
Moonfall Issues

Dec 18th, 2019
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  1. [20:59] Regardless of the situation at hand, it is broke by a fellow knight coming up with a letter. Solon takes it and looks at it. His eyes widen.
  3. Muttering to himself. "You can't be serious..." His flame erupts around him. Glowing quite bright. His face has a serious look of anger... He is no longer able to hold back. He runs to the castle as fast as possible.
  4. (Solon Tofusin )
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [21:00] "I respect it. I don't understand it, but I respect it."
  9. A bold face lie.
  11. He didn't respect it, because he couldn't understand it. He'd heard rumors about some drain gang, but he didn't actually think weirdos were really representing this. "I guess if you're all freaks than you're normal which makes normal people freaks. Nice."
  13. He throws up two thumbs up. He was honestly afraid of this one. They were definitely a different breed of human, that much was certain. "Uh, Nice meeting you though."
  14. (Estarossa)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [21:01] Melrak Norken exclaims, "Hi other Mel!"
  18. [21:01] Melrak Norken says, "He WAHT"
  19. [21:02] Lion says, "Of course. See you around up here, likely... watch out for Ita over there."
  20. [21:02] Melrak Norken asks, "He couldn't have just hunted me down?"
  21. [21:02] Lion says, "This sun is getting bright."
  22. [21:03] Yvel would be ready to accept the insults and the slandered but even if that were the case he was a Knight and had to follow the laws of Osrona. As it seemed Neklous was becoming angered he'd only wait for a moment to see if the man would make a move and if he had to defend himself.
  24. As the punch to his side landed Yvel would only take the brunt of the blow, Luckily he'd been incumbered by the shadows to realize but as soon as he was struck he'd begun healing his wounds with Holy magic. "How Callous Neklous..." he'd aim to arrest him, after all assault on a Knight was an egregious crime.
  26. Luckily however a messenger came up towards them interrupting their spat. He'd hand all the knights present a message to attend an urgent meeting held by the Radiant. Yvel looked over the notice and with some curiosity he'd tucked the paper away and looked towards the others.
  28. "It seems we've been called away at an opportune time." He'd say putting away his staff and cracking his fingers. His aura fading although it had yet to be in full bloom. "Neklous the next time I see you I'll pay you back for that punch. I hope for your sake you're strong enough to beat me." He'd claim as he'd wiped the bit of blood off his face.
  30. "I'm leaving now." He said as he turned to leave and join the others at the meeting.
  31. (Yvel Endore)
  32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. [21:05] With both his arms resting in the pocket of his back. His up-right attention was held to it's upmost standard. If only to retrain himself from growing eerily impatient. An odd tendency he'd seemingly picked up along the way of his ventures.
  36. "They're three shamans among them... Can't say for certain how the hierarchy among them work though." A brief voicing before falling silent.
  38. As troublesome as things were becoming, the last he wanted was to become a bother. Observing the others instead to see what their thoughts or concerns were. Curious of the silence maybe some held, their expressions.
  40. Were they as worried as he was?
  41. (Wano)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [21:05] Some people can't die. Or at least, that's the belief he inserted in his mind- knowing that rather capable people went on a mission, he wasn't worried - though, with the pensive expression that Elijah has taken upon his countenance.. he can't help but think that something had gone poorly.
  46. "So these rumors are not false." It's spoken more as a matter-of-fact. Though..
  48. "The communication with them went rather poorly, Radiant Soleis. As much as they weren't going to attack us, yet, they clearly looked tense the whole time."
  50. "Why, though? What happened? Are we going to have to quell something?"
  52. It's almost as if he's wilfully ignorant of these missing- putting the worst possibility to the backburn, not until it's directly shoved in his face.
  54. They have to be fine.
  55. (Nerin)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [21:05] Communication was one way to put it. The Exarch had arrived with no ill will, no further talks except to make good on his word. A simple delivery in which he'd leave them goods and be on his way. His eyes turn over towards Elijah, deciding to own up to his catalyst the spurred the occultists into action.
  60. "Yes, she was. Enraged by my attempt to hand them items as a symbol of peace, a good will gesture. I did not intend to stay any longer than to do just that. In fact, she was not at the gate when I had arrived." He doesn't let his sight leave Elijah's until after he finishes his explanation, turning towards Atrosus soon after.
  62. "I had made attempts to leave shortly after I had delivered the goods. It was only when I was mid-stride to leave, did Cornelia emerge to speak her disdain of us. She had the offered goods thrown back and I had then left, enroute to return to give my report of the situation."
  64. He exhales, hands kept in his cloak.
  66. "And from the sound of it, it seems they were met with the Occultists influencing the village. I had seen witness of the Occult Drakanite by Cornelia's side, proving that they are indeed in league with our enemies."
  67. (Nemein Sparda)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [21:05] Erick quietly falls in lines amongst the great number of knights gathered in front of the castle gates.
  71. (Erick Falstrik)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [21:07] The girl's eyes widen as Elijah makes his explanation, but return to their squint as Nemein speaks, visibly upset at the exarch, judging by the venom in her gaze and the way she seems to tense up.
  76. "You did… What?" She mutters, mostly to herself, no amount of rage being enough for her to raise her voice against an Exarch in the current situation.
  78. But considering their previous meetings, and how she had behaved during them, the Exarch would perhaps easily notice the displeasure with which she was staring at him.
  79. (Evangeline Minerva)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [21:08] Elijah spotted Asphira in the distance, bloodied and wounded... a touch of relief softens his expression, only to fade when he realizes that Jasper is not with her.
  83. (Elijah Soleis)
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. [21:08] Holly would offer a nod in response to Elijah as her gaze pans back over to the gather and she'd decide to fill in what blanks there were that she'd noticed of just remembered.
  88. "Yes." She first responds to Atrosus. "We arrived and they were already exceedingly hostile - due to what the letter entailed, the presence of the Archdruid was asked for - if he was available. That, sent Cornelia into a rage where she strangled Asphira on the spot."
  90. She continues on,
  92. "Then, as the letter was read aloud for all the hear - Cornelia made no efforts to brush aside the claims and, instead, flaunts her occultic arts whilst assaulting Asphira. She could've escaped, but Jasper got caught up. So we stayed. Then... got separated as everyone in Moonfall flocked out o try and fight us as well. Thus, I've returned and am currently unaware of the other two's whereabouts or conditions." She explains.
  94. "I'm not certain if the Druids actually support Cornelia, one tried to stop her and was attacked--"
  96. She paused at Asphira's appearance...
  98. "Ah..."
  99. (Holly Hargrave)
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [21:09] Piercing yellow eyes shift from person to person as his ears perk up to each voice. Arthmael's attention is drawn to the sudden appearance of Asphira.
  103. (Arthmael Dioltas)
  104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  106. [21:09] Holly Hargrave says, "<<At least she's... alive.>>"
  107. [21:09] Yvel merely listens to whats being said although he doesn't understand the full extend of the situation he'd find that the people of Moonfall were 'less' than welcoming as he he spoke out against and was slandered for.
  109. "Mhm..." was all the man said, his arms crossed along his chest plate and his head shook from side to side, There was no satisfaction on his face, Only a grim realization that him being right would have lead many to die.
  111. Perhaps he should've spoken louder and made the others actually hear what he was saying...but now it was too late and it seemed as if distained had turned to something far worse than that. Bloodshed.
  112. (Yvel Endore)
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [21:10] Wano says, "..."
  116. [21:10] … She arrives silently, takes a spot, and listens. Her arms cross, and her brow furrows. Another attempt, so soon, after their poor rap sheet prior? Were they taking no sort of tact or consideration for the temperament of the people they've deal with?
  118. Audree had... expected some sort of delay. A time for hotter head to cool, and the cooler to prevail. So soon, and with this summonings- it does not take Elijah expanding on the situation for her to already expect the worst.
  120. People have taken their own reigns on the situation at hand, and taken rash and foolish decisions.
  122. Even the gaze that levels briefly at Elijah, here, is not a kind one. But it is particularly so at Ser Nemein.
  124. The obvious course to all of them had to be not to aggravate this situation, with occultists and outliers who already openly dislike their Order for past transgressions...?
  126. "Recklessness."
  127. (Audree Iessia)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. [21:10] The noble blinked before her eyes widened at the news that Moonfall potentially harbored Occultists - but if a leader was an Occultist then... Erika frowned and shook her head,
  132. "If the Occultist Drakan is there, then yes, they're either okay with harboring crazy, dangerous individuals, or they're all crazy dangerous individuals," She concluded as she slowly crossed her arms in front of her.
  134. "Who was sent to communicate with them?"
  136. She fell silent, listening to Holly now as she explained. The news Asphria was strangled caused a look of concern to flash through her features. Asphira's appearance caused her to relax, only briefly, before she returned to attention.
  137. (Erika cos Salis)
  138. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. [21:12] Berrios arrives fashionably late. Again.
  141. (Berrios Falstaff)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [21:15] Andras made his way through the crowd, but it took only a bit of listening to understand what had occurred. His expression darkens considerably as he casts his glance upon those whom had decided to behave just as recklessly as the last group. Was there no concern for the safety of others, and did they believe a simple apology would suffice? His left hand rises upward, only to gently plant itself upon Evangeline's shoulder. While he'd normally be a bit reluctant, he felt the need to anchor her in place.
  146. Her anger was practically tangible to him, but he wordlessly gazes at her. Perhaps an indication for them to reign themselves in, before they did something equally reckless.
  147. (Andras)
  148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. [21:15] It took a while to get home.
  152. With the injuries Asphira had, it was exceptionally hard to make the journey that hadn't given her much trouble before. She ran and ran without looking back all while ignoring her pain as well as she possibly could rather than succumbing to it. Her sole goal after her bout was survival.
  154. Somehow, in the end, she'd live. There was too much at stake.
  156. By the time she'd reached the gathering, Asphira was barely hanging in there. She stumbles over the final step and collapses down to her knees, eyes moving over the crowd as she wheezes and struggles to catch her breath. Holly was there, yet...
  158. Jasper was nowhere to be found.
  160. She looked hurt, confused, worried, and scared. Her body was littered with cuts and bruises, the most prominent markings being small punctures in her neck and burns surrounding it. The extent of the damage was difficult to discern from a mere glance alone, however.
  162. Her lips part to speak yet even now she couldn't find her voice. Asphira appeared oblivious of the two that had presumably accompanied her all along the way and ensured her safety through the forest.
  163. (Asphira)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [21:18] Hearing what occurred throughout the entire ordeal... To think most of the knights were here in the city, oblivious to what was happening on the other side of the lands. Tch. It was simply all he could express without feeling sick inside.
  168. All the strength he had was put into restraining himself, one hand curled tightly along the wrist of the other. His eyes squeezed shut, but it didn't seem to matter.
  170. "I-It's a shame we couldn't all been there to help."
  172. It's what he thought, barely spoken through gritted teeth. But then again? Likely everyone here was thinking the same to some degree. All the cat could think of now was...
  174. What's next?
  175. (Wano)
  176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. [21:18] The initial news from Holly were met with a frown.
  180. It was only a matter of time. Deep inside, he knew that what he was told would turn out to be true, that eventually, there would be conflict between First Light and the people of Moonfall. But of course.. they were supposedly harbouring Occultists and even Syndicate agents, so it was bound to happen eventually.
  182. Although he listens in, for the most part, in silence - his gaze turns towards Asphira as eh arrives.
  184. A squint, once, twice.. before he makes an assessment out of her injuries. Here, he clearly understand that she needs help - and being a medic himself, he glances off to the command nearby, exclaiming.
