
glitchy (RP log, update today)

Oct 5th, 2014
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  1. [20:29] <@Lucy> "...We're almost there, Elena..." A girl in reddish hair, clad in a tattred labcoat and a pair of shorts clung to the back of a swimming Suicune up the channel and into the port... "...A-almost...there!" The legendary leapt onto the half-collapsed port of Vermillion City, once a vibrant hub of sea travel and commerce. Was this what it was reduced to?
  2. [20:34] <Cherry> Indeed, this was what it was reduced to. A shell of a city - mostly abandoned, save the Pokemon Center which improbably remained standing and... mostly running. Collapsed buildings, rubble in the streets. Rattata running wild over the ruins of the once-proud seafaring city.
  3. [20:35] <Cherry> Even the Gym, once home to the Lightning American, was half-destroyed with the Closed sign flipped in the front door, gathering dust.
  4. [20:36] <Cherry> However, there does seem to be someone else here, picking her way across the trashed streets with a Pikachu scampering at her feet. A schoolgirl, it looked like.
  5. [20:38] * Lucy pulled out waht looked to be a cellphone... "...Yeah? Yeah, I made it here. Damn, this place's even more trashed than the last one." A pause. She could be seen by the new arrival, pacing about the pier, petting her Suicune. "...I know! I couldn't have done anything about it...they fought to the last man."
  6. [20:41] <@Lucy> "Yeah, it's been a couple years...I'm sorry. I got her off the ship in time, though. A few others, too..."
  7. [20:41] <@Lucy> "...Look, I've gotta find a place to stay. See you." She hung up.
  8. [20:43] <Cherry> The Pikachu notices the girl at the port before the girl accompanying it did; it perked up and ran over to Lucy, scampering at her feet and making quite a bit of noise. It seems to have only one eye...
  9. [20:46] <Cherry> "Ah?" The schoolgirl finally finds a mostly debris-free path, and hastens towards the port, waving! "H-Hello? H?_??_e?????_?l????????l????????o???_?~???!???" Oh jesus. "M????i???????i????ii?????i???is??????s???!?_?? ??????M????i?i??i__???i??????i?????i???????sΒΈ??s~_???!???? ????A??r?e?????? ????yΒΈ???o??_???u????? ?M?_????i??????s???????s???? ??S????aΒΈ??n??t???????i??a??g??_?_?o?????"
  10. [20:48] <@Lucy> "....What the-..." That sounded like a pile of gibberish...and it hurt her ears. She glared at the horrible source of the noise! "...G-get away from me!" The Suicune moved in and growled loudly!
  11. [20:58] <Cherry> "Pi! Pikapika!" The Pikachu quickly moves in front of the likely eldritchian schoolgirl, looking quite put out, cheeks sparking! "PiiiiiiiikaPI!"
  12. [21:00] <Cherry> "Ah, aH, P-PEkiLilIII..." The schoolgirl puts up her hands in a nonthreatening gesture, waving her hands quick, sweating a bit. "M-MIIIIIss, I dOn'T wANt to FIghT...! P-PleeEEEase hOlD ON a MinUtE!"
  13. [21:00] <@Lucy> The Suicune continues to growl deeply at the Pikachu, whipping a few warning shots of ice towards the pair! "...Elena, stop!" She held up a hand and the legendary dog stopped a moment. Lucy put her hands in her pockets... "...What the hell are you? Do you know me...?"
  14. [21:02] <Cherry> The scarred little Pikachu destroys each ice-shot with a well-times spark of electricity, glaring intensely at the Suicune. (Wow, it's got Guts. Er, Moxie? No, Static.)
  15. [21:03] <Cherry> The schoolgirl nods, quickly transitioning to a deep bow! "H-HaaaaAAAi~! I'M GeNkI, MiSS sanTIaGo! My tRaINEr SenT Me to rECieVe YOU!"
  16. [21:05] * Lucy rubbed her face a little, calling the Suicune back to her ball and crossing her arms. "...I had to get through one of the second-toughest decisions of my life, kid. How'd you know I'd end up here?"
  17. [21:09] <Cherry> "I DIdnT!" She grins, briefly revealing an unsettling dental battery. "yOU'll hAvE to Ask CHErry-ChaN! ShE'S tHE OnE WhO ToooOOOOllld Me~."
  18. [21:10] <Cherry> The Pikachu stands down after the Suicune is recalled, but it still looks quite wary. It jumps onto the glitch girl's (that's all she could be, really) shoulder and flicks its ears.
