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- // To fix issue page speed "Links do not have a discernible name"
- // edit the file "inc/components/breadcrumbs.php" and replace with the following code:
- <?php
- class Blocksy_Breadcrumbs_Builder {
- public function __construct() {
- $this->settings['labels'] = [
- 'homepage-title' => get_theme_mod(
- 'breadcrumb_home_text',
- __('Home', 'blocksy')
- ),
- 'blogpage-title' => __('Blog', 'blocksy'),
- '404-title' => __('404 Not found', 'blocksy'),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Determine if the page has parents and in case it has, adds all page parents hierarchy
- *
- * @param $id , page id
- *
- * @return array
- */
- private function get_page_hierarchy($id, $has_single_check = true) {
- $page = get_post($id);
- if (empty($page) || is_wp_error($page)) {
- return [];
- }
- $return = [];
- $page_obj = [];
- $page_obj['type'] = 'post';
- $page_obj['post_type'] = $page->post_type;
- $page_obj['name'] = $page->post_title;
- $page_obj['id'] = $id;
- $page_obj['url'] = get_permalink($id);
- $return[] = $page_obj;
- if ($page->post_parent > 0) {
- $return = array_merge(
- $return,
- $this->get_page_hierarchy($page->post_parent)
- );
- }
- return $return;
- }
- /**
- * Determine if the term has parents and in case it has, adds all term parents hierarchy
- *
- * @param $id , term id
- * @param $taxonomy , term taxonomy name
- *
- * @return array
- */
- private function get_term_hierarchy($id, $taxonomy) {
- $term = get_term($id, $taxonomy);
- if (empty($term) || is_wp_error($term)) {
- return [];
- }
- $return = [];
- $term_obj = [];
- $term_obj['type'] = 'taxonomy';
- $term_obj['name'] = $term->name;
- $term_obj['id'] = $id;
- $term_obj['url'] = get_term_link($id, $taxonomy);
- $term_obj['taxonomy'] = $taxonomy;
- $return[] = $term_obj;
- if ($term->parent > 0) {
- $return = array_merge(
- $return,
- $this->get_term_hierarchy($term->parent, $taxonomy)
- );
- }
- return $return;
- }
- private function get_custom_post_type_archive() {
- $return = [];
- $post_type = get_post_type();
- $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type );
- if (
- $post_type_object
- &&
- $post_type !== 'blog'
- &&
- $post_type !== 'product'
- &&
- $post_type_object->has_archive
- ) {
- // Add support for a non-standard label of 'archive_title' (special use case).
- $label = ! empty(
- $post_type_object->labels->archive_title
- ) ? $post_type_object->labels->archive_title : $post_type_object->labels->name;
- // Core filter hook.
- $label = apply_filters(
- 'post_type_archive_title',
- $label,
- $post_type_object->name
- );
- $return[] = [
- 'name' => $label,
- 'url' => get_post_type_archive_link($post_type)
- ];
- }
- return $return;
- }
- /**
- * Determine the current frontend page location, in creates the breadcrumbs array
- * @return array
- */
- private function build_breadcrumbs() {
- if (is_admin()) {
- return [];
- }
- if (did_action('wp') === 0) {
- return [];
- }
- $home_icon = '';
- if (get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_home_item', 'text') === 'icon') {
- $home_icon = '<svg class="ct-home-icon" width="15" viewBox="0 0 24 20" aria-label="Home"><path d="M12,0L0.4,10.5h3.2V20h6.3v-6.3h4.2V20h6.3v-9.5h3.2L12,0z"/></svg>';
- }
- $return = [
- 0 => [
- 'name' => $this->settings['labels']['homepage-title'],
- 'url' => esc_url( home_url('/') ),