  186. "She appears to be in shock. Would you allow me to step out of line and take a look at her?"
  188. But no matter how much he looks..
  189. There's no Jasper.
  191. He should be around, somewhere.. he was capable, that one; until theend, he couldn't believe that anything could've happened to him. If anything, he addressed his concerns regarding the Cadet that made her way here.
  193. "Unless someone else would have to."
  194. (Nerin)
  195. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197. [21:19] A few small nods are given to Atrosus and Nerin, and he takes in Wano's piece of information and puts it to mind. Three Shaman. Perhaps more druids beyond that, too. "Holly has all but confirmed the Druids are not on good terms with the Occultists, and their reluctance to leave the village may be their equal disdain for Osrona," he half-whispered, disappointed and dejected in himself after getting a good look at Asphira.
  199. "We must decide what to do from this point on. My suggestion is that we move in force, with some of our strongest. And we demand an audience at their gate."
  201. "...It is clear they do not take kindly to a softer approach."
  202. (Elijah Soleis)
  203. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205. [21:19] Like a ship through ice, Berrios would begin to make his way through the crowd. Already he had arrived late, yet the appearance of the blue-haired squire caught his attention quickly. A plethora of expressions passed against his face. The most prominent was worry, before it was shielded away by a composed facade. The knight looked over her injuries, her state. His voice low as he looked forward.
  207. "I heard the two of you had gone missing. What...what happened?" A moment, before he looked at the small gathering of people behind her. None, the one he was looking for.
  209. "Jasper?"
  210. (Berrios Falstaff)
  211. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  213. [21:20] Victoria Olgimskaya says, "Oh..."
  214. [21:20] A familiar glint of discord, soon began to come up around the crowd, Everyone was mostly silent but as Asphira made her way back Yvel would swivel his head, recognizing the wounds she had...knowing the fighting style of that demon from anywhere...
  216. Yvel motioned to help his medical training urged him too. He'd break ranks to go help Asphira up bending over on one knee the knights cloak draping over him as he observed her closely. Recognizing an even more familiar curse that had been placed upon her.
  218. "You didn't deserve this...I'm sorry this happened to you Miss." Yvel said showing the most amount of emotion he could muster at that point. Although keeping himself from crying.
  220. He'd moved to help her up and then continue onwards. "Do you need any medical attention? I'm particularly familiar with this curse..." He'd ask in a low tone as to not interrupt the Radiants and Exarchs from speaking.
  221. (Yvel Endore)
  222. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  224. [21:20] Nerin says, "--I'll take the liberty to assume nobody would mind I check the cadet."
  225. [21:20] Nerin moves over. He's a medic, after all.
  226. (Nerin)
  227. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  229. [21:20] Cicero had been chasing Asphira all the way across the entire forest. She had gotten a head-start on him due to the fruitless confrontation he had made of her aggressor, distantly trailing behind her. Still, she was extremely fast for someone who had been defeated and injured!
  231. That only led to more concern, as it was abundantly clear that Asphira wasn't thinking straight. She had tunnel vision, oblivious to anything else but her objective. All the nobleman could do was keep a watchful eye of her surroundings as they arrived at the city.
  233. When Asphira arrived, Cicero was soon to come as well. Sweating and panting raggedly, he made his way up the steps. "Wait-.. Asphira.. hold on.." he spoke between bated breaths, exhausted. He had probably been shouting at her to wait for the entire trip.
  235. He made his way to the top of the stairs, hunching over and placing his hands on his legs as he breathed heavily. This cross country trip was interrupted by no breaks, a true test of stamina. His noble body wasn't built for this. Cicero raised his head.
  237. "Erika- a little help, please."
  238. (Cicero cos Morneau)
  239. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  241. [21:20] Nerin says, "..."
  242. [21:20] Walking along with Asphira and Cicero, he looks tired and annoyed. Truly exhausted, as opposed to the normal lethargic attitude he sports. Looking at the crowd as he makes sure Asphira doesn't just crumple along with Cicero's help, he just takes a deep breath and steadies himself, unsure of what the end result today is.
  244. All his efforts were in vain. He was useless yet again, and no peace could be had. All that work wasted, because of the man he now glares at.
  246. His gaze sets Elijah, looking more and more angry by the second- But then, Berrios appears. One of the others he was a cadet alongside. It seemed they were slowly dying off.
  248. His gaze softens as it sets on Berry.
  250. "Sorry..."
  251. (Iskan Furthis)
  252. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  254. [21:20] The worst. The worst.
  256. Her Cadet.
  258. Her Knight.
  260. A responsibly that was still hers, even he if he had grown so far beyond those years, and perhaps even grown beyond even her. He was still missing. He was still something she held responsibility in, and instilled belief in- somebody she had taught so long ago.
  262. Audree was the one who put them on this path, and who welcomed him as who he was, and helped who he would become.
  264. … But he was dead, wasn't he?
  266. The worst case scenario. That's what it'd be. For this recklessness- for Audree herself not STEPPING ON THE THROAT of any endeavor that she herself did not lead the execution thereof, it would only come out as the worst case.
  268. So she could only assume the worst. His fate, whatever it truly was, was her fault, wasn't it? If she had lead that party, they would all have been returned woundless.
  270. If it was her, everything would have been okay.
  272. Her eyes both dart- mad, wild between everyone in front of her. The Radiants, the Exarchs, Erika- every individual bar of the gate creaks and her fists clench.
  274. She could have done something. She should have. Instead, she had left it to them.
  276. And likely she could never undo whatever it is done.
  277. (Audree Iessia)
  278. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. [21:21] Holly remained silent as she'd inspect Asphira's form from where she stood... She was evidently far more mangled than before they'd left for the simple task of delivering a letter. Moonfall had likely just declared a war with Osrona - or, well... The Witches in particular had declared the war.
  282. Not the Druids. As far as she could understand, the Druids had done nothing. Yet.
  284. A brief flicker of teal eyes behind Asphira revealed the lack of Jasper accompanying her. That, it itself, just provoked the darkest reality she could have in mind right now. Perhaps... Jasper wouldn't be coming back.
  286. She'd almost wince as Berrios asked for Jasper.
  288. "It was just that one Druid I spotted, I didn't notice any others. Cornelia mentioned something about that one Druid not being allowed to have a say in anything, due to the fact she'd been 'absent for so long'? I'm unsure what that means, but... Yeah." She recollects.
  289. (Holly Hargrave)
  290. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  292. [21:21] Nerin says, "I have this, Cicero. I'm a medic myself. Here.."
  293. [21:22] As everyone gaze follows along to Asphira the Exarch's heart sinks; those cold tendrils of fear digging in deeper as he realizes not just the state the woman is in, but that Jasper is still not accounted for.
  295. All the years and years of conditioning meant little when it struck so close, so suddenly, and left a shroud of doubt upon everything. It was all the held him together in the moment as he waits.
  297. The façade of stoicism slowly begins to crumble; as his lips begin to tremble he steadies them with a bite. He tried to speak the words of the boy's name, but they would not come. Only an unintelligible grunt.
  299. It had not faltered yet and he wanted to show hope, but idealism had never blinded him to reality and unfortunately that comfort did not come even now. Not even for the others that might yet watch.
  300. (Valero lux Montclaire)
  301. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  303. [21:22] The Exarch's own gaze flails around the scene distressingly a mere few seconds after blinking in with a sharp coil of lightning adorning the scene above them. Jeanne's lower lip is bit into furiously, as she meditates on the reports and subversive acts against the First Light taking place. Truth was, thus far, Jeanna had had nothing to do with Moonfall at all. The village was initially thought to be barely of any incidence to Esshar's own story to begin with, barely more than a tale or traveler's checkpoint if real at all.
  305. "So it's true, then. Moonfall is not only keeping Occultists safe, but is also seemingly ran by them too." Her brutally poignant gaze morphs upon finally coming to meet the figure of Asphira's injured silhouette. She's quick to react. "Bring Asphira to the clinic after the meeting's over. The last few to have been attacked southwest had a part of their lifeforce apparently drained. I'd like more information gathered on that as soon as possible."
  307. There's a pause in which the Exarch now less tensely regards the corps, troops and hierarchical figures alike, more on the side of stoicism this time around.
  309. "I'm hard-pressed to take a team and look for Jasper. We need to gather confirmation on his status, at the very least. What do you lot say?" She suggested, clearly directed at the higher figures this time around.
  310. (Jeanne Stallard)
  311. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  313. [21:22] Iskan Furthis says, "He's been decapitated."
  314. [21:22] Cicero cos Morneau says, "If the injury is.. major, I can make a specialized mythril kit. We just-.."
  315. [21:22] Holly Hargrave says, "..."
  316. [21:22] The Knight of Rhoynur remains silent and still. He allows the others to sort these matters out while listening.
  317. (Arthmael Dioltas)
  318. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  320. [21:22] Andras says, "-"
  321. [21:22] Berrios BREATHS IN.
  322. (Berrios Falstaff)
  323. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  325. [21:22] Jeanne Stallard says, "..."
  326. [21:22] Elijah *frowned.*
  327. (Elijah Soleis)
  328. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  330. [21:22] A deep frown creased the young man's lips at the mention of the occurrence in Moonfall, the abrupt confirmation of the occultic arts being present in the village, and the subsequent assault on the knightly duo.
  332. A somber gaze slowly travelled to settle upon Asphira, looking over her beaten form. It didn't take a genius to realize the situation that had befallen the duo, nor of the fate that befell the holy knight that had once accompanied her.
  334. "...Damn." he grunted before turning away, his frown devolving into a proper scowl. The village was turning out to be the very threat all the rumors had originally spoken of, it was only too bad they had been too late to treat it as such.
  335. (Erick Falstrik)
  336. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  338. [21:22] Berrios Falstaff asks, "...Excuse me?"
  339. [21:22] He fell in-line moments before Asphira shows up. At first he doesn't realize she is there. He is still thinking on the fact that Rhea Endore was captured? Or joined the Moonfall village. Nevertheless he needed to go there. This is the perfect reason to go here. He no longer needs to worry as much. He will have fellow Order members with him.
  341. After a bit of thinking. Asphira shows up. He glances over his left shoulder, looking through the crowd. She was battered, on the verge of collapsing. Jasper was nowhere to be found. His expression darkens, his eyes go blank. He remains still but it seems he is only barely under control.
  343. "What... happened?" His voice raspy as if he hadn't talked in months. He keeps his other feelings under wraps but if they go to Moonfall. They might be let loose.
  344. (Solon Tofusin )
  345. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  347. [21:22] Gin frowned. It was a sad day, no, horrible day. It was supposed to be a great one, but the weight of something else overtook the joy. The reality was sinking in, but Gin remained silent. No words had to be said. A lowered head, and a look of solemn, sorrow, and sadness. He closed his eyes, and allowed the words being spoken to fall on his ears. Asphira's injury was disappointing in and by itself, but it seemed as if there was more bad news.
  349. Jasper was killed, accordingly to Iskan.
  350. It was a terrible day.
  351. (Gin Fujiwara)
  352. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  354. [21:22] "Repeat what you just said," Elijah demanded, "And be clear about it, Iskan."
  355. (Elijah Soleis)
  356. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. [21:23] Erika spoke up, as she headed over towards Asphira…. But seeing Nerin have a handle on it, she paused, looking now towards Jeanne.
  360. "I'd like to help out, anyway I can," She said. Obviously she didn't mean via medical healing, given someone else was taking care of Asphira, but at least in other ways. It was when Iskan said something about Jasper.
