
Trivia: Love

Sep 17th, 2019
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  1. ʚ LOVE ɞ
  3. username ; GlisteningHobi
  5. full name ; Kang Jiyoung (강지영)
  6. nicknames ; Jay | Kang | Oung | Jiya
  7. face claim ; choi_yura_yah
  8. — backup face claim ; bboggooo
  10. ʚ SEESAW ɞ
  12. birthdate ; 21st December 1993
  13. age ; 26
  15. ethnicity ; Korean-English
  16. nationality ; Korean-English
  17. birthplace ; London, UK
  18. hometown ; London, UK
  19. languages ; English | Korean
  21. height ; 5ft & 8inches + 174cm
  22. weight ; 62kg
  24. ʚ JUST DANCE ɞ
  26. background ; Jiyoung grew up as Jay (sometimes referred to as Kang because some students got confused and though Kang was her first name) in the UK. She was born and raised in London, UK. She was a big personality in her primary school and secondary school because she was part of many different after school clubs like the dance club, netball and basketball team and drama club. In school she was voted "Most likey to become movie star" because of her big and boisterous personality. When she turned 18, her mum became ill and she had to spend her time looking after her mum.
  27. Contrary to popular belief British men aren't these charming men you see portrayed on television and Jiyoung has had some unfortunate encounters with them. A lot of them are sleazy drunkards who don't seem to know their left from right. She has had on and off flings with a lot of them which she says was poor judgement on her part but she was feeling lonely and stressed out and needed somewhere to release all of that.
  28. When she was 25, her mother passed away due to heart failure. This devastated her and put her in a really bad place and that is when she heard of the show. She signed up to forget and separate herself from her painful home life. If you would like to know, her dad left them a 2 weeks after she was born for another woman.
  31. + British grime and drill music
  32. + Styling people / giving people makeovers
  33. + Sweets
  34. + Alcohol
  35. + Making playlists and playing them on her portable speaker
  36. + Going on holiday
  38. dislikes ;
  39. + Cheese
  40. + Being outside for too long
  41. + Insects
  42. + Fish
  43. + Being judged because of her past
  44. + People who don't stand up for themselves
  46. trivia ;
  47. + She has a beagle (Monty) and a Siberian Husky (Skye)
  48. + She is emetaphobic which is a fear of vomit.
  49. + She has hyperosmia which is a heightened sense of smell and so she hates bad hygiene because she will smell it more than others.
  50. + She is an only child.
  51. + She is ambidextrous.
  52. + She has a history of dancing and gymnastics. When she turned 18, she and her friends went to her gymnastics class where she and the teacher taught them how to pole dance. She is tired of the stigma that pole dancing gets because it is a very difficult but beautiful form of dance. She also knows how to swing dance, tap dance, hip hop and whaacking. As well as these areas of dancing, she can also give a mean lap dance but this is usually when she is drunk.
  53. + She has a british accent when she speaks (more of a south london accent)
  54. + When people are slow walkers but she can't walk around them, it is a big pet peeve.
  55. + She loves British soap operas and her favourites are Hollyoaks, Eastenders, Neighbours and Coronation street.
  57. honourable mentions ;
  58. + She volunteered in her dance studio to teach the younger students for 6 months.
  59. + She was part of many different clubs in her school including the basketball team and dance team.
  60. + She was her mothers carer when she was ill
  62. dishonourable mentions ;
  63. + In school, she got expelled for a week for getting into a serious fist-fight with a student that she had insulted.
  64. + At work, she purposely ruined a dress that someone had made because they had made her angry
  66. personality ;
  67. + Generous; she likes sharing things with people because if she doesn’t then she would feel selfish. Also her parents always told her to be generous.
  68. + Flirty; she is a pretty flirty girl and will lightly brush your arm to show her interest or lean on you or grab on to your bicep but that doesn’t mean that she will give herself up that easily. She just likes to have a little fun.
  69. + Sharp-tongued; she can be quite quick to make snappy remarks and insults. She can be very harsh and rude with the way she speaks. She is usually like this when someone has done something that has seriously annoyed her.
  70. + Loyal; no matter what, she will stick by you and she will have your back even in the worst situations. She is one of the most loyal friends you could have since she didn’t really have any supportive friends in Korea.
  71. + Humourous; she has got a really good sense of humour and can easily make people laugh with her really witty jokes. She also has a major dirty mind. She will not hesitate to make a dirty comment or joke about something someone accidentally said or did.
  72. + Bossy; she is a natural born leader and she knows how to direct people. Sometimes it may annoy people but she does know how to get the job done so she is very efficient.
  73. + Confident; she does not easily get embarrassed in public and will act the same in public as she does at home or with some friends.
  77. why are they on the show ? ; She has always wanted a partner however, she just hasn't had enough time on her hands. She would often have flings with random people just to keep herself "sane" but she now wanted a serious relationship. Since she had to look after her mum, she wasn't able to dedicate time to her love life. After her mum died she needed someone by her side however, she was an only child. She joined the show as a way to escape her painful home life and hopefully find a life-long partner.
  79. ideal type ; Someone who has a passion and doesn't just breeze through life as well as being a healthy person. Also someone who can cook and is tall. She just wants someone who is respectful and has a good sense of humour. A bonus for her is if they are able to accept her fowardness because sometimes she can be a bit explicit about what she wants and says because she wouldn't want someone naive or innocent. Sometimes she will just climb on them and straddle them and she wants them to be ready when that happens. Someone who is street smart and also someone who gives those comfortable bear hugs.
  81. idols that fit the description ;
  82. + Park Seo Joon (Actor)
  83. + Gong Yoo (Actor)
  84. + Ken (Vixx)
  85. + RM (BTS)
  86. + J-Hope (BTS)
  87. + Kai (EXO)
  88. + B.I (ex-iKon)
  89. + Junhoe (iKon)
  91. song ; Maneater - Nelly Furtado ; to describe the countless flings she has had in her past, she is not proud but she wouldn't say she is ashamed because after all, it is her decision what she decides to do.
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