
Preparing to fight Xoconan 22/4

May 9th, 2018
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  1. Haruhi is following more on need than on want. The need to vacate herself from the situation. To clear her head -
  3. but that's not quite what she's walking towards, with Lotlhuitl. Rai's following, even if he doesn't realize why, and she -
  5. she can't clear her head. There's a haze in her mind, a buzz, as her blood pressure spikes, then falls. Her steps are uneasy, unsteady, and she hangs onto Lotlhuitl loosely, rather than gripping her hard and following her with the utmost resolve.
  7. "I need...
  9. I think I need a minute, dear. Too much.
  11. It was too much."
  13. Her hard breathing is audible as it rushes through the inside of the mask's hollow.
  14. (Haruhi Noriega)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Lotlhuitl stared at Rai, her mouth dropping open slightly as the man surprised her with his seeming lack of understanding of present political events.
  19. "The Coalition is breaking apart, Rai. Didn't you hear the speech Caesar gave in Ardent the other day? Didn't you hear the screams of the crowd? Jianghu wants to reject Gehennan ideals."
  21. Lotlhuitl, for a moment, seemed like she would allow/I> Haruhi to cling to her. That moment passed. The Nagual, angry and bitter, withdrew from Hatsune. Shrugged the Kitsune off, seemingly uncaring if her beautiful friend ended up sprawling across the grass.
  23. "Fine," she muttered, seemingly in response to the request for a rest.
  25. Lotlhuitl crossed her arms in front of her.
  27. "Good grief. Truly, I am envious of.. of both of you."
  29. Her eyes flashed as she stared down at Haruhi (whether she remained standing, or fell) and at Rai, atop his lizard-steed.
  31. "Neither of you understand the fucking dilemma all this sets for me. Sibri.. he's as good as my brother. Cruxati." Nevermind the fact that she'd kissed him that one time.. "And your damn people would've lynched him. How can I fucking ally with that? How can I turn my back on my fucking tribe for.. what? A chance to be a fucking outsider for the rest of my life?"
  32. (Lotlhuitl)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. Rai's daemon would move close to Haruhi to catch her if the woman were to stumble, the basilisk had room for two upon it's back.
  37. "You chose the side of Agartha against the mainland, Lothluitl. Not Jianghu against Cruxati. The problems that presented themselves are the problems of Kamui and Liu against Sibri that went out of hand by people who do not understand. Gehennan and Jianghuran." He spoke with a calm, his body beginning to go tense.
  39. "You envy our ignorance? What's worth envying there? There's no power to gain from that.. No, no.. You know what I envy? Your connections, your power, your ability to make a change. But do you make a change? Give me -your- life for one day and I would push forth pieces of power like pieces of chess. But what would you get if you took -our- lives? Perhaps something from the beautiful Haruhi, who spends so much time with you, she is the daughter of the leader of Tongeshen. But me? You would get nothing, no affection, no power, weakness and rejection."
  41. The man's very words seethed with his jealousy to the ease in which all others seemed to have it to himself. Life pushed him towards sin, and cunning planned to utilize that sin. The man almost forgot Haruhi's presence, drowning in the emotion towards Lotlhuitl.
  42. (Rai Yasahiro)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. She doesn't quite collapse, no. She does, however, half-collapse, resting her hands on her knees and panting as her vision blurs. Her breathing is labored and unsteady, and she reaches up to slide the mask up her face before bringing her hand back down to support herself. Her eyes rest at Lotlhuitl's feet.
  47. "I'm sorry that all happened, an' everyone was goin' crazy, but there's -
  49. good people. Lots of good people. You saw it -
  51. the Nagual, Geese, Suha... They all jus' wanted everyone t'calm down."
  53. She manages to catch her breath, and she raises her gaze up to the Nagual before her. Crimson eyes seem to plead for understanding.
  55. "They're afraid for their own, jus' the same as you are. Jus' the same as yer afraid of what Kayeliun'll do to yer husband, they're afraid of what Sibri -
  57. a representative of Kayeliun, in their eyes -
  59. will do to their friends and family."
  61. Haruhi finally manages to rise. She regards Lotlhuitl with a grim expression.
  63. "If they don't understand, then someone needs t'teach 'em. I don't understand, not fully - but I'm willin' ta learn, and if ya teach me, I'll teach 'em."
  65. A forced smile, despite the worry underneath. She raises her hand and places it upon the woman's shoulder as her quickened, thumping heartbeat pulses outwards. She fiercely locks her eyes with Lotlhuitl's.
  67. "Ignorance can't be killed by killin' the person who has it. All it causes is..."
  69. ... aaaand she turns to Rai, as she shifts and takes a spot alongside Lotlhuitl. Whatever her idealistic diatribe would have been, she fixes her gaze squarely upon him then.
  71. A full five seconds of consideration.
  72. With her free hand, she points a finger at him.
  74. "That. All it causes is more o' that. More people who don't know a damn thing what they're talkin' about and say it at the worst time possible.."