  362. She turned towards him, staring.
  364. ".... What?"
  365. (Erika cos Salis)
  366. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  368. [21:23] Wano asks, "...?"
  369. [21:23] Nerin is about to be treating Asphira (but waits for dot!), yet he glances off to Iskan.
  370. (Nerin)
  371. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  373. [21:23] Nerin says, "Can't be real. Jasper's tough."
  374. [21:24] Looked like a veritable army of medics rushed to tend to Asphira, though it left the question that some had already voiced. Where was Jasper? Atrosus' expression hardened, fingers twitching and clenching into a fist.
  376. "Don't argue over medical duties." Came a sharp bark, the massive man moving behind. Just as he'd opened his mouth to speak to Elijah-
  378. 'He's been decapitated'
  380. Like a gong ringing through his head, Atrosus stopped for a moment, stepping over with heavy footfalls.
  382. Staring as if it would change what came next.
  383. (Atrosus lux Vandigan)
  384. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  386. [21:24] Evangeline is breathing very slowly, very deeply, her whole body tensing up to the point of trembling slightly, despite Andras' reassuring hand.
  387. (Evangeline Minerva)
  388. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  390. [21:24] Victoria Olgimskaya says, "Seems you'll get to practice what the family is known for, Yuza, along with the others."
  391. [21:25] Yvel seeing as there were multiple medics it put Yvel's mind at ease to some degree of course he had already been used to treating occultic curses...and expereincing them but if the others felt more inclined to he'd back away.
  392. (Yvel Endore)
  393. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  395. [21:26] The death of a knight should have never been so casually spoken. The Exarch marches his way over to Iskan. This was not the time to for jokes. "Soldier, this is no time for games and this is no time for humor. Speak." It might have been Nemein's fault that the hostilities became what they were, but he hadn't anticipated such aggressions without them being turned away and the knights refusing to do so.
  397. This was a clear act of war, one that the occultists intended to make due. But for now, Nemein does not make any moves to harm Iskan, despite the ready body posture indicating otherwise.
  398. (Nemein Sparda)
  399. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  401. [21:26] Silently, the knight stood there soaking in all the information being thrown his way. A fight had broken out at Moonfall village, and things had turned south. Sure, everyone that had come back was a bit worse for wear, but they were all alive.
  403. Jasper would surely return with Asphira soon, right? He was just taking a bit longer to make sure his friend got home safe. At the sound of someone making their way up the stairs, Ravan would slowly turn to face what he expected to be his friend's return.
  405. Except well...Jasper wasn't there.
  407. The knight's face turned a pale, as his mind raced to find an excuse to why Jasper wasn't here yet. Surely he was just a bit late, right? He'd be here soon, he had to be.
  409. "..."
  411. Then that BOMBSHELL was dropped on all of them. Ravan simply stood there in silence, as he attempted to understand what he just heard. No, no, no...
  413. This had to be some sort of sick joke, right? There was no way Jasper was dead, he was so strong, and kind. Who would ever want to kill the man?
  415. No words, Ravan couldn't even bring himself to speak, as his brain continued to process what just happened. His roommate, and friend... was gone.
  417. This had to be a joke, right?
  418. (Ravan lei Karnstein)
  419. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  421. [21:27] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  422. [21:27] Andras remained eerily silent for the time being, though his hand gently tightened its hold upon Evangeline. It wasn't to keep her in place anymore, but to keep himself anchored beside her, the subtle discord of cracking heard as crystalline fragments slowly creep from beneath Andras. IT was difficult not to express growing anger with his magic, as it was often times volatile when he was truly enraged. He could not pretend he was close with Jasper, but the man had always been considered a comrade and friend. His lips purse together gently, only to gaze up at the sky.
  424. A grave error in their decision-making skills have led to the death of a Knight. How they could recover from this was unknown to Andras, but he did recognize the fact that this was due to poor decision-making, based off of the leadership in place.
  426. ". . . ."
  427. (Andras)
  428. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  430. [21:28] Iskan's matter of fact statement of what had happened to Jasper caused Cicero to freeze, turning his head. His heart sank into his chest as the gravity of what had happened was revealed. Fists clenched, he brought in a deep breath. His lips quivered as he did so, his chest shaking.
  432. Beneath him, the cobblestone began to shake. Colors began to form in the stone pathway, the individual tiles trembling as they seemed to become animated. They became translucent, spiking away from him in jagged formations. These tiny crystals were harmless, they could be easily crushed over someone's heel. But, it was a tangible display of Cicero's emotion rising to the surface.
  434. ".. What do you mean?"
  435. (Cicero cos Morneau)
  436. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  438. [21:28] Yuza cos Duran whispers something.
  439. [21:28] Clearly a bit out of breath and not in the state of mind to just... Clarify so easily, he'd just blurted out what happened without really thinking. The sudden attention makes him rethink how he handled those words, and rights himself a bit, taking some deep breaths to properly speak.
  441. "Whatever your plan was, didn't go as intended. The village people got hostile and attacked the group you sent. I happened to be nearby so I could see from a distance, but... Jasper moved to engage someone named Cornelia, according to what I heard another villager say. She... Well, they fought, and Jasper lost. He only fought her because she was moving to harm Asphira here. Though... There were so many fighting, she ended up hurt anyways, it seems." He'd say a bit long-windedly. He looks down after this, just wanting to shut himself off from the world, it seems.
  443. "The others will have more details, I'm sure." he'd add.
  444. (Iskan Furthis)
  445. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  447. [21:31] … It's a bombshell that already hit her. This is only confirmation. This is only what her heart already knew. If Jasper had been safe in any capacity, he would he here right now.
  449. This is just. What she already knew. The fault is hers. The initiative should've been hers. Everything would have gone better- everything would have been okay.
  451. "Of course. Of course." She mutters, sounding wearied and delirious, but still blatantly brimming fury as she finally unlocks her legs enough to walk, slowly, over to the bearer of the news.
  453. Silent, still.
  454. (Audree Iessia)
  455. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  457. [21:31] While he's more than well aware that the plan did not go intended, the death of Jasper was something Elijah feared but had yet to confirm. If he were captured, then they could save him just like they did with Asphira. But all this does is have the Radiant turn around and look elsewhere, averting the eyes and the wince of pain that darkened his green isies for a moment.
  458. (Elijah Soleis)
  459. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  461. [21:32] It was hard to breathe, think, or focus. The people around her seemed to blur together before her very eyes as she pressed her palms against the stone beneath her. Shuddering, the young Cadet coughs up blood and shuts her eyes tightly. "Jasper... he protected me. I ended up fighting someone else. I couldn't do it." Asphira was trying her hardest to speak though it was anything but easy after how much her throat had suffered. To make matters worse, there were so many voices around her. Everything felt much louder and her head was spinning.
  463. Some had chosen to approach her, but it didn't look as if she'd fully registered it. She'd continue trying to speak quietly and frantically to whoever's ears it may reach.
  465. "He took me down and pressed his palm against my chest. Something burned, and I-"
  467. Through the commotion, she heard it clearly. Jasper was gone and she knew that it was all her fault. All because she had been tooweak and failed again. The young woman didn't know what to do nor did she know how to process the feelings knotted in her chest.
  469. It was hopeless. She felt hopeless.
  470. (Asphira)
  471. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  473. [21:34] Yvel falls back in line seeing as Nerin wanted to take charge on handling the medical procedure, Unless he was called to help out he'd get back in line next to Solon.
  475. He continued to listen and when the news about Jasper emerged Yvel merely clutched his chest...Another Knight felled in that wretched village. All Yvel could've thought about was how horrid iw ould be that it took THIS for the Knights to understand how dangerous Moonfall was...
  477. "I told you..." He'd whisper under his breath his features all scrunched up tightly having already warned not only the Radiant but many others who had saw the damage inflicted...Yet they blamed them..Yvel and the others who just so happened to be passing by.
  479. "This was invadable..And Jasper had to suffer for it." He'd claim tears beginning to roll down his face, The young Knight couldn't handle such heavy news, Even though it wasn't someone he often interacted with.
  481. They shared the same Holy light...the same honor and pride as a Knight...and one of theirs felt like losing a sibling.
  482. (Yvel Endore)
  483. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  485. [21:34] The words seemed to spill out of Iskans mouth carelessly. There was a very long moment of silence coming from Berrios. It didn't hit like a truck. It was more akin to a slow moving poison, slowly dripping through his body. The knights fingers would begin to flex and writhe like they had a belief of their own, before they would flex into sharp fists.
  487. "Dead? No."
  489. Jasper was strong. Despite his diminutive appearance, he was strong. The belief that something akin to nothing but a villager could kill him was almost sacrilege. Fists would continue to clench as the knight would begin to hyperventilate. That was his best friend. They had begun to grow up together, train together. Fought together. Never had he doubted the bright haired knight, never did he think that he was nothing but his best self. Was this what his best self was? A corpse?
  491. His mouth would open to speak, before closing.His throat would clear. "I..." Words were failing him. It was different when it was another man you had never interacted with. But the poison was finding its way deep into the delicate machinations of his brain, and began to rust away at his heart. The rest had formed a small crowd infront of him. The tall knight would be pushed back, taking a step backwards. Then another.
  493. He broke. A tear, then two. Berrios would continue to step away from the small crowd before he was some little distance away. A hand reaching up to his scarf, loosening it. Face red. Hot. A hand brushing against it his neck and shoulder forcefully in a nervous tic before he crouched onto the cobblestones. His head was bowed between his legs in an attempt to ostrich himself as Berrios began to openly sob in the city street. Not the crying of a man, but the open, sucking sobs of a child that had been forced to grow too fast.
  495. His best friend. His brother. Dead.
  496. (Berrios Falstaff)
  497. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  499. [21:34] "Corneila really does seem like a mess." He complained, wrapping a hand around the nape of his neck with emerald hues fixed to the ground. It was hard for him to imagine there ever coming a point going forward where the people of moonfall, or possibly just a few. Won't be seen as something nefarious.
  501. "It's like Radiant Vandigan lectured about... There is no hope for the Occult." His words were soft, but rough around the edges. Fearing the future for himself and the others of the order.
  503. But nevertheless, he fell silent soon after. Delegating between leaving off elsewhere or just staying here.
  504. (Wano)
  505. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  507. [21:35] "I-. . ." Her words didn't really come forth. Mainly because she couldn't find any in her to push out. Her mouth closed and lips pressed together - as though angered or in pain, likely both. Jasper really didn't deserve to just... fall to the hands of an occultist no less. Even if he had the potency of Light on his behalf, he'd fallen.
  509. And lost his life.
  511. Holly closed her eyes for a moment, a mute prayer to the land is murmured in audibly for the passing of that Knight and friend of hers of many years.
  513. It looks as though Holly had been the only one lucky enough to pull through her own battle unscathed. Physically, at least.
  515. "It won't be for naught..." She assures.
  516. (Holly Hargrave)
  517. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  519. [21:35] The news hit Evangeline like nothing ever before. Hands clench into fists, and her breathing stops momentarily as she turns to look at Iskan.
  521. The impassiveness of her countenance was no longer there.
  523. Squinting eyes were full of ire and rage, teeth biting down upon her lower lip as she begins to make her way towards Iskan, a hand reaching for her blade…
  525. But as she walks, and her gaze finds Valero, she stops in her tracks, standing by Jeanne and Erika, to only bring the same hand up to her face, hiding her eyes as she turned her face downward.
