
Evemek: Surrealism

Apr 6th, 2016
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  1. Even with the power that Uzavok had amassed, this last encountered had made him feel as though he had gotten nowhere and was generally helpless. Now was not the time to feel pity for himself though, he would strive to become more powerful. Listening out to Valnik as he spoke his piece, they were very wise words chosen by the Aquarias. In order to restore the balance between those of the occult and the humans, he would have to get to achieve a whole nother level of power. This moment had helped him realize that this would be no easy task, and he would have to work for it.
  3. "This is my personal quarrel. He is not like most other humans, as he is not apart of the republic and does not seek to kill those of our kind. He merely for formidable enemies. I will defeat him on my own .. We will accomplish our goals as a whole, but defeating him will not mean anything to me unless I do it." Uzavok had spoke, words now trailing off at that point. Back to the things at hand, he had to seek out the other yokai. The whole battle between Valnik and Hastur had side tracked Uzavok a bit, but now he had to go and conference with Dravus.
  5. "Come with me Valnik, forget about this situation for the time being .. I am alive and well, which is all that matters for now. I live to fight more battles. For now we must seek out Dravus, as we must speak with him." With that being said, Uzavok looked around, wondering if he would be able to find the Kaor around the Marshes. Without giving much time for Valnik to respond, he would begin to take off, at this point his body had regenerated from the minor woulds from the battle that had just occured.
  6. (Uzavok)
  7. The footsteps of one sounded clear through the fog-riddled marshes, clearly insinuating one's approach through the sodden land-- But at such bombarding volume? It was as though such was amped up via dragging one's ear to the muddied soil. Though, as the source came closer, it had quieted drastically.
  9. Eventually, the image of a young, youthful woman, vibrant in her age was forged before their very eyes by the gray fog of the land: Alone, seemingly defenceless considering her lack of visible weaponry on person and garbed in randomized, tacky apparel. Clearly, the identity of one was sound considering the common inhabitant of the marshes... At least, to some...
  11. " Hmmm? " They hummed with intrigue, happening across the duet of beasts idling midst the swamp, likely in telepathic communications if not simply ogling the other. The behavior of such daemonic beasts was beyond their understanding.
  12. "What's this?"
  13. It took an absolute fool to callously wander up to such perilous creatures without regard to their well-being. An elemental-class and Kaor were more than enough for most, if not all magi across the lands. What made a lowly woman such as herself wage any chance?
  15. Maybe it wouldn't bring upon any impact, but a human badgering these monsters was their best bet on garnering their attention...
  16. (Bandit)
  17. The serpent like creature readied him to follow the Kaor's movements knowing that finding Dravus was an important task that the two of them would undertake, having to shift the focus of his thoughts to the side about their current situation. While Uzavok wished to battle against the Human directly if the two of them continued to gain strength it seemed like an unlikely fight to win on his own, he was most likely better off waiting to outlive the human and taking him out in his old age if he truly wanted to win but this seemed to be a principle of honor that he was demonstarting towards the human. Letting out what may resemble a sigh from his lipless mouth the beast began to take in a large breath before noticing a new smell entertain his nostils that were hidden along with his eyes behind a smooth carapace of a mask.
  19. The creatures head slowly turning to look out in the distance to see what that particular scent may of belonged to. It was different from that of a Skurn or the other creature that roamed this land often but instead was that of a woman of sorts. What a strange sight to see a human walk up to a Aquarius-type Elemental and the Kaor that stood be each others side. Was this human capable as much power as Issei was? Given the current circumstance it was a quick cause for alarm as the serpent like tail of the monster pushed him forward and in front of the Kaor, going to handle the problem should the human wish to combat against the two of them.
  21. Raising his finned arms up to his sides the creature began to part his webbed fingers before letting out a screech as a simple warning for the human before speaking out, opening his maw of multiple jagged rows of teeth before the one before them to talk using his 'normal voice'. While it was high pitched and shrill it was more than likely much more appealing than his previous voice.
  23. "Human.. What brings you before us?" The voice was rather quick and to the point as he did not have time or the will to deal with the human for long as they had other things in mind but would human the being and let Kaor rest from his previous encounter.
