
annes Pulse 2

Mar 12th, 2013
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  1. Annes Pulse
  3. MultiCharacterView Pulse
  8. In the first book of the series, “The Chronicles of Counter-Earth”, the saga is first played out where a man of Earth is brought suddenly, to another world. While the series's somewhat questionable and slightly anti-feminist penmanship was indeed first started prior to Neil Armstrong's walk upon the moon (thusly rendering his setting of this place, the Counter-Earth, to be rotating opposite of the Earth's axis on the other side of the sun, absolutely and completely invalid), the fictional novels still have captured the interest, the hearts, and perhaps the mind-frames and libidos of many.
  10. (I digress, pardon my witty and satirical banter. I'm making a point with it, I promise.)
  12. The readers of this series, as well as its roleplay enthusiasts all have one thing in common:
  14. We're incredibly bore- No.
  15. We all have way too much free tim- No.
  16. We're all very, very naughty perver- No.
  18. No, the most important thing we have in common, is that we are fans of either the series, or the roleplay... am I right? And sometimes, when people are passionate about something, quarrels happen.
  20. -Points to last November 7th.-
  22. It is a beautiful piece of human nature – the passion and the endurance that we possess, as well as the strength to carry on. However, sometimes one needs to look at the bigger picture of things. This is all online. This is not real life. We do not get paid to be on IMVU and play. We are here, because we choose to be (unless you left for SL... but um-anyways-yeah).
  24. So, let's take a look at the premise of the first book in the series (here comes one wildly bad summarization):
  26. Tarl (that guy from Earth) is brought to Gor, only to find out there is another person with his terrible name (it's his dad). His dad says, “Hey, I know you're completely clueless and new to this place. Here's a sword and a puny shield. Mk training over. Here's a big bird. I'm in charge of Ko-ro-ba, and I hate this city called Ar. Fly on Polly here, kill some chick and take this hunk of rock. By the way, it'll be in a pile with a bunch of other rocks that look just like it. That'll really tick them off, those bastards!”, and for some reason, Tarl (the son) says yes. Eventually he takes the chick and they deal with spiders and Assassins and flying the bird and a bunch of other stuff. Finally things are righted by the end of the novel, and the two enemy cities kiss and make up.
  28. What I'm trying to say here is, sometimes our feelings and passions have us from looking clearly at the big picture. That doesn't make anyone a bad person. And at the end of the day, all those involved with the Sardar Fairs both past and present have decided, much like the fictional characters in the first Counter-Earth book, have decided to put the matters to rest for once and for all, for the betterment of the community.
  30. On a more PERSONAL note, lately I have set aside my own personal differences on a very large scale. Surely some of you have noticed. If I decide I'm not happy in a roleplay group or whatever, I will say thanks for the good times, and leave. Because of various changes in my personal life the past year, I've come to realize that thing I've been spouting all along:
  33. Life is too short to be pissed with someone on the internet.
  38. < 3 Ta Sardar Gor, and Ta Sardar Gummy Bears. See ya at the Fairs. <3
  40. -Anne
  42. (PS. - I had a migraine when I wrote this.)
  44. Yesterday
  46. MultiCharacterView Pulse
  47. -Since sometimes things get re-pulsed when I write larger things, if you feel the need to do so, I simply ask that you keep my name on it. These thoughts are mine, and do not reflect the entirity of the Sardar Fairs. Thankies.-
  48. Yesterday
  50. xDavaenaxAdd Friend
  51. Good luck, Anne. I think you made the right choice. You were getting too emotional and losing your common sense after you got emotionaly involved. Sometimes it's best when you cant have the person you want to be take a step away and gather your senses. Best of luck to you and all you do..and hopefully you will find that someone who wants you to dedicate everything you are to them. Ana will be missed.
  52. Yesterday
  54. TavenBlackAdd Friend
  55. I absolutely agree Davaeva...time will heal all pain. Davaena you are very insigtful and nobody has shown me such dedication like you have. Anne I wish you the best and I think this will all work out for you in the end. I dont want to hurt people feelings and Im sorry I could not return the same affections you had grown for me. Much love.
  56. Yesterday
  58. MultiCharacterView Pulse
  59. I retract my previous comment on very simple grounds: I had tried to be polite, but in reading this again, I realized that someone assumed this pulse was about them. That is not the case. -Facepalms.- This is about the Fairs in general. My personal outlook was expressed about the Fairs. The bit about leaving a group and mending was actually a quiet reference to Tor from 2.5 years ago.
  61. It did not have anything to do with leaving any other group. So, please do not try to turn it into that.
  62. 4 hours ago
  64. RockCelestAdd Friend
  65. thank you now i can skip ahead to book two since i got a good picture of what book one is like :D
  66. 1 hour ago
  68. RockCelestAdd Friend
  69. -does happy dance-
  70. 1 hour ago
  71. Write a comment...
  73. [added]
  74. Firiah Add Friend
  76. For once I can say I agree with Anne. We have had our huge disagreements in the past. And both have made huge messes with the best of intentions. We have worked our differences, like in Tarnsmen of Gor that she makes reference to above. And now we are working together for the betterment of the Sardar Fairs and of IMVU Gor. Yes, certainly it sounds like world ending. But it happened. If we could do that, so can the rest of you.
  78. Hey, Orion and her are talking again. -smiles- This means something good. Communication and respect are the key to celebrate variety. I am proud of her and of Orion. This has been a HUGE step that needed to be done.
  80. Blessed be, Anne.
  82. 30 minutes ago
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