  527. And so she stood, perhaps for the first time, doing a visible effort to hide whatever sadness she was feeling at the loss of one she had called a friend.
  528. (Evangeline Minerva)
  529. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  531. [21:36] Is Iskan so ignorant to say that the murder of a knight is something would should let go? All this would do is cause people to openly start attacking us. If one group can do it then everyone could? He doesn't choose to state his anger just he grunts to himself.
  533. Watching how they brutalized her just makes him ever more upset. His flames grow denser, did Jasper die? Even if he didn't speak to him often it doesn't matter to him.
  535. He cracks his neck. In hopes that the Radiants would allow them to head out. If not he might head there himself.... It would be suicide, no doubt.
  536. (Solon Tofusin )
  537. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  539. [21:36] His trance of shock was broken for just a moment, as he saw Asphira attempt to speak. She had suffered much more than him. Not only was she injured badly, she lost her mentor. But, she needed to be treated before she suffered the same fate. That was why he ran all of this way.
  541. "Asphira- your chest, you.. need to stop talking, it'll only make things worse." he insisted, sounding distraught. So much was going on. Cicero was in the wrong place at the wrong time, his well-meaning trip to Moonfall being ruined by this tragedy.
  542. (Cicero cos Morneau)
  543. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  545. [21:36] The attention from Iskan turns away, off from him and onto Asphira. She was there when Jasper died. It was through him, his sacrifice was made to ensure she would live. Rather than let the hostile, tense atmosphere unleash itself as an outburst, he makes his way to place a palm onto Asphira's shoulder.
  547. "Don't blame yourself, Asphira." His tone is soft, his gaze lowered to the floor. "There is none to blame but myself. Had I known that my attempts to ease the tension through gifts and nothing else would have resulted in the occultists striking, I would not have gone as I did." No matter what anyone had to say, it was clearly upon his shoulders.
  549. "Which is precisely why that, if and when we move... I am going with the party to make amends..."
  551. "For Jasper..."
  553. All he wanted was to ease the hatred that Moonfall already had. Was something so passive as giving of gifts warranted an assault on the inquiring emissaries? Nemein did not think so, but it mattered little now. The Exarch fully intended to march, ready to set their whole fire ablaze.
  555. The Druids will simply have to forgive him on that desire.
  556. (Nemein Sparda)
  557. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  559. [21:37] Prayer beyond prayer to hope that he had not heard what he thought, but in this moment there was no guidance. No resonations came from his patron star for reassurance on the path. All was quiet and cold.
  561. Where he had bit his lip to steady himself already flooded his mouth with a metallic taste which was oddly comforting in that it was a different sensation from what he was feeling.
  563. He tried to draw in it and trace the alien and vibrating taste of the metal to examine it in his mind's eyes, but it felt as though his skull itself shook within his skin.
  565. As the chill of fear and despair overtakes him his hands trembles at his side despite pressing them against his side to still them. His entire form was becoming unstable as he tried desperately to hold it together.
  567. Half-formed thoughts of Officer, duty, Exarch, Radiants, Order and other obligations dissolve within his mental grasp unable to sustain his composure, the well nearly tapped.
  569. All those years ago he had not known what to do with the young boy, half-dead and malnourished, that he had brought not only to the safety of the walls, but his own home and heart.
  571. 'When I grow up I want to be a knight so I can help people like you, dad.
  573. '..You're my hero after all.'
  575. No matter how he screwed up his face and tried the mask had fallen and the tears flowed freely down red eyes to dribble onto those quivering lips and beyond.
  577. He opens his mouth to speak, teeth chattering wildly and tongue working idly through instinct, a nasty sight. "I.. Need-"
  578. (Valero lux Montclaire)
  579. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  581. [21:39] Erick blankly stared at Iskan for but a mere moment before he looked down towards the ground, not bothering to pay attention towards the nearby crowd. A low sigh eked its way out of the hazel-haired drakanite's lips, his hands gradually balled up into tight fists, his knuckles whitened beneath his mithril armor.
  583. "..Stars watch over 'im." he muttered lowly, shaking his head from side to side. All in all, he was holding together quite well, due in part to his relative unfamiliarity with Jasper. Yet it was still a fact that a twinge of pain echoed deep within his heart, Jasper's loss would be remembered still.
  585. Raising his head once more, he looked silently towards Valero, a thin frown lacing his lips. Today was not a good day.
  586. (Erick Falstrik)
  587. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  589. [21:40] Poor Ser Valero.
  591. The Rhoynishman continues his silence but he keeps his sights on the Exarch who likely would have been hit the worst when it came to this abrupt news of Jasper's demise. The Vigilant is a group built on companionship and brotherhood, so he can only imagine how it may feel to lose a son.
  593. Arthmael visibly appears to be distraught and irritated.
  594. (Arthmael Dioltas)
  595. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  597. [21:40] Iskan Is... Not the best at delivering news.
  598. (Iskan Furthis)
  599. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  601. [21:40] This was only a medical duty. Carefully inspecting Asphira's wounds upon approach, already he takes on the kit that he carries around, putting on a pair of gloves; as he listens in to the conversations nearby, he bobs his head - almost as if he doesn't take it seriously. With so much attention given.. he figures that Iskan was joking.
  603. "Mm.."
  605. Except.. it doesn't feel like a joke. As far as he listens in, an evident frown settles in on Nerin's face. Just like he's been once told.. he has a strong frown. So much so that it almost looks like he would rather deny this time and time again.. a thousand times - and even that wouldn't be enough. A single chortle escapes, almost as if mocking the idea that Jasper is dead.
  607. "He cannot die. He's more capable than most." Something spoken with almost disdain in his voice. While he assesses Asphira's wound, and figures that it's not something that could be treated on spot.. he takes upon a tourniquet to briefly secure the wounded area from further bleeding, the hydrogen oxide used with swabs of cotton to cleanse it as well and lay a pad via secured bandage.
  609. This is no treatment. This is first-aid, to transfer her to a surgery later - just to make sure she doesn't bleed out. But..
  611. Why?
  612. Why do they keep talking about this..
  614. "...No, no. It's--" Not possible. It can't be. Here, while the first-aid is laid upon Asphira.. he can almost feel his own eyes beginning to become misty. He could've sworn he's keeping himself composed - he could've sworn that this is all a lie. Then why? Why it doesn't feel like one?
  616. Why can't he stay focused?
  617. Why does it ache?
  619. At the very last, his actions cease. Even if the Cadet was secured this way.. there's something that felt wrong about this- Nerin didn't even know that he can feel this way, but.. this awfully reminds him of the time in sewers. Of how he prayed to all gods to return his brother, of how he prayed to divines - for them to take his life, just to save him, but..
  621. Praying won't work, will it?
  622. Of course not.
  623. Of course it won't..
  625. "How.." He could've sworn the hand didn't end up over his face, that the glove didn't slip. "Why..?" And it's not him covering his eyes frantically with a single hand. No.. why would Nerin ever seem this way?
  627. He has this under control.
  628. He swears he wouldn't be crying.
  629. Even if the droplets hit the ground.
  631. "This.."
  633. "He's still a captive.. right? We can still save him, right?"
  635. Who is he talking to? Only gods could know- for his gaze bounces all around command. What is he looking for?
  637. Hope. In a place where it can't be found.
  638. (Nerin)
  639. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  641. [21:40] It was like a brick had just been slammed into his chest. Another Knight dead, one he'd known, one he'd ridden and punished in order to help shape up. One he'd doubted at the beginning, when their first meeting had the feminine male in a drunk daze.
  643. Atrosus gripped the stone railing for a moment.
  645. And then, spoke.
  647. "Sir Jasper died a hero, protecting his companions from the evils of the Occult." Out the booming voice went, ensuring that all of those Knights present could hear it.
  649. "Radiant Soleis suggested taking a powerful force to the gate of Moonfall and demanding an audience. I think that's no longer necessary.
  651. One of their figures of leadership is gripped by the occult, which means that the village is in dire straits. If there is to be anything saved from it, there needs to be action taken to root out the vile works of the Occult before they worsen.
  653. I'm calling for a party, like Radiant Soleis, toarrest this Cornelia, and any like her. This is not a time for leniency.
  655. Not when blood has been shed and they've made it clear that lives will be as well."
  656. (Atrosus lux Vandigan)
  657. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  659. [21:42] Yvel Endore says, "..."
  660. [21:42] It was like a knife to the gut, honestly. Hearing that Jasper, someone she had patrolled with, trained with, even... Taught, was gone was hard to handle. Erika's arms wrapped tighter around her until she felt her legs give out outright from underneath her.
  662. So she fell to her knees, right then and there, as her eyes squeezed shut.
  664. Jasper was her friend - and just like that? He was gone.
  666. "... Jasper, no..." She whined out, struggling to not cry then and there, but it was good. Her hands rose up to cover her face as she still struggled and fought to not cry. She couldn't cry.
  668. "Please. No. It was supposed to me that went - not him. It was supposed to me - I was supposed to die, not him. Not him. It was never supposed to be him!" She stressed out, from behind those hands that covered her face.
  670. But she had been busy with other matters, and couldn't go.... So Jasper stepped in, instead.
  672. Fate was cruel.
  673. (Erika cos Salis)
  674. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  676. [21:43] After his pleasant afternoon in Gendo's little Bar and Grill, Vasili would make his way about the noble district in an attempt to find his employer. He didn't expect to come across such a large and sorrowful gathering.
  678. His normally welcoming expression would fade into one of concerned neutrality. The clicking of boots against the stone-stairs would follow him in his approach to the heir of the Morneau Household. Hands carefully clasped themselves before him as he dipped his head. He'd not speak . .as he didn't wish to bring shame upon his Lord. A simple look would be offered, before his orbs looked about the gathering.
  680. Perhaps he could learn a bit more if he kept quiet.
  681. (Vasili Chrysanthos)
  682. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  684. [21:44] It...It wasn't a joke. He had hoped against hope that it was just a joke. This was a brother, someone he had fought side by side with, someone he had partied with, and someone he lived with.
  686. What little strength that he had to keep himself from breaking down, faded away. After the first tear slowly rolled down his cheek, and with that the damn that stored held his tears bake broke.
  688. His knees buckled, as he nearly collapses onto the pavement beneath him, but he holds on, just barely. There were people suffering more than him, so he needed to be strong for them. With those tears still rolling down his cheek, as he stumbled over towards Valero.
  690. Those sorrowful sienna eyes rested on his exarch, as he opened his mouth to say something, anything he could to comfort the grieving father, but... Everything failed. No words, nothing he could say could do anything to help ease the pain of losing a child.
  692. So he simply stood there, grasping at words, as his tears continued to flow.
  694. "I'm so sorry."
  696. At long last, some words leave the man's mouth, though they're quiet, barely audible to most.
  698. Everything was just so fucked.
  699. (Ravan lei Karnstein)
  700. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  702. [21:44] Elijah had to do something, say something, to help regain control over the current situation. Many close friends of his were present here and Once the initial shock of Jasper's death fades some, the tall, broad-shouldered blonde turned around to take a look at the ground, tilting his chin back and steeling his expression. His eyes resembled two freshly cut emerald gemstones under the light of the sun, though it is a solemn look.
  704. Nerin is in disbelief.
  705. Asphira barely has a grip on her mind.
  706. Berrios is breaking down.
  707. Erika was overwhelmed by guilt.
  709. The Radiant is silent as Atrosus makes their stance going forward clear, and he gives a strong nod of his head while walking forward, "Nobody is to act alone or unsupervised. Nobody will callously seek out revenge. We cannot lose another Brother or Sister going forward," he made clear, his determined gaze scanning the crowd, "The First Light will come together as one after this, and move as such. Aproper force will march south and confront the murderer of Jasper head on."
