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Mar 12th, 2018
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  1. Visibility=PUBLIC
  2. Description=Version: 6.3
  4. A custom AI that plays random land based maps. However, it does cheat. (Free Resources.) It can (in theory) play any game type and any land based map. It does not bother with docks/ships. (If you want an AI that does, feel free to go find another AI. I am not a fan of water maps.) Please note that the minimum population cap is 75. Anything less, and it will not function correctly. Also, depending on difficulty you choose, will lower the resource cheating. (Making the AI easier to defeat.) Do not underestimate this AI though. I have been testing/experimenting with this AI for some time now. Even before HD Edition came out. I just merged it over. I am now using some of the new AI related things. However, this does NOT use userpatch. (It does use some of the HD AI updates though. Which has some parts of the userpatch in it.) Note: This AI does not resign until it has little/no chance to recover/defend itself. If you want to challenge your friends, try this AI on hardest in a 7 vs 1 game. (7 Players and 1 AI.) Good luck!
  6. Update: I now included the old civ specific unit training code into the balance AI now. Although, the balance training still exists. The civ unit training runs first though. I also adjusted some evaluation ai values.
  8. Update: I found how the and/or syntax works. I also found out that the facts/actions was increased to 32. :D Saved me a few lines. I updated my counters mostly.
  10. Update: Some of the logic was annoying me. I changed a bit with population cap, added tower building, and other misc things. It should be a bit more fair for 7v1 now. (or better anyway...)
  12. Update: AI now checks expansion techs/units. Still need to do some of the counters later...
  14. Update: A few minor fixes here/there. Still much to do with counters... I noticed something that needs to be fixed with my-unique-research. I let cheeseontoast know so hopefully, it will get fixed.
  16. Update: I finally got around to rewriting my counter/training system. I am happy with it for now. Oh and also, as requested, I added walling back in. ;)
  18. Update: I added some randomness to the training goals so it can pick randomly from the preferred units goal if it has more than one.
  20. Update: I adjusted the randomness a bit and added alternative training to the mangonel line.
  22. Update: Added defconsts for stuff, make sure AI works in base game, and working on dock/unit stuff.
  24. Update: Fixed Multiple Buildings by Removing Dock to list. (Whoops...) I also removed the target stuff again. I still have it backed up though. It just has little/no point right now.
  26. Update: Special Case added for Standard Victory/DM. Build Wonder later... I also removed camps for multiple buildings. It's causes problems.
  28. Update: Friend tried and it was missing a defconst... (defconst elephant-archer-line -261)
  30. Update: I disabled the expansions and was sure it ran correctly myself. It does. So, it should be playable for all datasets.
  32. Update: I noticed I messed up the multiple building code. I tweaked the town size change a bit. I fixed when the AI builds docks to prevent easy defeat. Finally, I adjusted some of the dark/feudal age goal training. It will help the AI train these units a bit more over later age units.
  34. Update: Lowered the random unit timer since it's a bit important. (10 seconds to 2) Adjusted some of the research ordering. Increased Town Centers from 3 to 5. Now trains 5 transport ships in case of water map.
  36. Update: I forgot about the villager cap values when I changed the villager creation thing. I also adjusted some of the SN again. I lowered the refresh camps timer. It was too long IMO. I updated how/when walls/gates are built during a DM game. I attempted to make the AI play KotH a bit with the 'center' SN. Inca's only need half the houses. Added that logic in. I adjusted some of the indentation as well. I wanted it a bit more organized. I made some adjustments to building wonders. I was having a weird issue with the game types. I did solve the problem when I got the correct gametype defines. It's still messy but, I am gonna leave it be for now. I am going to finally do the unit countering/alternative countering stuff. I finished barracks. Although, I still have a lot more to do...
  38. Update: Finally did the unit counters fully... except UU... I am lazy. If you want me to do it, comment it to me. Otherwise, I am leaving it be. If you know of any issue/flaws in the counters, let me know.
  40. Update: I been looking though userpatch and the AI docs... Some of the values of SN were completely wrong... I made some notes and changed some things around again. I also calculated that 30 seems to be the perfect town size. (255 / 8 = 31.8. Max Town Size / 8 Players. 32 would be better/closer but, I am leaving it 30. Give them some space.) I also added some messages if you lose/give up.
  42. Update: A few edits to a few SN again. I think I found a few issues/problems with some of them I set.
  44. Update: I figured out the whole tower problem thanks to cheeseontoast. Thanks for the explaination. Also, don't build walls/gates so fast in a deathmatch. It causes problems. Since I reduced the town size, I reduced the timers as well. It's not using space as well as it should be.
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