
Bradley is a wuss.

Dec 6th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was sitting on the couch in her dorm with Connor laying in her lap. She was running her fingers through his wet hair. He was showered and dressed for bed, while watching some kid christmas movie on TV. Kelsey's eyes were red and puffy and more or less make upless, from crying all day. Her phone was sitting on the arm of the couch.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad was pacing back and forth in the common area of the dorms, mumbling and talking to himself and trying to figure out what to say to Kelsey. "So I'm sorry that I hurt you. I didnt mean for that and I never want to hurt you. No..." He threw his hands up, grumbling to himself and turning back to pace some more.-
  3. Tsaaq: Katie rubbed the petroleum jelly between her fingers then rubbed her face with it until it absorbed into her skin. She got out of the truck and shut the door loudly and tried to open the door. She kicked it in an attempt to get Ozzie's attention. // Ozzie jumped at the sound of her jump and opened the door warily. "Can't we talk about this?" // "Shut the hell up." Katie shoved him aside. "Where the fuck is he at?" She asked as she walked down the hallway into the common area. "Oh there you are mother fucker." Katie said as she ran up behind him and kicked him in the ass.
  5. Covet: Kelsey looked down at Connor and gave a soft smile as she sniffled Shifting a little on the couch so she could get a tissue off the coffee table. "Sorry Kiddo, Okay we're good." // Connor picked his head up and looked at Kelsey, "Momma, do you have a cold?" he asked her.
  6. Alexithymiaa: (Oh my god hes so cute)
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Snapping his attention up when he heard the fucking storm that was Katie coming down the hall, his eyes went wide when he saw her charging in, jumping when she kicked him in the ass and starting to dart away as he raised his voice. "Katie! What the hell?"-
  8. Tsaaq: "You shut the fuck up too!" Katie yelled at Brad as she went to grab him by the shirt and slammed him up against the half wall that bordered the dining area. "You think this is a fucking game!?" She shouted while shaking him then cocked back her free hand and back handed his face. // Ozzie ran after her and kept his distance but still he was protesting. "Katie noooo." He frowned. "No not his face!"
  9. Covet: She smiled and shook her head at him, "No, I'm okay. I'm just sad today." Kelsey said as she looked at him. // "Oh why are you sad? Where's Dad to make you happy?" Connor asked furrowing his brow. // "He's...busy, kiddo. But it's okay. I'll be alright." She told him. "Watch your movie, it's almost over then we can go to bed, okay?"
  10. Alexithymiaa: -He stumbled backward into the wall, flinching hard when she slapped him across the face. "Ow! Katie what the FUCK!" He yelled at her, trying desperately to pull away from her. "Let go!"-
  11. Tsaaq: She sucked her teeth and threw Brad to the floor and crouched down to punch him across the face. // "Kaatieee." He called out. "Katie no!"
  12. Covet: There was a quiet spot in the movie and she could hear yelling and what not in the common area. She furrowed her brow then looked at Connor. "Connor, I need you to stay here, okay. I'll be back before the movie's over." She told him as she got up and got him comfy with a pillow and headed for the door. // Connor looked up and nodded his head, "Okay Momma."
  13. Alexithymiaa: -He fell easily to the floor because he sucks, putting his hands up to try to shield his face from Katie's punches and only half succeeding so it didnt hit him directly in the face, but she definitely still hit him in the head. "Katie stop!" He yelled at her, moving his forearms to cover his face entirely like a fucking mortal kombat block.-
  14. Tsaaq: "What the-" She paused and went to sit on him, straddling his stomach as she pried his arms apart and smacked him around. "The fuck is wrong with you! Taking Ozzie's mouth virginity? Saying fucked up shit to Kelsey! Fucking some dude!" She yelled.
  15. Covet: Kelsey opened the door and poked her head out, then she could hear Katie yelling at who she could only assume was Brad. She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her and headed down the hall quickly, "Oh my goodness... Katie!" She said then looked over at Ozzie .
