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a guest
Oct 18th, 2019
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  1. webpackJsonp([0], [, function(t, e, n) {
  2. t.exports = n.p + "images/sparkle.png?id=17d316c7"
  3. }, function(t, e) {
  4. t.exports = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
  5. var s, r = t = t || {},
  6. a = typeof t.default;
  7. "object" !== a && "function" !== a || (s = t, r = t.default);
  8. var l = "function" == typeof r ? r.options : r;
  9. e && (l.render = e.render, l.staticRenderFns = e.staticRenderFns), i && (l._scopeId = i);
  10. var c;
  11. if (o ? (c = function(t) {
  12. t = t || this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext, t || "undefined" == typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ || (t = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), n &&, t), t && t._registeredComponents && t._registeredComponents.add(o)
  13. }, l._ssrRegister = c) : n && (c = n), c) {
  14. var u = l.functional,
  15. h = u ? l.render : l.beforeCreate;
  16. u ? l.render = function(t, e) {
  17. return, h(t, e)
  18. } : l.beforeCreate = h ? [].concat(h, c) : [c]
  19. }
  20. return {
  21. esModule: s,
  22. exports: r,
  23. options: l
  24. }
  25. }
  26. }, , function(t, e, n) {
  27. "use strict";
  29. function i() {
  30. var t = new Date;
  31. return t.setTime(t.getTime() - a), {
  32. bits: {
  33. session: {
  34. updateTime: t,
  35. value: null
  36. },
  37. week: {
  38. updateTime: t,
  39. value: null
  40. },
  41. month: {
  42. updateTime: t,
  43. value: null
  44. },
  45. all: {
  46. updateTime: t,
  47. value: null
  48. }
  49. },
  50. loyalty: {
  51. week: {
  52. updateTime: t,
  53. value: null
  54. },
  55. month: {
  56. updateTime: t,
  57. value: null
  58. },
  59. all: {
  60. updateTime: t,
  61. value: null
  62. }
  63. },
  64. subs: {
  65. updateTime: t,
  66. value: null
  67. },
  68. subgift: {
  69. session: {
  70. updateTime: t,
  71. value: null
  72. },
  73. week: {
  74. updateTime: t,
  75. value: null
  76. },
  77. month: {
  78. updateTime: t,
  79. value: null
  80. },
  81. all: {
  82. updateTime: t,
  83. value: null
  84. }
  85. }
  86. }
  87. }
  88. Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
  89. value: !0
  90. });
  91. var o = n(3),
  92. s = n(5);
  93. o.default.use(s.a);
  94. var r = "",
  95. a = 6e4;
  96. e.default = o.default.extend({
  97. name: "leaderboard",
  98. template: "#leaderboard__template",
  99. data: function() {
  100. return {
  101. period: "month",
  102. activeLb: "bits",
  103. leaderboards: null,
  104. leaderboardCache: i(),
  105. settings: {
  106. theme: "day",
  107. tab: "bits",
  108. period: "month",
  109. maxItems: 10,
  110. cheers: !0,
  111. loyalty: !0,
  112. subs: !0,
  113. subgift: !0,
  114. loyaltyOnboarded: !1,
  115. loyaltyPointsName: "points",
  116. main_background_color: "",
  117. rank_wrapper_background_color: "",
  118. text_color: "",
  119. title_color: "",
  120. font: ""
  121. },
  122. rowBackground: "linear-gradient(to right, rgba(248,250,251,.9), rgba(248,250,251,1))",
  123. loading: !1,
  124. thumbnails: null,
  125. channelId: null,
  126. clientId: null,
  127. token: null,
  128. partner: !1,
  129. loyaltyUrl: null,
  130. error: !1,
  131. UP: 1,
  132. SAME: 0,
  133. DOWN: -1
  134. }
  135. },
  136. created: function() {
  137. var t = this;
  138. window.Twitch && window.Twitch.ext && window.Twitch.ext.onAuthorized(function(e) {
  139. var n = e.channelId,
  140. i = e.clientId,
  141. o = e.token,
  142. s = e.userId;
  143. t.channelId = n, t.clientId = i, t.token = o, t.userId = s;
  144. var l = {
  145. headers: {
  146. "Client-ID": t.clientId,
  147. Accept: "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json"
  148. }
  149. },
  150. c = {
  151. headers: {
  152. Authorization: "Bearer " + o
  153. }
  154. };
  155. new Promise(function(e, i) {
  156. t.$http.get(r + "/user/twitch/" + n, c).then(function(n) {
  157. try {
  158. 200 !== n.status && i(), t.loyaltyUrl = "" + + "#/loyalty/leaderboard", e()
  159. } catch (t) {
  160. i(t)
  161. }
  162. })
  163. }), Promise.all([, new Promise(function(e, i) {
  164. t.$http.get("" + n, l).then(function(n) {
  165. try {
  166. 200 !== n.status && i(), t.partner = "affiliate" === n.body.broadcaster_type || "partner" === n.body.broadcaster_type, e()
  167. } catch (t) {
  168. i(t)
  169. }
  170. })
  171. }), new Promise(function(e, i) {
  172. t.$http.get("" + n + "/settings", c).then(function(n) {
  173. try {
  174. 200 !== n.status && i(n.status);
  175. var o = n.body;
  176. Object.keys(t.settings).forEach(function(e) {
  177. o[e] && (t.settings[e] = o[e])
  178. }), t.settings.cheers = "true" == t.settings.cheers, t.settings.loyalty = "true" == t.settings.loyalty, t.settings.subs = "true" == t.settings.subs, t.settings.subgift = "true" == t.settings.subgift, t.activeLb =, t.period = t.settings.period, "null" !== t.settings.font && "" !== t.settings.font && t.loadFont(), e()
  179. } catch (t) {
  180. i(t)
  181. }
  182. })
  183. })]).then(function() {
  184. t.partner || "bits" !== || (t.activeLb = "loyalty");
  185. var e = function() {
  186. this.fetchData(!0)
  187. };
  188. t.$watch("activeLb", e), t.$watch("period", e), t.fetchData(!0), setInterval(t.fetchData, a)
  189. }).catch(function(e) {
  190. t.error = !0
  191. })
  192. })
  193. },
  194. computed: {
  195. hasData: function() {
  196. return !this.loading && this.leaderboards && this.leaderboards.length > 0
  197. }
  198. },
  199. mounted: function() {
  200. this.watchScroll()
  201. },
  202. methods: {
  203. addRankChanges: function(t, e) {
  204. for (var n = {
  205. return t.username
  206. }), i = {
  207. return t.username
  208. }), s = 0; s < n.length; s++) {
  209. var r = n[s],
  210. a = i.indexOf(r);
  211. t[s].change = r > a || -1 === r ? o.default.UP : r < a ? o.default.DOWN : o.default.SAME
  212. }
  213. },
  214. fetchData: function() {
  215. var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0];
  216. this.loading = t;
  217. var e = new Date,
  218. n = null;
  219. "loyalty" === this.activeLb.toLowerCase() && "session" === this.period.toLowerCase() && (this.period = "month"), n = "subs" === this.activeLb ? this.leaderboardCache[this.activeLb] : this.leaderboardCache[this.activeLb][this.period];
  220. e.getTime(), n.updateTime.getTime();
  221. if (e.getTime() - n.updateTime.getTime() > a) {
  222. var i = r + "/" + this.channelId + "/" + this.activeLb;
  223. "subs" !== this.activeLb && (i += "/" + this.period), this.$http.get(i).then(function(t) {
  224. this.thumbnails =;
  225. var n =,
  226. i =;
  227. this.addRankChanges(n, i), this.leaderboardCache[this.activeLb][this.period] = {
  228. value: n,
  229. updateTime: e
  230. }, this.leaderboards = n, this.loading = !1
  231. })
  232. } else this.leaderboards = n.value, this.loading = !1;
  233. document.querySelectorAll(".lb__nav-bot")[0].classList.add("hideFadeAll")
  234. },
  235. channelLink: function(t) {
  236. return "" + t
  237. },
  238. watchScroll: function() {
  239. window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
  240. var t = document.documentElement,
  241. e = document.querySelectorAll(".lb__nav-top")[0],
  242. n = document.querySelectorAll(".lb__nav-bot")[0],
  243. i = document.querySelectorAll(".lb__rank1-small")[0];
  244. t.scrollTop > 80 ? (e.classList.add("isScrolled"), i.classList.add("isScrolled")) : (e.classList.remove("isScrolled"), i.classList.remove("isScrolled")), t.scrollHeight - t.scrollTop === window.innerHeight ? (n.classList.add("hideFade"), setTimeout(function() {
  245. n.classList.add("hideFadeAll")
  246. }, 300)) : (n.classList.remove("hideFadeAll"), n.classList.remove("hideFade"))
  247. })
  248. },
  249. onSeeAllClick: function() {
  250. this.$http.put(r + "/see-all-clicked")
  251. },
  252. hexToRgb: function(t) {
  253. return t.replace(/^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i, function(t, e, n, i) {
  254. return "#" + e + e + n + n + i + i
  255. }).substring(1).match(/.{2}/g).map(function(t) {
  256. return parseInt(t, 16)
  257. })
  258. },
  259. customMainStyle: function() {
  260. var t = {};
  261. return null !== this.settings.main_background_color && "" !== this.settings.main_background_color && (t["background-color"] = "" + this.settings.main_background_color), null !== this.settings.font && "" !== this.settings.font && (t["font-family"] = "'" + this.settings.font + "', sans-serif"), null !== this.settings.text_color && "" !== this.settings.text_color && (t.color = this.settings.text_color + " !important"), t
  262. },
  263. customRankWrapperBackground: function(t) {
  264. t = t.toLowerCase();
  265. var e = "" !== this.settings.rank_wrapper_background_color ? this.hexToRgb(this.settings.rank_wrapper_background_color).toString() : "111,60,242";
