
Word Minimums are Terrible

Sep 12th, 2012
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  1. This is an English paper I did. Screw arbitrary word minimums.
  2. -------------------------------------
  3. “Declare your independence” by Joel Salatin pg. 175
  4. 1. Assignment: Explore pg. 188
  6. Alright, I'm going to put this on the table right now: I hate this guy. He's annoying as hell.
  7. I'm never able to make it to the local market, because I'm busy on Saturdays with homework. I'm not even sure if it is on Saturday. I haven't been able to go to it for at least two and a half years, because of classes.
  9. I guess based off of what I remember, I could make:
  10. Some Bread
  11. Some Cheese
  12. Some Apples
  13. Some Sticks of Butter
  14. A Metal Cooking Pan
  15. (Serves however many it can. I'm not sure of the size of your bread or how much you used, so I cannot be held accountable for number of servings failure. )
  17. First, take a moderately sized metal cooking pan, and turn the knob that in turn activates your oven's heating element. Put a small slice of butter in the pan to act as a lubricant to ensure that your meal does not stick to the metal cooking pan. Next, take a few slices of the sticks of butter and put them into a glass bowl. Place this bowl into your microwave and cook it for a little bit to make it soft, or you can do that in a pan too, but you can figure out those directions on your own. Take the bread, and find a nice metal knife. A steak knife would be perfect, unless they make bread knives, I'm not sure if they do or not. Take this knife and slowly and carefully just the bread into a few thinnish slices, over a cutting board that is made of wood. Here, you should take the cheese that you purchased and bring it to the kitchen counter. Using a sharp knife, cut the cheese into slices of your desired thickness of cheesery. It's sharp cheddar, ha ha ha! Then, take a metal spoon (wood is fine too) and take a scoop of the melted microwaved or panmelted butter and place it on to the slice of bread we cut in the last step. Take this buttered bread and place it in a gentle manner into the metal cooking pan that has been being lightly heated through all of these previous steps. Do so carefully so you don't get burned, because that is one painful injury indeed. It should be making a wonderful sizzling sound. Next, take a slice of the cheese you precut earlier, and apply this slice to the top of the cut bread slice that is already in the pan. Now you need to take another precut slice of bread, and place it carefully upon the previously cut cheese which was placed above the other precut slice of bread, which is not the slice of bread that you are handling in this step. Let this mass of deliciousness sizzle for a bit, then use your spatula you must surely have if you are in the process of reading this recipe, and utilize it's primary function of making it easier to flip foodery over. Then let it sizzle more for this side, and then just continue flipping it until it is at your desired level of cookery. When it is, take it off of the pan with the spatula and put it on a plate. Then use the apples to make applesauce. Sorry that I'm not an expert on that. Add whichever type of drink you feel like, and there, a nice yummy grilled cheese with applesauce.
  19. It fits Salatin's ideas about leaving the industrial food system behind because you made it yourself with ingredients from local farmers. That's most of what his point was, right?
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