

Dec 10th, 2010
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  1. [12:48] <+arsenicBlade> man this game Homefront looks pretty cool
  2. [12:49] <@goldenGuitarist> wazat
  3. [12:49] <@goldenGuitarist> .google homefront game
  4. [12:49] <+feepbot> goldenGuitarist: HOMEFRONT™ - Official Site
  5. [12:51] <@goldenGuitarist> is this one of those 'what if the allies lost wwii games'
  6. [12:51] <+arsenicBlade> negatron
  7. [12:51] <@goldenGuitarist> .
  8. [12:51] <@goldenGuitarist> lurl
  9. [12:51] <+arsenicBlade> this is N. Korea says "fuck you" and invades
  10. [12:51] <@goldenGuitarist> >Korea suddenly becomes world power
  11. [12:51] <@goldenGuitarist> since we're squarely in the realm of fantasy
  12. [12:52] <@goldenGuitarist> are there magic users too
  13. [12:52] <+arsenicBlade> .
  14. [12:52] <+arsenicBlade> dude
  15. [12:52] <+arsenicBlade> srsly
  16. [12:52] <+arsenicBlade> stfu
  17. [12:53] <@goldenGuitarist> I'm not saying it's gonna be a bad game
  18. [12:53] <@goldenGuitarist> I'm just saying its premise is laughable
  19. [12:53] <+arsenicBlade> North Korea does in fact have the worlds 4th largest standing army
  20. [12:53] <+arsenicBlade> soooo
  21. [12:53] <+arsenicBlade> being a world player is possible
  22. [12:53] <+arsenicBlade> especially if they got a leader that isn't lolcrazy
  23. [12:54] <@goldenGuitarist> we're not the only people standing between north korea and the world, as much as america likes to pretend it's the supercops
  24. [12:54] <+arsenicBlade> which is what this game is about
  25. [12:54] <+arsenicBlade> it isn't Kim Jong Il leading them
  26. [12:54] <+arsenicBlade> (world police is the term)
  27. [12:54] <+arsenicBlade> FUCK YEA
  28. [12:54] <+arsenicBlade> COMING AGAIN TO SAVE THE MOTHA FUCKING DAY!
  29. [12:54] <@goldenGuitarist> I can easily see Russia going 'lolno' and nuking the fuck out of North Korea
  30. [12:55] <+arsenicBlade> really
  31. [12:55] <+arsenicBlade> you see Russia siding with the US
  32. [12:55] <@goldenGuitarist> it's not a matter of siding with us
  33. 03[12:55] * Ned ( has joined #nerd
  34. 03[12:56] * linguisticGodhead sets mode: +v Ned
  35. [12:56] <+chumbot> The Maid of Alloys returns to the Land of Gears and Grasslands.
  36. [12:56] <+Ned> hrm, ok
  37. [12:56] <+Ned> i should get something to eat
  38. [12:56] <+Ned> but, i have little to no idea of what i want
  39. [12:56] <+arsenicBlade> I have some biscuits and oatmeal
  40. [12:57] <@spectralBlade> Eeeeee
  41. [12:57] <+Ned> well, its more I go to another restaurant or just get some fastfood
  42. [12:57] <@goldenGuitarist> though Russia is, indeed, an american ally. Ya cold war raised loony.
  43. [12:57] <@spectralBlade> I hit a giant spider and now I can't find it. O.o
  44. [12:57] <@goldenGuitarist> protip, the wall probably came down before you were out of diapers
  45. [12:57] <+Ned> i suppose i could also just go to walmart and pick up something that i can microwave
  46. 01[12:57] <@Zer0> Oh boy, sure is pretentious political argument in here.
  47. 01[12:58] <@Zer0> These things are always hilariously pointless.
  48. 01[12:58] <@Zer0> You want a link to the WoT forums, mang?
  49. 01[12:58] <@Zer0> It's full of people setting up what-if-nazis-were-america-and-america-was-france scenarios
  50. [12:58] <+Ned> i think i shall go to wendy's...frosty ftw
  51. 01[12:58] <@Zer0> fucken brilliant.
  52. 01[12:59] <@Zer0> fields of morons ripe for outfoxing with statistics and earth logic.
  53. [12:59] <@goldenGuitarist> (Atabahi): Isto says, "How goes, Rout?"
  54. [12:59] <@goldenGuitarist> (Atabahi): You say, "Mreh."
  55. [12:59] <@goldenGuitarist> ^RP
  56. [12:59] <@goldenGuitarist> :V
  57. [13:03] <@linguisticGodhead> According to the info from wikileaks, not even Cdwqhina likes N Korea.
  58. [13:03] <+arsenicBlade> protip, Russia is no more an ally than the bully down the street is. They see us as an equal threat. It is more beneficial to them to play nice.
  59. [13:03] <+arsenicBlade> (sorry, I had to go pee pee)
  60. [13:03] <@linguisticGodhead> ..wheretf did the dwq come from
  61. [13:03] <@Syli> Mmm
  62. [13:03] <@Syli> Soup is good
  63. [13:04] <@goldenGuitarist> arsenic. Again
  64. [13:04] <@goldenGuitarist> it's not a matter of siding with the US
  65. [13:04] <@goldenGuitarist> no one wants to see North Korea get anything
  66. [13:04] <@goldenGuitarist> if NK starts a war half the world will bomb the hell out of them
  67. [13:04] <+arsenicBlade> the game doesn't even feature Kim Jong Il!
  68. [13:05] <+arsenicBlade> he dies at the beginning of the story mode!
  69. [13:05] <@goldenGuitarist> Kim Jong Il is the only reason people don't like NK amirite
  70. [13:05] <+arsenicBlade> indeed
  71. [13:05] <+arsenicBlade> he is the only NK people know
  72. [13:05] <@goldenGuitarist> k not paying attention to this convo anymore
  73. [13:05] <+arsenicBlade> <--winnar
  74. [13:05] <@goldenGuitarist> it has gone from derp to much lower
  75. [13:06] <@goldenGuitarist> >the winner is the person willing to get the lowest under bullshit and pretend their point is still credible
  76. [13:06] <@goldenGuitarist> k bro
  77. [13:06] <+arsenicBlade> besides, we are talking about a fucking game with wizards n' shit
  78. [13:06] <+arsenicBlade> you started it
  79. [13:06] <+arsenicBlade> YOU STARTED IT
  80. [13:06] <@linguisticGodhead> think NK is more of a threat without Kim Jong Crazy?
  81. [13:06] <@goldenGuitarist> me?
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