnt be too long before you found your own prized students among the lot, but you still did your best to not play favorites -too- much.
  53. >Two of which were Luster Dawn and Bright Star
  54. >Luster Dawn showed immense potential when it came to Spellweaving and learning of different magical spectrums, but seemed unconvinced of the Magic of Friendship, despite your claims and the history surrounding it
  55. >Bright showed a keen interest in magical artifact and creature study, stating that he wanted to one day acquire them all for Equestria's security and to test them for research purposes
  56. >You've assured him that most of them have been found, though its true that there wasn't much done in the way of thorough research.
  57. >Maybe one day he'll get his chance.
  58. >For now, though, you'd have a lot of stories to share of this hall for the two of them when they come later today.
  60. >Your friends would also be joining you later. Despite their busy lives, you all make an effort to at least meet every week or bi-weekly, for at least a day to hang out and do things together.
  61. >Discussing Equestria's rulership could wait for the "official meetings" at the end of the month....there was plenty of time to balance both business and pleasures.
  63. ---
  65. >But where was Anonymous?
  66. >Before the Princesses went off on their own travels around the world, Luna stated that she knew of where he traveled through her interactions with him in his dreams, but be had made her promise to not to reveal such to anyone
  67. >You did hear rumors of him from time to time in passing from other creatures
  69. >A climber from the Crystal Empire had seen his descent from Mt. Everhoof. The Human had helped them deal with the unnatural storms by giving him some black shards that his his presence from the mountain
  70. >Some Kirin students who came to the school mention Anon and Autumn Blaze helping their kin with a series of frontier settlement projects. When you asked more about it, they were admittedly short on details of the matter, but they also had their own questions, too
  71. >Particularly about a play Autumn wrote about Anon's adventure in Ponyville to stop Discord's elaborate ruse
  72. >Fortunately the details of that were mostly truthful, albeit with some odd humor and more songs than you remembered being involved in that mess
  73. >At least there was a lead of sorts, but you were still too busy to personally verify this information
  74. >...Which might have been for the best. You weren't sure if you were ready to see him until things had settled here with the reformation of the three villains at the time.
  76. >Word of other events in the months to come cropped up as your affairs settled down
  77. >While you weren't sure which if the four settlements Anon and Autumn had gone to, they had been seen with a sizable family of young in their travels together
  78. >Two sons, two daughters, a family of nomadic adventurers helping those in need while seeing the wider world for themselves
  80. >There were stories of the family's exploits and deeds here and there, with some sounding absolutely fantastical.
  81. >Such as the family aiding the Somnambulan ponies at the all too sudden arrival of a cat-like spirit calling herself "Baast", along with the Sisters who had been vacationing in that region at the time
  82. >Or a full year and a half later, where you heard that they had visited the Abysmal Abyss near Griffonstone to explore its depths, only to find that the Arimaspi wasn't the only thing lurking down there
  83. >Its said they returned with a number of "trophies" of their subterranean encounters, including the head of the Idol of Boreas, among other stories of what lived within those depths.
  84. >Yet as near ridiculous as it seemed to imagine such a thing, you had confirmed with Grandpa Gruff that they did indeed manage such a thing.
  85. >Needless to say, even just recovering a piece of the Idol was a huge morale boost to Griffonstone as a whole
  87. >A letter you had gotten from Scorpan's province mentioned Anonymous in passing, who Tirek had recognized and warmly welcomed when they were searching for a place to rest in that region for a few months
  88. >He remembered that the human's intervention had granted him a chance to even be here to mend his relationship with his brother
  89. >Cozy Glow was made privy to this in her own writing with Tirek, hoping he had asked if Anon was coming to Ponyville anytime soon (or at least hoping to find out where he was going so she could meet him in person)
  90. >Unfortunately, he wrote back that couldnt get a straight answer on their next destination, but Anonymous was pleased to hear that Cozy and Chrysalis hadn't wasted the chance he made for them
  91. >And he was happy that the others were doing well for themselves
  93. >"I can't say where or when, but I know we'll all meet again.", were Anon's words.
  94. >It would be enough for you.
  95. >When he does return, you were certain Equestria would be ready to welcome him with open hooves.
  97. >These were your thoughts as you look at the last stained glass window of the human standing before Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis in opposition to the Princesses, Discord, and your group of ponies with his sword drawn.
  98. >The words of the page left in his home etched into the wall below the display, both a reminder and a warning to everypony who would come to know this tale.
  100. ---
  101. >...
  102. >A few years passed
  103. >The new guardspony of Mt Everhoof noticed that the mountain had gone from eerily calm to tumultuously stormy over the past few days
  104. >Igniting his horn to feel around the mountain's base, he could tell something was wrong
  105. >Stepping out into a blizzard that had rolled in, he didn't have to go far before finding hoofprints trailing away from the mountain's base
  106. >But with visibility decreasing, he couldn't hope to go or see too far into the wilds
  107. >What he did see, however, sent a chill to his bones far worse than any storm could
  108. >A silhouette stood in the blizzard, completely unaffected by the raging weather.
  109. >Adorned on its ungulate shaped form were a large pair of curved horns
  110. >It looked back at him with a gaze filled with burning hatred before vanishing in the flurry.
  112. >True evil....had returned to these lands once more.
  114. END
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