  266. return {
  267. background: "linear-gradient(rgba(" + e + ",.98), rgba(" + e + ",.80)), url(" + (this.thumbnails && this.thumbnails[t] ? this.thumbnails[t] : "") + ") no-repeat center center/cover"
  268. }
  269. },
  270. loadFont: function() {
  271. WebFont.load({
  272. google: {
  273. families: [this.settings.font]
  274. }
  275. })
  276. }
  277. }
  278. })
  279. }, function(t, e, n) {
  280. "use strict";
  282. function i(t) {
  283. this.state = z, this.value = void 0, this.deferred = [];
  284. var e = this;
  285. try {
  286. t(function(t) {
  287. e.resolve(t)
  288. }, function(t) {
  289. e.reject(t)
  290. })
  291. } catch (t) {
  292. e.reject(t)
  293. }
  294. }
  296. function o(t, e) {
  297. t instanceof Promise ? this.promise = t : this.promise = new Promise(t.bind(e)), this.context = e
  298. }
  300. function s(t) {
  301. "undefined" != typeof console && Z && console.warn("[VueResource warn]: " + t)
  302. }
  304. function r(t) {
  305. "undefined" != typeof console && console.error(t)
  306. }
  308. function a(t, e) {
  309. return J(t, e)
  310. }
  312. function l(t) {
  313. return t ? t.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "") : ""
  314. }
  316. function c(t, e) {
  317. return t && void 0 === e ? t.replace(/\s+$/, "") : t && e ? t.replace(new RegExp("[" + e + "]+$"), "") : t
  318. }
  320. function u(t) {
  321. return t ? t.toLowerCase() : ""
  322. }
  324. function h(t) {
  325. return t ? t.toUpperCase() : ""
  326. }
  328. function d(t) {
  329. return "string" == typeof t
  330. }
  332. function p(t) {
  333. return "function" == typeof t
  334. }
  336. function f(t) {
  337. return null !== t && "object" == typeof t
  338. }
  340. function m(t) {
  341. return f(t) && Object.getPrototypeOf(t) == Object.prototype
  342. }
  344. function v(t) {
  345. return "undefined" != typeof Blob && t instanceof Blob
  346. }
  348. function g(t) {
  349. return "undefined" != typeof FormData && t instanceof FormData
  350. }
  352. function b(t, e, n) {
  353. var i = o.resolve(t);
  354. return arguments.length < 2 ? i : i.then(e, n)
  355. }
  357. function _(t, e, n) {
  358. return n = n || {}, p(n) && (n =, w(t.bind({
  359. $vm: e,
  360. $options: n
  361. }), t, {
  362. $options: n
  363. })
  364. }
  366. function y(t, e) {
  367. var n, i;
  368. if (nt(t))
  369. for (n = 0; n < t.length; n++)[n], t[n], n);
  370. else if (f(t))
  371. for (i in t), i) &&[i], t[i], i);
  372. return t
  373. }
  375. function w(t) {
  376. return, 1).forEach(function(e) {
  377. C(t, e, !0)
  378. }), t
  379. }
  381. function k(t) {
  382. return, 1).forEach(function(e) {
  383. for (var n in e) void 0 === t[n] && (t[n] = e[n])
  384. }), t
  385. }
  387. function x(t) {
  388. return, 1).forEach(function(e) {
  389. C(t, e)
  390. }), t
  391. }
  393. function C(t, e, n) {
  394. for (var i in e) n && (m(e[i]) || nt(e[i])) ? (m(e[i]) && !m(t[i]) && (t[i] = {}), nt(e[i]) && !nt(t[i]) && (t[i] = []), C(t[i], e[i], n)) : void 0 !== e[i] && (t[i] = e[i])
  395. }
  397. function O(t, e, n) {
  398. var i = T(t),
  399. o = i.expand(e);
  400. return n && n.push.apply(n, i.vars), o
  401. }
  403. function T(t) {
  404. var e = ["+", "#", ".", "/", ";", "?", "&"],
  405. n = [];
  406. return {
  407. vars: n,
  408. expand: function(i) {
  409. return t.replace(/\{([^\{\}]+)\}|([^\{\}]+)/g, function(t, o, s) {
  410. if (o) {
  411. var r = null,
  412. a = [];
  413. if (-1 !== e.indexOf(o.charAt(0)) && (r = o.charAt(0), o = o.substr(1)), o.split(/,/g).forEach(function(t) {
  414. var e = /([^:\*]*)(?::(\d+)|(\*))?/.exec(t);
  415. a.push.apply(a, L(i, r, e[1], e[2] || e[3])), n.push(e[1])
  416. }), r && "+" !== r) {
  417. var l = ",";
  418. return "?" === r ? l = "&" : "#" !== r && (l = r), (0 !== a.length ? r : "") + a.join(l)
  419. }
  420. return a.join(",")
  421. }
  422. return P(s)
  423. })
  424. }
  425. }
  426. }
  428. function L(t, e, n, i) {
  429. var o = t[n],
  430. s = [];
  431. if (S(o) && "" !== o)
  432. if ("string" == typeof o || "number" == typeof o || "boolean" == typeof o) o = o.toString(), i && "*" !== i && (o = o.substring(0, parseInt(i, 10))), s.push(j(e, o, E(e) ? n : null));
  433. else if ("*" === i) Array.isArray(o) ? o.filter(S).forEach(function(t) {
  434. s.push(j(e, t, E(e) ? n : null))
  435. }) : Object.keys(o).forEach(function(t) {
  436. S(o[t]) && s.push(j(e, o[t], t))
  437. });
  438. else {
  439. var r = [];
  440. Array.isArray(o) ? o.filter(S).forEach(function(t) {
  441. r.push(j(e, t))
  442. }) : Object.keys(o).forEach(function(t) {
  443. S(o[t]) && (r.push(encodeURIComponent(t)), r.push(j(e, o[t].toString())))
  444. }), E(e) ? s.push(encodeURIComponent(n) + "=" + r.join(",")) : 0 !== r.length && s.push(r.join(","))
  445. } else ";" === e ? s.push(encodeURIComponent(n)) : "" !== o || "&" !== e && "?" !== e ? "" === o && s.push("") : s.push(encodeURIComponent(n) + "=");
  446. return s
  447. }
  449. function S(t) {
  450. return void 0 !== t && null !== t
  451. }
  453. function E(t) {
  454. return ";" === t || "&" === t || "?" === t
  455. }
  457. function j(t, e, n) {
  458. return e = "+" === t || "#" === t ? P(e) : encodeURIComponent(e), n ? encodeURIComponent(n) + "=" + e : e
  459. }
  461. function P(t) {
  462. return t.split(/(%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/g).map(function(t) {
  463. return /%[0-9A-Fa-f]/.test(t) || (t = encodeURI(t)), t
  464. }).join("")
  465. }
  467. function A(t, e) {
  468. var n, i = this || {},
  469. o = t;
  470. return d(t) && (o = {
  471. url: t,
  472. params: e
  473. }), o = w({}, A.options, i.$options, o), A.transforms.forEach(function(t) {
  474. d(t) && (t = A.transform[t]), p(t) && (n = N(t, n, i.$vm))
  475. }), n(o)
  476. }
  478. function N(t, e, n) {
  479. return function(i) {
  480. return, i, e)
  481. }
  482. }
  484. function I(t, e, n) {
  485. var i, o = nt(e),
  486. s = m(e);
  487. y(e, function(e, r) {
  488. i = f(e) || nt(e), n && (r = n + "[" + (s || i ? r : "") + "]"), !n && o ? t.add(, e.value) : i ? I(t, e, r) : t.add(r, e)
  489. })
  490. }
  492. function $(t) {
  493. var e = t.match(/^\[|^\{(?!\{)/),
  494. n = {
  495. "[": /]$/,
  496. "{": /}$/
  497. };
  498. return e && n[e[0]].test(t)
  499. }
  501. function B(t, e) {
  502. e((t.client || (tt ? gt : bt))(t))
  503. }
  505. function U(t, e) {
  506. return Object.keys(t).reduce(function(t, n) {
  507. return u(e) === u(n) ? n : t
  508. }, null)
  509. }
  511. function R(t) {
  512. if (/[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.\^_`|~]/i.test(t)) throw new TypeError("Invalid character in header field name");
  513. return l(t)
  514. }
  516. function M(t) {
  517. return new o(function(e) {
  518. var n = new FileReader;
  519. n.readAsText(t), n.onload = function() {
  520. e(n.result)
  521. }
  522. })
  523. }
  525. function W(t) {
  526. return 0 === t.type.indexOf("text") || -1 !== t.type.indexOf("json")
  527. }
  529. function q(t) {
  530. var e = this || {},
  531. n = _t(e.$vm);
  532. return k(t || {}, e.$options, q.options), q.interceptors.forEach(function(t) {
  533. d(t) && (t = q.interceptor[t]), p(t) && n.use(t)
  534. }), n(new kt(t)).then(function(t) {
  535. return t.ok ? t : o.reject(t)
  536. }, function(t) {
  537. return t instanceof Error && r(t), o.reject(t)
  538. })
  539. }
  541. function F(t, e, n, i) {
  542. var o = this || {},
  543. s = {};
  544. return n = it({}, F.actions, n), y(n, function(n, r) {
  545. n = w({
  546. url: t,
  547. params: it({}, e)
  548. }, i, n), s[r] = function() {
  549. return (o.$http || q)(D(n, arguments))
  550. }
  551. }), s
  552. }
  554. function D(t, e) {
  555. var n, i = it({}, t),
  556. o = {};
  557. switch (e.length) {
  558. case 2:
  559. o = e[0], n = e[1];
  560. break;
  561. case 1:
  562. /^(POST|PUT|PATCH)$/i.test(i.method) ? n = e[0] : o = e[0];
  563. break;
  564. case 0:
  565. break;
  566. default:
  567. throw "Expected up to 2 arguments [params, body], got " + e.length + " arguments"
  568. }
  569. return i.body = n, i.params = it({}, i.params, o), i
  570. }
  572. function H(t) {
  573. H.installed || (et(t), t.url = A, t.http = q, t.resource = F, t.Promise = o, Object.defineProperties(t.prototype, {
  574. $url: {
  575. get: function() {
  576. return _(t.url, this, this.$options.url)
  577. }
  578. },
  579. $http: {
  580. get: function() {
  581. return _(t.http, this, this.$options.http)
  582. }
  583. },
  584. $resource: {
  585. get: function() {
  586. return t.resource.bind(this)
  587. }
  588. },
  589. $promise: {
  590. get: function() {
  591. var e = this;
  592. return function(n) {
  593. return new t.Promise(n, e)
  594. }
  595. }
  596. }
  597. }))
  598. }
  599. /*!
  600. * vue-resource v1.3.4
  601. *
  602. * Released under the MIT License.