  19. [21:11] <@Lucy> "...I've been 'round your kind long enough to figure out you guys aren't always what you seem." She steps towards the pair of 'mons and follows along. "Where's she to, anyway...?" Her unusual, casual manner of speaking was kind of disarming. "...I'd like to forget what I just came from, alright?"
  20. [21:15] <Cherry> "HaI, HAi~." Genki nods, picking back along to the Pokemon Center. "tRaINEr tOOk ThE LONG rOUuuTe thROugH ThE CAAAavE~. sHE WiLL be ArrIVINg SooOOn~!"
  21. [21:15] <Cherry> There seems to be quite the ruckus coming from the Pokemon Center, now that one is close enough to hear it.
  22. [21:17] * Lucy summoned Excalibur to her hands. She raised the swordmon to Pokemon Centre and looked rather serious. The Aegislash projected a calming influence into her mind... ("Master, I sense something.")
  23. [21:18] * Lucy rushed forwards, one hand on her valliant blade... "...Exxy, get ready to identify..."
  24. [21:20] <Cherry> Genki blinks as Lucy rushes past her, not realizing why the human might be so upset. "WhaT IS tHe MaTTeR? mISS SanTiAgo?"
  25. [21:21] <Cherry> There's crashing and smashing and glitchy glitchy noises coming from inside that building, that's why she's freaking out, Genki. Honestly. Social cues.
  26. [21:24] <@Lucy> "...Excalibur can sense good and evil. That's why...I'm judging them." ("Master! They appear to be in combat. Shall we assist?") Lucy paused a second to consider it, letting the sword-mon float off on its own and go into shield mode. "...Check it out, Exxy. See what's going on in there." ("Yes, ma'am...")
  27. [21:29] <Cherry> "CMoN Xu-XU! KicK hER aaaaAAAssssssS!" Comes a crow from inside. Excalibur, from his position, could probably see a small purple-dressed Pokemon sitting on the floor in the Center, cheering on what appears to be a... /lively/ battle between two other purplish Pokemon in the air. (Jesus. So much purple.)
  28. [21:29] <Cherry> Needless to say, they're trashing the Pokemon Center /even further/. And yet, despite no nurse being there, it's still running! Strange.
  29. [21:31] <@Lucy> Excalibur locks onto the two and moves over, getting between the battling mons and tries to break up the fight! By blocking one of their attacks and leaving them both confused! Lucy heads inside to check things out!
  30. [21:33] <Cherry> "GuuuuUUUuUU...~" One of the two flying glitches holds her head and spins a bit. "UuuUUgh dAAAamNit I HATE CoNFusIIIIiiOn..."
  31. [21:33] <Cherry> The other just stays entirely still.
  32. [21:34] <Cherry> The ground-bound glitch turns around to see Lucy, eying her suspiciously. "HEEeeey, lAdYYY, WhaT'S THE bIIIiiIIig DEAL~? We weRE HAViNG a baaATlle HeeRE!"
  33. [21:35] <Cherry> Genki pokes her head in, waves jovially. "AUGH! HeLLoooOOO~. ThIIs Is traAAAAaaainER's FRIEND! BE NICE!" That last bit was bellowed with a /downright disturbing/ grin.
  34. [21:36] <Cherry> The Pikachu just trots in, numb to the whole percussive dealio, and leaps onto the warm machines in back to take a nap.
  35. [22:11] <@Lucy> ("Must you speak in the equivalent of chalkboard scrapings? My Master wishes to know why you hold her in such high regard. You've only met once or twice, fleetingly, before this all began...")
  36. [22:12] * Lucy crossed her arms... "Yeah. Surprised she's still alive...I'm only in this god-forsaken place because /they/ asked me to poke my head back in. And Exxy, too..."
  37. [22:14] <Cherry> "HmmMmMMm?" Genki turns her head around to answer, but before she can open her mouth, a door BANGS open in the back of the Pokemon Center.
  39. [22:17] <Cherry> A girl stomps in the room, black hair, red eyes, and a TERRIFYING voice. She only stumbles twice in speech-- once when seeing the state of the room, second when seeing Lucy, upon which she immediately shuts right up. (A little late for that, Cherry.)
