
Saifex Tsuchi: Display at Tournament

Dec 11th, 2014
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  1. Little Servants would collect the names of all those that partook, starting with the Nivismen who joined and going down to the Frostvalians and then the two outsiders, each name was taken. Written down and put into a box, The box was then handed to the Queen where she picked out two pieces of paper.
  3. "Well then... As I said these fights are randomized. All those not partaking in the fighting come up to rest along side the hill so you're not in the way, beyond the line made by the fire pits.
  5. First Match of the First Round...
  6. Saifex Tsuchi versus Ulrik Ulfdyrson!"
  8. The shout was loud enough to get everyone in attendances attention. With the box placed down at her side and the two pieces of paper held in her grasp, Seia turned toward a small little covered seating booth, her oldest son Salamon on-looking from there.
  10. "You may begin when everywhere else clears the battlefield."
  11. (Seia Tsuchi-Scarlett)
  13. Ulrik Ulfdyrson: AYE!! FINALLY!
  14. Joseph Glacier: <*Claps*>
  15. Joseph Glacier: Good luck Saifex!
  16. Ulrik Ulfdyrson: ...The fook's a Saifex?
  17. Saifex Tsuchi: I guess I'm fighting this, plebian.
  18. Zoron: you can do it Ulrik
  19. Ulrik Ulfdyrson: ...Th' name o' Kark's a plebian?
  20. Saifex Tsuchi: The hell's a Kark?
  21. Shaking his head the young lad simply perked up and unsheathed his sword, flames immediately bursting into the air around him as he grinned excitedly. "Mah God Valmasian. Ah greet ye on dis field o' battle. May yer sword strike me true." He was practically bleeding excitement from his posture, the same bounce he had on his feet transfering to him rocking back and forth from his heels to his toes as he took a ready position across from Saifex.
  23. Whoever the fellow was he had to be confident in his skills in order to join in the tournament for becoming Champion. Hopefully Ulrik could give a good accounting of himself in the process. Or fall terribly. Either one would have been great. Moving the flames around him from his body to surge around his left arm, switching his sword hand to an underhanded grip. Once it was clear the man opposite him was ready to fight, the boy simply charged ahead laughing cheerily.
  24. (Ulrik Ulfdyrson)
  26. Saifex wasn't back for very long, and he was already intent on cementing a renewed facade; One that lacked any relatability to those whom lacked the blood he beared, flowing through his veins. A sense of elitism took his person, confident in his power, trained and amassed in his travels. Finally, it was time to put it to the test--
  28. To Saifex, there was no better target, than one whom lacked faith in Ryujin.
  29. "You, Plebian.." He started, reached for his back with only his left arm, to unveil his prized crossbow. Before it's firing spring, was a single bolt, wrapped in white birch bark: A flammable material, susceptible to flames.
  31. "You're going to b-" He gave halt for a moment, grinning at the flames aroused from one's persona, grinning at the thought of explosive bolts coming on contact with said flames.
  32. "Ohohohoho~! This..." He lowered his crossbow for only a moment, slating himself in a low crawling flame that failed to climb for the bolts he held upon his person.
  33. "Is going to be entertaining, indeed."
  34. (Saifex Tsuchi)
  36. A bolt happened to land between the duo; Failing to strike directly upon his person, but certainly close enough to make it's mark as far as Saifex could tell. A sickening grin melted upon his visage, accommodated with a condenscending chuckle that slipped past his lips. Through his breath, two words suck through for ears, moving as fluid as silk past his parting lips.
  38. "I... Win..."
  39. The Tsuchi snapped his fingers, demonstrating an overzealous act of victory! Pyrokinetic linings of static fluttered through the air, contorting in an everlasting blitz, until finally merged upon a solitary target, the bolt that sunk into the tundra by Ulrik's feet.
  41. Contact, left it with an illumination as true as tangerine, eminating with constant growth until it's growing mass surrendered to inevitible combustion, flailing Saifex's opponent back several feet, sealing his win.
  43. (Saifex Tsuchi)
  45. Ulrik had charged in headlong, continuing to laugh like a madman as he fought. He was, bluntly speaking, having the time of his life, even if he wasn't providing that much of a challenge to his opponent. "YER WONDERFUL VALMASIAN!" He shouted, streaking across the snowy grounds as fast as he could, lashing out with his flaming claw of a left hand and the blade gripped in his right. Unfortunately it wasn't enough at the end of the day.
  47. The blood that dripped from his body was nothing more than confirmation he had done his best and paid for it in kind, the soreness, the quiet pleasure that came from the pain.. Ah, it was definitely worth coming to this tournament, even if he got knocked out in the first round. He slowly got back to his feet, the same grin he had when he first started the fight still on his face, albeit a few notches wider.
  49. "Ah well." That said he started to move back towards the spectator stands, wanting to see the remaining matches at least, and see if his elder sister got farther than he did.
  50. (Ulrik Ulfdyrson)
  52. Seia wasn't particularly caring for this match. To be honest, she expected her own relative to beat out Ulfdyr's, I mean after all, she was the Draconis Regina, her relatives had to be somewhat powerful, right? If they weren't they'd be disappointments.
  54. "Victory goes to Saifex Tsuchi, Ulrik is eliminated from the Tournament."
  56. Burning the paper that had Ulrik's name in it, she gave little Salamon Saifex's paper to hold onto. Probably not the best idea to let a two year old Dragon Prince have paper. Hopefully he wouldn't burn it.
  58. "Kentayo don't make me slap you."
  60. ANYWAY. Two more pieces of paper were drawn from the box. It seemed that it was time for the next match up.
  62. "Joseph Glacier versus Yraleth Zilanderz."
  63. (Seia Tsuchi-Scarlett)
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