  603. */
  604. var z = 2;
  605. i.reject = function(t) {
  606. return new i(function(e, n) {
  607. n(t)
  608. })
  609. }, i.resolve = function(t) {
  610. return new i(function(e, n) {
  611. e(t)
  612. })
  613. }, i.all = function(t) {
  614. return new i(function(e, n) {
  615. var o = 0,
  616. s = [];
  617. 0 === t.length && e(s);
  618. for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r += 1) i.resolve(t[r]).then(function(n) {
  619. return function(i) {
  620. s[n] = i, (o += 1) === t.length && e(s)
  621. }
  622. }(r), n)
  623. })
  624. }, i.race = function(t) {
  625. return new i(function(e, n) {
  626. for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o += 1) i.resolve(t[o]).then(e, n)
  627. })
  628. };
  629. var G = i.prototype;
  630. G.resolve = function(t) {
  631. var e = this;
  632. if (e.state === z) {
  633. if (t === e) throw new TypeError("Promise settled with itself.");
  634. var n = !1;
  635. try {
  636. var i = t && t.then;
  637. if (null !== t && "object" == typeof t && "function" == typeof i) return void, function(t) {
  638. n || e.resolve(t), n = !0
  639. }, function(t) {
  640. n || e.reject(t), n = !0
  641. })
  642. } catch (t) {
  643. return void(n || e.reject(t))
  644. }
  645. e.state = 0, e.value = t, e.notify()
  646. }
  647. }, G.reject = function(t) {
  648. var e = this;
  649. if (e.state === z) {
  650. if (t === e) throw new TypeError("Promise settled with itself.");
  651. e.state = 1, e.value = t, e.notify()
  652. }
  653. }, G.notify = function() {
  654. var t = this;
  655. a(function() {
  656. if (t.state !== z)
  657. for (; t.deferred.length;) {
  658. var e = t.deferred.shift(),
  659. n = e[0],
  660. i = e[1],
  661. o = e[2],
  662. s = e[3];
  663. try {
  664. 0 === t.state ? o("function" == typeof n ? 0, t.value) : t.value) : 1 === t.state && ("function" == typeof i ? o( 0, t.value)) : s(t.value))
  665. } catch (t) {
  666. s(t)
  667. }
  668. }
  669. })
  670. }, G.then = function(t, e) {
  671. var n = this;
  672. return new i(function(i, o) {
  673. n.deferred.push([t, e, i, o]), n.notify()
  674. })
  675. }, G.catch = function(t) {
  676. return this.then(void 0, t)
  677. }, "undefined" == typeof Promise && (window.Promise = i), o.all = function(t, e) {
  678. return new o(Promise.all(t), e)
  679. }, o.resolve = function(t, e) {
  680. return new o(Promise.resolve(t), e)
  681. }, o.reject = function(t, e) {
  682. return new o(Promise.reject(t), e)
  683. }, o.race = function(t, e) {
  684. return new o(Promise.race(t), e)
  685. };
  686. var V = o.prototype;
  687. V.bind = function(t) {
  688. return this.context = t, this
  689. }, V.then = function(t, e) {
  690. return t && t.bind && this.context && (t = t.bind(this.context)), e && e.bind && this.context && (e = e.bind(this.context)), new o(this.promise.then(t, e), this.context)
  691. }, V.catch = function(t) {
  692. return t && t.bind && this.context && (t = t.bind(this.context)), new o(this.promise.catch(t), this.context)
  693. }, V.finally = function(t) {
  694. return this.then(function(e) {
  695. return, e
  696. }, function(e) {
  697. return, Promise.reject(e)
  698. })
  699. };
  700. var J, X = {},
  701. K = X.hasOwnProperty,
  702. Q = [],
  703. Y = Q.slice,
  704. Z = !1,
  705. tt = "undefined" != typeof window,
  706. et = function(t) {
  707. var e = t.config,
  708. n = t.nextTick;
  709. J = n, Z = e.debug || !e.silent
  710. },
  711. nt = Array.isArray,
  712. it = Object.assign || x,
  713. ot = function(t, e) {
  714. var n = e(t);
  715. return d(t.root) && !/^(https?:)?\//.test(n) && (n = c(t.root, "/") + "/" + n), n
  716. },
  717. st = function(t, e) {
  718. var n = Object.keys(A.options.params),
  719. i = {},
  720. o = e(t);
  721. return y(t.params, function(t, e) {
  722. -1 === n.indexOf(e) && (i[e] = t)
  723. }), i = A.params(i), i && (o += (-1 == o.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&") + i), o
  724. },
  725. rt = function(t) {
  726. var e = [],
  727. n = O(t.url, t.params, e);
  728. return e.forEach(function(e) {
  729. delete t.params[e]
  730. }), n
  731. };
  732. A.options = {
  733. url: "",
  734. root: null,
  735. params: {}
  736. }, A.transform = {
  737. template: rt,
  738. query: st,
  739. root: ot
  740. }, A.transforms = ["template", "query", "root"], A.params = function(t) {
  741. var e = [],
  742. n = encodeURIComponent;
  743. return e.add = function(t, e) {
  744. p(e) && (e = e()), null === e && (e = ""), this.push(n(t) + "=" + n(e))
  745. }, I(e, t), e.join("&").replace(/%20/g, "+")
  746. }, A.parse = function(t) {
  747. var e = document.createElement("a");
  748. return document.documentMode && (e.href = t, t = e.href), e.href = t, {
  749. href: e.href,
  750. protocol: e.protocol ? e.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "",
  751. port: e.port,
  752. host:,
  753. hostname: e.hostname,
  754. pathname: "/" === e.pathname.charAt(0) ? e.pathname : "/" + e.pathname,
  755. search: ?^\?/, "") : "",
  756. hash: e.hash ? e.hash.replace(/^#/, "") : ""
  757. }
  758. };
  759. var at = function(t) {
  760. return new o(function(e) {
  761. var n = new XDomainRequest,
  762. i = function(i) {
  763. var o = i.type,
  764. s = 0;
  765. "load" === o ? s = 200 : "error" === o && (s = 500), e(t.respondWith(n.responseText, {
  766. status: s
  767. }))
  768. };
  769. t.abort = function() {
  770. return n.abort()
  771. },, t.getUrl()), t.timeout && (n.timeout = t.timeout), n.onload = i, n.onabort = i, n.onerror = i, n.ontimeout = i, n.onprogress = function() {}, n.send(t.getBody())
  772. })
  773. },
  774. lt = tt && "withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest,
  775. ct = function(t, e) {
  776. if (tt) {
  777. var n = A.parse(location.href),
  778. i = A.parse(t.getUrl());
  779. i.protocol === n.protocol && === || (t.crossOrigin = !0, t.emulateHTTP = !1, lt || (t.client = at))
  780. }
  781. e()
  782. },
  783. ut = function(t, e) {
  784. g(t.body) ? t.headers.delete("Content-Type") : f(t.body) && t.emulateJSON && (t.body = A.params(t.body), t.headers.set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")), e()
  785. },
  786. ht = function(t, e) {
  787. var n = t.headers.get("Content-Type") || "";
  788. f(t.body) && 0 === n.indexOf("application/json") && (t.body = JSON.stringify(t.body)), e(function(t) {
  789. return t.bodyText ? b(t.text(), function(e) {
  790. if (n = t.headers.get("Content-Type") || "", 0 === n.indexOf("application/json") || $(e)) try {
  791. t.body = JSON.parse(e)
  792. } catch (e) {
  793. t.body = null
  794. } else t.body = e;
  795. return t
  796. }) : t
  797. })
  798. },
  799. dt = function(t) {
  800. return new o(function(e) {
  801. var n, i, o = t.jsonp || "callback",
  802. s = t.jsonpCallback || "_jsonp" + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2),
  803. r = null;
  804. n = function(n) {
  805. var o = n.type,
  806. a = 0;
  807. "load" === o && null !== r ? a = 200 : "error" === o && (a = 500), a && window[s] && (delete window[s], document.body.removeChild(i)), e(t.respondWith(r, {
  808. status: a
  809. }))
  810. }, window[s] = function(t) {
  811. r = JSON.stringify(t)
  812. }, t.abort = function() {
  813. n({
  814. type: "abort"
  815. })
  816. }, t.params[o] = s, t.timeout && setTimeout(t.abort, t.timeout), i = document.createElement("script"), i.src = t.getUrl(), i.type = "text/javascript", i.async = !0, i.onload = n, i.onerror = n, document.body.appendChild(i)
  817. })
  818. },
  819. pt = function(t, e) {
  820. "JSONP" == t.method && (t.client = dt), e()
  821. },
  822. ft = function(t, e) {
  823. p(t.before) &&, t), e()
  824. },
  825. mt = function(t, e) {
  826. t.emulateHTTP && /^(PUT|PATCH|DELETE)$/i.test(t.method) && (t.headers.set("X-HTTP-Method-Override", t.method), t.method = "POST"), e()
  827. },
  828. vt = function(t, e) {
  829. y(it({}, q.headers.common, t.crossOrigin ? {} : q.headers.custom, q.headers[u(t.method)]), function(e, n) {
  830. t.headers.has(n) || t.headers.set(n, e)
  831. }), e()
  832. },
  833. gt = function(t) {
  834. return new o(function(e) {
  835. var n = new XMLHttpRequest,
  836. i = function(i) {
  837. var o = t.respondWith("response" in n ? n.response : n.responseText, {
  838. status: 1223 === n.status ? 204 : n.status,
  839. statusText: 1223 === n.status ? "No Content" : l(n.statusText)
  840. });
  841. y(l(n.getAllResponseHeaders()).split("\n"), function(t) {
  842. o.headers.append(t.slice(0, t.indexOf(":")), t.slice(t.indexOf(":") + 1))
  843. }), e(o)
  844. };
  845. t.abort = function() {
  846. return n.abort()
  847. }, t.progress && ("GET" === t.method ? n.addEventListener("progress", t.progress) : /^(POST|PUT)$/i.test(t.method) && n.upload.addEventListener("progress", t.progress)),, t.getUrl(), !0), t.timeout && (n.timeout = t.timeout), t.responseType && "responseType" in n && (n.responseType = t.responseType), (t.withCredentials || t.credentials) && (n.withCredentials = !0), t.crossOrigin || t.headers.set("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"), t.headers.forEach(function(t, e) {
  848. n.setRequestHeader(e, t)
  849. }), n.onload = i, n.onabort = i, n.onerror = i, n.ontimeout = i, n.send(t.getBody())
  850. })
  851. },
  852. bt = function(t) {
  853. var e = n(6);
  854. return new o(function(n) {
  855. var i, o = t.getUrl(),
  856. s = t.getBody(),
  857. r = t.method,
  858. a = {};