  40. [22:18] <Cherry> A blonde glitch followed her in, yawning and holding a bloodied baseball bat over her shoulder. "CoooOOol your TITS, CheRRY, JEeeEsuS CHriiiiST... HuuuUUUUh?" Blinks. "ThiiiIIIs the CHIcck YOU WaaaaAs TalllKIn' boUT?" Points the red-stained weapon at Lucy.
  41. [22:19] <Cherry> Cherry doesn't answer, reddening immensely and shoving the blonde back a few inches, batting down the... bat with a scowl.
  42. [22:21] <@Lucy> Lucy stares at the new arrival. Was that really one of hers...? She took a moment, opened her mouth...then shut it, again. "...Cherry, what the hell has this place DONE to you?" She seems to have a headache from trying to understand Glitch-ese... "...Are you...okay? I know it's been a couple years, but...aren't you going to say anything?"
  43. [22:24] <Cherry> Genki leans in and whispers to Lucy. "ChEEErrY-chAAn doEEEEsn'T LIKE talllKing to HUmannNs." As if that was a difficult concept to figure out.
  44. [22:26] <Cherry> Cherry grits her teeth and huffs. "... yYYyeAh, hi. ... LUc." She pinches the bridge of her nose, still redder than anything. "... LLlonG tIMe nOO SEEe."
  45. [22:28] * Lucy sighs... "...Hmph. Well, that's one thing a little different than last time. Arceus' mane, when'd you learn their language?" She looks a little sad. "The Church's jumpy around that kind of stuff, y'know..."
  46. [22:31] <@Lucy> "...They keep saying that hanging around them just messes you up more. Where'd the time go, Cherry?"
  47. [22:34] <Cherry> "IIIIiiiII PicKKed It UUp. SSSooMeWherEE." The Trainer looks patently uncomfortable, shifting left and right, side to side.
  48. [22:34] <Cherry> "... TiiiIiIImE aIIn't GOT nO plAceE hhEreE." She grunts. "YooU SeeEE anY FUnCtionin' CloCKS?"
  49. [22:35] <Cherry> The smallest purplish glitch has shifted her position closer to Cherry, actually hiding behind her leg somewhat. "... ChEERrrryyyY... wHHo'S TThaThaThaaaaT...?"
  50. [22:37] <Cherry> "AccH, dOOn'T FReeAk oUT, HHHhoPe. She's aH... Ah... FrIENd, gOt THat?" Pats the purple's head lightly.
  51. [22:43] * Lucy didn't look all that impressed. "If you've deteriorated to that level, don't expect them to let you into Lavender without a good reason...I'm wondering how your little friends sought me out." She gave Cherry a saddened look and muttered... "...First time in Kanto since three or four years ago. SS. Anne picked me up a while ago...Church gave me a job and I took the rusty old thing back..."
  52. [22:45] <@Lucy> "...The only problem was that the wild Glitches must've multiplied. They attacked the ship. Elena and Lin got a few to safety, but the ship went down pretty quickly. All those refugees from Hoenn and...all over the place." -.-
  53. [22:47] <Cherry> "IIIIiiiI HEaaRd." Cherry said, leaning up against the Pokemon Center's counter. "... WwwwEE HeaRRRd. TttThere WAs... qqqQuite TheeE AnnOunCemENt."
  54. [22:49] <Cherry> Hope shrinks further, fairly clinging to Cherry's leg. "IIIIIIII! IIIiiIIiIi wWWwwaSN'T CEllElLebRatIIIINg! IIIIIIII'IIIm oNoNON YOuuUR GUyyySYUY SidddEDE!" She looks like she expects Lucy to cut off her head on the spot...
  55. [22:50] <Cherry> "SSSsheUt Up HHHHopeE You LITTLE PUSssSSY." The blonde looks annoyedly towards Hope. "ThhEHHE wOOOmAN GETs Itttt. JjJJJJesus."
  56. [23:14] * Lucy does nothing of the sort. Except maybe go over and hug Cherry some and pet Hope on the head... "...I don't completely believe them, but they say they want to bring some order into this place." ("...Milady, they are providing relief for those who remain. Please be a little more positive about them.") "...I know, Exxy." She adjusted her coat a little and crossed her arms again, looking around the centre for anything she could use. "...Where's some stuff we could use... What do you guys even /do/ out here, anyway?"
  57. [23:15] <@Lucy> "...I take it that Surge got the hell out of here. Pity he didn't get a team of marines in here to clean this place up."