  75. (Haruhi Noriega)
  76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. Lotlhuitl stiffened as Rai spoke. The green-haired man may well have had the best of intentions, have believed himself giving some sort of encouraging pep talk. But pretty much every word he spoke felt like it was putting more and more strain on the cracked surface of her soul.
  80. "You idiot."
  82. Venom. Actual venom.
  84. "You have no fucking idea what I chose or why I chose it."
  86. Lotlhuitl wasn't about to confess to Rai how she truly viewed herself. She wasn't about to reveal the depths of self loathing she possessed. Her connections? Her power? Her ability to make a change? Oh, aha. What a joke.
  88. "You and Haruhi have a place in this world. Me?"
  90. Her eyes flashed.
  92. "It is a sin of the highest order against the spirits to betray ones kin. I have placed myself in the same category as an Azraelite, and for what? Kayeliun will only harm Xoconan if he turns against her!"
  94. Bitter, once more.
  96. So yes. She was fucking envious of Haruhi and Rai. They weren't damned. She was. She was in agony. Obviously having some serious second thoughts.
  98. She turned on Haruhi.
  100. "The Nagual pursued Sibri. Likely slew him, as she no doubt would've slain me if I'd refused Caesar publically. And Geese? Don't fucking try and tell me you think Geese is a good person."
  102. Her tail was twitching, the woman beginning to pace backwards and forwards as she worked herself up. Lotlhuitl looked so fucking tense, she really did look like she was about to snap. Or.. crack. In fact, there was the strangest idea about the woman, like cracks were forming deep within her. The pacing would've continued, but for Haruhi's hand at her shoulder.
  104. Lotlhuitl froze. Her eyes widening, she spun and stared at Haruhi. Hackles up. Tension in her limbs.
  106. "Ng," she exhaled, shrugging her shoulder free of Haruhi's grasp. "I don't want to fucking hear your explanations! I was THERE."
  108. A shudder. "I was there."
  109. (Lotlhuitl)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. Rai sat and listened, watching and waiting on the woman's movements. Every detail, every tendency in her worst, he observed like a vulture awaiting the delivery of easy carrion. Reality around him was calm and still, though deep beneath the illusion his twitching was visible. A place in the world, was she serious? Not even beneath a boot was he of use to anyone. Never any appreciation, never any desire.. never that he could notice.
  114. "You're right, I don't know your views on matters, you never tell me anything. Why would anyone tell me anything? I've been reduced to nothing more than a shopkeeper that no one wishes to pay. Enchant this, scribe my runes on that."
  116. The man's illusions shattered and crumbled into shadow, swirling around his form as if his body was burning in black flames.
  118. "I have no place in this world. Life's made that clear."
  120. His eyes settle onto Haruhi after his last words, the woman aided in his own fall whether she understood it or not, the man was blatant in his measures, to the point of hiding his intent in plain sight. He wondered what she would say to the woman. Just how much she favor her, it would have made him sick with envy.. but now..
  121. (Rai Yasahiro)
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. Lotlhuitl's visceral reaction to Haruhi's words is less than surprising, though she looks a little hurt when her touch is rejected. She recoils back with that small sense of hurt across her expression. A sharp little sting amidst a mist of aches.
  126. A small, apologetic frown.
  128. "I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
  130. ... and Rai speaks up again. Some degree of sadness fades as her attention flits over to him and her expression becomes sharper, more defined.
  132. She stares at him with a vaguely discontented pokerface as he speaks. Once all it said and done, though, she crosses her arms and offers a rather terse comment.
  134. "Look, buddy. I don't know what you followed the two of us for but if all it was was so you could spout yer crybaby garbage about how she can't feel bad 'cause ya hate yourself, ya can fuck right off back where ya came from."
  136. Okay, more than terse. It's clear that Haruhi is growing more and more irritated by his presence, and annoyance is a great outlet for sorrow. After that, though, she slowly pans her gaze back over to Lotlhuitl and allows her arms to drop by her side. Her expression softens as she says,
  138. "Instead o' focusin' on the past, I wanna focus on what I can do to move forward, and I wanna help you do that, too. That's what my intent is, more'n anythin' else.
  140. I'm sorry it comes across any diff'rent."
  141. (Haruhi Noriega)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. "Listen. I have no fucking idea what you're talking about, Rai. Really."
  146. Lotlhuitl STARED at the green-haired runescribe.
  148. "If you want to follow me to Cruxati, I will not stop you. But let me make this clear: there is every chance that my husband will take my life. I.. I swore to him that if I ever disappointed him again, I'd accept my fate. He swore to me that if I ever disappointed him again, he'd kill me. If he would do that to me, what the fuck do you think he might do to you?" A pause, and a glance given to her red-headed friend. "And to you."