  859. t.headers.forEach(function(t, e) {
  860. a[e] = t
  861. }), e(o, {
  862. body: s,
  863. method: r,
  864. headers: a
  865. }).then(i = function(e) {
  866. var i = t.respondWith(e.body, {
  867. status: e.statusCode,
  868. statusText: l(e.statusMessage)
  869. });
  870. y(e.headers, function(t, e) {
  871. i.headers.set(e, t)
  872. }), n(i)
  873. }, function(t) {
  874. return i(t.response)
  875. })
  876. })
  877. },
  878. _t = function(t) {
  879. function e(e) {
  880. return new o(function(o, a) {
  881. function l() {
  882. n = i.pop(), p(n) ?, e, c) : (s("Invalid interceptor of type " + typeof n + ", must be a function"), c())
  883. }
  885. function c(e) {
  886. if (p(e)) r.unshift(e);
  887. else if (f(e)) return r.forEach(function(n) {
  888. e = b(e, function(e) {
  889. return, e) || e
  890. }, a)
  891. }), void b(e, o, a);
  892. l()
  893. }
  894. l()
  895. }, t)
  896. }
  897. var n, i = [B],
  898. r = [];
  899. return f(t) || (t = null), e.use = function(t) {
  900. i.push(t)
  901. }, e
  902. },
  903. yt = function(t) {
  904. var e = this;
  905. = {}, y(t, function(t, n) {
  906. return e.append(n, t)
  907. })
  908. };
  909. yt.prototype.has = function(t) {
  910. return null !== U(, t)
  911. }, yt.prototype.get = function(t) {
  912. var e =[U(, t)];
  913. return e ? e.join() : null
  914. }, yt.prototype.getAll = function(t) {
  915. return[U(, t)] || []
  916. }, yt.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
  917.[R(U(, t) || t)] = [l(e)]
  918. }, yt.prototype.append = function(t, e) {
  919. var n =[U(, t)];
  920. n ? n.push(l(e)) : this.set(t, e)
  921. }, yt.prototype.delete = function(t) {
  922. delete[U(, t)]
  923. }, yt.prototype.deleteAll = function() {
  924. = {}
  925. }, yt.prototype.forEach = function(t, e) {
  926. var n = this;
  927. y(, function(i, o) {
  928. y(i, function(i) {
  929. return, i, o, n)
  930. })
  931. })
  932. };
  933. var wt = function(t, e) {
  934. var n = e.url,
  935. i = e.headers,
  936. o = e.status,
  937. s = e.statusText;
  938. this.url = n, this.ok = o >= 200 && o < 300, this.status = o || 0, this.statusText = s || "", this.headers = new yt(i), this.body = t, d(t) ? this.bodyText = t : v(t) && (this.bodyBlob = t, W(t) && (this.bodyText = M(t)))
  939. };
  940. wt.prototype.blob = function() {
  941. return b(this.bodyBlob)
  942. }, wt.prototype.text = function() {
  943. return b(this.bodyText)
  944. }, wt.prototype.json = function() {
  945. return b(this.text(), function(t) {
  946. return JSON.parse(t)
  947. })
  948. }, Object.defineProperty(wt.prototype, "data", {
  949. get: function() {
  950. return this.body
  951. },
  952. set: function(t) {
  953. this.body = t
  954. }
  955. });
  956. var kt = function(t) {
  957. this.body = null, this.params = {}, it(this, t, {
  958. method: h(t.method || "GET")
  959. }), this.headers instanceof yt || (this.headers = new yt(this.headers))
  960. };
  961. kt.prototype.getUrl = function() {
  962. return A(this)
  963. }, kt.prototype.getBody = function() {
  964. return this.body
  965. }, kt.prototype.respondWith = function(t, e) {
  966. return new wt(t, it(e || {}, {
  967. url: this.getUrl()
  968. }))
  969. };
  970. var xt = {
  971. Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*"
  972. },
  973. Ct = {
  974. "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8"
  975. };
  976. q.options = {}, q.headers = {
  977. put: Ct,
  978. post: Ct,
  979. patch: Ct,
  980. delete: Ct,
  981. common: xt,
  982. custom: {}
  983. }, q.interceptor = {
  984. before: ft,
  985. method: mt,
  986. jsonp: pt,
  987. json: ht,
  988. form: ut,
  989. header: vt,
  990. cors: ct
  991. }, q.interceptors = ["before", "method", "jsonp", "json", "form", "header", "cors"], ["get", "delete", "head", "jsonp"].forEach(function(t) {
  992. q[t] = function(e, n) {
  993. return this(it(n || {}, {
  994. url: e,
  995. method: t
  996. }))
  997. }
  998. }), ["post", "put", "patch"].forEach(function(t) {
  999. q[t] = function(e, n, i) {
  1000. return this(it(i || {}, {
  1001. url: e,
  1002. method: t,
  1003. body: n
  1004. }))
  1005. }
  1006. }), F.actions = {
  1007. get: {
  1008. method: "GET"
  1009. },
  1010. save: {
  1011. method: "POST"
  1012. },
  1013. query: {
  1014. method: "GET"
  1015. },
  1016. update: {
  1017. method: "PUT"
  1018. },
  1019. remove: {
  1020. method: "DELETE"
  1021. },
  1022. delete: {
  1023. method: "DELETE"
  1024. }
  1025. }, "undefined" != typeof window && window.Vue && window.Vue.use(H), e.a = H
  1026. }, function(t, e) {}, function(t, e, n) {
  1027. t.exports = n.p + "images/balance.svg?id=4faa9cb7"
  1028. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1029. t.exports = n.p + "images/rank1-star.svg?id=1deec6d5"
  1030. }, , , function(t, e, n) {
  1031. var i = n(2)(n(4), n(12), null, null, null);
  1032. t.exports = i.exports
  1033. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1034. t.exports = {
  1035. render: function() {
  1036. var t = this,
  1037. e = t.$createElement,
  1038. i = t._self._c || e;
  1039. return i("div", {
  1040. ref: "leaderboard",
  1041. staticClass: "lb",
  1042. class: {
  1043. night: "night" === t.settings.theme
  1044. },
  1045. style: t.customMainStyle()
  1046. }, [i("div", {
  1047. staticClass: "lb__nav-top"
  1048. }, [t.settings.loyalty ? i("input", {
  1049. directives: [{
  1050. name: "model",
  1051. rawName: "v-model",
  1052. value: t.activeLb,
  1053. expression: "activeLb"
  1054. }],
  1055. attrs: {
  1056. id: "loyaltyOption",
  1057. type: "radio",
  1058. name: "type",
  1059. value: "loyalty"
  1060. },
  1061. domProps: {
  1062. checked: "loyalty" ===,
  1063. checked: t._q(t.activeLb, "loyalty")
  1064. },
  1065. on: {
  1066. change: function(e) {
  1067. t.activeLb = "loyalty"
  1068. }
  1069. }
  1070. }) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.settings.loyalty ? i("label", {
  1071. staticClass: "lb__nav-top-label",
  1072. class: {
  1073. loading: !t.hasData && "day" === t.settings.theme
  1074. },
  1075. style: {
  1076. color: t.settings.title_color
  1077. },
  1078. attrs: {
  1079. for: "loyaltyOption"
  1080. }
  1081. }, [t._v(t._s(t.settings.loyaltyPointsName))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.settings.cheers ? i("input", {
  1082. directives: [{
  1083. name: "model",
  1084. rawName: "v-model",
  1085. value: t.activeLb,
  1086. expression: "activeLb"
  1087. }],
  1088. attrs: {
  1089. id: "bitsOption",
  1090. type: "radio",
  1091. value: "bits",
  1092. disabled: !t.partner,
  1093. name: "type"
  1094. },
  1095. domProps: {
  1096. checked: t.partner || "bits" ===,
  1097. checked: t._q(t.activeLb, "bits")
  1098. },
  1099. on: {
  1100. change: function(e) {
  1101. t.activeLb = "bits"
  1102. }
  1103. }
  1104. }) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.settings.cheers ? i("label", {
  1105. staticClass: "lb__nav-top-label",
  1106. class: {
  1107. loading: !t.hasData && "day" === t.settings.theme
  1108. },
  1109. style: {
  1110. color: t.settings.title_color
  1111. },
  1112. attrs: {
  1113. for: "bitsOption"
  1114. }
  1115. }, [t._v("Bits")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.settings.subs ? i("input", {
  1116. directives: [{
  1117. name: "model",
  1118. rawName: "v-model",
  1119. value: t.activeLb,
  1120. expression: "activeLb"
  1121. }],
  1122. attrs: {
  1123. id: "subsOption",
  1124. type: "radio",
  1125. value: "subs",
  1126. name: "type"
  1127. },
  1128. domProps: {
  1129. checked: "subs" ===,
  1130. checked: t._q(t.activeLb, "subs")
  1131. },
  1132. on: {
  1133. change: function(e) {
  1134. t.activeLb = "subs"
  1135. }
  1136. }
  1137. }) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.settings.subs ? i("label", {
  1138. staticClass: "lb__nav-top-label",
  1139. class: {
  1140. loading: !t.hasData && "day" === t.settings.theme
  1141. },
  1142. style: {
  1143. color: t.settings.title_color
  1144. },
  1145. attrs: {
  1146. for: "subsOption"
  1147. }
  1148. }, [t._v("Subs")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.settings.subgift ? i("input", {
  1149. directives: [{
  1150. name: "model",
  1151. rawName: "v-model",
  1152. value: t.activeLb,
  1153. expression: "activeLb"
  1154. }],
  1155. attrs: {
  1156. id: "subgiftOption",
  1157. type: "radio",
  1158. value: "subgift",
  1159. name: "type"
  1160. },
  1161. domProps: {
  1162. checked: "subgift" ===,
  1163. checked: t._q(t.activeLb, "subgift")
  1164. },
  1165. on: {
  1166. change: function(e) {
  1167. t.activeLb = "subgift"
  1168. }
  1169. }
  1170. }) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.settings.subgift ? i("label", {
  1171. staticClass: "lb__nav-top-label",
  1172. class: {
  1173. loading: !t.hasData && "day" === t.settings.theme
  1174. },
  1175. style: {
  1176. color: t.settings.title_color
  1177. },
  1178. attrs: {
  1179. for: "subgiftOption"
  1180. }
  1181. }, [t._v("Gifts")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), t.hasData ? i("div", [t._l(t.leaderboards, function(e, o) {
  1182. return 0 === o ? i("div", {
  1183. staticClass: "lb__rank1-small",
  1184. style: [t.customRankWrapperBackground(e.username)]
  1185. }, [i("table", {
  1186. staticClass: "lb__rank1-table"
  1187. }, [i("tr", {
  1188. staticClass: "lb__row"
  1189. }, [t._m(0, !0), t._v(" "), i("td", {
  1190. staticClass: "lb__username"