  58. [23:21] <Cherry> "OoooOOuT HerEEe?" Cherry relaxes some at the slight hug, perhaps relieved that her friend, regardless of either's current situation, is still very much her friend. "IIIIIII cAAaaAtcHH theEEeee fEEeckeRRs." She grins a little. "MmMMostly The OnEEs thaTT'Re AACTIVELY CAAusEing TROuBle. wwWWreSStle EEm DowWn If I NEEd tOoo..."
  59. [23:21] <Cherry> "... PC'S ssSShshit ITsEElFF AAAAllMeost all TOOOOoo HELL, thhhOugh."
  60. [23:22] <Cherry> Hope still looks ridiculously nervous, but she smiles just a little at Lucy's petting.
  61. [23:24] <Cherry> "...YYeaaH." Cherry nods at Lucy's statement about the former Gym Leader. "... HHHeear the ScAAAreEDy MMeOwth R-R-Ran afTER tHeeeEy AAAATe thE RAICHU." She snorts. "IIiII rEEEallY ONLy geTT one HAALf Of thEE StoRY thOOugh."
  62. [23:28] <@Lucy> "Yeah, I hear you...but seriously, what's the point of being out here! There's like...nothing here at all, anymore. The Anne's at the bottom of the ocean, Saffron's under martial law...Johto's completely shat itself trying to keep the monsters out, especially when they shut the rails down..."
  63. [23:30] <@Lucy> "Stuff was so much easier when we were younger, right?" She gave a sarcastic chuckle. "...It'd be a lot easier if we travelled together, but I've got practically no idea where to begin."
  64. [23:34] <Cherry> "IiIIiII DO..." Cherry says. Completely nonchalantly pulls out a Town Map, with most of the major cities scratched out in what I really hope is red pen. There are little bits of the map circled; not on routes, not in cities. "YYyYyour MAAAAP's A BiiIIIt oUUt of DAAate. BuuUUut I sSSupppPose the PooOOint waSSS TO keEEEP a SEEcret..."
  65. [23:35] <Cherry> "... IIIIiiIi DoUBT yooUUU'd TellLL, tHoooUgh~." The Trainer smiles, and passes the map to Lucy.
  66. [23:38] * Lucy snaps up the map and examines it thoroughly... "...Mine's from before this all started. Y'know, when we were just kids. I've had to follow from memory, otherwise."
  67. [23:41] <Cherry> The map's got little notes scribbled near the circled bits! And the crossed-out bits too. Very little is immediately decipherable from the circled places save the occasional "Never take (such and such) here, ever" and "somehow living in houses made entirely from soup cans??"
  68. [23:42] <Cherry> The scribbled-out cities have glitch names written next to them, some crossed out, some not.
  69. [23:44] <Cherry> Cherry nods. "HHHHaDDdD tOOO moDIFy tHIIIs MYSeLf. YooOU CAN BooRRow It III GuEEEESsss."
  70. [23:45] <Cherry> Blonde glitch. Stop hovering over their shoulders. "YooOOOu MISSSEd tHeTheTHHEe PLAAAAce WhEeEEeeERe--"
  71. [23:46] <Cherry> "NO WweeeRe' NOT EEeeVEr SpEeakIIIInG of THAT AGAIiiiIN."
  72. [00:10] <@Lucy> "...T-thanks...I'm trying to make sense of this place, honestly. Don't even know if the roads are even the same, anymore. I guess Exxy might know, he's been around forever."
  73. [00:14] <Cherry> "TtTTThAt SWooooOrd ThIIInG yoUU gOT THeeeRe?" Cherry points to Excalibur. "... OOoooOr... SomME NEwww OOtHEer onEE?" She blushes lightly. "... SOorrYY... I HAAAveNNt rRRReAAllly gotTen to... TRaVEllll MuuUuch..."
  74. [00:16] <Cherry> Genki and the others have kinda crowded around the two trainers in interest! (Personal space, girls, have you heard of it?)
  75. [11:19] <@Lucy> "Long story...Exxy comes from outside Kanto. He's been alongside me since I left home for a while." She chuckles... "It's fine, we'll be able to get out of here someday. And when...or if that happens, we should just...tour the world or something."
  76. [11:19] <@Lucy> "...There's a /lot/ out there that you probably don't know much about."
  77. [11:22] <Cherry> "HehHEhE... YEeeaH." Cherry smiles, and nods. "SSSsSoMEdDaYY, HuUUh?"