  24. (Valnik Moonstone)
  25. Uzavok was just preparing to leave the area, already having took a couple steps away when he had noticed a prescence approaching. With everything that had just transpired, Uzavok had not even thought to see if anybody else was wandering about nearby. Stopping for a moment, the Kaor was a bit annoyed with what he was doing being interferered with. Now moving, Uzavok had shifted his body in the general direction of the voice.
  27. As he had looked forward, the person that stood before him was in a basic get up, resembling that of a bandit. Uzavok was a bit surprised as he was not used to seeing bandits around in this area, as they had usually clung to Byronegrove. What had brought a Bandit out in this direction? A grim smile forming across Uzavok's face, he was surprised that not only had the human came out to hang in the Deadland Marshes, home of Crellus, blue Skurn, and various evolved yokai that would hang around, but to even approach them in such a calm demeanor.
  29. Channeling his thoughts towards the human by the use of telepathy, he would force his thoughts into the mind of the human. "Who are you? And what is it that you want .. You are very bold for simply walking up on us like this." Uzavok had stated simply, the telepathy resonating within close proximity, all around him able to hear it. Most bandits had the tendency to attack on sight, so it had only made Uzavok wonder what this one had wanted.
  30. (Uzavok)
  31. "Well..." She seemed quite calm around these two, almost as though lacking consideration of their high lethality. "I was just wandering the wilderness, passing by people in my travels and..." There was another pause, as though to pick -just- the right terminology for the occasion. "-testing- myself."
  32. One had no doubt in their mind that such phrasing was provacative in themselves... Perhaps, such was intentional? Or the words of a dead woman walking...
  34. "The last group didn't take too kindly..." The woman admitted with a pout, "--But you're a yokai." Her words seemed more directed towards the Aquarius making the first stand, assuming they'd step up first. There was no flinching, nor digression from the matter... Perhaps, suicidal granted their inevitiable fate should a magi brigade push through the region on a bounty hunt or genocidal raid.
  36. Odd details that formulated an odd character... Mayhaps, qualities in a persona that didn't need further analyzation than fodder? Or something, beyond that smiling face of hers that radiated pungent with the shadows these monsters had grown to master...
  37. (Bandit)
  38. Such a sight from a human to stand their own ground was not something Valnik was unused to seeing. While he could make them admit their fear from time to time there were a select few that would defy monsters in the face of immediate danger. A pair of hidden eyes scanning over the apperance of the human she spoke out.. Strange and calculated words. He could easily compare this to another one of his own kind but such acts weren't something that the youngling liked even among his own kind.
  40. "Testing... The human seems to wish to test their mettle." The creature lacked the needed flesh upon his mouth to grin or smirk but there was more than a hint of joy within his voice as such things were being spoken out to him, perhaps this was yet another chance to gauge his own abilities and allow the other watching Yokai to see his demonstration of power once again. If he was lucky perhaps Uzavok wouldn't fl- wait maybe a bit to soon. He wouldn't go off on his own and pick a fight with another human. While they had the advantage the youngling figured this was as good of a time as any to test out his ability among the individual before them.
  42. "I will humor you human, simply to put you in your place." It was more than enough to say that perhaps Valnik was growing arrogant of his abilities and with good reason, should he perhaps fail or fall during this little encounter perhaps it would properly gauge the strength of the human or end up being a rather delicious snack ofr himself to devour depending if he shouldn't find any further need for the one before them. Names at this point didn't matter because of their encounter it might not be anything important to take note of but at the end of the day it came down to ability and strength than the words spoken.
  45. (Valnik Moonstone)
  46. The grin that was alrady apparent on the face of the Kaor had grew broader with each passing second, soon bursting out into a light laughing fit. The Bandit was attempting to be the aggresor in this situation, he could not believe this. Memories of the many bandits that he had devoured and ripped apart crossing Uzavok's mind. He surely did not have time to be playing around with another one of them. The laughter coming to a calm, Uzavok would now look towards Valnik, whom the words had seemingly been directed at.