  1191. }, [i("div", {
  1192. staticClass: "lb__user-img-wrapper"
  1193. }, [t._m(1, !0), t._v(" "), t._m(2, !0), t._v(" "), t.thumbnails[e.username.toLowerCase()] ? i("img", {
  1194. staticClass: "lb__user-img",
  1195. attrs: {
  1196. src: t.thumbnails[e.username.toLowerCase()]
  1197. }
  1198. }) : i("img", {
  1199. staticClass: "lb__user-img",
  1200. attrs: {
  1201. src: ""
  1202. }
  1203. })]), t._v(" "), t.thumbnails[e.username.toLowerCase()] ? i("div", [i("a", {
  1204. staticClass: "lb__rank1-link",
  1205. style: {
  1206. color: t.settings.text_color
  1207. },
  1208. attrs: {
  1209. href: t.channelLink(e.username.toLowerCase()),
  1210. target: "_blank"
  1211. }
  1212. }, [t._v(t._s(e.username))])]) : i("div", {
  1213. style: {
  1214. color: t.settings.text_color
  1215. }
  1216. }, [t._v("\n " + t._s(e.username) + "\n ")])]), t._v(" "), i("td", {
  1217. staticClass: "lb__donation-amount",
  1218. style: {
  1219. color: t.settings.text_color
  1220. }
  1221. }, ["subs" !== t.activeLb && "subgift" !== t.activeLb ? i("span", {
  1222. staticClass: "lb__balance-img"
  1223. }, [i("img", {
  1224. attrs: {
  1225. src: n(7),
  1226. alt: ""
  1227. }
  1228. })]) : t._e(), t._v("\n " + t._s( + "\n ")])])])]) : t._e()
  1229. }), t._v(" "), t._l(t.leaderboards, function(e, o) {
  1230. return 0 === o ? i("div", {
  1231. staticClass: "lb__rank1-wrapper",
  1232. style: [t.customRankWrapperBackground(e.username)]
  1233. }, [i("div", {
  1234. staticClass: "lb__user-img-wrapper"
  1235. }, [t._m(3, !0), t._v(" "), t._m(4, !0), t._v(" "), t._m(5, !0), t._v(" "), i("div", {
  1236. staticClass: "lb__img-confetti"
  1237. }), t._v(" "), t.thumbnails[e.username.toLowerCase()] ? i("img", {
  1238. staticClass: "lb__user-img",
  1239. attrs: {
  1240. src: t.thumbnails[e.username.toLowerCase()]
  1241. }
  1242. }) : i("img", {
  1243. staticClass: "lb__user-img",
  1244. attrs: {
  1245. src: ""
  1246. }
  1247. }), t._v(" "), i("img", {
  1248. staticClass: "lb__rank1-star",
  1249. attrs: {
  1250. src: n(8)
  1251. }
  1252. }), t._v(" "), i("span", {
  1253. staticClass: "lb__rank"
  1254. }, [t._v("1")])]), t._v(" "), i("div", {
  1255. staticClass: "lb__user-stats"
  1256. }, [t.thumbnails[e.username.toLowerCase()] ? i("div", [i("p", {
  1257. staticClass: "lb__username"
  1258. }, [i("a", {
  1259. staticClass: "lb__rank1-link",
  1260. style: {
  1261. color: t.settings.title_color
  1262. },
  1263. attrs: {
  1264. href: t.channelLink(e.username.toLowerCase()),
  1265. target: "_blank"
  1266. },
  1267. on: {
  1268. click: t.onSeeAllClick
  1269. }
  1270. }, [t._v("\n " + t._s(e.username) + "\n ")])])]) : i("div", {
  1271. style: {
  1272. color: t.settings.title_color
  1273. }
  1274. }, [i("p", {
  1275. staticClass: "lb__username"
  1276. }, [t._v(t._s(e.username))])]), t._v(" "), i("div", {
  1277. staticClass: "lb__donation-amount",
  1278. style: {
  1279. color: t.settings.text_color
  1280. }
  1281. }, ["subs" !== t.activeLb && "subgift" !== t.activeLb ? i("span", {
  1282. staticClass: "lb__balance-img"
  1283. }, [i("img", {
  1284. attrs: {
  1285. src: n(7),
  1286. alt: ""
  1287. }
  1288. })]) : t._e(), t._v("\n " + t._s( + "\n ")])])]) : t._e()
  1289. }), t._v(" "), i("div", {
  1290. staticClass: "lb__table-wrapper",
  1291. style: [t.customMainStyle()]
  1292. }, [i("table", {
  1293. staticClass: "lb__table"
  1294. }, [i("tr", {
  1295. staticClass: "lb__row"
  1296. }, [i("th", {
  1297. style: {
  1298. color: t.settings.title_color
  1299. }
  1300. }, [t._v("Rank")]), t._v(" "), i("th", {
  1301. staticClass: "lb__th-mid",
  1302. style: {
  1303. color: t.settings.title_color
  1304. }
  1305. }, [t._v("Twitch User")]), t._v(" "), "bits" === t.activeLb ? i("th", {
  1306. style: {
  1307. color: t.settings.title_color
  1308. }
  1309. }, [t._v("Bits")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "loyalty" === t.activeLb ? i("th", {
  1310. style: {
  1311. color: t.settings.title_color
  1312. }
  1313. }, [t._v("Loyalty")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "subs" === t.activeLb ? i("th", {
  1314. style: {
  1315. color: t.settings.title_color
  1316. }
  1317. }, [t._v("Subs")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "subgift" === t.activeLb ? i("th", {
  1318. style: {
  1319. color: t.settings.title_color
  1320. }
  1321. }, [t._v("Gifts")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), t._l(t.leaderboards, function(e, o) {
  1322. return i("tr", {
  1323. staticClass: "lb__row",
  1324. class: {
  1325. hidden: 0 === o
  1326. }
  1327. }, [i("td", {
  1328. staticClass: "lb__user-rank"
  1329. }, [o + 1 === 2 ? i("div", {
  1330. staticClass: "lb__user-rank--star"
  1331. }, ["night" === t.settings.theme ? i("img", {
  1332. attrs: {
  1333. src: n(13),
  1334. alt: ""
  1335. }
  1336. }) : i("img", {
  1337. attrs: {
  1338. src: n(14),
  1339. alt: ""
  1340. }
  1341. })]) : o + 1 === 3 ? i("div", {
  1342. staticClass: "lb__user-rank--star"
  1343. }, ["night" === t.settings.theme ? i("img", {
  1344. attrs: {
  1345. src: n(15),
  1346. alt: ""
  1347. }
  1348. }) : i("img", {
  1349. attrs: {
  1350. src: n(16),
  1351. alt: ""
  1352. }
  1353. })]) : i("div", {
  1354. staticClass: "lb__user-rank-wrapper"
  1355. }, [i("span", {
  1356. style: {
  1357. color: t.settings.text_color
  1358. }
  1359. }, [t._v(t._s(o + 1))])])]), t._v(" "), i("td", {
  1360. staticClass: "lb__username"
  1361. }, [i("div", {
  1362. staticClass: "lb__user-img-wrapper"
  1363. }, [t.thumbnails[e.username.toLowerCase()] ? i("img", {
  1364. staticClass: "lb__user-img",
  1365. attrs: {
  1366. src: t.thumbnails[e.username.toLowerCase()]
  1367. }
  1368. }) : i("img", {
  1369. staticClass: "lb__user-img",
  1370. attrs: {
  1371. src: ""
  1372. }
  1373. })]), t._v(" "), t.thumbnails[e.username.toLowerCase()] ? i("div", [i("a", {
  1374. class: {
  1375. day: "day" === t.settings.theme, night: "night" === t.settings.theme
  1376. },
  1377. style: {
  1378. color: t.settings.text_color
  1379. },
  1380. attrs: {
  1381. href: t.channelLink(e.username.toLowerCase()),
  1382. target: "_blank"
  1383. },
  1384. on: {
  1385. click: t.onSeeAllClick
  1386. }
  1387. }, [t._v(t._s(e.username))])]) : i("div", {
  1388. style: {
  1389. color: t.settings.text_color
  1390. }
  1391. }, [t._v("\n " + t._s(e.username) + "\n ")]), t._v(" "), e.change === t.UP ? i("span", {
  1392. staticClass: "lb__rank-up"
  1393. }) : e.change === t.DOWN ? i("span", {
  1394. staticClass: "lb__rank-down"
  1395. }) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), i("td", {
  1396. staticClass: "lb__donation-amount",
  1397. style: {
  1398. color: t.settings.text_color
  1399. }
  1400. }, ["subs" !== t.activeLb && "subgift" !== t.activeLb ? i("span", {
  1401. staticClass: "lb__balance-img"
  1402. }, ["night" === t.settings.theme ? i("img", {
  1403. attrs: {
  1404. src: n(17),
  1405. alt: ""
  1406. }
  1407. }) : i("img", {
  1408. attrs: {
  1409. src: n(18),
  1410. alt: ""
  1411. }
  1412. })]) : t._e(), t._v("\n " + t._s( + "\n ")])])
  1413. })], 2)])], 2) : t.loading ? i("div", {
  1414. staticClass: "spinner-wrapper"
  1415. }) : i("div", {
  1416. staticClass: "flex"
  1417. }, [i("div", {
  1418. staticClass: "placeholder-wrapper"
  1419. }, ["night" == t.settings.theme ? i("img", {
  1420. attrs: {
  1421. src: n(19),
  1422. alt: ""
  1423. }
  1424. }) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "day" == t.settings.theme ? i("img", {
  1425. attrs: {
  1426. src: n(20),
  1427. alt: ""
  1428. }
  1429. }) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), i("div", {
  1430. staticClass: "lb__nav-bot",
  1431. style: [{
  1432. display: "subs" === t.activeLb ? "none" : ""
  1433. }, t.customMainStyle()]
  1434. }, ["loyalty" !== t.activeLb ? i("input", {
  1435. directives: [{
  1436. name: "model",
  1437. rawName: "v-model",
  1438. value: t.period,
  1439. expression: "period"
  1440. }],
  1441. attrs: {
  1442. id: "sessionOption",
  1443. type: "radio",
  1444. name: "period",
  1445. value: "session"
  1446. },
  1447. domProps: {
  1448. checked: t._q(t.period, "session")
  1449. },
  1450. on: {
  1451. change: function(e) {
  1452. t.period = "session"
  1453. }
  1454. }
  1455. }) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "loyalty" !== t.activeLb ? i("label", {
  1456. style: {
  1457. color: t.settings.title_color
  1458. },
  1459. attrs: {
  1460. for: "sessionOption"
  1461. }
  1462. }, [t._v("SESSION")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), i("input", {
  1463. directives: [{
  1464. name: "model",
  1465. rawName: "v-model",
  1466. value: t.period,
  1467. expression: "period"
  1468. }],
  1469. attrs: {
  1470. id: "weekOption",
  1471. type: "radio",
  1472. name: "period",
  1473. value: "week"
  1474. },
  1475. domProps: {
  1476. checked: t._q(t.period, "week")
  1477. },
  1478. on: {
  1479. change: function(e) {
  1480. t.period = "week"
  1481. }
  1482. }
  1483. }), t._v(" "), i("label", {
  1484. style: {
  1485. color: t.settings.title_color
  1486. },
  1487. attrs: {
  1488. for: "weekOption"
  1489. }
  1490. }, [t._v("WEEK")]), t._v(" "), i("input", {
  1491. directives: [{
  1492. name: "model",
  1493. rawName: "v-model",
  1494. value: t.period,
  1495. expression: "period"
  1496. }],
  1497. attrs: {
  1498. id: "monthOption",
  1499. type: "radio",