- 'type' => 'front_page',
- 'icon' => $home_icon
- ]
- ];
- $has_single = get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_page_title', 'yes') === 'yes';
- $has_taxonomy = get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_taxonomy_title', 'yes') === 'yes';
- $custom_page = [];
- if (is_array($custom_page) && !empty($custom_page)) {
- $return[] = $custom_page;
- return $return;
- }
- if (is_404()) {
- $page = [];
- $page['type'] = '404';
- $page['name'] = $this->settings['labels']['404-title'];
- $page['url'] = blocksy_current_url();
- $return[] = $page;
- } elseif (is_search()) {
- $search = [];
- $search['type'] = 'search';
- $search['name'] = __('Searching for:', 'blocksy') . ' ' . get_search_query();
- $s = '?s=' . get_search_query();
- $search['url'] = home_url('/') . $s;
- $return[] = $search;
- } elseif (is_front_page()) {
- $return = array_merge(
- $return,
- $this->get_custom_post_type_archive()
- );
- } elseif ($blocksy_is_page = blocksy_is_page()) {
- $return = array_merge(
- $return,
- array_reverse($this->get_page_hierarchy($blocksy_is_page))
- );
- $has_single = get_theme_mod(
- 'breadcrumb_page_title',
- 'yes'
- ) === 'yes';
- if (! $has_single) {
- array_pop($return);
- }
- } elseif (is_single()) {
- global $post;
- $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post->post_type, 'objects');
- $primary_taxonomy_hash = [
- 'post' => 'category',
- 'product' => 'product_cat'
- ];
- $slugs = [];
- if (isset($primary_taxonomy_hash[$post->post_type])) {
- foreach ($taxonomies as $key => $tax) {
- if ($tax->name === $primary_taxonomy_hash[$post->post_type]) {
- $slugs[] = $tax->name;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- $return = array_merge(
- $return,
- $this->get_custom_post_type_archive()
- );
- if (! empty($taxonomies)) {
- if (empty($slugs)) {
- foreach ($taxonomies as $key => $tax) {
- if (
- $tax->show_ui === true
- &&
- $tax->public === true
- &&
- $tax->hierarchical !== false
- ) {
- array_push($slugs, $tax->name);
- }
- }
- }
- $slugs = apply_filters(
- 'blocksy:breadcrumbs:single:taxonomies:slugs',
- $slugs
- );
- $terms = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, $slugs);
- if (! empty($terms)) {
- $lowest_term = $this->get_lowest_taxonomy_terms(
- $post, $terms,
- $slugs[0]
- );
- $term = $lowest_term[0];
- $return = array_merge(
- $return,
- array_reverse(
- $this->get_term_hierarchy(
- $term->term_id,
- $term->taxonomy
- )
- )
- );
- }
- }
- $return = array_merge(
- $return,
- array_reverse($this->get_page_hierarchy($post->ID))
- );
- $has_single = get_theme_mod(
- 'breadcrumb_page_title',
- 'yes'
- ) === 'yes';
- if (! $has_single) {
- array_pop($return);
- }
- } elseif (is_category()) {
- $term_id = get_query_var('cat');
- $tax_result = array_reverse(
- $this->get_term_hierarchy($term_id, 'category')
- );
- if (! $has_taxonomy) {
- array_pop($tax_result);
- }
- $return = array_merge(
- $return,
- $tax_result
- );
- } elseif (is_tag()) {
- $term_id = get_query_var('tag');
- $term = get_term_by('slug', $term_id, 'post_tag');
- if (empty($term) || is_wp_error($term)) {
- return [];
- }
- if ($has_taxonomy) {
- $tag = [];
- $tag['type'] = 'taxonomy';
- $tag['name'] = $term->name;
- $tag['url'] = get_term_link($term_id, 'post_tag');
- $tag['taxonomy'] = 'post_tag';
- $return[] = $tag;
- }
- } elseif (is_tax()) {
- $term_id = get_queried_object()->term_id;
