
tea? TEA!

Feb 7th, 2015
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  1. *Carl sat by himself in the mess hall. This wasn't unusual for him, but with all the events with the bar and the strange reactions of the other Overseers to him recently he has felt more isolated than usual. He was beginning to fear that is would be a feel that wouldn't so easily go away when Ebenezer slid in across the table from his and quietly slid a teacup his direction*
  2. Ebenezer: You look like you could use some tea? I hope you like this. It's my own special blend.
  3. *The liquid was a red color, almost like blood. If it wasn't for the sweet aroma Carl would have turned his nose up completely to it.
  4. Carl: It's...quite a color..*he says before pulling it closer taking in a deep whiff.*
  5. Ebenezer: Yes... strange reaction from the herbal combination. It keeps people from steal it though.
  6. Carl: *he examines it for a few more moments before taking a sip. It tasted even better than it smelled and he took a deep gulp of it. * This is d-d-delicious!
  7. Ebenezer: *the older man watched him drink in silence for several moments, as if he wa waiting for something to happen. When nothing did he smiled and began to stand.* Perhaps I will make more for you tomorrow.
  8. Carl: Yes..t-thank you! *the more he drank the more the stress he had been feeling began to melt away.* L-leaving? Already?
  9. Ebenezer: I'm fraid so. Still have much work to do. *He nodded a farefell before leaving Carl to drink the tea in peace*
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