  1500. name: "period",
  1501. value: "month"
  1502. },
  1503. domProps: {
  1504. checked: t._q(t.period, "month")
  1505. },
  1506. on: {
  1507. change: function(e) {
  1508. t.period = "month"
  1509. }
  1510. }
  1511. }), t._v(" "), i("label", {
  1512. style: {
  1513. color: t.settings.title_color
  1514. },
  1515. attrs: {
  1516. for: "monthOption"
  1517. }
  1518. }, [t._v("MONTH")]), t._v(" "), i("input", {
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  1520. name: "model",
  1521. rawName: "v-model",
  1522. value: t.period,
  1523. expression: "period"
  1524. }],
  1525. attrs: {
  1526. id: "allTimeOption",
  1527. type: "radio",
  1528. name: "period",
  1529. value: "all"
  1530. },
  1531. domProps: {
  1532. checked: t._q(t.period, "all")
  1533. },
  1534. on: {
  1535. change: function(e) {
  1536. t.period = "all"
  1537. }
  1538. }
  1539. }), t._v(" "), i("label", {
  1540. style: {
  1541. color: t.settings.title_color
  1542. },
  1543. attrs: {
  1544. for: "allTimeOption"
  1545. }
  1546. }, [t._v("ALL-TIME")])])])
  1547. },
  1548. staticRenderFns: [function() {
  1549. var t = this,
  1550. e = t.$createElement,
  1551. i = t._self._c || e;
  1552. return i("td", {
  1553. staticClass: "lb__user-rank"
  1554. }, [i("div", {
  1555. staticClass: "lb__user-rank-wrapper"
  1556. }, [i("img", {
  1557. staticClass: "lb__gold-outer",
  1558. attrs: {
  1559. src: n(21)
  1560. }
  1561. }), t._v(" "), i("img", {
  1562. staticClass: "lb__gold-star",
  1563. attrs: {
  1564. src: n(8)
  1565. }
  1566. }), t._v(" "), i("span", [t._v("1")])])])
  1567. }, function() {
  1568. var t = this,
  1569. e = t.$createElement,
  1570. i = t._self._c || e;
  1571. return i("div", {
  1572. staticClass: "sparkle sparkle4"
  1573. }, [i("img", {
  1574. attrs: {
  1575. src: n(1)
  1576. }
  1577. })])
  1578. }, function() {
  1579. var t = this,
  1580. e = t.$createElement,
  1581. i = t._self._c || e;
  1582. return i("div", {
  1583. staticClass: "sparkle sparkle5"
  1584. }, [i("img", {
  1585. attrs: {
  1586. src: n(1)
  1587. }
  1588. })])
  1589. }, function() {
  1590. var t = this,
  1591. e = t.$createElement,
  1592. i = t._self._c || e;
  1593. return i("div", {
  1594. staticClass: "sparkle sparkle1"
  1595. }, [i("img", {
  1596. attrs: {
  1597. src: n(1)
  1598. }
  1599. })])
  1600. }, function() {
  1601. var t = this,
  1602. e = t.$createElement,
  1603. i = t._self._c || e;
  1604. return i("div", {
  1605. staticClass: "sparkle sparkle2"
  1606. }, [i("img", {
  1607. attrs: {
  1608. src: n(1)
  1609. }
  1610. })])
  1611. }, function() {
  1612. var t = this,
  1613. e = t.$createElement,
  1614. i = t._self._c || e;
  1615. return i("div", {
  1616. staticClass: "sparkle sparkle3"
  1617. }, [i("img", {
  1618. attrs: {
  1619. src: n(1)
  1620. }
  1621. })])
  1622. }]
  1623. }
  1624. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1625. t.exports = n.p + "images/silver-star-night.svg?id=33f68783"
  1626. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1627. t.exports = n.p + "images/silver-star.svg?id=3e195c36"
  1628. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1629. t.exports = n.p + "images/bronze-star-night.svg?id=9a53076a"
  1630. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1631. t.exports = n.p + "images/bronze-star.svg?id=ef05f686"
  1632. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1633. t.exports = n.p + "images/balance-night.svg?id=c8435b88"
  1634. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1635. t.exports = n.p + "images/balance-gray.svg?id=dfd28da0"
  1636. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1637. t.exports = n.p + "images/night-donation-placeholder.gif?id=68d51289"
  1638. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1639. t.exports = n.p + "images/day-donation-placeholder.gif?id=ead633ac"
  1640. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1641. t.exports = n.p + "images/gold-stars.svg?id=79761d14"
  1642. }, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , function(t, e, n) {
  1643. "use strict";
  1644. Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
  1645. value: !0
  1646. });
  1647. var i = n(3),
  1648. o = n(53),
  1649. s = n.n(o),
  1650. r = n(11),
  1651. a = n.n(r);
  1652. n(55), n(56), new i.default({
  1653. el: "#app",
  1654. components: {
  1655. leaderboard: a.a
  1656. },
  1657. render: function(t) {
  1658. return t(s.a)
  1659. }
  1660. })
  1661. }, function(t, e, n) {
  1662. var i = n(2)(n(4), n(54), null, null, null);
  1663. t.exports = i.exports
  1664. }, function(t, e) {
  1665. t.exports = {
  1666. render: function() {
  1667. var t = this,
  1668. e = t.$createElement;
  1669. return (t._self._c || e)("leaderboard")
  1670. },
  1671. staticRenderFns: []
  1672. }
  1673. }, function(t, e) {}, function(t, e) {
  1674. ! function(t, e, n) {
  1675. function i(t) {
  1676. return function() {
  1677. return this[t]
  1678. }
  1679. }
  1681. function o(t, e) {
  1682. var n = t.split("."),
  1683. i = tt;
  1684. !(n[0] in i) && i.execScript && i.execScript("var " + n[0]);
  1685. for (var o; n.length && (o = n.shift());) n.length || void 0 === e ? i = i[o] ? i[o] : i[o] = {} : i[o] = e
  1686. }
  1688. function s(t, e, n) {
  1689. return, arguments)
  1690. }
  1692. function r(t, e, n) {
  1693. if (!t) throw Error();
  1694. if (2 < arguments.length) {
  1695. var i =, 2);
  1696. return function() {
  1697. var n =;
  1698. return Array.prototype.unshift.apply(n, i), t.apply(e, n)
  1699. }
  1700. }
  1701. return function() {
  1702. return t.apply(e, arguments)
  1703. }
  1704. }
  1706. function a(t, e, n) {
  1707. return a = Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? s : r, a.apply(Y, arguments)
  1708. }
  1710. function l(t, e) {
  1711. this.G = t, this.v = e || t, this.z = this.v.document
  1712. }
  1714. function c(t, n, i) {
  1715. t = t.z.getElementsByTagName(n)[0], t || (t = e.documentElement), t && t.lastChild && t.insertBefore(i, t.lastChild)
  1716. }
  1718. function u(t, e, n) {
  1719. e = e || [], n = n || [];
  1720. for (var i = t.className.split(/\s+/), o = 0; o < e.length; o += 1) {
  1721. for (var s = Z, r = 0; r < i.length; r += 1)
  1722. if (e[o] === i[r]) {
  1723. s = Q;
  1724. break
  1725. } s || i.push(e[o])
  1726. }
  1727. for (e = [], o = 0; o < i.length; o += 1) {
  1728. for (s = Z, r = 0; r < n.length; r += 1)
  1729. if (i[o] === n[r]) {
  1730. s = Q;
  1731. break
  1732. } s || e.push(i[o])
  1733. }
  1734. t.className = e.join(" ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "")
  1735. }
  1737. function h(t, e) {
  1738. for (var n = t.className.split(/\s+/), i = 0, o = n.length; i < o; i++)
  1739. if (n[i] == e) return Q;
  1740. return Z
  1741. }
  1743. function d(t) {
  1744. var e = t.v.location.protocol;
  1745. return "about:" == e && (e = t.G.location.protocol), "https:" == e ? "https:" : "http:"
  1746. }
  1748. function p(t, e) {
  1749. var n = t.createElement("link", {
  1750. rel: "stylesheet",
  1751. href: e
  1752. }),
  1753. i = Z;
  1754. n.onload = function() {
  1755. i || (i = Q)
  1756. }, n.onerror = function() {
  1757. i || (i = Q)
  1758. }, c(t, "head", n)
  1759. }
  1761. function f(e, n, i, o) {
  1762. var s = e.z.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
  1763. if (s) {
  1764. var r = e.createElement("script", {
  1765. src: n
  1766. }),
  1767. a = Z;
  1768. return r.onload = r.onreadystatechange = function() {
  1769. a || this.readyState && "loaded" != this.readyState && "complete" != this.readyState || (a = Q, i && i(Y), r.onload = r.onreadystatechange = Y, "HEAD" == r.parentNode.tagName && s.removeChild(r))
  1770. }, s.appendChild(r), t.setTimeout(function() {
  1771. a || (a = Q, i && i(Error("Script load timeout")))
  1772. }, o || 5e3), r
  1773. }
  1774. return Y
  1775. }
  1777. function m(t, e, n) {
  1778. this.M = t, this.U = e, this.Aa = n
  1779. }
  1781. function v(t, e, n, i) {
  1782. this.d = t != Y ? t : Y, this.o = e != Y ? e : Y, this.aa = n != Y ? n : Y, this.f = i != Y ? i : Y
  1783. }
  1785. function g(t) {
  1786. t = nt.exec(t);
  1787. var e = Y,
  1788. n = Y,
  1789. i = Y,
  1790. o = Y;
  1791. return t && (t[1] !== Y && t[1] && (e = parseInt(t[1], 10)), t[2] !== Y && t[2] && (n = parseInt(t[2], 10)), t[3] !== Y && t[3] && (i = parseInt(t[3], 10)), t[4] !== Y && t[4] && (o = /^[0-9]+$/.test(t[4]) ? parseInt(t[4], 10) : t[4])), new v(e, n, i, o)
  1792. }
  1794. function b(t, e, n, i, o, s, r, a, l, c, u) {
  1795. this.K = t, this.Ga = e, = n, this.fa = i, this.Ea = o, this.ea = s, this.wa = r, this.Fa = a, = l, this.da = c, this.j = u
  1796. }
  1798. function _(t, e) {
  1799. this.a = t, this.I = e
  1800. }
  1802. function y(t) {
  1803. var e = x(t.a, /(iPod|iPad|iPhone|Android|Windows Phone|BB\d{2}|BlackBerry)/, 1);
  1804. return "" != e ? (/BB\d{2}/.test(e) && (e = "BlackBerry"), e) : (t = x(t.a, /(Linux|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh|Windows|CrOS)/, 1), "" != t ? ("Mac_PowerPC" == t && (t = "Macintosh"), t) : "Unknown")
  1805. }
  1807. function w(t) {
  1808. var e = x(t.a, /(OS X|Windows NT|Android) ([^;)]+)/, 2);
  1809. if (e || (e = x(t.a, /Windows Phone( OS)? ([^;)]+)/, 2)) || (e = x(t.a, /(iPhone )?OS ([\d_]+)/, 2))) return e;
  1810. if (e = x(t.a, /(?:Linux|CrOS) ([^;)]+)/, 1))
  1811. for (var e = e.split(/\s/), n = 0; n < e.length; n += 1)