  711. (Wednesday, 6PM EST)
  713. "Mourn him. Rest. Train. Prepare for what's to come."
  714. (Elijah Soleis)
  715. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  717. [21:45] Erika cos Salis says, "I should have died..... "
  718. [21:48] Gin nodded his head at the Radiant's statement. There needed no further words to explain what had to be done. Acting bashful and on impulse has led to terrible decisions, and horrible outcomes in the past. This was one Gin could simply get behind much easier. Though today had just turned into his day, he found his mind clear, and knew what needed to be done. Biting his lip, the newly anointed knight would await orders.
  719. (Gin Fujiwara)
  720. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  722. [21:48] … They shed tears. She sees every one- every face, squint, little reaction. The tremble of another life lost, the shockwaves blowing through the ranks of those who called him comrade.
  724. Those who called him friend. Those who held him dear.
  726. But she can't shed tears. Fury overwhelms it. Guilt overwhelms it, but it is only fuel for anger. In public, a figure, the eyes of her companions all so nearby and wetting from the hurt.
  728. She can only tremble, furious.
  730. … Why didn't she go? Why did she left somebody else decide how the Order would appear to foreigners? Why wasn't she
  732. The thoughts don't stop running through her head.
  734. She could have prevented it. Why- why couldn't they?
  735. (Audree Iessia)
  736. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  738. [21:49] Jasper...
  740. Though he didn't know the Knight very well, it was definitely a big loss on their side. Kieran sighed, thinking about the travesty that took place, as well as praying that Jasper's soul had made it to the stars above.
  742. However... upon hearing that a battle would be launched against them-- those who took the life of the young Knight, fists would clench. He was ready.
  743. (Kieran)
  744. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  746. [21:49] A marching order...this couldn't have come at a better time, Not only did Yvel spend his every waking moment training since the end of his battle with Deimos but he had prepared to defeat the star dancer yet again had she made herself his foe.
  748. All of Moonfall...all who accepted their darkness and corruption would be culled. The Occult could no longer stand and Yvel had already knew this situation would unfold had only the took this stance sooner...If they had well..
  750. "To serve in the Light is a great honor, And with it we will disperse the darkness that has tried to take claim over Esshar...That is the solemn duty we swore to. That is the duty we will up hold." Yvel spoke tears still streaming from his eyes.
  752. Far too emotional to do anything more...and now He could have his chance to save snap her away from the darkness of the occult this was his only shot to reach her...To make her listen and to bring her back home.
  754. "There will be no mercy...No more peace...and no vengeance...What we do we do for Osrona...for the Stars...and for the fallen who died protecting the ones they love." Yvel would speak he was prepared...and more so than ever he was damn pissed off.
  755. (Yvel Endore)
  756. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  758. [21:50] A small, solemn nod was given to Elijah, appreciative that the Radiant backed him on the matter. "Mourn him, but do not let grief or rage consume you. It is a terrible thing, and it is a path few come back from." Be strong came the thought, idly zipping through his head.
  760. Be strong, so that others can cling to you for support.
  762. "Temper your pain into a weapon, not a weight around your ankles."
  763. (Atrosus lux Vandigan)
  764. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  766. [21:52] They mourned externally. The pain was far too immeasurable to bear. But Nemein was not unused to such loss, such grievous loss of life of those so close to him. But Jasper was different. He wasn't like the boys that Nemein fought alongside during the Rhoynur war, nor his veteran of a father, whom died so that the people could withdraw. Jasper was a beacon of hope. One that shined bright under Order of First Light.
  768. He remembered when Jasper had asked about the Rhoynur war, how him and his fellow Cadets were forced to wear Maid outfits. Nemein remembered those precious moments, the bygone years of Cadethood that culminated into the present. Nemein remembered the day he had pulled Jasper aside and asked to correct his behavior, should he wish for Knighthood.
  770. But all those memories did was turn to ash in his mouth, striking down what vestige of humanity that the Exarch had left. Each death of those under him were like broken shards of glass splintered even further. It was clear Nemein was just a single memory away from breaking in the here and now.
  772. The stoic, tears of Valero resonated with the Sparda Knight. His lips are suppressed with his own teeth, desperate to not let his emotions get the better of him in the now. But Elijah had called for them to be resolved, to hold fast against their own impertinence as well as for Jasper. Nemein makes his way over to Valero, standing face to face with his fellow Exarch.
  774. A hand is brought out, to clasp onto Valero's shoulder and nothing further. A warm touch of a hand, from the father figure to the adopted father. The sullen, broken gaze of Nemein remains upon Valero for but a whole second before he departs. It was time for the Exarch to mourn in the solace of his own privacy. They did not need to see his tears, his crippled heart bleeding upon the pavement. What the Order needed now, was stalwart walls that would break the enemy's assault.
  776. Right now, Nemein was not that wall.
  777. (Nemein Sparda)
  778. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  780. [21:52] Walking up to the gathering, the Exarch would raise an eyebrow to all of the commotion.
  782. However he'd gotten a heavy drum, and the firing of some ceremonial muskets from the Tomb of Heroes... and then at Atrosus' words the man would have everything all revealed to him a sense of shock overtaking his body.
  784. He didn not know Jasper much.. but he was a comrade, and more than that? He was the son of Valero... and he seemed to be a cordial and kind man. Despite the controversies about him and his appearance, that holy light he held had never faded.
  786. Grasping on to that spark, the cosmic magi would not let it dim. No, in fact that ember would be shared between each and every single one of them as they prepared to make those to the Southwest pay for all of this.
  788. "I-....
  790. So it's come to this then.. A world where good knights are slain, an' we're attacked on peaceful dips into foreign villages? Tha's enough.. he will rest. But I tell ya who won't..
  792. His life will be a beacon. An' his death will be a waypoint... No more good men an' women lost to the throes o' darkness. The high road will be walked, an' it'll be paved in the retribution o' all the people responsible for this.. Occultism, Darkness... anythin' tha' hides from the light..
  794. It'll burn all the same."
  796. A single hand would raise, pointing up to the centermost star of Leonaus as it twinkled and whined in the loss of a real one...
  798. There was no more time for anything but action.
  800. "Soma.... Jasper.
  802. Forgetting isn't something lions do.
  803. (Robin lei Queen)
  804. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  806. [21:53] In the end, Asphira wasn't sure what they'd accomplished. Her efforts of avoiding confrontation had gotten her hurt and Jasper of all people killed. If she'd done something differently, would he still be before them all now? She couldn't help but go through the countless possibilities in her mind while stuck on the ground, unable to get up in her state of grief.
  808. Her wounds were given minimal treatment and the dull stinging that came from it reached some part of her. Everything felt cold and unfamiliar.
  810. The usual light that comforted her in these moments was gone.
  812. Her head raises and her eyes open halfway to look to Nemein and the hand he'd placed on her shoulder. She sits up on her knees, wipes the blood at the corner of her mouth with the back of her palm, and stares out into space with a vacant gaze.
  814. If she were in the right frame of mind, there was no questioning that she'd likely be shedding tears for her lost mentor. She just couldn't as things were now.
  815. (Asphira)
  816. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  818. [21:54] He has to wait...
  820. Wait? You can't be serious, after all this gathering we are going to wait. He scoffs, taking a deep breath. Trying to relax himself. He couldn't something like this is not something Solon can just wait on. It would go against his better judgment to head to Moonfall now.
  822. Regardless he needs to wait...
  824. Why couldn't he act now... He steels his emotions, to the best of his abilities. He mutters to himself. Only those next him can hear him.
  826. "I will... Slaughter them all." After it was said his flames would fade. Black spots would fall under his eyes. This one bit of knowledge has thrown him over his limit. He looks dead.
  828. He has to wait...
  830. If so then he will use this time to temper his anger into power. He waits for him to be dismissed. Waiting to go to the Dojo....
  832. He has to train...
  833. (Solon Tofusin )
  834. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  836. [21:54] Drip, drip, drip..
  838. It's odd to be subjected to this. For he remembers that back in the day, he promised to always stay strong- for his family, for his friends, for those he cherished. Many times he would retreat and bask in his sorrows alone with nobody to see it - many times he would put up a smile and play the Fool to amuse others, if only to mask what's truly beneath.
  840. Then why can't he be strong now..
  841. Why do these tears fall?
  843. No matter how much he tries to wipe away at his eyes, no matter how much he tries to pretend he's got a grip on himself.. the truth is, he does not. Perhaps for the first time, he feels as if he's overwhelmed by it.. by the sorrow for what happened, for what they've done to him.
  845. But where sorrow floods one's heart..
  846. It's quick to become anger and hatred.
  848. He promised to be strong. He promised to keep things together, so that others wouldn't have to - but there are different ways to do that, are there not? It hurts- it hurts so much that he feels he could scream, but he knows that screaming won't do any good. That now, more than ever, he should keep his head straight and vision clear.
  850. For his family and friends.
  851. For Jasper.
  853. "I shall not mourn till war is done.."
  854. "I shall not weep while blood still runs.."
  855. "I'll.. hold my tears when weeping comes.."
  857. The tiniest of mutters, much like a re-assuring prayer to himself. Here, even when he's running low on just staying still, without anything to betray his emotion.. he knows that he should pull through- even if for now. Steadily, his gaze rises up; the reddened eyelids becoming a clear testament to the tears shed previously.
  859. "...I'll--"
  861. "I'll be ready. When you call."
  863. It's not easy.
  864. But it has to be done.
  865. (Nerin)
  866. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  868. [21:55] Jeanne's heart does not just skip a beat, but several.
  870. "Dear heavens." She immediately emotes. "Poor young man…"
  872. As the entirety of the forces seem to sulk in response to the apparent status of the missing Knight. A bleak outcome for perhaps one of the most promising of the younger bunch. Barely a year since Knighthood, Jasper had even managed to catch Jeanne's own attention and interest earlier, even going as far as to have entered Harrier briefly before finding his place amidst the forces of the Firt Light. Vibrant in every inch of his act. Died the way he lived, protecting his comrades to the bitter end.
  874. Her own gaze becomes fixated on Elijah, whose brooding and impotent bereavement becomes apparent just seconds after hearing the news. Knowing him to some regard, it was obvious he'd take it personally to some degree. Then slowly, the sienna stare lingers on to Valero, who's clearly taken a nasty blow to his gut fromthe news. Perhaps more distanced than the last common friend they'd lost, Jeanne may need to keep a level head in their turn, were they too struck by grief to respond.
  876. She inches closer to the youngest Radiant to whisper in his ear, reassuringly tugging on his sleeve.
  878. "This is beyond what we could've expected from them, Elijah. Don't let it weigh on you." Whether Elijah's current state of mind coincided with the Dame Exarch's prediction or not would linger in the air for a few seconds.
  880. Soon, the Lightning magi would find her steel clad hand poised over Erika's shoulder in sympathy, offering an elegant squeeze, as well as shaking her head simultaneously. It was not any particular member of the Order's fate to bare the culpability of Jasper's demise.
  882. After nodding twice in agreement, Jeanne pieces herself together once more to pep up their forces once the Radiants have stated their course of action.
  884. "Jasper will be sorely missed, for he was the staple of ideal courage and companionship amidst us all." She opens up. "Do know this. Guilt on his early passing is not ours to split amidst ourselves. There's but one clear offender - now, we all know who that is."