- $taxonomy = get_queried_object()->taxonomy;
- $tax_result = array_reverse(
- $this->get_term_hierarchy($term_id, $taxonomy)
- );
- if (! $has_taxonomy) {
- array_pop($tax_result);
- }
- $return = array_merge(
- $return,
- $this->get_custom_post_type_archive(),
- $tax_result
- );
- } elseif (is_author()) {
- $author = [];
- $author_data = get_userdata(get_the_author_meta('ID'));
- $author['name'] = $author_data->display_name;
- $author['id'] = get_the_author_meta('ID');
- $author['url'] = get_author_posts_url(
- $author['id'],
- $author_data->user_nicename
- );
- $author['type'] = 'author';
- $return[] = $author;
- } elseif (is_date()) {
- $date = [];
- if (get_option('permalink_structure')) {
- $day = get_query_var('day');
- $month = get_query_var('monthnum');
- $year = get_query_var('year');
- } else {
- $m = get_query_var('m');
- $year = substr($m, 0, 4);
- $month = substr($m, 4, 2);
- $day = substr($m, 6, 2);
- }
- if (is_day()) {
- $date['name'] = mysql2date(
- 'd F Y',
- $day . '-' . $month . '-' . $year
- );
- $date['url'] = get_day_link($year, $month, $day);
- $date['date_type'] = 'daily';
- $date['day'] = $day;
- $date['month'] = $month;
- $date['year'] = $year;
- } elseif (is_month()) {
- $date['name'] = mysql2date(
- 'F Y',
- '01.' . $month . '.' . $year
- );
- $date['url'] = get_month_link($year, $month);
- $date['date_type'] = 'monthly';
- $date['month'] = $month;
- $date['year'] = $year;
- } else {
- $date['name'] = mysql2date(
- 'Y',
- '01.01.' . $year
- );
- $date['url'] = get_year_link($year);
- $date['date_type'] = 'yearly';
- $date['year'] = $year;
- }
- $return[] = $date;
- } elseif (is_archive()) {
- $post_type = get_query_var('post_type');
- if ($post_type) {
- $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object($post_type);
- $archive = [];
- $archive['name'] = $post_type_obj->labels->name;
- $archive['url'] = get_post_type_archive_link($post_type);
- $return[] = $archive;
- }
- }
- foreach ($return as $key => $item) {
- if (empty($item['name'])) {
- $return[$key]['name'] = __('No title', 'blocksy');
- }
- }
- if (function_exists('is_woocommerce') && is_woocommerce()) {
- $permalinks = wc_get_permalink_structure();
- $shop_page_id = wc_get_page_id('shop');
- $shop_page = get_post($shop_page_id);
- if (
- $shop_page_id
- &&
- $shop_page
- &&
- isset($permalinks['product_base'])
- &&
- strstr($permalinks['product_base'], '/' . $shop_page->post_name)
- &&
- intval(get_option('page_on_front')) !== $shop_page_id
- &&
- intval($shop_page_id) !== intval(blocksy_is_page())
- ) {
- array_splice($return, 1, 0, [
- [
- 'url' => get_permalink($shop_page),
- 'name' => get_the_title($shop_page)
- ]
- ]);
- }
- }
- return apply_filters('blocksy:breadcrumbs:items-array', $return);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the lowest hierarchical term
- * @return array
- */
- private function get_lowest_taxonomy_terms($post, $terms, $taxonomy) {
- $post_id = $post->ID;
- $primary_term = null;
- if (class_exists('WPSEO_Primary_Term')) {
- $primary_term = new WPSEO_Primary_Term($taxonomy, $post_id);
- $primary_term = get_term($primary_term->get_primary_term());
- }
- // B. The SEO Framework
- if (function_exists('the_seo_framework')) {
- $primary_term = the_seo_framework()->get_primary_term(
- $post_id,
- $taxonomy
- );
- }
- // C. RankMath
- if (class_exists('RankMath')) {
- $primary_cat_id = get_post_meta($post_id, "rank_math_primary_{$taxonomy}", true);
