
Lemy's Ark

Oct 14th, 2019
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  1. >"Super Noah's Ark 3D?"
  2. >Lemy knew it was going to be bad but this was a new echelon of crappy
  3. >Two days ago Lyra had caught Loan playing DOOM 4 with him
  4. >The "discussion" that followed set a new house record for outraged screaming
  5. >"How could you show that to a little boy!?"
  6. >"How do you get any enjoyment out using a spine as a weapon? It's vile!"
  7. >"You really need to learn what is age appropriate Loan!"
  8. >It seemed to go on hours until Lyra picked up her brother and left in a huff
  9. >When she retreated back to their shared room she issued a new house rule
  10. >No more non-Lyra approved games
  11. >Since she was a firm believer in the ERSB that meant no more inappropriate games
  12. >So that meant no action games, adventure games, fighting games, etc.
  13. >If a game was actually fun it was banned
  14. >He knew complaining about it would only make her stick to her guns
  15. >She was his sister, it only made sense she shared his tenacity
  16. >Besides that rule wouldn't last long
  17. >There was no way Dad would let such a rule stand
  18. >Loan had showed him some of his old favorites he played back in the day
  19. >He just had to wait until Dad got back from his trip to the city
  20. >He had to discuss the direction he wanted to take Ace Savvy with his coworkers
  22. >That still meant he had another day or two of boredom
  23. >Chasing Aunt Lynn and Lacy around the block in the summer heat wasn't very appealing
  24. >Liby tried to convince him that tabletop games could be just as fun as their video counterparts
  25. >The idea of a Blood God and Skull Throne hooked him immediately
  26. >That sounded way cooler than the God Lyra told him about
  27. >But the second he needed to utilize math to have fun he left
  28. >Spending time with Lulu meant you either take care of a baby, chase a baby around the house when she slips her containment suit or being chased around by said baby when the suit comes off
  29. >Lupa told him to buzz off and Loan was out of the question
  30. >His meager friend pool didn't give him any options either
  31. >Laika would be like Aunt Lynn but ten times worse
  32. >Gwen was with Leia running rival lemonade stands out of town
  33. >Bobby lived in the city and Gloom was visiting family that week
  34. >For now he was left with Lyra's idea of "fun"
  36. >"Oh, I've been waiting for this moment! Now I know what you're thinking, 'This is going to be lame' but I can assure you I've collected the most popular games for children your age."
  37. >She certainly had
  38. >A collection of various kid-friendly games stared back at him
  39. >Some of them bored him to tears while the others had such vibrant colors in made his head hurt
  40. >One game in particular stood out
  41. >It was positively ancient, from a time before Dad was even born
  42. >Lemy didn't want to know how Lyra acquired this game or pried Loan's precious SNES from her
  43. >"Super Noah's Ark 3D?"
  44. >"I knew that one would grab your eye. It's very similar to that disgu.. game you and Loan like so much."
  45. >Well if it was like DOOM at all it couldn't be that bad, even with the obvious religious spin
  46. >Could it?
  48. >It was so much worse than he thought
  49. >So, so much worse
  50. >It didn't even start out promising
  51. >"Carl the Camel? Is that from the bible?"
  52. >"Well no, they have to make up some characters for the game. I'm not trying to make you sit through Bible studies Lemy, just try to have fun. I promise this can be just as fun as what you do with Loan."
  53. >Lyra said similar statements many times over his life and every time she lied
  54. >Lemy had seen his fair share of ancient or as Loan liked to say "retro" games but he was blown away by how awful it looked
  55. >Just moving made him want to hurl
  56. >"Uh, Sis? Why are there so many goats on the Ark? I thought it was just two of every animal?"
  57. >"You're right Lemy. I'm proud you know at least know a little about your biblical stories. Stop over analyzing every little thing. Just have fun."
  58. >That seemed like a tall order
  59. >This was nothing like DOOM
  60. >That had badass cyborg demons and exploding fountains of blood
  61. >So far all he had done was shoot feed at some sheep which made them sleepy for some inexplicable reason
  62. >Lemy knew he was done with this as soon as he defeated the (evil?) camel in 10 seconds
  63. >While he was looking for the best way to tell Lyra her taste in games sucked a way out suddenly appeared
  64. >In the extremely sweaty form of his aunt
  65. >"Aunt Lynn? Why are you here?"
  66. >"Lacy and I just wanted to get a refill on our water. It's a real scorcher out there."
  67. >"But that just makes the run more fulfilling! 8 more miles to go! Either of you kids want to come along? You could both use the exercise."
  68. >"No thanks Aunt Lynn, Lemy and were just.." "Yes."
  69. >"Alright! Come on kid, let's go use those noodle legs."
  70. >"But Lemy, don't you want to know what happens to Carl?"
  71. >"No, I really don't. Later!"
  72. >And like that he started chasing after Lynn and Lacy
  73. >"Dang it."
  74. >"I knew I should have opened with Billy Graham's Bible Blaster."
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