  886. Jeanne seems to briefly struggle with her own words, apparently fighting back some degree of impotence as well.
  888. "Ready up. Tomorrow, we fight. Think of Jasper's name and soul as your herald." There's an implacable pause. "Honor it!"
  889. (Jeanne Stallard)
  890. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  892. [21:55] Andras says, "Mm..."
  893. [21:57] Asphira says, "..."
  894. [21:57] Elijah breathes in and exhales out of his nose and mouth, leaving his lips slightly parted. When his hand moves there's a glow of holy light that summons his weapon, Caledwlch, the Moonlit Blade. It resonates with a soft light. The call to action was near.
  895. (Elijah Soleis)
  896. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  898. [21:58] Elijah Soleis says, "Wano... I require someone fast enough to avoid my strikes. You'll suffice for practice later."
  899. [21:58] Feeling a bit out of place in this field of tears, he'd just silently raise his head and watch those around him. Feeling as they feel, he just couldn't pretend well enough to replicate what they have in this very moment.
  901. This frustrates him for some reason, even causes him jealousy. Why does he feel pain but no tears come out? No, the reason doesn't matter. There's much more important things to worry about now. War has been declared.
  903. War.
  905. The word rings out in his head for a bit, unimpeded by thoughts of blind passion. Jasper was at least one of the smarter ones, and not a wild beast like some he's seen within the knights. A glance is cast to Asphira as her wounds are tended too, and then he looks at his own hands.
  907. Perhaps his neutrality would come to an end. His hands forced because of the weaknesses of certain individuals. He'd have to be smart if he wants to survive in this city.
  909. Frustration with the situation only grows within him as he considers all he's done for naught. Every connection he has will be put to use in the coming days. He can't afford to hold anything back anymore.
  910. (Iskan Furthis)
  911. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  913. [21:58] Jeanne Stallard says, "I pray you mind not if I join you in practice."
  914. [21:59] Holly Hargrave says, "Likewise..."
  915. [21:59] Elijah Soleis says, "We'll all need it. These people are clearly much stronger than the Syndicate."
  916. [21:59] Nerin says, "If... I may--"
  917. [21:59] Nerin says, "-- join on that, that is."
  918. [21:59] Victoria Olgimskaya says, "Hm."
  919. [21:59] Solon Tofusin asks, "Aye, may I join as well?"
  920. [21:59] Victoria Olgimskaya whispers something.
  921. [21:59] Elijah nods.
  922. (Elijah Soleis)
  923. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  925. [21:59] Andras would make his way through the crowd as he attempts to stomach the sinking sensation within his gut. He could tell that Evangeline was hurting, only to extend his arms out steadily. He moves with deliberate slowness, but would silently stare upon Evangeline as he stood expectantly. Whether she was willing to accept what little support he could offer was ultimately her decision, however. "I know you're angry, Eva. But you need to remember this feeling. Our enemies are what you ought to direct that anger toward. Mistakes were made - foolish mistakes. But we owe it to Jasper to see that they come to answer for their wrong-doings."
  927. He doesn't trust himself entirely to speak, but does his best as a hoarse voice escapes from his lips. He couldn't do much to quell the rage within a comrade, but there was little else he could do. He resigns himself to this predicament, even if he'd wind up awkwardly standing in place like this.
  928. (Andras)
  929. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  931. [22:00] Kieran says, "I too wish to join."
  932. [22:00] Jeanne Stallard asks, "I assume you'll be taking part on the assault, Evangeline?"
  933. [22:00] Leylin was surrounded by grief, despair, rejection, and even rage.
  935. It only showed him more and more that those of the Order were people just like everyone else.
  937. He couldn't claim any overwhelming grief, only a mellow sadness. He went on one patrol with the fallen Knight. He healed him once. He seemed nice, funny. He was likeable, and he could have become a good friend.
  939. If only he had the time to get to know him better.
  941. There were no tears, no quivering lip or distraught expression from the young Knight. But he was not unaffected by the reactions of others, somber demeanor revealed to those around him.
  943. He wasn't a well known or vocal Knight, so he didn't really believe his presence would change anything in the moods of those around him but.. He stood straight and tall, shoulders were held broadly, and while attempted to provide the radiant pillar of strength that those around him seemed to need.
  945. It was asmall act, it probably wouldn't even be noticed. But it was all he could do in the moment for those who revealed the grief and other emotions in their hearts to their Brothers and Sisters in the Order.
  946. (Leylin)
  947. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  949. [22:00] Evangeline Minerva says, "... Yes."
  950. [22:00] Iskan figures it's his cue to leave. A soldier doesn't matter times like these.
  951. (Iskan Furthis)
  952. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  954. [22:00] Evangeline does not seem to object Andras' support, even leaning a bit into it.
  955. (Evangeline Minerva)
  956. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  958. [22:01] Jeanne Stallard says, "Good, then perhaps time has come for me to pass on the Thunder Guillotine onto you."
  959. [22:01] Evangeline Minerva says, "... Yes."
  960. [22:01] Evangeline Minerva says, "I'll."
  961. [22:01] Evangeline takes a DEEP breath, before setting her hands behind her back again, her expression back to normal, although her eyes a bit watery!
  962. (Evangeline Minerva)
  963. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  965. [22:02] Cicero wanted to comfort the masses with his own light, but he was downtrodden as well. There was this pit in his chest, a deep sorrow that caused his mood to plummet. And, his holy magic was directly influenced by these feelings. He couldn't muster as much as a flicker of light in this moment, left without a light to guide them.
  967. He couldn't glow and stand strong. He wasn't Jasper.
  969. But, it didn't mean that he was completely out of it. Seeing Asphira wipe the blood from her mouth, he realized that she was still badly injured. Even despite Nerin's first aid work, it was going to need something more. He reached forward, clasping Asphira's shoulder.
  971. "We need to go." he spoke in a downtrodden tone, before lifting his head to look towards Nerin. "And, you need to come too." he continued. It was clear that he wanted to get this injury treated.
  973. The Morneau didn't seem to quite notice yet that his butler was here. Whoops.
  974. (Cicero cos Morneau)
  975. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  977. [22:02] Yvel would look towards Solon noticing his anger and his rage, He wanted to charge now and quickly but Yvel too felt compelled to grief...and to let this mood pass so they could take focus their grief into power.
  979. He places a hand on Solon's shoulder, The heated metal of his armor almost leaving a burn on his hand. Yvel would only look to him with a sad expression shaking his head. He knew what it was to be foolish and he would no longer do so against his foes.
  981. "Lets go practice Solon, We both need to be in fighting shape. I won't lose next time..." He'd claim anger filling his body he had a mission now a goal and he would continue to strive until it was completed.
  983. Now that the Order had been directed to see Moonfall as foes there was nothing longer any other time than the present to invoke his arsenal of spells.
  984. (Yvel Endore)
  985. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  987. [22:02] Evangeline Minerva says, "Andras, let's... Let's meet up later, mm."
  988. [22:02] Andras says, "Sure, if you think that'd help."
  989. [22:02] Audree Iessia says, "..."
  990. [22:02] After the wall of reservation broke he simply allowed it to blow and even the sting of embarrassment and disgrace he felt unto his post was a relief against the pain that wracked him.
  992. It was the movement on the horizon needed to distract for a moment so that he could see fire previously hidden in the grey fields of grief. As each of his friends faces passed before they were registered from afar and the pyre grew brighter.
  994. The words of comfort, praise, and sorrow were not unmissed though they floated through thickly through his mind the embers drew them in and began to glow.
  996. He was always so troublesome, but never once malevolent.
  998. Countless hours of sleep had been lost out of worry for the young man's path and once even he had wondered if he would end up on a darker path and tarnished by the world.
  1000. For a long moment he had stood there still save for his hand clenching and unclenching as the various bodies swarmed around in his swimming mind. The inferno's warmth lent strength, solidity, and the words he needed.
  1002. It had not come when he wanted, but when needed.
  1004. "He has affected us all in ways great and small." He begins his voice shaky from the exertions yet sturdier than befitted his appearance given the state he had withdrawn from, "Wield those fragments so that my son may never die."
  1006. With that he offers a small bow of his head, and in a much quieter voice, "I will be going home to mourn in private, if you would excuse me."
  1009. (Valero lux Montclaire)
  1010. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1012. [22:03] Elijah closes his eyes in respect as Valero moves past him, bowing his head lightly.
  1013. (Elijah Soleis)
  1014. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1016. [22:03] The man was a mess.
  1018. Berrios was nothing but a broken, rambling sack of wracked sobs. All of the words spoken, all of the accusations, beliefs, statements of power and shows of force would be lost on him. None of that mattered. Didn't they know? None of their words mattered. Their need to find an outlet, their training. He hoped it would do them well. Instead, he wound refine himself to doing what he did best in situations such as these.
  1020. The knight found his way to a nearby shrubbery. His cloak, scarf, anything in his hands would be pulled over his being. The strong, thick cloth filling his hands. He would have to resign himself to heavy cloaks and the fabric of scarf.
  1022. After all, his friends hand will never be able to hold his again.
  1023. (Berrios Falstaff)
  1024. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1026. [22:03] Cicero cos Morneau says, ".. Andras."
  1027. [22:03] Cicero cos Morneau says, "The plan's off."
  1028. [22:03] Nemein made no move to stop Valero, he had done what he intended and to offer his condolences.
  1029. (Nemein Sparda)
  1030. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1032. [22:03] Erika cos Salis says, "......."
  1033. [22:04] Wano steps out of line, having caught himself back in reality again!
  1034. (Wano)
  1035. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1037. [22:04] Wano says, "Will do, I plan to train myself... Can't be idle all the time now."
  1038. [22:04] Andras says, "You need not tell me, Lord Morneau."
  1039. [22:04] There are no words to be said.
  1041. After all those nearby are deaf from the news of Jasper's death. Must the First Light always do this? Initially it seems that it would be a forced negotiation since this other settlement has shown no willingness to do so but it soon becomes clear that this is some charge to satisfy their bloodlust.
  1043. The death of Jasper.
  1045. How many more will follow? How many more villages must burn? The Order will not take an eye for an eye, no. They will do as they always have. Take. They will remain unsatisfied until they have consumed this settlement.
  1047. It is a shame that a Knight, who was nearing promotion to Exarch due to his fine work, has been slain but it is this the course of action they should be taking? He will have to trust the judgement of his superiors and answer the call to arms.
  1048. (Arthmael Dioltas)
  1049. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1051. [22:06] With a steady turn towards Cicero, he acknowledged the presence of the noble- despite the clear distractions earlier on. Even then.. an inhale followed in attempts to calm himself; as mostly vain as they were, at the very least, he didn't seem as if he would simply break apart soon enough..
  1053. At least he seemed.. focused.
  1054. More or less.
  1056. "..I understand."
  1058. "I-- was going to prepare, as we were supposed to.." Avenge Jasper and kill the one who killed him. ".. bring the law to the lawless lands."
  1060. "I will still go, as we cannot leave Asphira without treatment- unless Erika wishes to overtake at this point."
  1062. A single glance is given to the noble, awaiting her reply.
  1063. (Nerin)
  1064. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1066. [22:06] Cicero cos Morneau says, ".. Sir Soleis, I have.. one request, for the raid. If possible."
  1067. [22:06] Cicero cos Morneau says, "Please try to minimize property damage. They live on top of third century Astyan ancient ruins."
  1068. [22:06] Nemein Sparda asks, "Are you serious?"