  78. [11:24] <Cherry> "... YYeEEaH!" Grins. "AAaaAAaaanYWaAaY, YOooU CaAME heEErE for A rEEAsON oTHER thAaAN ChHiiTchAAt, DDiDidNtCHAAaa?"
  79. [11:26] * Lucy nods a bit... "...Honestly, you were always kinda weird. Not in the bad way." Excalibur perks up slightly and adds in... ("Milady arrived here on a mission of great importance. If you recall, she lived on Cinnabar on that day.")
  80. [11:27] <@Lucy> "...Yeah, I heard from my benefactors in the Church that you'd be able to help me go there one day...y'know, and set things right. If we even can. Then all the refugees can come back in and resume their lives like they ought."
  81. [11:32] <Cherry> "CiiCIInnNaBAR?" Cherry nods. "YYYyYyEah, we CCanN GGGGeeEtcha TTthHeRE. ... EEeeeeEEveNEtuaLLy." The trainer hums, chews her bottom lip a bit.
  82. [11:33] <Cherry> "... WWwwIth yOU In tOw, THHougH, iTTt wOUlDD tAAke A bIIt of DOOiIiIinG."
  83. [11:34] <@Lucy> "...What do you mean by that? Other than sea routes being...well, pretty treacherous, these days..."
  84. [11:37] <@Lucy> "We're most likely going to have to take the long way around..." A pokeball on her belt looked a little different from the others, all covered in strange markings. "Headed anywhere in particular from here? I like this place better when there were people about..."
  85. [11:41] <Cherry> "TTtTreACHerOUs fOOr YOU." Cherry averts her eyes with a mildly embarrassed cough. "I... IiiI uH, DooOOnT gEEET ACCcccoSsteD MUUuUcH AAAnnYmorRe. BuuuUuT, UH, YyeYeah, LooOng WAyyyY AROuuNd'S a... GoOOd IDEA."
  86. [11:41] <Cherry> Cherry doesn't notice the funky-looking Pokeball at first, but - what was its name? Xu-xu? - certainly does, leaning in close to inspect it. (Keep your paws off it, girl, whoever it was belongs to someone else now.)
  87. [11:45] <@Lucy> The ball rattles and /growls/ as Xu-xu gets close. It doesn't like to be disturbed... "...I caught one of these things, too. I call it 'Cash'. It isn't too pleasant, either." She tilts her head and looks at the map again, figuring out where to go next. "It's pile of lines, anyway.'s really, really painful to listen to."
  88. [11:46] <@Lucy> "...Any ideas on where to go, next, then? We might have to detour through Saffron at some point if we want to get through a bit faster."
  89. [11:56] <Cherry> Xu-xu growls right back! Hmph!
  90. [11:56] <Cherry> "PiiiiLLE oF LInes? EEeEeassIer THaaan A SENTIENnnt ShAAAde OF puuuRrpLE." Cherry looks at the map as well.
  91. [11:56] <Cherry> "DdDdDdDeeePENDss. DOOOooO YoooU WwwWaNNt TOO go ThROuGh CyyYYYyCLinG RoooAD?"
  92. [12:01] * Lucy gives another little nod... "While I don't have a bike, I don't suppose that matters. Elena or Tank can give me a ride there, if I need it. But what I need most is somewhere to dry these clothes..."
  93. [12:12] <Cherry> Cherry gestures behind her! "... WwwWE GoT SOmME WaaaaRrM ComPUUTeRs, IIIf yOuuU WaaNt ta TRyyyY thAT!"
  94. [12:16] <@Lucy> "That's not going to be enough for me...we should just get moving when it's a bit lighter out." Since when did Kanto have SUN anymore, anyway?
  95. [12:21] <Cherry> %Well, if you're /positive/...% Cherry says, before heading over to the PC, fiddling with it a bit. %You guys start out, I'll be there in a second!%
  96. [12:22] <Cherry> %O-kaaaaaaay~!% Genki chirps, and she heads out the door. The varying shades of purple follow her, with the bat-wielding blonde heading up the rear.
  97. [12:28] <@Lucy> "...O-Okay, take care, then!" Lucy heads out, summoning Elena and hopping onto her back and heading to the edge of town, trying to get Genki to stick closely! "...We've got a ways to go, yet..."
  98. [12:34] <Cherry> %Haaai~!% The cheerful Glitch Pokemon has no trouble following Lucy, following her into the air like it ain't no thing.
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