  1812. if (/^[\d\._]+$/.test(e[n])) return e[n];
  1813. return (t = x(t.a, /(BB\d{2}|BlackBerry).*?Version\/([^\s]*)/, 2)) ? t : "Unknown"
  1814. }
  1816. function k(t) {
  1817. var e = y(t),
  1818. n = w(t),
  1819. i = g(n),
  1820. o = x(t.a, /AppleWeb(?:K|k)it\/([\d\.\+]+)/, 1),
  1821. s = g(o),
  1822. r = "Unknown",
  1823. a = new v,
  1824. l = "Unknown",
  1825. c = Z;
  1826. return /OPR\/[\d.]+/.test(t.a) ? r = "Opera" : -1 != t.a.indexOf("Chrome") || -1 != t.a.indexOf("CrMo") || -1 != t.a.indexOf("CriOS") ? r = "Chrome" : /Silk\/\d/.test(t.a) ? r = "Silk" : "BlackBerry" == e || "Android" == e ? r = "BuiltinBrowser" : -1 != t.a.indexOf("PhantomJS") ? r = "PhantomJS" : -1 != t.a.indexOf("Safari") ? r = "Safari" : -1 != t.a.indexOf("AdobeAIR") && (r = "AdobeAIR"), "BuiltinBrowser" == r ? l = "Unknown" : "Silk" == r ? l = x(t.a, /Silk\/([\d\._]+)/, 1) : "Chrome" == r ? l = x(t.a, /(Chrome|CrMo|CriOS)\/([\d\.]+)/, 2) : -1 != t.a.indexOf("Version/") ? l = x(t.a, /Version\/([\d\.\w]+)/, 1) : "AdobeAIR" == r ? l = x(t.a, /AdobeAIR\/([\d\.]+)/, 1) : "Opera" == r ? l = x(t.a, /OPR\/([\d.]+)/, 1) : "PhantomJS" == r && (l = x(t.a, /PhantomJS\/([\d.]+)/, 1)), a = g(l), c = "AdobeAIR" == r ? 2 < a.d || 2 == a.d && 5 <= a.o : "BlackBerry" == e ? 10 <= i.d : "Android" == e ? 2 < i.d || 2 == i.d && 1 < i.o : 526 <= s.d || 525 <= s.d && 13 <= s.o, new b(r, a, l, "AppleWebKit", s, o, e, i, n, C(t.I), new m(c, 536 > s.d || 536 == s.d && 11 > s.o, "iPhone" == e || "iPad" == e || "iPod" == e || "Macintosh" == e))
  1827. }
  1829. function x(t, e, n) {
  1830. return (t = t.match(e)) && t[n] ? t[n] : ""
  1831. }
  1833. function C(t) {
  1834. if (t.documentMode) return t.documentMode
  1835. }
  1837. function O(t) {
  1838. = t || "-"
  1839. }
  1841. function T(t, e) {
  1842. this.K = t, this.V = 4, this.L = "n";
  1843. var n = (e || "n4").match(/^([nio])([1-9])$/i);
  1844. n && (this.L = n[1], this.V = parseInt(n[2], 10))
  1845. }
  1847. function L(t) {
  1848. return t.L + t.V
  1849. }
  1851. function S(t) {
  1852. var e = 4,
  1853. n = "n",
  1854. i = Y;
  1855. return t && ((i = t.match(/(normal|oblique|italic)/i)) && i[1] && (n = i[1].substr(0, 1).toLowerCase()), (i = t.match(/([1-9]00|normal|bold)/i)) && i[1] && (/bold/i.test(i[1]) ? e = 7 : /[1-9]00/.test(i[1]) && (e = parseInt(i[1].substr(0, 1), 10)))), n + e
  1856. }
  1858. function E(t, e, n) {
  1859. this.c = t, this.m = e, this.O = n, this.h = "wf", this.g = new O("-")
  1860. }
  1862. function j(t) {
  1863. var e = h(t.m, t.g.f(t.h, "active")),
  1864. n = [],
  1865. i = [t.g.f(t.h, "loading")];
  1866. e || n.push(t.g.f(t.h, "inactive")), u(t.m, n, i), P(t, "inactive")
  1867. }
  1869. function P(t, e, n) {
  1870. t.O[e] && (n ? t.O[e](n.getName(), L(n)) : t.O[e]())
  1871. }
  1873. function A() {
  1874. this.w = {}
  1875. }
  1877. function N(t, e) {
  1878. this.c = t, this.C = e, this.s = this.c.createElement("span", {
  1879. "aria-hidden": "true"
  1880. }, this.C)
  1881. }
  1883. function I(t, e) {
  1884. var n;
  1885. n = [];
  1886. for (var i = e.K.split(/,\s*/), o = 0; o < i.length; o++) {
  1887. var s = i[o].replace(/['"]/g, ""); - 1 == s.indexOf(" ") ? n.push(s) : n.push("'" + s + "'")
  1888. }
  1889. n = n.join(","), i = "normal", o = e.V + "00", "o" === e.L ? i = "oblique" : "i" === e.L && (i = "italic"), = "display:block;position:absolute;top:-999px;left:-999px;font-size:300px;width:auto;height:auto;line-height:normal;margin:0;padding:0;font-variant:normal;white-space:nowrap;font-family:" + n + ";font-style:" + i + ";font-weight:" + o + ";"
  1890. }
  1892. function $(t) {
  1893. c(t.c, "body", t.s)
  1894. }
  1896. function B(t, e, n, i, o, s, r, a) {
  1897. this.W = t, = e, this.c = n, this.q = i, this.C = a || "BESbswy", this.j = o, this.F = {}, this.T = s || 5e3, this.Z = r || Y, this.B = this.A = Y, t = new N(this.c, this.C), $(t);
  1898. for (var l in ot) ot.hasOwnProperty(l) && (I(t, new T(ot[l], L(this.q))), this.F[ot[l]] = t.s.offsetWidth);
  1899. t.remove()
  1900. }
  1902. function U(t, e, n) {
  1903. for (var i in ot)
  1904. if (ot.hasOwnProperty(i) && e === t.F[ot[i]] && n === t.F[ot[i]]) return Q;
  1905. return Z
  1906. }
  1908. function R(t) {
  1909. var e = t.A.s.offsetWidth,
  1910. n = t.B.s.offsetWidth;
  1911. e === t.F.serif && n === t.F["sans-serif"] || t.j.U && U(t, e, n) ? et() - t.xa >= t.T ? t.j.U && U(t, e, n) && (t.Z === Y || t.Z.hasOwnProperty(t.q.getName())) ? M(t, t.W) : M(t, : setTimeout(a(function() {
  1912. R(this)
  1913. }, t), 25) : M(t, t.W)
  1914. }
  1916. function M(t, e) {
  1917. t.A.remove(), t.B.remove(), e(t.q)
  1918. }
  1920. function W(t, e, n, i) {
  1921. this.c = e, this.t = n, this.P = 0, = this.Y = Z, this.T = i, this.j = t.j
  1922. }
  1924. function q(t, e, n, i, o) {
  1925. if (0 === e.length && o) j(t.t);
  1926. else
  1927. for (t.P += e.length, o && (t.Y = o), o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
  1928. var s = e[o],
  1929. r = n[s.getName()],
  1930. l = t.t,
  1931. c = s;
  1932. u(l.m, [l.g.f(l.h, c.getName(), L(c).toString(), "loading")]), P(l, "fontloading", c), new B(a(, t), a(t.ha, t), t.c, s, t.j, t.T, i, r).start()
  1933. }
  1934. }
  1936. function F(t) {
  1937. 0 == --t.P && t.Y && ( ? (t = t.t, u(t.m, [t.g.f(t.h, "active")], [t.g.f(t.h, "loading"), t.g.f(t.h, "inactive")]), P(t, "active")) : j(t.t))
  1938. }
  1940. function D(t) {
  1941. this.G = t, this.u = new A, this.ya = new _(t.navigator.userAgent, t.document), this.a = this.ya.parse(), this.Q = this.R = 0
  1942. }
  1944. function H(t, e) {
  1945. this.c = t, this.e = e, this.k = []
  1946. }
  1948. function z(t, e) {
  1949. this.c = t, this.e = e, this.k = []
  1950. }
  1952. function G(t, e) {
  1953. this.c = t, this.e = e
  1954. }
  1956. function V(t, e, n) {
  1957. this.N = t || e + st, this.p = [], this.S = [], = n || ""
  1958. }
  1960. function J(t) {
  1961. this.p = t, this.$ = [], this.J = {}
  1962. }
  1964. function X(t, n) {
  1965. this.a = new _(navigator.userAgent, e).parse(), this.c = t, this.e = n
  1966. }
  1968. function K(t, e) {
  1969. this.c = t, this.e = e, this.k = []
  1970. }
  1971. var Q = !0,
  1972. Y = null,
  1973. Z = !1,
  1974. tt = this,
  1975. et = || function() {
  1976. return +new Date
  1977. };
  1978. l.prototype.createElement = function(t, e, n) {
  1979. if (t = this.z.createElement(t), e)
  1980. for (var i in e) e.hasOwnProperty(i) && ("style" == i ? = e[i] : t.setAttribute(i, e[i]));
  1981. return n && t.appendChild(this.z.createTextNode(n)), t
  1982. }, o("webfont.BrowserInfo", m), = i("M"), m.prototype.hasWebFontSupport =, = i("U"), m.prototype.hasWebKitFallbackBug =, m.prototype.ra = i("Aa"), m.prototype.hasWebKitMetricsBug = m.prototype.ra;
  1983. var nt = /^([0-9]+)(?:[\._-]([0-9]+))?(?:[\._-]([0-9]+))?(?:[\._+-]?(.*))?$/;
  1984. v.prototype.toString = function() {
  1985. return [this.d, this.o || "", this.aa || "", this.f || ""].join("")
  1986. }, o("webfont.UserAgent", b), b.prototype.getName = i("K"), b.prototype.getName = b.prototype.getName, b.prototype.oa = i("za"), b.prototype.getVersion = b.prototype.oa, b.prototype.ka = i("fa"), b.prototype.getEngine = b.prototype.ka, = i("ea"), b.prototype.getEngineVersion =, = i("wa"), b.prototype.getPlatform =, = i("va"), b.prototype.getPlatformVersion =, b.prototype.ja = i("da"), b.prototype.getDocumentMode = b.prototype.ja, b.prototype.ia = i("j"), b.prototype.getBrowserInfo = b.prototype.ia;
  1987. var it = new b("Unknown", new v, "Unknown", "Unknown", new v, "Unknown", "Unknown", new v, "Unknown", void 0, new m(Z, Z, Z));
  1988. _.prototype.parse = function() {
  1989. var t;
  1990. if (-1 != this.a.indexOf("MSIE") || -1 != this.a.indexOf("Trident/")) {
  1991. t = y(this);
  1992. var e = w(this),
  1993. n = g(e),
  1994. i = Y,
  1995. o = Y,
  1996. s = Y,
  1997. r = Y,
  1998. a = x(this.a, /Trident\/([\d\w\.]+)/, 1),
  1999. l = C(this.I),
  2000. i = -1 != this.a.indexOf("MSIE") ? x(this.a, /MSIE ([\d\w\.]+)/, 1) : x(this.a, /rv:([\d\w\.]+)/, 1),
  2001. o = g(i);
  2002. "" != a ? (s = "Trident", r = g(a)) : (s = "Unknown", r = new v, a = "Unknown"), t = new b("MSIE", o, i, s, r, a, t, n, e, l, new m("Windows" == t && 6 <= o.d || "Windows Phone" == t && 8 <= n.d, Z, Z))
  2003. } else if (-1 != this.a.indexOf("Opera")) t: if (t = "Unknown", e = x(this.a, /Presto\/([\d\w\.]+)/, 1), n = g(e), i = w(this), o = g(i), s = C(this.I), n.d !== Y ? t = "Presto" : (-1 != this.a.indexOf("Gecko") && (t = "Gecko"), e = x(this.a, /rv:([^\)]+)/, 1), n = g(e)), -1 != this.a.indexOf("Opera Mini/")) r = x(this.a, /Opera Mini\/([\d\.]+)/, 1), a = g(r), t = new b("OperaMini", a, r, t, n, e, y(this), o, i, s, new m(Z, Z, Z));
  2004. else {
  2005. if (-1 != this.a.indexOf("Version/") && (r = x(this.a, /Version\/([\d\.]+)/, 1), a = g(r), a.d !== Y)) {
  2006. t = new b("Opera", a, r, t, n, e, y(this), o, i, s, new m(10 <= a.d, Z, Z));
  2007. break t
  2008. }
  2009. r = x(this.a, /Opera[\/ ]([\d\.]+)/, 1), a = g(r), t = a.d !== Y ? new b("Opera", a, r, t, n, e, y(this), o, i, s, new m(10 <= a.d, Z, Z)) : new b("Opera", new v, "Unknown", t, n, e, y(this), o, i, s, new m(Z, Z, Z))
  2010. }