  1069. [22:06] Atrosus lux Vandigan asks, "... Is that... Really relevant?"
  1070. [22:07] It's some time, before Erika struggled back to her feet. Even Jeanne's hand upon her shoulder barely registered. Whereas normally she would have lost her mind, instead.... It felt as if it wasn't even there.
  1072. Her arms wrapped tighter and tighter, and she felt like she was going to be sick. She wanted to retreat somewhere, and cry. But beyond her own house she didn't know where.
  1074. Watching Berrios make his way off to the side to be alone, the noble was quiet. Hearing her name said, she looked up, bewildered. Eyes red and puffy - it was not the best look. She was silent.
  1075. (Erika cos Salis)
  1076. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1078. [22:07] Yvel Endore says, "Screw their ruins..."
  1079. [22:07] Cicero cos Morneau says, "It's not theirs."
  1080. [22:07] Cicero cos Morneau asks, "And, when else would it be relevant?"
  1081. [22:07] Solon looks over to Yvel. Giving him a nod. "Aye." He states sounding completely calm. Its probably a façade.
  1083. He would look over to the Radiants. "Sers are we dismissed? I would like to start training as soon as possible." He sounds determined, something he hasn't had in his voice in a while.
  1084. (Solon Tofusin )
  1085. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1087. [22:07] Nemein Sparda says, "Never, is when. Unless the queen herself finds an interest in them the second we march."
  1088. [22:07]
  1089. A lone priest makes the long trek from the city's outskirts. His face is ashen and stony, dry sweat caking his hair to his forehead. In one hand, there was a paper his fingers balled into. When he comes over the cusp of steps, he regards the crowd;
  1091. beady eyes work to identify one of a few familiar faces. He could hear the muttering and chatter, but the contents of what he'd learned bore no delay; so he raises his voice, addressing - primarily - Atrosus and Elijah.
  1093. "I bring blacker news yet."
  1095. "It might be wise if I may steal one of your ears. I am unaware of how much time might be had before the contents of my message make themselves all too apparent."
  1097. (al-Aziz)
  1098. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1100. [22:08] Wano asks, "...?"
  1101. [22:08] Not skipping a beat, the Exarch would be upon Valero with support in this time.
  1103. He didn't know what to say here, but he did know that presence would be what said the most in this testing event. Misfortune would be ingrained in the very DNA of the situation here but before the crusade began, a father needed his time to mourn.
  1105. He'd said what everyone had already felt in furthering Jasper's essence far beyond just this single instance... to immortalize, and internalize what his life meant as this was rectified through their righteous beginning in this grit covered campaign.
  1107. There'd be time for all of it.. surely.
  1109. But here and now, this instance included making sure his old mentor was alright, a hand of support coming up to his shoulder and simply a firmed nod given after he himself had said his own peace.
  1110. (Robin lei Queen)
  1111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1113. [22:09] Vasili Chrysanthos whispers something.
  1114. [22:09] Erika cos Salis says, "........"
  1115. [22:09] "Please leave me alone."
  1117. Her words are softly mumbled, but her feelings are made clear. She shakily rises to her feet and glances down at her form. Damaged as she was, she was still breathing. She was still alive even if she didn't feel like it.
  1119. Why couldn't he be?
  1121. Rather than receive treatment, Asphira aims to push by Nerin and Cicero alike to drag herself to where Berrios stood. The Cadet was tired of being worried over and constantly causing problems for those around her.
  1123. For once, she simply wanted to bear with it on her own.
  1124. (Asphira)
  1125. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1127. [22:09] With so much information being gathered all together. The felinae was having a hard time adjusting to it all, beyond being fixated in his own mind. The practical use of his time was better spent in the dojo's now. Planning to be off and do just that, it's only after the sudden arrival of a lone priest that he came to stop.
  1129. "More bad news?"
  1131. He mumbled, massaging his chin with clear concern.
  1132. (Wano)
  1133. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1135. [22:11] The dour look on Atrosus' face only worsened, though he approached al-Aziz dutifully nonetheless, booming footsteps echoing across the cobblestones. "Speak your message then, unless it's meant for private ears."
  1137. Curt, with no room for argument, already too angered by the attack on their own, the loss.
  1138. (Atrosus lux Vandigan)
  1139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1141. [22:11] Erika cos Salis says, "......"
  1142. [22:11] "..."
  1144. It.. was his obligation to ensure that someone is safe, but at the very least, the first aid was offered in order to make sure that she would pull through; a single glance is given to Cicero, and it's not too long before he exclaims - he doesn't sound all too much in a good mood, but instead..
  1146. It's gloomy.
  1148. "..She should be fine with the first-aid given to her. So long as somebody could treat her later on, she should be okay."
  1150. "You'd.. need a kit for that too, Cicero. I'm certain you can cover that part."
  1152. It is a mask. A mask that allows him to speak this way. Perhaps, it's merely a coping mechanism, or something to keep him going in such trying times. And yet..
  1154. His gaze turns to al-Aziz. More news..?
  1155. (Nerin)
  1156. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1158. [22:12] Yvel waits a moment for the message to be spoken or perhaps it would've been one that needed to be spoke to privately...ALl the knights were reeling in pain already...and to hear more bad news would set their hearts even more ablaze. "What now..." He'd ask himself listening in.
  1159. (Yvel Endore)
  1160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1162. [22:14] Asphira whispers something.
  1163. [22:14] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1164. [22:14] Asphira whispers something.
  1165. [22:17]
  1166. "Recall the disturbance the past month?"
  1168. al-Aziz's voice was blank and toneless, no longer carrying the capacity for inflection or empathy; the news of his foster-son's death, and all but confirmation of his Acolyte's murder sealed as much. The initial statement was followed in brief by a more accurate explanation.
  1170. "I have received information on it's origin- which shall be shared, should you desire the context in private: for the security of my informants. A wailing spirit - titled as a Banshee, in legend - created by the sacrifice and blood of one of my own."
  1172. The pause is brief.
  1174. "And of those who created it. My associate warns me that it's appearance is imminent, if not en route; and I would wish you to see yourselves prepared, in the event of it's appearance."
  1176. "You have my condolences. I thought it too pertinent to delay informing you, should that ghast's presence not yet be known."
  1178. (al-Aziz)
  1179. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1181. [22:17] The analytical part of him had hoped that his squires presence would make it easier. In truth, she had trained more with Jasper than Berrios. He had been a neglectful tutor, but he had carried that burden. Now, they were both in an inevitable spiral. Her whispering voice would cause him to draw a hand away from his cloak.
  1183. It would scramble on the ground like it would have a mind of its own, before finding her fingers. Willingly, or not, it would begin to squeeze. Fingers intermingling with something, anything. An attempt to find some bit of solace.
  1184. (Berrios Falstaff)
  1185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1187. [22:17] Cicero's grasp became limp as Asphira pushed through him and Nerin, his arm returning to his side. His head trailed her as she made her way towards the wall, pursing his lips. She was refusing his help. Again, the nobleman felt powerless. Unable to change the past, and unable to help the people suffering over it in the present.
  1189. "Okay." he muttered. All he could do was respect her wishes. What could he even say in a moment like this? Something inspirational? It would be fake, coming from a place of insincerity. Emotional support? What could he say that she didn't know already? How could he be there when she insisted on pushing him away?
  1191. His gaze turned towards the ground. Everything that he had been optimistic about today was ruined, a promising archaeological project being destroyed by senseless murder. He looked up to Nerin, nodding his head. "Alright- as.. long as she'll be okay for now, I'll leave her alone." he decided.
  1193. "And, I guess I'll get started on making that kit." Even if Asphira would refuse it being given to her, he still needed an escape. He needed to go to his happy place. Tinkering on something would surely help that, right? Probably not. He turned around, stepping down the stairs. He was going home.
  1194. (Cicero cos Morneau)
  1195. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1197. [22:19] Vasili Chrysanthos whispers something.
  1198. [22:20] "A Banshee..." The words rolled off his tongue and while he was ignorant to the creatures origins. The thought of what it took to conjure such, revealed by al-Aziz. Sent shivers down the felinae's back.
  1200. "Wonder if moonfall's the cause or just bad timing." He complained, scratching at his neck with impatience. The mere thought of being idle now, only provoked him further into action.
  1202. Seems like there's no rest for the weary this time around.
  1203. (Wano)
  1204. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1206. [22:21] Andras looks onward, staring blankly at al-Aziz as the new approaches. His expression drifts from one of sadness to growing anger - had someone planned for this assault even before their arrival to Moonfall? His alarm was apparent as he took a step forward, his anger surging even further at the realization that someone had been sacrificed in order to achieve this effect. His mind was already a storm of emotions, but cold rage was now becoming prominent. It takes considerable effort to even retain his normal breathing habits, clenching and unclenching his hands experimentally.
  1208. Deep breaths.
  1210. "..We need to ensure the citizens are secured, potentially evacuated. Or at the very least, head such a creature off, before it enters the city itself. This..creature will be slain, without a doubt in my mind. I only fear that people may be hurt in the process. If I may, I'd like to do what I can to ensure that lives of those we protect are kept out of harm's way."
  1212. There was no way he'd ignore a threat would incur the loss of lives.
  1213. (Andras)
  1214. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1216. [22:21] Erick slowly turned to face Al-Aziz, the newest purveyor of bad news to beseech the gathering of knights in front of Petrakis. There had been more than enough to share amongst the crowd, only for the well-meaning Stellus to compound yet another terrible event atop the rest.
  1218. The man silently sighed, fingers reflexively grasping at thin air. He could only hope his most recent expedition out of the city's borders would be over with before the monstrosity attacked. He had missed more than enough terrible fights as a result of his knack for being out of the capital.
  1220. It was truly unfortunate timing, to say the least.
  1221. (Erick Falstrik)
  1222. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1224. [22:22] Elijah Soleis says, "Bad omens..."
  1225. [22:22] Even more bad news? Oh dear. The young knight wanted to simply go away, to rest and cry her grief away, but what does she do instead?
  1227. "Ser Jeanne. I feel we should get to that, then. Now." She did not dare order an Exarch, but her voice, despite the tightness she felt within her throat, came out firm.
  1229. "Time is of the essence, now more than ever."
  1230. (Evangeline Minerva)
  1231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1233. [22:23] The hand that seeks her own is held in return by one smaller and unsteady. She felt like she needed something to keep her stable and he'd proven capable in the past. Even if she felt like she was suffocating, so long as there was a light somewhere above the surface to swim towards, she felt like she wouldn't drown.
  1235. The light was too far to see. Or... perhaps Asphira was simply going blind.
  1237. She turns to Berrios and looks up to him, searching his expression for something. If he hadn't taken notice of it before, he'd be able to see that her left eye was cloudier than the other, something that hadn't been the case when they'd last spoken. Asphira shifts closer to her teacher and moves to rest her head against his shoulder while attempting to steady her heart and regulate her breathing.
  1239. It was the best she could do for now.
  1240. (Asphira)
  1241. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1243. [22:24] A Banshee is coming to attack the city?
  1245. Solon has no idea what that could possibly be but it does sound dangerous. He doesn't say anything since everyone else is voicing their concerns. Which have overlapped with his.
  1247. He moves over to line up with the rest of the Order members.
  1248. (Solon Tofusin )
  1249. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1251. [22:24] Yvel couldn't believe what he'd heard..."A banshee?" A creature of myths one that swelled with the foul natures of the occultic vibrations whos only goal was to harm those around it..Such a demon was headed to the city? Yvel couldn't understand how so many horrible things could be coming all at once.
