
Über Jason vs a hundred convicts

Sep 12th, 2023
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  1. Standing in the doorway was one big mf. The guy was a giant, mostly covered in metal. If the shape of the metal was any indication of the muscles underneath... fck!
  3. The men slowly became quiet as they turned, sizing up the intruder, mainly to assess if they could take him out. Crully glanced around him and from the looks on the guys' faces, he gauged that no one thought they could.
  5. He slammed his bottle onto the bar to get the big guy's attention. Hell, to get the attention of all of them. This would be his show. He wanted to make sure it went his way.
  7. "You the fcker made this mess?" he asked, his tone as threatening as he could make it, and there wasn't a guy in this room that didn't tremble a little. Crully knew he was capable of anything, and so did everybody else.
  9. When the guy didn't answer, Crully lifted the assault laser he had snagged down below loaded with ten clips. Each clip held one atomic pellet that would lodge inside whoever it struck, burst open, and clean out those insides like a nuclear explosion limited to one.
  11. Every guy in the room raised one of the weapons he had snatched at the same time, so it became a face-off, roughly fifty to one. The asshole in the doorway didn't have any weapons on him, but he didn't even flinch.
  13. "Get your ass in here, mf!"
  15. Still no response. Then, suddenly, this Jason guy stomped into the room. Crully and everybody else saw the big knife or whatever in his hand, and some of the guys laughed. Firepower! That's where it was at, not old-fashioned metal. At least the guy had the sense to know that and was obeying Crully.
  17. Jason kept moving directly toward Crully, who said, "That's far enough!" but the guy kept coming. "Stop, or you're a dead fcker!" He kept coming.
  19. Crully pulled the trigger and blasted him with one round that hit the metal chest plate and bounced off. The atom bullets were not as hard as other bullets because they had to be eroded from within the shell that was one of their drawbacks—but once they lodged inside a victim they were a hundred times as powerful as anything else.
  21. The bullet bounced onto the floor. It started to glow red. "Fck!" somebody yelled, and the guys began to scatter, some running to the stairs that went down, others running to the ones that headed up.
  23. Crully would have run too, but when he turned, Jason had him. The big fucker swung that knife like a crazy man, the blade hacking at guys as they raced past, lopping off heads, arms, cutting through the middle, down the middle, up from the middle, cross ways and catty-corner.
  25. Blood began spurting through the air in all directions, and the room filled with the sound of guys screaming. Crully's back was to Jason because he'd turned to run back to the stairs going down, but that massive paw had caught him by the seat of his pants and hauled him backwards.
  27. He struggled to get another weapon out, one that would fire fast and repeatedly, not like the damned atom assault laser that needed too much time to reload, and which he dropped to the floor as useless.
  29. His movements got his arm chopped off at the elbow. Blood gushed out of him as he struggled to get away, and he clamped his other hand over the wound, but the iron grip the guy had on him couldn't be loosened.
  31. Crully let go of his wounded elbow so he could pull out a small handheld laser with his left hand, his only hand, but he couldn't get turned around enough to fire, so he shot under his severed arm. His body twisted at the last second and he hit his own armpit, sending a blast of searing laser from his underarm to his back, and he screamed.
  33. Most of the guys had scattered, and the three who remained to "help" him suddenly ran for their lives. Jason caught them, sticking them through the chest, the groin, the eyeball; everywhere he could stick them with that impossibly sharp quadruple-size knife.
  35. Despite the excruciating pain, Crully tried again, with a shaking hand, to shoot the laser behind him, but the beam went wild around the room.
  37. Danny, still standing, his eyes wild with fear, fired a direct hit at Jason at about face level. Surely some of that firepower would hit the eyes behind the mask, Crully thought. It should stop the bastard. It should lessen his grip.
  39. And it did. For about two seconds. It was enough time for Crully to spin himself around to face this demon. As he spun, he pointed the laser at where he hoped the eyes would be, and was immediately mesmerized by the sight of something very strange. It was like there was some kind of mechanism inside Jason that was repairing the damage to his eyes even as Crully watched.
  41. But he didn't watch for long. He pointed to fire.
  43. The blade, as if by instinct, chopped off his other arm. With his finger on the trigger, the laser beam flashed around the room as it fell to the ground.
  45. Out of the corner of his eye, Crully watched Danny flee down the stairs, and now Crully was alone with Jason and the atom bullet that was already seeping material that would blow this place sky high because it was on a floor and not inside someone's body!