  2011. else /OPR\/[\d.]+/.test(this.a) ? t = k(this) : /AppleWeb(K|k)it/.test(this.a) ? t = k(this) : -1 != this.a.indexOf("Gecko") ? (t = "Unknown", e = new v, n = "Unknown", i = w(this), o = g(i), s = Z, -1 != this.a.indexOf("Firefox") ? (t = "Firefox", n = x(this.a, /Firefox\/([\d\w\.]+)/, 1), e = g(n), s = 3 <= e.d && 5 <= e.o) : -1 != this.a.indexOf("Mozilla") && (t = "Mozilla"), r = x(this.a, /rv:([^\)]+)/, 1), a = g(r), s || (s = 1 < a.d || 1 == a.d && 9 < a.o || 1 == a.d && 9 == a.o && 2 <= a.aa || r.match(/1\.9\.1b[123]/) != Y || r.match(/1\.9\.1\.[\d\.]+/) != Y), t = new b(t, e, n, "Gecko", a, r, y(this), o, i, C(this.I), new m(s, Z, Z))) : t = it;
  2012. return t
  2013. }, O.prototype.f = function(t) {
  2014. for (var e = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) e.push(arguments[n].replace(/[\W_]+/g, "").toLowerCase());
  2015. return e.join(
  2016. }, T.prototype.getName = i("K"), N.prototype.remove = function() {
  2017. var t = this.s;
  2018. t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t)
  2019. };
  2020. var ot = {
  2021. Da: "serif",
  2022. Ca: "sans-serif",
  2023. Ba: "monospace"
  2024. };
  2025. B.prototype.start = function() {
  2026. this.A = new N(this.c, this.C), $(this.A), this.B = new N(this.c, this.C), $(this.B), this.xa = et(), I(this.A, new T(this.q.getName() + ",serif", L(this.q))), I(this.B, new T(this.q.getName() + ",sans-serif", L(this.q))), R(this)
  2027. }, = function(t) {
  2028. var e = this.t;
  2029. u(e.m, [e.g.f(e.h, t.getName(), L(t).toString(), "active")], [e.g.f(e.h, t.getName(), L(t).toString(), "loading"), e.g.f(e.h, t.getName(), L(t).toString(), "inactive")]), P(e, "fontactive", t), = Q, F(this)
  2030. }, W.prototype.ha = function(t) {
  2031. var e = this.t,
  2032. n = h(e.m, e.g.f(e.h, t.getName(), L(t).toString(), "active")),
  2033. i = [],
  2034. o = [e.g.f(e.h, t.getName(), L(t).toString(), "loading")];
  2035. n || i.push(e.g.f(e.h, t.getName(), L(t).toString(), "inactive")), u(e.m, i, o), P(e, "fontinactive", t), F(this)
  2036. }, D.prototype.load = function(t) {
  2037. var e = t.context || this.G;
  2038. this.c = new l(this.G, e);
  2039. var e = new E(this.c, e.document.documentElement, t),
  2040. n = [],
  2041. i = t.timeout;
  2042. u(e.m, [e.g.f(e.h, "loading")]), P(e, "loading");
  2043. var o, n = this.u,
  2044. s = this.c,
  2045. r = [];
  2046. for (o in t)
  2047. if (t.hasOwnProperty(o)) {
  2048. var c = n.w[o];
  2049. c && r.push(c(t[o], s))
  2050. } for (n = r, this.Q = this.R = n.length, t = new W(this.a, this.c, e, i), o = 0, i = n.length; o < i; o++) s = n[o], s.H(this.a, a(this.ta, this, s, e, t))
  2051. }, D.prototype.ta = function(t, e, n, i) {
  2052. var o = this;
  2053. i ? t.load(function(t, e, i) {
  2054. var s = 0 == --o.R;
  2055. setTimeout(function() {
  2056. q(n, t, e || {}, i || Y, s)
  2057. }, 0)
  2058. }) : (t = 0 == --this.R, this.Q--, t && 0 == this.Q && j(e), q(n, [], {}, Y, t))
  2059. }, H.prototype.D = function(t) {
  2060. return d(this.c) + (this.e.api || "//") + (this.c.v.location.hostname || this.c.G.location.hostname) + "/" + t + ".js"
  2061. }, H.prototype.H = function(t, e) {
  2062. var n =,
  2063. i = this.c.v,
  2064. o = this;
  2065. n ? (i.__webfontfontdeckmodule__ || (i.__webfontfontdeckmodule__ = {}), i.__webfontfontdeckmodule__[n] = function(t, n) {
  2066. for (var i = 0, s = n.fonts.length; i < s; ++i) {
  2067. var r = n.fonts[i];
  2068. o.k.push(new T(, S("font-weight:" + r.weight + ";font-style:" +
  2069. }
  2070. e(t)
  2071. }, f(this.c, this.D(n), function(t) {
  2072. t && e(Z)
  2073. })) : e(Z)
  2074. }, H.prototype.load = function(t) {
  2075. t(this.k)
  2076. }, z.prototype.D = function(t) {
  2077. var e = d(this.c);
  2078. return (this.e.api || e + "//") + "/" + t + ".js"
  2079. }, z.prototype.H = function(t, e) {
  2080. var n =,
  2081. i = this.e,
  2082. o = this.c.v,
  2083. s = this;
  2084. n ? (o.__webfonttypekitmodule__ || (o.__webfonttypekitmodule__ = {}), o.__webfonttypekitmodule__[n] = function(n) {
  2085. n(t, i, function(t, n, i) {
  2086. for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o += 1) {
  2087. var r = i[n[o]];
  2088. if (r)
  2089. for (var a = 0; a < r.length; a += 1) s.k.push(new T(n[o], r[a]));
  2090. else s.k.push(new T(n[o]))
  2091. }
  2092. e(t)
  2093. })
  2094. }, f(this.c, this.D(n), function(t) {
  2095. t && e(Z)
  2096. }, 2e3)) : e(Z)
  2097. }, z.prototype.load = function(t) {
  2098. t(this.k)
  2099. }, G.prototype.load = function(t) {
  2100. var e, n, i = this.e.urls || [],
  2101. o = this.e.families || [],
  2102. s = this.e.testStrings || {};
  2103. for (e = 0, n = i.length; e < n; e++) p(this.c, i[e]);
  2104. for (i = [], e = 0, n = o.length; e < n; e++) {
  2105. var r = o[e].split(":");
  2106. if (r[1])
  2107. for (var a = r[1].split(","), l = 0; l < a.length; l += 1) i.push(new T(r[0], a[l]));
  2108. else i.push(new T(r[0]))
  2109. }
  2110. t(i, s)
  2111. }, G.prototype.H = function(t, e) {
  2112. return e(t.j.M)
  2113. };
  2114. var st = "//";
  2115. V.prototype.f = function() {
  2116. if (0 == this.p.length) throw Error("No fonts to load!");
  2117. if (-1 != this.N.indexOf("kit=")) return this.N;
  2118. for (var t = this.p.length, e = [], n = 0; n < t; n++) e.push(this.p[n].replace(/ /g, "+"));
  2119. return t = this.N + "?family=" + e.join("%7C"), 0 < this.S.length && (t += "&subset=" + this.S.join(",")), 0 < && (t += "&text=" + encodeURIComponent(, t
  2120. };
  2121. var rt = {
  2122. latin: "BESbswy",
  2123. cyrillic: "&#1081;&#1103;&#1046;",
  2124. greek: "&#945;&#946;&#931;",
  2125. khmer: "&#x1780;&#x1781;&#x1782;",
  2126. Hanuman: "&#x1780;&#x1781;&#x1782;"
  2127. },
  2128. at = {
  2129. thin: "1",
  2130. extralight: "2",
  2131. "extra-light": "2",
  2132. ultralight: "2",
  2133. "ultra-light": "2",
  2134. light: "3",
  2135. regular: "4",
  2136. book: "4",
  2137. medium: "5",
  2138. "semi-bold": "6",
  2139. semibold: "6",
  2140. "demi-bold": "6",
  2141. demibold: "6",
  2142. bold: "7",
  2143. "extra-bold": "8",
  2144. extrabold: "8",
  2145. "ultra-bold": "8",
  2146. ultrabold: "8",
  2147. black: "9",
  2148. heavy: "9",
  2149. l: "3",
  2150. r: "4",
  2151. b: "7"
  2152. },
  2153. lt = {
  2154. i: "i",
  2155. italic: "i",
  2156. n: "n",
  2157. normal: "n"
  2158. },
  2159. ct = RegExp("^(thin|(?:(?:extra|ultra)-?)?light|regular|book|medium|(?:(?:semi|demi|extra|ultra)-?)?bold|black|heavy|l|r|b|[1-9]00)?(n|i|normal|italic)?$");
  2160. J.prototype.parse = function() {
  2161. for (var t = this.p.length, e = 0; e < t; e++) {
  2162. var n = this.p[e].split(":"),
  2163. i = n[0].replace(/\+/g, " "),
  2164. o = ["n4"];
  2165. if (2 <= n.length) {
  2166. var s, r = n[1];
  2167. if (s = [], r)
  2168. for (var r = r.split(","), a = r.length, l = 0; l < a; l++) {
  2169. var c;
  2170. if (c = r[l], c.match(/^[\w-]+$/)) {
  2171. c = ct.exec(c.toLowerCase());
  2172. var u = void 0;
  2173. if (c == Y) u = "";
  2174. else {
  2175. if (u = void 0, (u = c[1]) == Y || "" == u) u = "4";
  2176. else var h = at[u],
  2177. u = h || (isNaN(u) ? "4" : u.substr(0, 1));
  2178. u = [c[2] == Y || "" == c[2] ? "n" : lt[c[2]], u].join("")
  2179. }
  2180. c = u
  2181. } else c = "";
  2182. c && s.push(c)
  2183. }
  2184. 0 < s.length && (o = s), 3 == n.length && (n = n[2], s = [], n = n ? n.split(",") : s, 0 < n.length && (n = rt[n[0]]) && (this.J[i] = n))
  2185. }
  2186. for (this.J[i] || (n = rt[i]) && (this.J[i] = n), n = 0; n < o.length; n += 1) this.$.push(new T(i, o[n]))
  2187. }
  2188. };
  2189. var ut = {
  2190. Arimo: Q,
  2191. Cousine: Q,
  2192. Tinos: Q
  2193. };
  2194. X.prototype.H = function(t, e) {
  2195. e(t.j.M)
  2196. }, X.prototype.load = function(t) {
  2197. var e = this.c;
  2198. if ("MSIE" == this.a.getName() && this.e.blocking != Q) {
  2199. var n = a(this.X, this, t);
  2200. ! function t() {
  2201. e.z.body ? n() : setTimeout(t, 0)
  2202. }()
  2203. } else this.X(t)
  2204. }, X.prototype.X = function(t) {
  2205. for (var e = this.c, n = new V(this.e.api, d(e), this.e.text), i = this.e.families, o = i.length, s = 0; s < o; s++) {
  2206. var r = i[s].split(":");
  2207. 3 == r.length && n.S.push(r.pop());
  2208. var a = "";
  2209. 2 == r.length && "" != r[1] && (a = ":"), n.p.push(r.join(a))
  2210. }
  2211. i = new J(i), i.parse(), p(e, n.f()), t(i.$, i.J, ut)
  2212. }, K.prototype.H = function(t, e) {
  2213. var n = this,
  2214. i = n.e.projectId,
  2215. o = n.e.version;
  2216. if (i) {
  2217. var s = n.c.v;
  2218. f(this.c, n.D(i, o), function(o) {
  2219. if (o) e(Z);
  2220. else {
  2221. if (s["__mti_fntLst" + i] && (o = s["__mti_fntLst" + i]()))
  2222. for (var r = 0; r < o.length; r++) n.k.push(new T(o[r].fontfamily));
  2223. e(t.j.M)
  2224. }
  2225. }).id = "__MonotypeAPIScript__" + i
  2226. } else e(Z)
  2227. }, K.prototype.D = function(t, e) {
  2228. return d(this.c) + "//" + (this.e.api || "").replace(/^.*http(s?):(\/\/)?/, "") + "/" + t + ".js" + (e ? "?v=" + e : "")
  2229. }, K.prototype.load = function(t) {
  2230. t(this.k)
  2231. };
  2232. var ht = new D(tt);
  2233. ht.u.w.custom = function(t, e) {
  2234. return new G(e, t)
  2235. }, ht.u.w.fontdeck = function(t, e) {
  2236. return new H(e, t)
  2237. }, ht.u.w.monotype = function(t, e) {
  2238. return new K(e, t)
  2239. }, ht.u.w.typekit = function(t, e) {
  2240. return new z(e, t)
  2241. }, = function(t, e) {
  2242. return new X(e, t)
  2243. }, tt.WebFont || (tt.WebFont = {}, tt.WebFont.load = a(ht.load, ht), tt.WebFontConfig && ht.load(tt.WebFontConfig))
  2244. }(this, document)
  2245. }], [52]);
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