  1253. With that being the case there was no further time to delay or think other wise they had to act now..."We should have the cadets who are capable evacuate the city, and protect the citizens. While all abled bodied Knights prepare for the onslaught of the monster." Yvel clutched his weapon still feeling a mixture of fear and depression.
  1255. Yet he had to be brave, He had to protect everyone who needed him and especially now in this time of crisis they all had to act accordingly to their superiors orders. A sigh erupts from Yvel as he sterns himself.
  1257. "We must protect every citizen of this city no matter the outcome..." Yvel claimed as he'd wait for the proper orders and response to come through.
  1258. (Yvel Endore)
  1259. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1261. [22:25] A Banshee.
  1263. Nothing that Atrosus was remotely familiar with, though that was becoming unfortunately commonplace in recent times. A village that could turn the land itself against you, one filled with occultists attempting to turn away from Osrona…
  1265. And now a Banshee.
  1267. "How was such a thing summoned? By whom?" Atrosus prepared to follow the man, annoyance flitting across his face. In times like this, even now, people tried to be secretive.
  1269. Maddening.
  1270. (Atrosus lux Vandigan)
  1271. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1273. [22:25] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1274. [22:25] Andras says, "A threat to the city ought to take more priority than to leading an assault. People's lives - our people's lives could be placed in danger."
  1275. [22:25] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1276. [22:26] Evangeline Minerva says, "... Mm."
  1277. [22:26] Gin pressed his back against the wall, and clasped his hands behind his back. He stared outwards to everyone. The news cut deep, and though Gin hadn't known Jasper personally, a death of one was a blight on everyone. It was saddening, disheartening, and depressing. Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breath and inhaled. He waited for a few moments, and then exhaled.
  1279. The Radiant had given their order, and Gin was to follow it. He only waited, beside Sophie, and did not speak any further. Giving no opinion, just preparing to follow orders.
  1280. (Gin Fujiwara)
  1281. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1283. [22:26] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1284. [22:26] Evangeline Minerva says, "More innocents here than there."
  1285. [22:26] Asphira whispers something.
  1286. [22:26] Asphira whispers something.
  1287. [22:26] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1288. [22:26] Asphira whispers something.
  1289. [22:26] Erika was silent, her eyes not upon Al-Aziz, or even anyone around them. Her eyes were glued to the floor now, tears coursing their way slowly down her cheeks. She had little to say, and little to do.
  1291. She hadn't death - even executions made her faint. To know a close friend, such as Jasper, died in such a gruesome way. Perhaps she wasn't fit to be a Knight, not truly. Even with the news of a banshee on the forefront hitting her ears, Erika continued to be morose.
  1292. (Erika cos Salis)
  1293. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1295. [22:26] Cicero cos Morneau whispers something.
  1296. [22:26] Asphira whispers something.
  1297. [22:26] Uttering these words, her voice cracks.
  1298. (Asphira)
  1299. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1301. [22:26] Vasili Chrysanthos whispers something.
  1302. [22:27] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1303. [22:27] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1304. [22:27] This can't be good.
  1306. Despite the fact that he doesn't know that much about who Banshees are, or rather, what Banshees are - he can already guess that it's most likely related to the events on south. Even then.. his countenance shows a deepening frown, something to be weary of.
  1308. "..If it's already enroute--"
  1310. "Doesn't it mean that it'll attack the city by the time we're heading out to our mission? We'll be leaving city defenceless - and up to City Watch to defend, in best scenario."
  1312. Which is clearly not something that they should be doing.. or so Nerin figured.
  1314. "Perhaps-- perhaps we can defend first, then re-group for march as soon as possible?"
  1315. (Nerin)
  1316. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1318. [22:27] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1319. [22:27] Asphira whispers something.
  1320. [22:27] Asphira whispers something.
  1321. [22:28] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1322. [22:28] Asphira whispers something.
  1323. [22:28] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1324. [22:29] Jeanne huffs distressedly. "I'd like to prioritize welfare in Osrona before marching out for an assault."
  1325. (Jeanne Stallard)
  1326. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1328. [22:29] Asphira whispers something.
  1329. [22:29] Evangeline Minerva says, "I'll stay, at least."
  1330. [22:29] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1331. [22:29] Andras folds his arms along his chest, only to lean against the nearby mortar and brick that likely consisted of the castle walls.
  1333. "It's not something that even needs to be debated. The safety of the people within this city takes priority." He states, his tone iron-clad. They took an oath to protect the innocent, and while retribution was high on the list, it paled in comparison to the opportunity to actually have a chance at saving lives.
  1335. "It's what Jasper would've chosen, too."
  1336. (Andras)
  1337. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1339. [22:29] Evangeline Minerva says, "I've seen the Watch."
  1340. [22:29] Evangeline Minerva says, "They'll need the aid."
  1341. [22:30] Erika cos Salis says, "......"
  1342. [22:30] Erika cos Salis says, "I'll do..... Anything I'm needed for..."
  1343. [22:30] Yvel Endore says, "They aren't even capable of keeping Syndicate members out of their ranks, We can't trust them to guard the city"
  1344. [22:30] Asphira whispers something.
  1345. [22:30]
  1346. "As you wish. Let us step aside."
  1348. al-Aziz's response was curt and uncaring. Atrosus' evident frustration earned no pause. Instead, the veteran clergyman seeks to brush through the crowd, heading back - into and through them. A nod was given the way of the crowd, and he spared no thoughts beyond what had been imparted aloud.
  1350. Unless someone sought to intervene, the Priest brushes through the main portcullis and makes for somewhere suitably out of the way. One thing alone seemed to catch his attention; that being Andras' mutter of Jasper's name. It sent a lance of frustration down his spine that made his lips curl.
  1352. (al-Aziz)
  1353. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1355. [22:31] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1356. [22:31] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1357. [22:31] Jeanne Stallard says, "Easy, now. That hasn't been the case since Task became in charge. "
  1358. [22:31] Nerin says, "--Quite the opposite, Jeanne."
  1359. [22:32] Nerin says, "Yiron kept seeing Syndicate members time and time again, for example."
  1360. [22:32] Nerin says, "And he'd do nothing. Literally nothing."
  1361. [22:32] Nerin says, "Not call anyone for help, not try to intercept. Just stand still."
  1362. [22:32] Andras says, "I wonder why that is."
  1363. [22:32] Asphira whispers something.
  1364. [22:32] Nerin says, "All while one of the priests was getting attacked - right infront of him."
  1365. [22:32] Yvel Endore says, "I could make a guess"
  1366. [22:32] Nerin says, "Actaeon had to do the job for him."
  1367. [22:32] Holly Hargrave says, "Oh, right."
  1368. [22:32] Nerin says, "And save that priest."
  1369. [22:32] There were talks of a Banshee.... though there was still the reeling and hellish shell-shock of Jasper's passing still ached Robin down to his core. The best would come, and all of their collective grief would mean it's downfall for certain.
  1371. "A monster? More o' the same... first them an' then those responsible for Jasper. I'm not sure we'll be more than ready, where everyone is now.." he'd remark though the sorrow on the man's face would tell that nothing but wrath would be shared with the thing as it finished it's route.
  1373. This world was cruel...
  1375. And all of them would be prepared, nothing but a forward, onward march until they could bring this new chapter to it's closing..
  1376. (Robin lei Queen)
  1377. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1379. [22:32] Holly Hargrave says, "I did see Syndicate members over at Moonfall."
  1380. [22:32] Yvel Endore says, "...Not even surprised."
  1381. [22:32] Felton Vassemeur says, "We'll deal with them when we raid Moonfall."
  1382. [22:32] Felton Vassemeur says, "They shall taste cold steel."
  1383. [22:32] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1384. [22:32] Berrios Falstaff whispers something.
  1385. [22:32] Yvel Endore says, "Yes right after we kill the monster"
  1386. [22:33] Asphira whispers something.
  1387. [22:33] Asphira whispers something.
  1388. [22:33] Jeanne quirks a brow at Nerin's lack of a title. "Then he's been evading authority. Task has been explicitely punishing underperforming members."
  1389. (Jeanne Stallard)
  1390. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1392. [22:33] Jeanne Stallard says, "There was even quite the bold ruling on it, not long ago."
  1393. [22:33] Evangeline Minerva says, "There are -other- matters, more pressing too."
  1394. [22:34] Arthmael Dioltas says, "..."
  1395. [22:34] Evangeline Minerva asks, "Ser Jeanne, may we go?"
  1396. [22:34] Jeanne Stallard says, "I'm not keen on the aspect of dividing our forces."
  1397. [22:34] Yvel Endore says, "Exarch...just the other day one of the Watchmembers caused trouble in the park and then proceeded to Honor duel Ser Khaine when he intervened"
  1398. [22:35] Yvel Endore says, "I can say with clarity they are still insubordinate."
  1399. [22:35] Wano says, "I'll be in the dojo, Nerin. If you want some practice..."
  1400. [22:35] Nerin says, "--Of course. Let's get going."
  1401. [22:35] Ravan lei Karnstein says, "I'm gonna go... Drink."
  1402. [22:35] Jeanne Stallard says, "Saying no move is being made towards their subordination is silly."
  1403. [22:35] Robin lei Queen says, "Aye.. I'll tag along."
  1404. [22:35] Ravan lei Karnstein says, "C'mon then, Robin."
  1405. [22:35] Jeanne Stallard says, "They were completely impresentable not long ago."
  1406. [22:36] Holly Hargrave says, "Oh, right. Exarch Jeanne."
  1407. [22:36] Jeanne Stallard asks, "Hm?"
  1408. [22:36] Holly Hargrave asks, "Can I still claim that bounty for Iris?"
  1409. [22:36] Solon Tofusin asks, "Shall we head off to train, Yvel?"
  1410. [22:36] Yvel Endore says, "Yeah lets go."
  1411. [22:37] Yvel Endore says, "Clearly we got al ot to prepare for."
  1412. [22:37] Sophie cos Duran says, "I'm coming with the two of you."
  1413. [22:37] Solon Tofusin says, "Fine by me."
  1414. [22:38] Solon Tofusin says, "We might need to use the Barracks one."
  1415. [22:38] Yvel Endore says, "Yeah."
  1416. [22:39] Solon Tofusin asks, "Who wants to go first?"
  1417. [22:39] Yvel Endore says, "I will "
  1418. [22:45] Solon Tofusin says, "Would you like to fight Sophie? I don't wanna Hog Yvel the whole time."
  1419. [22:45] Yvel Endore says, "We're already sparring lets just continue..."
  1420. [22:46] Solon Tofusin says, "Alright..."
  1421. [23:49] Sophie cos Duran says, "Elijah."
  1422. [23:49] Sophie cos Duran says, "Train with me."
  1423. [23:49] Elijah Soleis says, "A little later..."
  1424. [23:49] Sophie cos Duran says, "Alright."
  1425. [23:51] "I cannot."
  1427. Nemein was who he was because of the war. It became the very aspect that would define the man for years to come. There wasn't any other course to take. "You can choose to be something else, Id. I lost everything in those fields, at Hessalia." He could only be a living war machine. Though not immune to the effects of being a human being, he was not as easily swayed as the others would be.
  1429. "The only thing now is to keep those I hold dear from being taken from me." Like he should have done with Jasper. Now, all that was left was rage and regret. But he'd not swallow his hatred, to let it consume him instead of the other way around. Temperment was all he could come to know as he had done so before.
  1430. (Nemein Sparda)
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