
Fuck Hayley, Eat Cupcakes

Jan 7th, 2019
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  1. Covet: Tae was sitting at the counter looking through one of the freebie Auto trader adds that was in the rack near the door, trying to find something that fit Noah. "What about...this one?" She asked him pointing to a little 2 door late 80's model car. "It's a Nineteen eighty nine Ford thunderbird." []
  2. Alexithymiaa: -He leaned over from his stool next to her, looking at the car and giving a shrug of his shoulders. "I mean, sure whatever. How much is it though?"-
  3. Covet: "Sixtyfive hundred." Tae told him. "You know, you can be at least a little more enthusiastic, you're getting a car. You're own vehicle. That's pretty cool."
  4. Alexithymiaa: "That's not so bad." He retorted, looking more closely down at the page she was open to. "I am enthusiastic. I just don't care what the car actually is that much. As long as it's not a huge one that gets terrible gas mileage."-
  5. Covet: "Well that one only has 2 doors, so it's not all that big, but it does have high miles, so that means you're going to have to make sure to keep up on the maintenance work, because older cars with lots of miles tend to break down a bit more often.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "I can't afford to put that much work into it though. Is it more financially beneficial to spend more and put less money in afterwards, or pay less and put more work into it?" He asked her, having no idea because the car he drove at home was fairly new and belonged to his parents so he didnt pay for shit for it.-
  7. Covet: "It's usually not that bad, Just little stuff, like making sure the oil isn't low and getting it changed regularly. Making sure your breaks aren't bad, windshield wipers, stuff like that. Small maintenance stuff. But regardless of how much it costs, you're going to want to put a little aside where you can just in case anything big breaks down." Tae explained to him. "And sometimes that's not the case, just because you pay more for it, doesn't always mean it won't break down less."
  8. Alexithymiaa: "So I should pay less down, is what you're saying." He said quickly, waving his hand through the air. "So find the cheapest car in there."-
  9. Covet: "You don't want super cheap either, and you want to check them out too because they could be serious clunkers in disguise. "The more you pay down, the less the interest rate and all that's going to be, because you've already paid more towards it. But something like this one that's sixtyfive hundred. You could get that paid off in the year if not sooner."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Okay... then let's look at that then." He said with a shrug, clearly still kind of apathetic about this other than the fact that it was a car. // Adam dragged himself in through the doors of the cafe, his shoulders slumped down and his chin dropped low, stopping at the front counter and picking up a menu to browse for something to eat despite not being in the mood for it.-
  11. Covet: "We'll call them tomorrow and we can go check it out?" Tae asked him with a smile. She looked over to see Adam coming in, looking like a rain soaked puppy, "Hey Adam..." She said looking at him with a soft smile. "You alright?" She asked having no tact just going for the obvious.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, we can do that, but like realistically how do I know if I'm buying junk? I don't know shit about cars." He turned to look over in Adam's direction, staring at him. // Adam looked up from the menu when he heard Tae's voice, giving a shrug of his shoulder in a very defeated fashion. "Not really..."-
  13. Covet: "Well, we test drive it for sure. That's a big easy way to tell if there's anything wrong off the bat. Then it will just dependon how the guy sells the car. If he comes off as slimy... we're not buying. And you can check things like Car Fax to see if it's been in any accidents too." She told him then frowned, at Adam, "What happened? Is everything okay?" Duh Tae he just said he wasn't alright why would things be okay.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Okay so then we'll do that." He said with a nod, looking back over to Adam. "Yeah, you look like someone just killed your dog. No offense." // Adam stared at Noah because WHAT THE FUCK, he has a dog don't say that. "I had called Hayley to tell her about getting my LSAT scores back... and I think she accidentally answered the phone because I heard a lot of.... noises." He had paused, making a face.-
  15. Covet: "Okay, I'll remind you to call them." Tae said to him, then her mouth dropped hearing what Adam said. "Oh my god, are you serious? Adam I'm so sorry. You're sure that... that's what was going on?"
  16. Alexithymiaa: -Noah winced, shaking his head. "Sorry dude. That's really shitty. Have you like... actually talked to her?" // "I'm pretty sure..." He said uncomfortably rubbing the back of his neck. "No, I haven't talked to her. This was only a little while ago. I don't even know what to say."-
  17. Covet: "wow, that's... I dont' even know what to say to that. I thought she was really devoted to you...." Tae said with a frown. [This makes me laugh.. cause it was probably the baby news that caused her to go get laid and shit...lmao it all works so well together.]