  48. Uzavok would not allow himself to waste time to so called 'test' the limits of a mere bandit. Uzavok did not have much doubt in his mind that the Aquarias would be able to handle it on his own as he was the strongest out of all the elementals in there faction and had grown considerably over time. Even though Uzavok was sure that a simple greater yokai would be able to honestly handle the battle before him.
  50. "I will not intervene this, Valnik. I'm sure that you got this on your own .. Although would you mind making it quick as we do not have time to be lolly gagging, there is work at hand that needs to be taken care of." Uzavok said, forcing his thoughts into the head of the elemental, simply reminding him as he had remembered how Valnik can get carried away and have fun, teasing his prey at times.
  51. (Uzavok)
  52. From the flesh and seems of her armor, the shadows festered-- Boiling over at the crevices of steel and skin for a midnight froth that enveloped one's vessel with a raging pyre. Such imitation to flame, rolled slow in its lashing tendrils-- Burning cold, from the mana within one's circuit; Though unlike the commoner... Unlike the typical wielder, something off about this persona dared to badger even the yokai that stood before it. A darkening truth that dared to trump one's understanding of the matter at-hand.
  54. The powers en flux were... Concentrated... Extreme, albeit soft. There was a level of power that was manifested, and in the very same aspect it was concealed. Present, yet absent... Though, such was the beauty of oblivion, was it not?
  55. The means of acceptance from Valnik and the added lack of entry from the Kaor made this confrontation outright leveled on a far less skewed playing field. Though, to the commoner, this was still a suicidal endeavor.
  57. A cracked grin rewarded the Aquarius for their statement, and soon after a foot inched over to take semblence of a combative stance.
  58. "I suppose my test could take any result or means... It just varied on how one wished to go about it." They continued, "--but in this case, I doubt a yokai such as yourself would want to hear anything like that from a human like me... I'll just go about it, in a way we'd both understand wholly."
  59. (Bandit)
  60. Lolly gagging? That hurt, as if Valnik would take his time during a battle. He simply did what he needed to get through a fight. Right? Perhaps from time to time he could get carried away if a battle was very entertaining but in the end he did not expect much from the bandit overall. Other than a chance for the two of them to show their own strength even an Occultist could be in trouble against the Aquarius type should things go in Valnik's favor and he dominate over his enemy. Should things start going poorly there were simply others to intervene on a weakened individual.
  62. While this might of been a mere bandit, Valnik felt no sence of pride of carrying on a fair one on one combat with them. No it was not the Yokai way of survival to fight fairly and he would quickly show the human such things. Letting out a large enthralling screech to bring fourth other Yokai that might of been scouring the area to the fray as well to prove assistance to their new masters strategy.
  64. Should he gain a early advantage the plan was to capitalize on such an advantage and end the battle quickly if ever at all possible but should he find himself at a disadvantage he would simply have to continue to fight at his best ability for the time being. While the dark presence might of been interesting it seemed that occultist were truly depraved in their own manner to pick such fights but this was not a moment for backing down.
  66. "You are sure one to talk.. Very reminiscent of another human. Perhaps you know each other?" He spoke out in a montone voice while not actually being to curious about it for the time being, he would have to focus on the fight ahead of him and showing the human the strength of a Elemental on the verge of surprassing Kaor's and even further in due time.
  67. (Valnik Moonstone)
  79. As the battle was beginning tos tart up, Uzavok was a bit surprised at the Badit unveiling such occultic aura, the bandits that he had previously had combat with did not use any sorts of magi, especially that of Darkness. But Uzavok had simply shrugged it off, simply waiting for the slaughterfest to begin. As the battle had started up, Uzavok had simply sat back and watched from afar, all the while preparing to move around to avoid any incoming attacks or to simply follow them should the battle go far.
  81. As the battle had started, Uzavok was a bit surprised by the battle prowess of the human, he was not like any of the bandits he faced. They were going head to head, at this point Uzavok began to get excited, sparks of electricity rippling along the outside of his body. In due time though, as Valnik began to take the lead it had appeared that the bandit was nothing more then a disguise. With the battle heating up, the illusion that he had casted had faded away, revealing his true identity. So it is somebody of the occult eh? At the same time though, Uzavok had still never met this person before. Possibly someone that they could recruit after defeating?
