
PasswordVerifier JAVA

Apr 27th, 2014
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  2. Download:
  3. Implement a program that reads in a user password and verifies it meets the following criteria:
  4. Is at least 8 characters long
  5. Contains atleast 1 lower letter character
  6. Contains atleast 1 upper letter character
  7. Contains atleast 1 numeric digit
  8. Contains atleast 1 special character from the set: !@#$%^&*
  9. Does not contain the word “and” or the word “end”
  10. Output a string that prompts the user for a password and include the requirements above in your output.
  11. Output a string that states valid or invalid. If invalid, state which rule above has not been met.
  12. Utilize the following functionality:
  13. • indexOf
  14. • Looping structure
  15. • charAt()
  16. • isDigit()
  17. • isUpperCase()
  18. • isLowerCase()
  19. • and any additional functionality needed.
  20. Sample Output:
  21. Password Verifier
  22. Enter a password that meets the following rules:
  23. Password1
  24. Invalid
  25. Missing a special character
  26. —————————————————————–
  27. Password Verifier
  28. Enter a password that meets the following rules:
  29. Panda123$
  30. Invalid
  31. Contains the string “and”
  32. —————————————————————–
  33. Password Verifier
  34. Enter a password that meets the following rules:
  35. Hi
  36. Invalid
  37. Must be at least 8 characters long
  38. Must contain a numeric digit
  39. Must contain a special character
  40. —————————————————————–
  41. Password Verifier
  42. Enter a password that meets the following rules:
  43. Pa$$word1
  44. Valid
  46. Download:
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