  150. Why the fuck was she going back to Xoconan?
  152. Perhaps it was the idea that she just really didn't deserve any better. She loved Xoconan, despite his anger, his violence towards her -- despite how worthless he made her feel.
  154. Perhaps free will existed for other people. For Rai, for Haruhi. Lotlhuitl didn't know if it did exist for Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati. She didn't have the power on her own to protect that which she loved. She envied those stronger than her. And, really. Practically everyone was stronger than her. Well. Perhaps she should just copy them. Pretend to be as strong as them. Maybe if she pretended hard enough, she'd start believing it.
  156. What would Kayeliun do?
  158. She'd be decisive, for a fucking start.
  160. Lotlhuitl's gaze steeled.
  162. "Forgiven, Haruhi."
  163. (Lotlhuitl)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. Haruhi Noriega says, "Simply put, kit, if yer husband tried ta kill you, I'd say he can fuck right off and I'd do my best to put an end to it."
  167. Rai Yasahiro says, "You're not alone in that thought, Haruhi."
  168. Haruhi Noriega says, "Ain't my place, but it ain't right, neither. I hate the idea, even if it makes sense to you."
  169. Lotlhuitl says, "... he.. he swore his life to me, once.."
  170. Lotlhuitl says, "that I would be the one to take it from him.."
  171. Lotlhuitl says, "Look, I'm.. conflicted."
  172. Haruhi Noriega says, "Sounds like two oaths that can't both happen t'me, darlin'."
  173. Haruhi Noriega asks, "That before or after he said he'd kill ya?"
  174. Lotlhuitl says, "Before.."
  175. Lotlhuitl says, "A long time before."
  176. Lotlhuitl says, "Before I failed him."
  177. Haruhi Noriega says, "So yer husband is an oathbreaker, then."
  178. Haruhi Noriega says, "Made ya swear an oath to let him break his."
  179. Lotlhuitl says, "Before I was too weak to stop Xitlalli from thralling me.."
  180. Lotlhuitl says, "... "
  181. Haruhi Noriega says, "What's your plan? I'm with ya."
  182. Haruhi Noriega says, "Just need to know what layer o' hell we're delvin' to."
  183. Lotlhuitl says, "Fuck.. I.. I don't know. "
  184. Lotlhuitl says, "I have no right to stand here whinging and saying, 'I didn't see this coming.'"
  185. Lotlhuitl says, "I should have."
  186. Rai Yasahiro asks, "Would you like a suggestion?"
  187. Lotlhuitl says, "I was a coward. I should have just --"
  188. Lotlhuitl frowned at Rai.
  189. (Lotlhuitl)
  190. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. Lotlhuitl says, "Speak."
  193. Rai Yasahiro says, "Let it pass. Do not fear it until it comes to you. Let Xoconan make his choice, before you make your own."
  194. Lotlhuitl frowned, because of Rai. Doesn't look at him..
  195. (Lotlhuitl)
  196. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  198. Lotlhuitl says, "I fear nothing."
  199. Haruhi Noriega says, "My advice is to just get yer kids out o' Kayeliun's reach before all hell breaks loose."
  200. Lotlhuitl says, "... yes."
  201. Haruhi Noriega says, "What'er fate ye might end up earnin', what'er fate ye might end up gettin', that's somethin' ya need to do first. For sure."
  202. Rai Yasahiro says, "No more time to waste. My illusions are yours to utilize."
  203. Haruhi Noriega says, "Pretty quick people are gonna draw borders."
  204. Haruhi Noriega says, "Let's get in before those borders're drawn, and get out before the hammer falls."
  205. Lotlhuitl says, "I want to speak with my husband."
  206. Lotlhuitl says, "I cannot just.. leave Cruxati, take our children, and just.. leave him."
  207. Haruhi Noriega says, "Okay."
  208. Haruhi Noriega says, "I'll be there to make sure yer safe while ya do it."
  209. Lotlhuitl says, "... thank you, Haruhi."
  210. Haruhi does a playful little salute she's pretty sure she saw someone do once, cracking a weak smile despite the tension.
  211. (Haruhi Noriega)
  212. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  214. Haruhi Noriega says, "Pleasure t'serve."
  215. Haruhi Noriega says, "After all, I'm a member o' the Coalition, right? Gotta stop people from committin' crimes."
  216. Rai Yasahiro says, "Stretch it while we can until we lose it."
  217. Haruhi Noriega says, "I'm gonna have t'get a new paintjob, I think."
  218. Rai Yasahiro says, "Painting is a wonderful art.."
  219. Lotlhuitl says, "... very well.. Well. "
  220. Lotlhuitl says, "Thank you, Rai."
  221. Lotlhuitl says, "I'm sorry I directed my anger at both of you."
  222. Haruhi Noriega says, "Didn't even notice."
  223. Lotlhuitl says, "In truth, I'm just.. angry at myself."
  224. Lotlhuitl says, "... in all honesty, I.. look. Caesar.. has a plan."
  225. Lotlhuitl asks, "But all of that mess?"
  226. Lotlhuitl says, "That was Jianghu. And.. Jianghu has always been a problem.."
  227. Rai Yasahiro says, "It always has been."
  228. Lotlhuitl finally looked at both of her Jianghuanese friends..
  229. (Lotlhuitl)
  230. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. Haruhi Noriega says, "It was mob rule, and th' people who'll be takin' charge won't let it stay like that."