- $primary_term = (!empty($primary_cat_id)) ? get_term($primary_cat_id, $taxonomy) : '';
- }
- // D. SEOPress
- if (function_exists('seopress_init') && $taxonomy == 'category') {
- $primary_cat_id = get_post_meta($post_id, '_seopress_robots_primary_cat', true);
- $primary_term = (!empty($primary_cat_id)) ? get_term($primary_cat_id, 'category') : '';
- }
- if ($primary_term && ! is_wp_error($primary_term)) {
- return [$primary_term];
- }
- // if terms is not array or its empty don't proceed
- if (! is_array($terms) || empty($terms)) {
- return false;
- }
- return $this->filter_terms($terms);
- }
- private function filter_terms($terms) {
- $return_terms = array();
- $term_ids = array();
- foreach ($terms as $t) {
- $term_ids[] = $t->term_id;
- }
- foreach ($terms as $t) {
- if ($t->parent == false || !in_array($t->parent,$term_ids)) {
- // remove this term
- } else {
- $return_terms[] = $t;
- }
- }
- if (count($return_terms)) {
- return $this->filter_terms($return_terms);
- } else {
- return $terms;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the breadcrumbs array
- * @return string
- */
- public function get_breadcrumbs() {
- $result = $this->build_breadcrumbs();
- if (class_exists('WC_Breadcrumb')) {
- $woo_compatible_breadcrumbs = new WC_Breadcrumb();
- foreach ($result as $item) {
- $woo_compatible_breadcrumbs->add_crumb($item['name'], $item['url']);
- }
- do_action(
- 'woocommerce_breadcrumb',
- $woo_compatible_breadcrumbs,
- apply_filters(
- 'woocommerce_breadcrumb_defaults',
- [
- 'delimiter' => ' / ',
- 'wrap_before' => '<nav class="woocommerce-breadcrumb">',
- 'wrap_after' => '</nav>',
- 'before' => '',
- 'after' => '',
- 'home' => _x( 'Home', 'breadcrumb', 'woocommerce' ),
- ]
- )
- );
- }
- return $result;
- }
- public function render($args = []) {
- $args = wp_parse_args($args, [
- 'class' => ''
- ]);
- $source = get_theme_mod('breadcrumbs_source', 'default');
- if (
- function_exists('rank_math_the_breadcrumbs')
- &&
- $source === 'rankmath'
- ) {
- ob_start();
- rank_math_the_breadcrumbs();
- $content = ob_get_clean();
- if (! empty($content)) {
- return '<div class="ct-breadcrumbs">' . $content . '</div>';
- }
- }
- if (
- function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb')
- &&
- $source === 'yoast'
- ) {
- ob_start();
- yoast_breadcrumb('<div class="ct-breadcrumbs">', '</div>');
- $content = ob_get_clean();
- if (! empty($content)) {
- return $content;
- }
- }
- if (
- function_exists('seopress_display_breadcrumbs')
- &&
- $source === 'seopress'
- ) {
- ob_start();
- echo '<div class="ct-breadcrumbs">';
- seopress_display_breadcrumbs();
- echo '</div>';
- return ob_get_clean();
- }
- if (
- function_exists('bcn_display')
- &&
- $source === 'bcnxt'
- ) {
- ob_start();
- echo '<div class="ct-breadcrumbs">';
- bcn_display();
- echo '</div>';
- return ob_get_clean();
- }
- $items = $this->get_breadcrumbs();
- $separators = [
- 'type-1' => '<svg class="separator" width="8" height="8" viewBox="0 0 8 8">
- <path d="M2,6.9L4.8,4L2,1.1L2.6,0l4,4l-4,4L2,6.9z"/>
- </svg>',
- 'type-2' => '<svg class="separator" width="8" height="8" viewBox="0 0 8 8">
- <polygon points="2.5,0 6.9,4 2.5,8 "/>
- </svg>',
- 'type-3' => '<span class="separator">/</span>'
- ];
- $separator = $separators[
- get_theme_mod('breadcrumb_separator', 'type-1')
- ];
- if (count($items) < 1) {
- return '';
