
A3 Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-20 0040 +cabadejo

Jan 19th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-20 0040 +cabadejo
  4. __
  7. +cabadejo __ [*A link to some objective proof of at least one of my comments being removed is given below.* This is a long reply (sorry!) and I am considering it important because I describe some nuances my comments being removed and give some possible "innocent" explanations. I am off to sleep now - forgive any typos/errors!]
  9. __
  11. *Only MY comment is missing* - the comment of the person I am replying to remains visible on the video. (And so their comment is not in spam or being held for moderation or anything like that.)
  13. This has been happening with increased frequency in recent days (since the Jeranism Coincidence video) and it has almost exclusively been happening on the "sauce bottle" video which is undeniably experiencing a "backlash" by so-called "normal people".
  15. But that video - more than any other - is getting "psyop" style comments: linking it with the "flat Earth" etc.
  17. When I reply to these people (and I have a copy of my replies and so in a day or two I will go through and see which ones are no longer there but I have resubmitted some removed comments twice and I don't think the repeated comments have been removed).
  19. *My reply is there for a while (a day or two) but when I respond to someone else on that video page I notice that my comment is no longer there.*
  21. Remember: it is MY comment that is gone and not theirs.
  23. *It used to be the case (I think) that a person who started a thread had the power to remove a thread.* But I do not believe that is the case any more.
  25. (If you started a thread when replying to someone's video you were able to remove any reply to your reply. From memory that seemed to be the case when Google Plus was integrated with YouTube. I could be wrong - it may be that only the uploader had this power but I seem to recall something about this.)
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  29. *As for the guy who wrote the positive comment - no, his comment is not in spam or "held for review" or anything like that. It is simply gone.* And it disappeared at some point (fairly soon) after I had seen it.
  31. What I can do is a quick screen-recording to show that the comment is not there and not in spam etc.
  33. However - I am not making any of this up! I WISH I WAS. Because if I am either making it up or somehow mistaken then it would mean someone else DOES NOT have access to my (or your or anyone else's) account.
  35. __
  37. *I am noticing some other "strange things" but I have to keep that to myself for a little while otherwise I'll give away some of my "secrets".*
  39. I have been noticing "strange things" for a while - a few months - ever since I posted the video during the alleged "Paris Attack" saying "this is a turning point event and signifies a crackdown on "dissidents" [i.e., people like us].
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  43. To my defense: *I have been running a channel for a year and responding to comments for a year.* I write more comments than most people. I am FAMILIAR with the task of posting a comment, replying to a comment and blocking/removing comments. *I am noticing something rather than nothing.*
  45. (A possibility that comes to mind is this: I THINK [as in I have not checked this thoroughly] that where my comments are being removed the person is giving a "linked comment" such as they are sharing it on Google Plus. Perhaps in their own Google Plus they are removing my reply to it and in so doing it is removing it from my own YouTube video. I do not know if that's even possible but it will be something to do some experiments with.)
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  49. *In recent months I have on the rare occasion noticed that a comment I have written has later "disappeared".*
  51. I even made a post about it. *The potential mistake I made back then was to accuse the person I was writing to of removing my message.* But it may not have been that person and in hindsight it is now possible it could have been done by someone else. (Back then I didn't have this current experience.)
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  55. *Each time a message of MINE has been removed it has been against criticism of me (and now more recently the "flat Earth" topic).*
  57. That is to say: favourable comments about me are being removed and critical comments about me are remaining and my response to them are being removed. This is a way of "poisoning the well" (it gives the impression no one is writing anything positive and it gives the impression there are valid criticisms that have no answer - that kind of thing).
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  61. *Actual evidence of this happening:*
  63. I documented it happening at least once before. (and again - the potential mistake is that I accused the person of removing my comment when it could have been someone else who removed my message):
  65. Please take a look at this post I made:
  68. There are TWO SCREENSHOTS. In one you see my reply. In the other you see that my reply is no longer there. If you (or anyone else) do not understand what is being shown in the screenshots just ask!
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  72. *It is possible someone has access to my account.* I have had a MILD suspicion that such a thing COULD be happening (and I even have two potential "usernames" as possibly doing it - for reasons [albeit weak] that I can substantiate). I don't have conclusive proof but something has been written to me by each person that could be interpreted on a level of "I have access to your account and messages".
  74. To remove MY messages requires access to MY account. I would need to be doing it myself.
  76. *HOWEVER my account is configured in such a way that any new device signing in must first respond to a code sent to my phone.* (I also occasionally "clear all associated/connected devices" just in case somehow someone has managed to associate a device to me. But at all times only devices and IP addresses that I am familiar with show up in my security settings.)
  78. What that means is this: *If someone has access to my account then they are somehow bypassing that particular "security measure" - which would imply they are an "insider" (i.e., have Google/YouTube's blessing).*
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  82. *What other possibilities can there be?!*
  84. 1) *It could be that I never sent my own message.* When I first noticed this that was my first thought. As a response I became more careful when sending a message. Also - that's when I sent my comment twice and the second time my comment has "stuck".
  86. Failing to send my own message in the first place COULD explain one or two occurrences (such as when sleep deprived and distracted and so prone to making an error).
  88. *But the way I copy messages to Pastebin makes that unlikely.* My "routine" is to write the message in Google Plus or YouTube. I copy the text to the clipboard and submit the comment. Only then do I go to Pastebin and paste the comment to create a new text file. I then get the LINK from my own comment if it's on YouTube or from the post if it's Google Plus (but this is happening only to YouTube messages).
  91. 2) Another possibility is that *I am "accidentally removing my own reply"* - perhaps instead of clicking "edit" I am accidentally clicking "remove". No, that is not happening! That has NEVER happened. Also, of the comments that are disappearing I don't think any were ever edited (or at least some were definitely NOT edited and so that cannot be the reason. I.e., for some of the removed replies I would have never clicked the icon where an option to remove/delete a comment was potentially available. Furthermore - if you wish to remove a comment [which I have done for intentional and conscious reasons] you are asked to confirm whether or not you really do want to remove the message (especially when it comes to your own message).
  93. 3) The other possibility is that *I am removing my own messages just to create a drama.* HAHAHA NO. That is not what is happening. If that were the case then this would not be a concern because it would mean our accounts are safe. I don't think they are. It could be that comments I have written MONTHS ago and now forgotten about are being QUIETLY removed (or even altered/changed).
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  97. The solution is to keep saving a copy of my comment to Pastebin AND ALSO to take a screenshot of my reply (which I often do when talking to new people but stopped doing so with the "sauce bottle" video because of the sheer number of lie system agents/ants). But having written all of this - I will have to go back to doing that for those comments as well.
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  101. To revisit the post I made showing my comment actually disappearing: my comment OBJECTIVELY disappeared. It is EVIDENCE of my comment being removed (unless I faked the screenshot! which I did NOT).
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  105. I know this was long but it's important to document the various nuances. I'm off to sleep and so I'll catch up with everything tomorrow etc.
  109. __________________________________________
  110. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  113. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  116. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  119. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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