  233. Haruhi Noriega says, "It takes people with charisma to direct rightful anger towards the place it should be."
  234. Haruhi Noriega says, "Jus' got directed at the wrong place, is all."
  235. Rai Yasahiro says, "Liu and Kamui.. two outspoken members of ardent. Neither of which hold much to their name other than ties to the illuminated."
  236. Rai Yasahiro says, "Ranma.. ranma just wants to buddy up to any woman who might bed him, from the looks."
  237. Haruhi Noriega says, "And one a crazy-ass occultist. Don't forget that part."
  238. Lotlhuitl says, "... yes, he was keen to bed me."
  239. Rai Yasahiro says, "Kamui, that's the occultist."
  240. Haruhi Noriega says, "Yeah, that's what I mean."
  241. Haruhi Noriega says, "People shouldn't let their magic control'em like that."
  242. Lotlhuitl says, "Nn.. "
  243. Rai Yasahiro says, "No.. Not exactly that, Haruhi."
  244. Haruhi Noriega says, "... well, anywho."
  245. Lotlhuitl says, ".. I will take us to Cruxati then."
  246. Haruhi Noriega says, "It was mostly just a few people screechin'. Most were watchin', and just as many people were tryin' to keep the peace."
  247. Rai Yasahiro says, "I could not find the will to speak up, above the crowd. Had I been someone else... perhaps."
  248. Lotlhuitl says, "Mn.."
  249. Lotlhuitl sat down, for a moment..
  250. (Lotlhuitl)
  251. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  253. Lotlhuitl says, "Perhaps we should just rest for a little bit."
  254. Rai Yasahiro says, "A good moment to gather the will to push."
  255. Haruhi takes a nice little sit next to Lotlhuitl, as tends to be her prerogative. Her mask rests in her lap, and she lays her spear on the ground. Hoooo.
  256. (Haruhi Noriega)
  257. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  259. Haruhi Noriega says, "I hope ev'rythin' ends up okay."
  260. Rai sits upon his daemon, it was not as high as he once was upon the fallen titan, but it was still greater than he himself. "It will. Or we will make it."
  261. (Rai Yasahiro)
  262. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. Haruhi Noriega says, "Well, that's the plan. "
  265. Haruhi Noriega says, "Watch the threads of fate shiftin' side to side, and pluck one out for yerself."
  266. Haruhi Noriega says, "Sometimes ye'll lose yer hand. Sometimes ya won't."
  267. Rai Yasahiro says, "Sometimes you have to pull the threads that people tell you not to, to help unravel the rest."
  268. Haruhi Noriega says, "Yeah, well. Anyways, all we can do is try'ta grab the one that ain't about to make us regret it."
  269. Rai Yasahiro says, "Never regret pulling a thread. Only regret letting go of one."
  270. Haruhi Noriega says, "Practice what ya preach."
  271. Rai Yasahiro says, "I always do."
  272. Rai smirks a bit. "I mean, I'm not actively trying to find a girl. Just complaining because I'm jealous because beautiful girls like you two never notice guys like me."
  273. (Rai Yasahiro)
  274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. Haruhi Noriega asks, "Ever consider that you are bein' noticed and they're just overlookin' ya because you're so angsty about it?"
  277. * You have been awarded 0.25 Roleplay Points! *
  278. Rai Yasahiro says, "Maybe. Maybe I've got to show that I'm angsty some times so I don't come off as some sort of guy who's perfect."
  279. Haruhi Noriega asks, "Oh, so it's all a big ol' strategy?"
  280. Haruhi Noriega asks, "How's that workin' out for ya?"
  281. Rai chuckles. "Like shit."
  282. (Rai Yasahiro)
  283. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  285. Haruhi Noriega says, "Backtrack. Change yer strategy."
  286. Haruhi shrugs.
  287. (Haruhi Noriega)
  288. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  290. Rai Yasahiro says, "*shrugs and semi frowns in a 'I suppose your right' manner.* "
  291. Rai shrugs and semi frowns in a 'I suppose your right' manner.
  292. (Rai Yasahiro)
  293. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. Lotlhuitl stood, dusting herself off..
  296. (Lotlhuitl)
  297. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  299. Rai Yasahiro says, "Sounds like a plan."
  300. Lotlhuitl says, "I'm.. I'm ready now."
  301. Haruhi also readies herself and whatnot.
  302. (Haruhi Noriega)
  303. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  305. Lotlhuitl says, "Lets go... home."