- }
- $class = 'ct-breadcrumbs';
- if (! empty($args['class'])) {
- $class .= ' ' . $args['class'];
- }
- ob_start();
- ?>
- <nav class="<?php echo $class ?>" <?php echo blocksy_schema_org_definitions('breadcrumb_list') ?>><?php
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
- if ($i === (count($items) - 1)) {
- $should_be_link = false;
- if (is_single() || blocksy_is_page()) {
- $has_single = get_theme_mod(
- 'breadcrumb_page_title',
- 'yes'
- ) === 'yes';
- if (! $has_single) {
- $should_be_link = true;
- }
- }
- if (is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax()) {
- $has_taxonomy = get_theme_mod(
- 'breadcrumb_taxonomy_title',
- 'yes'
- ) === 'yes';
- if (! $has_taxonomy) {
- $should_be_link = true;
- }
- }
- echo '<span class="last-item" ' . blocksy_schema_org_definitions('breadcrumb_item') . '>';
- if (blocksy_has_schema_org_markup()) {
- echo '<meta itemprop="position" content="' . ($i + 1) . '">';
- }
- if (isset($items[$i]['url']) && $should_be_link) {
- echo '<a href="' . esc_attr( $items[ $i ]['url'] ) . '" ' . blocksy_schema_org_definitions('item'). '>';
- if (isset($items[$i]['icon'])) {
- echo $items[$i]['icon'];
- }
- echo '<span ' . blocksy_schema_org_definitions('name') . '>';
- echo $items[ $i ]['name'];
- echo '</span>';
- echo '</a>';
- } else {
- if (isset($items[$i]['icon'])) {
- echo $items[$i]['icon'];
- }
- echo '<span ' . blocksy_schema_org_definitions('name') . '>';
- echo $items[ $i ]['name'];
- echo '</span>';
- }
- if (
- blocksy_has_schema_org_markup()
- &&
- isset($items[$i]['url'])
- ) {
- echo '<meta itemprop="url" content="' . esc_attr( $items[ $i ]['url'] ) . '"/>';
- }
- echo '</span>';
- } else if ($i === 0) {
- echo '<span class="first-item" ' . blocksy_schema_org_definitions('breadcrumb_item') . '>';
- if (blocksy_has_schema_org_markup()) {
- echo '<meta itemprop="position" content="' . ($i + 1) . '">';
- }
- if (isset($items[$i]['url'])) {
- echo '<a href="' . esc_attr( $items[ $i ]['url'] ) . '" ' . blocksy_schema_org_definitions('item') . '>';
- if (isset($items[$i]['icon'])) {
- echo $items[$i]['icon'];
- }
- echo '<span ' . blocksy_schema_org_definitions('name') . '>';
- echo $items[ $i ]['name'];
- echo '</span>';
- echo '</a>';
- } else {
- echo $items[$i]['name'];
- }
- if (
- blocksy_has_schema_org_markup()
- &&
- isset($items[$i]['url'])
- ) {
- echo '<meta itemprop="url" content="' . esc_attr( $items[ $i ]['url'] ) . '"/>';
- }
- echo $separator;
- echo '</span>';
- } else {
- echo '<span class="' . ($i - 1) . '-item" ' . blocksy_schema_org_definitions('breadcrumb_item') . '>';
- if (blocksy_has_schema_org_markup()) {
- echo '<meta itemprop="position" content="' . ($i + 1) . '">';
- }
- if (isset($items[$i]['url'])) {
- echo '<a href="' . esc_attr( $items[ $i ]['url'] ) . '" ' . blocksy_schema_org_definitions('item') . '>';
- if (isset($items[$i]['icon'])) {
- echo $items[$i]['icon'];
- }
- echo '<span ' . blocksy_schema_org_definitions('name') . '>';
- echo $items[ $i ]['name'];
- echo '</span>';
- echo '</a>';
- } else {
- echo $items[$i]['name'];
- }
- if (
- blocksy_has_schema_org_markup()
- &&
- isset($items[$i]['url'])
- ) {
- echo '<meta itemprop="url" content="' . esc_attr( $items[ $i ]['url'] ) . '"/>';
- }
- echo $separator;
- echo '</span>';
- }
- } ?>
- </nav>
- <?php
- return ob_get_clean();
- }
- }
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