  47. When Crully turned his head back up, Jason was staring at him, his eyes pure evil and full of hate. Crully was bleeding out at both arms, and suddenly Jason dropped him onto the floor, on top of the fcking atom bullet, and stood for another moment as if watching the vitae gush from Crully's arms. It was like he was waiting to see what would happen next.
  49. Crully was weak, but he knew he had to get off that bullet. He tried to move himself with the short stumps that remained of his arms, and then tried to dig the toes of his boots into the floor to shove himself away and turn himself over, but he didn't have the strength, and the pain became his entire focus but for one thought: move off the damned bullet!
  51. Suddenly, he was alone in the room. Even Jason was gone. He heard screams, though, and knew the mother of all killers had gone up or down and had found some of Crully's guys and was taking them out in the most gruesome ways.
  53. But Crully had his own problems. The bullet was moving toward his flesh and blood, what it had been built to do. This was why it was such a desirable weapon, limited though it was in other ways. If it got near your body it would enter like an iron filing drawn into a fleshy magnet, and Crully could feel it inside his chest already. His body trembled in terror.
  55. The atomic stew burned its way through him and he would soon become a little nuclear explosion of one.
  57. Suddenly the burning intensified. He ignited from within, like a spontaneous combustion. As his body burst into a zillion pieces, he stupidly could only think about the walls of this lounge: what a paint job!
  59. Jason stomped down into the bowels of the Military Complex. He overtook the men he found as if they were ants, crushing them underfoot, pounding the life out of them with his fists. His machete arm flailed in every direction, and he cut to bits all in his path. Blood sprayed and gushed and spattered and coated everything. Body parts flew into the air, or crunched under his feet, making the floor slippery for the men still running away, but not for Jason.
  61. Methodically he went through each room, taking the men as he came to them. Whether or not they resisted mattered not at all to him.
  63. As the rooms became smaller, and the men had nowhere to hide, they pleaded, and charged, and ran like crazy and did all the things they usually did when he raised his machete. His vision coated in red blinded him to all but the necessity of stopping everything that stepped in his path.
  65. Finally he reached the place that had been his home for so long, that had kept him imprisoned. It was empty of living beings. Just the dead now. He crashed through the window to get to the pathetic insects struggling to climb up the hill of dirt and avoid his machete, but they could not.
  67. He sliced and stabbed and cut one after the other, filling the mound with bodies and parts, soaking the soil in blood. And when all of them were gone, he stopped a moment to listen at the window. He heard nothing up through the building. No one. But he could hear them up above, at ground level.
  69. Stepping on the slippery bodies, he climbed the mound of them as if they were a fleshy ladder. And then he used the building wall, creating a ladder as his fingers pushed through technology's most advanced materials, making finger and toe holds. He hauled himself up until he was high enough, and then he leapt to the surface.
  71. Men ran, screaming in all directions, some yelling, "We gotta stick together!"
  73. Another said, "Fck that!"
  75. Jason went after them. Those who had followed the advice of the first, he found together, and used the blade to bind them in twos and threes to the earth, cutting off two or three heads at once, and slicing several bodies at the middle, until they were all dead.
  77. Then he went after the others, one by one. The first he sliced from behind, up the middle, parting him into two. His machete hit the back of the head of the next guy, going through the skull and then lopping it away from the body horizontally, until the guy toppled forward and stopped moving. The third victim fell forward as Jason hit him on the legs.
  79. The screaming never bothered him. In fact, it made no impression. Nothing did. He would not stop until he had killed every last one of them. Until the last breath of life was gone gone gone. That was his goal, his only goal. And he hacked and sliced and diced all living, breathing beings in his path, sensing them by instinct, until the ground was red, the air putrid and the bodies lay rotting about him.
  81. And then he headed down the dirt path to follow the scent of those still living.
  83. Chapter 11
  85. On the way to the Military Complex, JJ, Free and Skye understood why none of the other cons had come to the camp. Along the dirt path and now all around the Military Complex lay bodies, close to a hundred of them, in stages of dismemberment and decomposition. The air reeked of the noxious iron odor of blood decaying, and skin and muscle turning rancid in the heat. Free put his arm around Skye to shield her as they walked through the killing field.
  87. Jason X: To The Third Power, chapter 14
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