  306. Haruhi Noriega says, "Aye aye, captain."
  307. Rai Yasahiro says, "Hi-ho Basilisk."
  308. Lotlhuitl keeps on walkin'.
  309. (Lotlhuitl)
  310. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  312. Amoxtli follows, too. She holds up a bag of.. Nyesk. Mythril. Orc. Copper. Adma- holy fuck that's a lot of ores.
  313. (Amoxtli)
  314. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  316. Amoxtli asks, "Did I do good?"
  317. Rai Yasahiro says, "That's a very good amount of ore, Amoxtli."
  318. Lotlhuitl asks, "... who is this?"
  319. Haruhi Noriega says, "Does-"
  320. Rai Yasahiro says, "This is my employee."
  321. Haruhi Noriega asks, "Does everyone just have ore slaves?"
  322. Rai Yasahiro says, "Yup."
  323. Amoxtli exclaims, "I ain't an ore slave!"
  324. Haruhi Noriega asks, "Is that a deal I'm missin' out on?"
  325. Amoxtli exclaims, "I'll fuckin' beat yah up!"
  326. Rai Yasahiro says, "She's about the age of the other kids I have working on the farm."
  327. Amoxtli asks, "Do yah want me to leave?"
  328. Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  329. Rai Yasahiro says, "Mn.. Well That Nyeshk there, maaaaybe that adamantite and iron too, for Lotlhuitl's runescribing training? Here, some coin for half the adamantite."
  330. Haruhi Noriega says, "I don't recommend tryin' ta beat me up, ya know."
  331. Haruhi Noriega says, "Also, Nyeshk is prob'ly more valuable than yer life."
  332. Rai Yasahiro says, "Yeah, she's stronger than me."
  333. Haruhi Noriega says, "Make sure he pays ya well."
  334. Rai Yasahiro says, "Two fifty every few months, for three years as per the contract. more when the ranch gets under way."
  335. Amoxtli asks, "It's five nyesk and.. that'd be... one hundred 'nd five Adamantite?"
  336. Amoxtli says, "Gotta.. fifteen mythril, 'nd fourteen Orchilacum, 'nd copper and steel and iron."
  337. Rai Yasahiro says, "Mmhm. You could get a lot of money from that load, enough to build a house even."
  338. Amoxtli exclaims, "What!"
  339. Rai Yasahiro says, "Or invest it in a prosthetic."
  340. Rai Yasahiro says, "That ore could be sold for a lot of money, more so to the right people."
  341. Lotlhuitl glanced at Amoxtli with little enthusiasm, plainly taking her for some grimy peasant..
  342. (Lotlhuitl)
  343. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  345. Amoxtli really looks the part.
  346. (Amoxtli)
  347. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  349. Lotlhuitl says, "As entertaining as it is, watching you engage with your serfs, Rai, either tell her to get along or bring her with us.."
  350. Lotlhuitl asks, "... is she Gehennan?"
  351. Rai Yasahiro says, "She is."
  352. Amoxtli says, "Yah."
  353. Lotlhuitl says, "What tribe, girl."
  354. Amoxtli says, "It got burnt down."
  355. Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  356. Lotlhuitl says, "I see.."
  357. Amoxtli asks, "Huh? Yah see what?"
  358. Lotlhuitl asks, "... has nobody taught you to clean yourself?"
  359. Amoxtli says, "I do! Then I get dirty again beatin' someone up."
  360. Haruhi can't help but burst into laughter at that question.
  361. (Haruhi Noriega)
  362. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  364. Rai Yasahiro says, "When you try to beat them up."
  365. Amoxtli exclaims, "I've been winnin' recently!"
  366. Rai Yasahiro says, "And they beat you up instead."
  367. Haruhi Noriega says, "I love how straightforward you are, Lotlhuitl..."
  368. Lotlhuitl looked at Haruhi, startled.
  369. (Lotlhuitl)
  370. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  372. Amoxtli exclaims, "I'VE BEEN WINNING RECENTLY!"
  373. Lotlhuitl says, "It's.. an honest question.. look at her."
  374. Lotlhuitl says, "Rai, either dismiss her, or tell her to come with us."
  375. Lotlhuitl says, "I wish to return to Cruxati."
  376. Rai looks over at Amoxtli. "Head on to ardent square and see if you can find a blacksmith to sell those ores. Haggle for them."
  377. (Rai Yasahiro)
  378. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  380. Lotlhuitl says, "... Ardent is going to become very dangerous soon."
  381. Rai Yasahiro asks, "Would you rather her come?"
  382. Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  383. Lotlhuitl says, "She is Gehennan, and you both claim she is not a slave.."
  384. Lotlhuitl crouched down to look Amoxtli in the eye.
  385. (Lotlhuitl)
  386. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  388. Amoxtli exclaims, "I ain't!"
  389. Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you wish to return to Ardent? Or to come with us to the heart of Cruxati?"