  83. It was a long and heated battle as the two continued to clash, all the while though, Uzavok had figured Valnik had it under control, as he was truely exceptional. Confirming these isntincts, in the end, Uzavok had came out victorious in the first of there rounds. Nodding his head, he had some questions for the human but would wait until they had finished there combat, if he even wanted to continue on any further.
  84. (Uzavok)
  85. The group quickly began their combat as the outnumber bandit would quickly find themself in a rather difficult situation with having to deal with the Elemental and his grouping. While of course the fight to begin with was built to be unfair it didn't take very long before the power of the Occultist before them was known and such power was something among the same levels if not actually stronger than what Valnik was expecting from such a random bandit that would just walk up to him but he wouldn't let such things distract him entirely from the fight. He had a method of dealing with the occult given his own specific skill set and granted that they both shared a fair similarity of spells the Occultist would show even more from there, even capable of blinding the sight of the Yokai into pure darkness but this however would not stop the Aquarius class from fighting even more. Simply switching his tactics to a long range battle before he was able to move in once more and gain the advantage and sadly the kin that he had summoned had faltered as well and were defeated but something like this was expected.
  87. Showing his true might as the two fought a relative long range battle for the most part Valnik would move in and allow for his multiple set of tentacles take hold of the human before smashing the being against the ground and bashing the illusion that the one before him had attempt to kept up during the fight, perhaps a waste of mana on his own part. Revealing who it truely was under the veil of darkness it made sense now why this particular human used such speak to talk to the Yokai. It was one that Dravus trusted who most likely was just looking for a enjoyment and enjoyment he would find with Valnik.
  89. Bursting out into laughter he would throw the human back to allow him to catch himself or simply roll around the wet marshland before letting out another large screech that would begin to echo through these lands. "Evemek! You scoundrel! Should you had just told me you want to fight sooner I would of gladly accept, now you will see my true power that you dared to underestimate! Should I defeat you in this next round your existance is nothing more than useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! To our cause! So prove your before myself and the kaor before you. This fight will be one that will be spoken among our people." He would make the stakes of this battle apparent and while Valnik had never truly relied on a human before this was going to prove a point that they were not to be as feared when they could still be beaten. However Valnik's case was different than many of the because he was most likely the only one capable of taking a continued beating while still being able to fight back even when mana failed him.
  90. (Valnik Moonstone)
  91. While Zan aproached he noticed that the area is like a warzone, ground is destroyed or corrupted by water or darkness, blood here and there, and the sound of clashing nearby, reminds Zan of his fight with iraxus which was a unpleasent battle since both sides were nearly dead by the end of it.
  93. As Zan drew close to the pair who are doing battle he spots evemek and Balnik fighting, what zan assumes a spar but the way Valnik speaks make Zan realise that he is being effected by battle frenzy, which he will have to speak to Val about that at alater date, Drawing close Zan stands beside the kaor who is currantly present... or well he jump onto the sturdy treebranch that can support his weight and looks to the kaor "Tell me Uzavok, do you think Valniks potential to grow is a bit to violently rapid for the young yokai mind he has?"
  95. Zan was somewhat worried since Valnik is still young yet his aging is rapid and his personality is somewhat unstable, which makes it hard to control or well converse with a almost insane kin, Zan would preffer is the alliance stayed stable long enuff to get their new home rebuilt and faction stablized to 100%.
  97. Lazily watching as the fight unfolds zan cant help but be impressed also, His kin Valnik is growing faster then any yokai hes ever met evan himself.... but he does not care, evolution will come to zan soon he just needs patience and a few good fights. if he gets into a mood to fight that is.
  98. (Karisa Zan)
  99. The illusion was torn asunder and Evemek was forced hurdling meters into the distance, slowing to a stop thanks to a hand clawing into the soaked earth, skidding him to a halt. He wasn't exhausted, but a real fight was something he wasn't quite used to yet. Why would anyone need to fight when entire battles could be waged in the minds of the feeble? Whatever the case, he was recognized and soon warned... Something he didn't take too much worry to granted the situation at-hand.