  18. Alexithymiaa: (Honestly I was leaving it up in the air exactly how this was happening until you had Cadence say what the deal was. I had a few options lmfao)
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Noah bit down on the inside of his cheek, looking away from Adam. "Well fuck her. She probably sucks anyway." Not the way to go, Noah. // "I guess not. I've always kind of known in the back of my mind that I couldn't give her what she truly wanted, I just thought it was something we had worked passed..."-
  20. Covet: Tae smacked Noah, because dude, no. "Yeah I thought things were really good between you guys before she left. I just wish she would have done the right thing by you, by either not doing it, or telling you and breaking things off before she did it. That's not fair to you at all."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Ow, what?" He shot back at her when she hit him, rubbing his arm. // "They were, but she's been gone six months so I guess things have changed. I don't know, but when I finally get to talk to her, I guess I'll find out." He let out a deep sigh, shaking his head. "I was supposed to be celebrating, not feeling down."-
  22. Covet: "Yeah, with that being said, how did you do on your LSATS?" Tae asked. "Can I get you something sweet and chocolatey? That usually helps me when I'm feeling down."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, chocolate rocks. Eat chocolate." Noah said with a nod. // "I did really well. Like I can probably get into any Law program I wanted, kind of well. I was real excited to call her and tell her..." He trailed off, dwelling on his news again. "Oh, I don't want to interrupt y'alls date night..."-
  24. Covet: "Oh this is so not a date night for us." Tae said quickly, "We were just hanging out here while looking for a car for Noah. Do you have any advice on picking out a good running cheap car?" She asked him, then looked at the waitress, "Can we get three tripple fudge sundaes please."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah this is... no.... just no." Noah said, shaking his head half because it wasnt and half because he was insulted that Adam thought he would spend a date night type of thing in the cafe. He's still spoiled. // Adam gingerly moved forward to take a seat on the stool, thinking for a moment. "Well... Japanese made cars usually are more reliable as they get older with less maintence. So something like a Toyota or a Honda is a safe bet to still have an engine in good condition."-
  26. Covet: "Plus that would also imply that we're dating...and we're not." Tae added."Oh thank god, you do know something about cars, I was just kind of winging it over here. My car sucks, but it works for what I need it for." Tae said waiting for their ice cream to be brought out to them.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "So like a Honda Civic?" He asked, perking up a little because he knew that as a car his friend at home had and thought it was cool. // "Yeah, I do my own maintenance on my truck so I know a decent amount. American made cars are great, but they require a lot of work as they get older. Volkswagen is also good, but any parts you need are going to cost you three times a much as any other make because importing from Germany is expensive for some reason."-
  28. Alexithymiaa: (Dads knowledge of cars and spouting car information finally paid off)
  29. Covet: [bahaha]
  30. Covet: "Oh wow, maybe you could teach Noah a few things then too. Make sure he has all the skills to be a real man." Tae said, like an asshole.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Wow, how about you go fuck yourself?" He shot back at her quickly and without skipping a beat. "You don't need to have a bunch of knowledge about cars to be a real man." // "Uhhh...." He stammered, not wanting to get in the middle of THAT argument. "Well everyone has their own talents....."-
  32. Covet: Tae couldn't help but laugh at the response, "Oh my god, it was a joke Noah, don't get your manties in a twist over there. Calm down and eat some ice cream." She said as the waitress brought the sundaes over.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Good." He said as he grabbed the sundae cup, digging into his ice cream. "I have plenty of talents." // Adam thanked the waitress and took his sundae as well, picking up the spoon to dip it into the ice cream. "The ice cream is definitely good. Thank you for the suggestion, Tae."-
  34. Covet: "Of course. I know it's only a temporary fix, but Chocolate and Ice cream are always the go to when life is shitty. Because chocolate and Ice cream are never not good." She said with a nod.
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Also cupcakes." Noah added because he was thoroughly confident that good cupcakes make everything better. // "I mean, it doesnt really fix anything, but it does make me feel at least a little better for the time being to share some ice cream with friends." He forced a smile, trying not to be a downer.-
  36. Covet: "Happy to help however I can, even if it's in a little way." Tae told him, then looked at Noah, "You should totally make some cupcakes tomorrow." She said with a nod, nudging her head in Adam's direction trying to get Noah to pick up the hint, of it being a nice thing to do for Adam.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Oh uh... yeah. I could make cupcakes tomorrow." He said, turning to look at Adam. "What kind of cupcakes do you like?" // "Adam looked up from his ice cream to see Noah looking at him along with Tae. "Um... I don't know, regular cupcakes?" He asked before shaking his head. "I've always liked strawberry."-
  38. Covet: Tae smiled, "That's so Nice of you Noah." She said trying not to sound like a condescending asshole, but when you say it like that... that's really the only way it comes off.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "So I'll make strawberry cupcakes then. And you can celebrate your good test scores." And he successfully resisted the urge to call him a nerd. Good job Noah. // "Yeah, that is really nice of you Noah. Thank you." He said, ducking his head back down to eat more ice cream.-
  40. Covet: Tae was proud of Noah for not being a dick. She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then went abck to her ice cream happily.
  41. Alexithymiaa: -He was pretty pleased with himself, and was pretty pleased with the reward he had gotten for being nice, too. Maybe being nice wasn't so bad.-
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