  390. Lotlhuitl says, "Or.. go elsewhere.."
  391. Amoxtli stares back with a fierce look of adamentation. "I'm fine goin' anywhere, as long as there's food."
  392. (Amoxtli)
  393. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  395. Lotlhuitl says, "Aha.. child. "
  396. Lotlhuitl glanced to Haruhi.
  397. (Lotlhuitl)
  398. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  400. Haruhi Noriega says, "We're kinda in the middle o' somethin' right now, dear."
  401. Lotlhuitl says, "Ardent is going to become dangerous soon.."
  402. Amoxtli says, "I can go get more ores."
  403. Lotlhuitl says, "Mn.."
  404. Rai Yasahiro says, "Where we're going is going to be dangerous too."
  405. Lotlhuitl says, "Stay away from Ardent, child.."
  406. Lotlhuitl says, "And Cruxati.."
  407. Rai Yasahiro says, "So stay around the homestead or get ores. Not that we can tell you waht to do of course."
  408. Amoxtli says, "..that leaves only ta' demon city 'nd Ezmara, though."
  409. Amoxtli says, "But.. okay."
  410. Rai Yasahiro says, "Oh, here."
  411. Amoxtli nods once, before pausing. " yah want any of this ore, miss?"
  412. (Amoxtli)
  413. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  415. Rai holds out a bundled up container of stir fry.
  416. (Rai Yasahiro)
  417. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  419. Haruhi Noriega says, "I'll take donations."
  420. Haruhi shrugs.
  421. (Haruhi Noriega)
  422. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  424. Haruhi Noriega says, "Either way, we need to get a move on."
  425. Amoxtli says, "Here yah go! I'm gonna go get more stuff, now."
  426. Amoxtli exclaims, "So take care!"
  427. Haruhi Noriega asks, "This your place?"
  428. Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, well. Once."
  429. Haruhi Noriega asks, "Not anymore?"
  430. Lotlhuitl opened her chest, frowning. Someone had broken into it.
  431. (Lotlhuitl)
  432. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  434. Lotlhuitl says, "... mn.. annoying."
  435. Lotlhuitl says, "Ardent didn't prove me a dwelling place, so I'd left my belongings here."
  436. Lotlhuitl says, "Xoconan must have left the door open.."
  437. Lotlhuitl says, "And someone broke into my chest."
  438. Lotlhuitl says, "Mildly annoying.."
  439. Rai Yasahiro says, "Your next chest, I can inscribe with an unbreakable lock."
  440. Rai Yasahiro says, "Unless you have mastered the art."
  441. Haruhi Noriega says, "Mildly is one way to put it. I'd be pissed."
  442. Lotlhuitl says, "... fine, I'm pissed."
  443. Lotlhuitl says, "The chest is in the corner of the room, Rai."
  444. Lotlhuitl says, "I've not achieved mastery yet, no.."
  445. Lotlhuitl was holding a clump of black fur. Not her own. Another Nagual..
  446. (Lotlhuitl)
  447. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  449. Rai steps up to the chest and for a moment the man and the chest disappear from normal sight. THough the illusions were often easy to see through. The man didn't move, simply stood there as runes simply carved themselves into the chest. There was no time for showmanship, after all. Her name carved itself into the lock.
  450. (Rai Yasahiro)
  451. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  453. Lotlhuitl held a clump of black fur that the person who had broken into her chest left behind..
  454. (Lotlhuitl)
  455. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  457. Haruhi Noriega says, "So, dear..."
  458. Haruhi Noriega says, "Now that we're here and all."
  459. Haruhi Noriega asks, "What's the next step?"
  460. Lotlhuitl says, "I need to find Xoconan."
  461. Rai the man tilts his head as the runes dispersed within the dark sphere.
  462. (Rai Yasahiro)
  463. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  465. Rai Yasahiro says, "Huh.. it's already enchanted."
  466. Lotlhuitl says, "Aha.. yes.. I enchanted it..."
  467. Lotlhuitl says, "I thought you could dispel said enchantments.."
  468. Lotlhuitl says, "kind of them.."
  469. Rai Yasahiro says, "Hmm.. Well these are not your runes, and they are not mine. Someone has given you the unbreakable protection runes, just keep them energized."
  470. Haruhi Noriega says, "There's a certain point where I have t'wonder what the intent of yer burglar might'a been."
  471. Haruhi Noriega says, "So..."
  472. Haruhi Noriega asks, "Y'want to find yer husband, then?"
  473. Lotlhuitl says, "I mean, the Nagual took all the anti-magic collars I'd kept stashed in there.."
  474. Haruhi Noriega asks, "Just make new ones, I 'spose. Sad they're gone but what can ya do?"
  475. Lotlhuitl says, "... but, eh. Yes.. more important things to worry about."
  476. Rai holds up a stashe of adamantite. "Here you are, Lotlhuitl."
  477. (Rai Yasahiro)
  478. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  480. Traded item with Rai Yasahiro: Adamantite
  481. Lotlhuitl says, "Eh.. "
  482. Lotlhuitl says, "thank you, Rai."
  483. Lotlhuitl decides to keep the ores on her, on second thoughts..
  484. (Lotlhuitl)
  485. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  487. Lotlhuitl says, "We look for Xoconan. I.. I don't know where he has my children."