  101. A sigh eased from his lips, especially as he wrought himself back to his feet with the use of his glaive-staff. The mud that clung to his body was brushed off by a faceless force skimming it clean with a disruptive sweep: It seemed, even nature's gales abided to this mage's volition as of now. Though, one's array and skillset was entirely up to debate granted perception seemingly twisted in their presence.
  103. " You're strong." He complemented, finally rewarding one with a grin of appeasement. "--But that just means that I have even more of an excuse to show my true mastery of the occult. Masterful, as you may be... I've grown enough to warp whatever I deem fit to my Will... I fail to understand why none have dabbled as deep as I have... To conjure the power as I do..." He monologued, examining his open rotating palm as though a testimony to his prowess.
  105. "Though, I suppose not many are capable of keeping their sanity... I know I wasn't, but the aid of your ilk has strengthened me beyond compare." He broke away from his self-admiration to pay Valnik with a neutral gaze.
  106. The baritone voiced wonder spoke out to him directly, "Allow me to show you the fruition of your collective efforts." The lavender tendrils of one's corrupted will encapsulated one in a raging maelstrom, blending at the grasses at his feet in a violent windmill to deteriorate the matter into naught but repugnant dust that urged the typical persona to wince at the occultic stench.
  108. The crater formed soon swallowed the pulsation of outbound radiance, containing it for mere moments before it was unleashed in the form of a halo of dust originating from Evemek himself. The aura of the occultic arcane jettisoned for the skies: A homing beacon for the avian variety of daemonic monstrosities much like the ilk present. Gargantuan ravens of numerous sets of diamond shaped eyes glared down upon Valnik. Though, even in their size and numbers, they were still contested by the Aquarius' own.
  110. " Let us see where this leads, yes? I've been waiting to test this out on someone and I was hoping it'd be on another. You'll do fine for now, however..."
  111. (Evemek)
  112. The place was a mess from the battle that had just occured. Feeling the incoming aura of one of his kin, being Karisa, Uzavok would shift his gaze to meet the Ventus Elemental, though at the same time he did not completely want to miss the battle that was up ahead. By surprise, it had seemed that Valnik had knew the human that he was battling, well at that .. And by the words that he chose to use it seeemed that he was apart of the cause aswell. The name somewhat ringing bells, feeling as though he had heard someone of his faction mention the name before.
  114. As Karisa had began talking to him, although he was not lookign in his general direction, he was listening intently. As he had finished up with his words, Uzavok had let out a bit of a laugh. Uzavok had picked the yokai, and named him himself. And he had picked him out for a reason, it was for the potential that he had saw in Valnik .. That is why he had shielded him and taught him the way, and helped him to grow into that of a Mega Yokai. So without even turning to respond to Karisa. "He had caught my interest because of the budding potential that he has .. I don't think there is any such thing as growing too fast, and as for the mindset he has, it isn't bad .. And if anything were to happen, I am here and have his back."
  116. Uzavok had stated simply, dropping the subject. He had known for a while now that it had been torubling some within the yokai community of Valnik's progress, some fearing it, some being envious, and some simply concerned about it overall. But for Uzavok, it was simply a reminder that he would have to grow just as fast if not faster if he had wanted to stay ahead in the game. The two helped eachother to grow, and it would continue as so.
  117. (Uzavok)
  118. The second fight seemed not to have favored Valnik, Uzavok simply watching on to see if they would continue it for a third fight .. After all they were already aquainted with eachother, right? Uzavok's thought process was suddenly disturbed as the Ventus elemental Karisa had began to speak off in his direction, Uzavok listening intently. This time turning to meet the gaze of the yokai, he would allow him to finish speaking.
  120. As Karisa had finished up, Uzavok nodded, closing his eyes as he began to think. Uzavok had no problems with meeting at the Stinnox Caves, seeing as the Marshes had been getting more and more attraction as of lately. Responding in turn to Karisa, Uzavok would speak out. "I have no oblijections to meeting at the Stinnox Caves. Its funny as I had just left there not to long ago. But as for this meeting .. Who have you conferenced this with? Does Dravus or any of the higher ups know about this or is this simply a spur of the moment kind of things that you just came up with to pass the information along? And when will this meeting be?" Uzavok had began to fire a barrage of questions off at Karisa.