  488. Rai summons forth a fiery toddler
  489. (Rai Yasahiro)
  490. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  493. {LOAD GAME}
  495. Lotlhuitl led the search for Xoconan. But her husband was nowhere to be found. Not at their house, and not within the Cruxati temple.
  497. The Nagual's expression was stony, to say the least.
  499. "I.. I don't understand it." She exhaled. Her tail twitched back and forth, the woman was visibly agitated. "This just isn't fair. I should just be able to swan in and just.. just talk sense to Xoconan. Reclaim my children."
  501. She exhaled, turning to look at Rai and Haruhi. A laugh rolling from her lips. Bitter.
  503. "He's not here."
  505. Anger.
  507. "He's NOT here!"
  509. Why couldn't things just be fucking easy. For once.
  511. Lotlhuitl burst into laughter once more. More bitterness.. as she stalked to the south. Expecting her companions to follow her.
  512. (Lotlhuitl)
  513. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  515. Altogether, the search was a tedious one, even if necessary, and its total fruitlessness leaves Haruhi somewhat drained of enthusiasm. She sticks close to the Nagual all throughout the little journey, and upon its conclusion...
  517. "It'll be okay. If we can't find 'em now, we can find 'em later."
  519. Steadfastly optimistic. Obviously she follows after, because what kind of friend would she be otherwise?
  521. ... though of course, she's a little curious as to where they're going, and a decent little deal of worry shows on her face.
  523. "I'll make sure you're okay..."
  525. A thought mumbled aloud.
  526. (Haruhi Noriega)
  527. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  529. Rai's eyes flashed briefly with a jealous envy at her proclamation of what could be achieved with the connection to another. Though he kept his mouth shut, for the most part. He was an extra pair of eyes after all, and a method of escaping danger. Maybe he'd have some use of his own.
  530. (Rai Yasahiro)
  531. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  533. Lotlhuitl led Haruhi and Rai out of Cruxati. To the cliffs. To the sea.
  535. The Nagual didn't look at either of them for a moment. Instead, she stated, not really to either of them in particular.
  537. "I've never seen Gehenna."
  539. Her hands curled into fists.
  541. "I was born here, in Agatha. In a little mud hut in these very swamps, actually. I come from nothing. Everything I have in my life, I've had to struggle for."
  543. The woman looked over her shoulder at Haruhi, at Rai.
  545. "Life isn't fair. Life has never been fair to me, never given me that which I was due. I've watched fate bless countless others, but never me. I've been robbed countless times. Humiliated. Scorned."
  547. She turned completely. Her green eyes taking on that surreal mirror-like sheen.
  549. "But that stops. I swear that to you both!"
  551. Haruhi and Rai both would have had to notice the incredible feeling of wrongness emanating from the Nagual.
  553. Why, it was like... out of the corner of their eyes, her form was shifting. Like a reflection being distorted. They could almost see themselves. It was the strangest sensation: If they looked, they would see the depth of how much Lotlhuitl didn't just admire them, but the intense, fanatical degree that she envied them. Such a thing shouldn't have been able to be seen. And yet, concepts were given body, reality suddenly feeling like it had twisted 90 degrees.
  555. And then. Everything was normal.
  557. "I just.. I just need both of you."
  559. She exhaled.
  561. "You're right. Xoconan, my love. He.. he may well be an oath breaker. He may well be corrupted by Kayeliun. He.. he.." A snarl. "He's doing things with her. Things he doesn't share with me, his WIFE."
  563. Lotlhuitl shuddered.
  565. "We should prepare for battle. To fight. I.. I don't intend on just rolling over and being slain. I refuse to be fate's plaything any longer!!"
  566. (Lotlhuitl)
  567. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  569. To say that Haruhi understood would be a naked lie.
  571. Never had she wanted for her homeland. Truly, she had always thought Agartha was wonderful, despite the conflict born upon it. That it was a place where fate yielded to those strong or smart or fast enough to snatch it up were free to do so.
  573. A place where one's birth meant little, and yet -
  575. the woman standing before her seemed a living disproof of that. Her dissatisfaction with her fate was so potent and real that it twisted the threads of fate around her.
  577. She's stricken back by it, requiring her to take a few stumbling steps.
  579. "What
  580. the
  581. hell
  582. is that?"
  584. And just as soon as it's there, it's gone. She makes a sound somewhere between a whimper and a breath as the feeling escapes her - the atmosphere feeling wonderful in comparison compared to how it had been prior.
  586. She's worried, of course. It shows on her features, it shows in her stance -
  588. the way that her eyebrows furrow, her gaze softens, and her muscles tense
  590. the conflict between approaching and backing away, just barely visible in the way that she tenses ever-so-slightly one way or the other.
  592. It takes her a nice minute to process what, exactly, just happened. Finally, though, she shakes her head side to side to clear her mind, to set her priorities in place.
  594. Whatever that was, Lotlhuitl was right. She needed to prepare, if she were going to stand up to Xoconan.
  596. "I'll help you prepare as much as you can. I know that you're afraid, and well...
  598. it's just what I want to do. To help you be less so."
  599. (Haruhi Noriega)
  600. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  602. Rai watched Lotlhuitl as they wandered away from the city, his illusions dragging behind himself in his shadow, warping and twisting the truth, prepared to fight any manner of angered boar or crellus or some other creature.
  604. His eyes seemed to stare through the nagual as she speaks of how life wasn't fair. He knew how life was always filled with those ready to tear down others to make their own stairways to the pinnacle of power. He knew just how he wanted to rise to break that stairway.
  606. Then it hit him, that wave of wrongness, so much stronger than his own budding sin that begged to flower and blossom. So much so that his own twisting of reality harkened to her call. His illusions spreading through the field that would be their battlefield like a net of lies and deceit, ever so visible yet so indiscernible.
  608. The illusions twisted reality almost to a degree of surreal validation, clenching towards the two of them in sheer mimicry of the Lotlhuitl's budding corruption. He wanted that power, he needed that power.
  610. His lips turned into a grin as he embraced her wrongness with his own imitation.
  612. "I'm with you, Lotlhuitl, Haruhi. Though better though someone else's words."
  613. (Rai Yasahiro)
  614. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  617. {LOAD GAME}
  619. Lotlhuitl says, "Ohh.."
  620. Haruhi Noriega says, "that is probably a good idea yeah"
  622. {LOAD GAME}
  624. Rai does a backup dance.
  625. (Rai Yasahiro)
  626. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  629. {LOAD GAME}
  631. Rai Yasahiro whispers: Pst)
  632. Rai Yasahiro whispers: (As soon as the countdown starts)
  633. Lotlhuitl says, "ok.."
  634. Lotlhuitl says, "omit"
  635. Lotlhuitl says, "9thanks"
  636. Lotlhuitl says, "Need to relocate"
  637. Rai Yasahiro says, "You can only choose one pokerock."
  638. Training Montage
  639. (Rai Yasahiro)
  640. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  643. {LOAD GAME}
  645. {Item} You drop Mantle.
  646. {Item} You picked up Mantle.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  647. {Item} You drop Large Bow.
  648. {Item} You picked up Large Bow.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  649. {Item} You drop Large Bow.
  650. {Item} You picked up Large Bow.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  652. {LOAD GAME}
  654. {Item} You drop Large Bow.
  655. {Item} You picked up Large Bow.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  656. {Item} You drop Master Staff.
  657. {Item} You picked up Master Staff.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  658. {Item} You drop Master Staff.
  659. {Item} You picked up Master Staff.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  660. {Item} You drop Master Staff.
  661. {Item} You picked up Master Staff.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  662. {Item} You drop Mythril Cuirass.
  663. {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuirass.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  664. {Item} You drop Large Bow.
  665. {Item} You picked up Large Bow.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  666. {Item} You drop Large Bow.
  667. {Item} You picked up Large Bow.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  668. {Item} You drop Master Staff.
  669. {Item} You picked up Master Staff.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  670. {Item} You drop Master Staff.
  671. {Item} You picked up Master Staff.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  672. {Item} You drop Master Staff.
  673. {Item} You picked up Master Staff.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  674. {Item} You drop Master Staff.
  675. {Item} You picked up Master Staff.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  676. {Item} You drop Master Staff.
  677. {Item} You picked up Master Staff.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  678. {Item} You drop Master Staff.
  679. {Item} You picked up Master Staff.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  680. {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  681. {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  682. {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  683. {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  684. {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  685. {Item} You drop Mythril Cuirass.
  686. {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  687. {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  688. {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  689. {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuirass.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  690. {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  691. {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  692. {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  693. {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  694. {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  695. {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  696. {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  697. {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  698. {Item} You drop Large Bow.
  699. {Item} You picked up Large Bow.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  700. {Item} You drop Large Bow.
  701. {Item} You picked up Large Bow.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  702. {Item} You drop Circlet.
  703. {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  704. {Item} You drop Circlet.
  705. {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  706. {Item} You drop Circlet.
  707. {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  708. {Item} You drop Circlet.
  709. {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  710. {Item} You drop Circlet.
  711. {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  712. {Item} You drop Circlet.
  713. {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  714. {Item} You drop Circlet.
  715. {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  716. {Item} You drop Circlet.
  717. {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  718. {Item} You drop Circlet.
  719. {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  720. {Item} You drop Circlet.
  721. {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
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