  122. The whole thing had seemed a bit off, this was Uzavok's first time hearing about this. Only reminding Uzavok that he had needed to get into contact with Dravus again, the two not having been in touch for a while it would be nice to get caught up to speed on things with him. "But never the less, I will pass this information off to the other yokai I find. I hope this is not a waste of time though and some good information is brought to the table. But yes, contionue growing, you will reach Kaordom in no time. When that time comes, I will be more then happy then to spar you and test your limits .."
  124. "With our plans moving on a bit faster then projected, I hope that you put in the effort to grow at a rapid rate. We need more Kaors, and the sooner the better." Uzavok said, finishing up his rant. Shifting his body back off into the direction of Evemek and Valnik now, he had waited to see how things played out while all at the same time seeing if Karisa would have a response for him.
  125. (Uzavok)
  126. The end of one's qoute earned an immediate charge to close the distance, himself and pawns daring to clash with that of Valnik's summoned ilk. Though, unlike the rest, Evemek managed to slip past the numbers, weaving past the underlings at Valniks' control to extend a palm nigh the base of his superior form. It was an unprecedented burst of speed, but hardly from a speedy magi... Perhaps, a play on the ellusive techniques under his volition.
  128. A spontaneous glare of pseudo-light rippled across the terrain, shredding away at what was once the swamp's foliage and wildlife in the particular direction. A horizontal pillar of this malefic light subsumed all in its raging path, uprooting trees and erasing rodents unfortunate enough to be captured in its motion. The thunder of its transition bombarded the ears of the many that idled around to watch; The sensation however, whittled away at the flesh, violently scratching away at appendages managed to lay before the blast, but only until Valnik had dashed out of it.
  130. The beam had collapsed into naught but a slit into oblivion, posture from the magi still frozen in place as though lacking the enthusiasm to doggedly pursue his advarsary that enforced distance between them. "Hm?" His eyes followed this opponent without the slightest of digression, finding the space to be... An appropriate reaction to his prowess.
  131. "Hm." He couldn't help but grin; The gargantuan crow-beasts hovering above soared down to deal with the Aquarius... But were condemned to failure.
  133. One by one, they would inevitiably fall; Though, with each one dispatched, an ebonic miasma would effervesce from their cadaver, latching unto the assailant with growing opacity per victim... Until the triad had eventully consumed the beast in an amorpheous mass of animated void. Within, perception was inept-- This, was a common illusionist's tactic despite the physical manifestation of matter: A technique intended to leave the senses addled...
  135. " I must say..." Evemek's voice rung out in Valnik's head, imitating the yokai's means of communication! Did he too, learn telepathy in time? Mastery of the Occult could've rewarded one with such prowess, though, such was still a cheap imitation utilizing deluding castings upon one's mind.
  136. "-- I've grown far beyond the level of occultist... Haven't I?" As vision had returned to Valnik, an Evemek, still awaiting for conflict to ensue idled in the distance.
  138. How much of the battle had truly happened? One could never know... With the exception of Uzavok, having seen the entire scuffle...
  139. " Do you still have the Will to underestimate me?"
  140. (Evemek)
  141. It seemed like his opponent was finally taking the time to take the Aquarius Yokai seriously for once, while it was an improvement over what he was doing before it made things more difficult as their battle continued on. However even if Valnik was pushed back and wounded rather quickly causing the round to be much shorter than the first, Valnik had a plan to reverse what had just happened and gave him a chance to actually test something out.
  143. While having to deal with the human's summons with his own there wasn't very much other than them dropping down to the ground, one after each other on each side of the fight. It did not matter to Valnik if the voice of the human entered his head, it made no difference in terms of skill or ability. It was easy to talk and talk was something that Evemek was experience compared to more stoic Valnik who would say simply what needed to be said and not waste all of his time with words and trying to manipulate them. If anything Valnik dispised such elaborate talking that followed with wasting time within hidden meanings. The only thing he currently carred for was the fight and not to hold a conversation between the two of them for the time being. It was simply that the two had nothing to talk about and had Evemek not try to fool each of them when his arrival they most likely would of been seperated and far gone by this point in time.
  145. Letting out a screech that could easily shatter glass at a close distance as he began to let his mindset become more primal and aggressive, he would let himself become unpredictable in the way of his fighting style. Perhaps going in close to fight the human up close and person or perhaps just simply throw destructive spells at each other till one of them finally fell to the ground, in the end it truly didn't matter so long as he was capable of harming the magi more than before.
  146. (Valnik Moonstone)
  147. {RP BATTLE} (COUNTDOWN: 10)
  158. "Not very talkative, huh?"
  159. He didn't seem too pushed to try anything in his defense... Simply a brazen walk up to Valnik with arms away from his body to fend from an oncoming strike. As one came to strike upon this vessel of Evemek, it had shattered apart. But just as soon as one image of Evemek was destroyed, another one had manifested outside of one's range of view, introducing themselves with yet another quip.
  161. " A pity, I was actually growing used to the sort that spoke out something concerning an easy--" Another lash out vanquished this persona... And almost as though waiting for his moment to chip in, a third manifestation of Evemek found themselves standing before Valnik-- At ease.
  163. "--win." They finished; however, this time...
  164. The materialization of the earth underfoot manipulated to one's volition took grasp of the beast-- Apprehending it... Or so, one would think from a glance. In reality, it was a trick on, not merely the senses but the mind-- Stunning muscularity alike to leave one incapacitated albeit still conscious.
  166. "Whatever the case, I'm certain it's without a doubt that this battle is over."
  167. What felt like a blink, dispelled the visualizations plaguing one's false reality. The terrain had seemingly reverted... As though the battle had never occured in the first place... Or rather, that of Evemek's unveilings towards Valnik. Completely a play on the mind, despite the clear visual effects.
  168. "I do thank you however, I haven't been able to get a match like that in a long while."
  169. (Evemek)
  170. Dashing forward the beast would not allow for any distractions to come as he simply willed currently for his primal nature to tear the human being before him apart, into several pieces scattered across the floor below them. However this quickly didn't seem to be the case as the sharpened claws of the Aquarius Yokai stuck forward towards the chest of the individual which had seemingly shattered into mutilple parts but this wasn't exactly what Valnik was expecting to be done from him. No this was an illusion, something that Valnik believe to be the same method of which he used to attempt to plant thoughts in the Younglings head before. Perhaps he had fallen into a trap and was unsure of what would actually become of this before he began to hear the voice of Evemek in the distance.
  172. Having to halt his progress forward the beast head turned and scoured the area to figure out where it was coming from before a set of manifestations would come out of no where. This was definately a trick within his mind and he knew it, perhaps humans could mistake this as something else but Valnik was growing an evolving beyond such things to understad what was truly going on around him. Though there was nothing he could do to fight against this even with his own capable healing and clensing abilities. In mere moments found himself being grasped by something, what exactly was it? The earth below him that could continue to hold in him place.
  174. The paralysis of his muscles caused the creature in reality to relax and snap out of his more primal senses. While it took some time it seemed like the fake world around him would vanish and he was simply standing still. Some sort of mental battle, while not the Yokai's forte he found it quite an annoying way to lose to something that wasn't even real to begin with. Perhaps this was the true power of Evemek and why we was useful and Valnik could start to understand why Dravus would keep him around for the time being. While they each had their own set of goals Evemek's was the strangest of all but apparently he required the help of the Yokai around him.
  176. "...." Valnik kept silent at first as his body began to start to twitch, capable of movements once again even if they were just small at first. Unhinging his jaw to its maximum capable of being wide the Yokai would let out a blood curldling screech and kept it up for an extended period of time before his arms were fully capable of movement and he raised them drastically to his side before his entire torso turned to look around the immediate area. Making sure that this was possibly the real word and that he could see the real body of the human along with the recovered body of the Kaor, Uzavok.
  178. "Nothing more than an illusion.. Unfortunate." The beast would let his hands ball into a fist to perhaps hold back some agression that he had within him but this experience served simply as a reminder for how strong he was capable of becoming and this power was something he was destined to have less someone was to stop him before he could progress that far. Without the need for many other words the Yokai who prefered action allowed his body to slither over to the massive Kaor before speaking out through a mental connection.
  180. "Uzavok.. Let us go find the Admiral. We're done here." There was nothing more that needed to be said. It was simple and straight forward which was a quality he wished other were capable of understand and having as well.
  181. (Valnik Moonstone)
  182. It had appeared that Valnik in turn had lossed, after a very fiery battle between the two. Although Uzavok had felt that he himself should intervene in the matter and test the human of the occults abilities for himself, aswell as the many questions that he had for him, Valnik was correct. The two certainly did have work to do, and had already been held up here for enough time. The mere mention of Dravus had returned said objectives back into the mind of Uzavok. Nodding his head in Valnik's direction, he had prepared to take his leave from the vicinity.
  184. Taking a glance off in the direction of the one called Evemek, he would shout out across the distance, not even bothering to his favorite means of communication, telepathy. "Until next time, human." He had stated it blankly, taking a moment to take a good mental photo of the human in his head, burning the look of the human into his skull. They would no doubt cross paths again, and when they did, they would continue up with any further questions or such that he had for him.
  186. Eyes now averting away from Evemek and towards Valnik, he would look down upon the beaten Aquarias. "Where do you think we should go to look first? I'm sure he was around the Marshes, but it has been quite the while .. I'm sure he has since relocated elsewhere. I do not wish to take another pointless trip off towards the Stinnox Caves, do you have anywhere in mind?" Uzavok sent the barrage of questions off at Valnik inquisitively, perhaps a better goal for the day could be established for now.
  189. (Uzavok)
  190. He was acknowledged, and that was enough for him. There was nothing else to prove, with his power made and demonstrated, he was confident to the concept of his own growth. To have been able to commit to something, and omit it under the guise of mere illusion, entire fights forced to sink into the mind, rather than tear the terrain asunder. The possibilities were endless...
  192. "Hm? Well, I wouldn't mind another round." He answered towards the claim, taking to a wander towards the east. " Far more entertaining than attempting to lure women out of villages... Though, I admit... I could go without the rhetoric at times." There was a sense of casual demeanor about him, almost as though this was entirely normal in terms of encounters with said alleged adominable ilk.
  194. "I'm certain we'll meet again sooner than you'd come to expect... Now go, I'm certain you have things to do, as do I... When times demand of it, perhaps we'll run into one another... Mayhaps, without the need to rise to violence." Like that, he started on his departure. The yokai at his volition... Vanished... A part of the illusion? Or destroyed during the scuffle...
  195. But then, both could question: Did he fight physically back at all?
  196. (Evemek)
  197. While the matter was settled Valnik felt a string of rage run through his body that he could lose a mockery of a trick that he couldn't of possibly prevented. Sure he had been blinded during their fight before and while his primal instincts and smelling ability was more than enough to make up for the lack of sight. While it was a strange experience it wasn't enough to hinder his ability overall for fighting but as the illusions began stronger they were harder to fight again.
  199. Pesky magic that continuously hurts him? Valnik can deal and heal through that as well as cancel it out if he so pleased but something like illusions only made things more difficult and he would have to think of how to fight against other Magi of the same power. Obviously deep in thought even after the Kaor had spoken with him, it took Valnik quite some time to come back into reality once again to give him a quick answer. "Either the prarie or the caves." Straight to the point he gave his two cents over the situation at hand what they had to do before going back into deep thought. Following behind where Uzavok may lead him it was just an instinctual sense of following while he simply though even further into the deeper darker parts of his mind to find an answer to the current problem at hand.
  201. His mind went elsewhere as the young Yokai seemed to be ignoring everything around them and going off deep into his own little world. Once where he was dominate and no one else was did not have to worry about anything unwanted coming into his zone, but as he did such the thoughts of the other Yokai began to raise. Even if Valnik was capable of defeating Hastur completely it was all the more trouble when he thought of the others growing mor powerful than himself, having passed them once he did not ever wish to be on the losing end ever again. Perhaps this is solely what it meant to gain power? While these emotions were not one he would of initally though he was going to have. This was his expanded mind before further more humanoid like. He desperately needed to beyond past these things such as emotions for they clouded judgement and would only bring four the worst of decisions.
  202. (Valnik Moonstone)
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