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I didn't!" He yelled back at her, fighting against her hands to keep his arms in front of his face because it was his only defense against her hitting him. "Ow! Fuck! Stop it!" He pulled his legs up behind her, trying to knee her off of him but let's face it, he's not flexible and his legs couldnt reach so he kind of just waved them in the air a bit in desperation.-
  17. Tsaaq: "YOU DID!" Katie yelled. She sat her ass on him harder to steady him as she went to pin him down. "WHAT?" She asked and saw Kelsey behind them. "I told you I was gonna beat his ass okay!" // Ozzie went to Kels and nudged her. "Make her stop!"
  18. Covet: "I know, but...I think you're good. He gets the point." Kelsey said, wanting to intervene at the same time, she was enjoying this at least a little bit. Kelsey looked at Ozzie, "You can't tell me he doesn't deserve this at least a little bit."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Kels!" He called out when he heard her voice since he couldn't really see her with all the hitting and blocking going on over here. He tried to roll to one side to hopefully knock her off of him, dragging his body way from her across the floor.-
  20. Tsaaq: Katie cracked her knuckles and stood up from Brad. She went to kick him in his side and put her hands on her hips. "Okay I'm done." She whispered. // He nodded but shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. She shouldn't beat on him like that."
  21. Covet: Kelsey walked over to Katie and pulled her back, "Thank you... you didn't need to but thank you." She gave her a hug, then looked at Brad and walked over to him offering her hand to help him up.
  22. Alexithymiaa: -As soon as Katie climbed off of him, he scurried away across the floor in a pathetic crab walk, sitting himself down on the floor at a safe distance away from her before finally bringing his hand up to swipe at his bloody lip because she got him good a few times. "You don't just attack people..." He mumbled angrily, reaching his free hand up to put it in Kelsey's so he could climb to his feet.-
  23. Tsaaq: Katie went to hug Kels and pushed some of her hair aside then crossing her arms over her chest. "I wasn't just attack you, you idiot." She scoffed. // Ozzie went over to Katie and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay honey bun." He muttered, trying to keep the peace.
  24. Covet: "This is Katie we're talking about. You can't really be that surpised." She told Brad as she crossed her arms. "Are we all good now?" She asked them looking between the four of them. "I really don't want us to be at odds or anything."
  25. Alexithymiaa: -He licked the blood off of his lips, eyeing Katie because he did not trust that bitch right now. "I was literally just coming to talk to you and apologize AGAIN, when she came running in out of nowhere and power bombed me into the wall."-
  26. Tsaaq: "What the fuck ever. Sorry I gave you a well deserved ass whooping." Katie rose her hand to him. "Now... If ya'll excuse me? I'm going home cause I have to be in the bowling alley in the morning." Katie scoffed. // "I'm good?" Ozzie spoke up. He frowned as Katie began to leave. "Night?" He called out.
  27. Covet: "She has her own reasons for being upset with you." Kelsey said, then looked at Brad. "Well you're not being attacked now... and you survived." She told him then glanced at Katie and Ozzie. "Goodnight you two. You guys get home safe." She said unsure if Ozzie was following her. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, Katie."
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Kinda seems like everyone has the same reasons..." He mumbled, sucking on his lower lip because blood. He waved a hand at Ozzie before dropping his eyes down to Kelsey. "Does it look bad?"-
  29. Covet: Kelsey frowned as she looked at him, then looked at his lip, touching it for a moment "Put some ice on it tonight and give it a couple of days, you'll be okay." She told him softly, then turned around and started to walk back to her dorm room.
  30. Covet: [GOD DAMMIT SORRY!]
  31. Covet: [I got excited and hit enter x.x]
  32. Tsaaq: ((It's fine Ozzie basically ran away.))
  33. Covet: [Poor Ozzie]
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Kels... come on..." He spoke quickly when she turned to walk away, continuously running his tongue over his lower lip.-
  35. Covet: "What?" She asked turning around to look at him. "I need to get Connor into bed." She told him, happy her eyes seemed to be dried up.
  36. Alexithymiaa: "I know you're still pissed, but will you at least accept my apology so we can work on moving passed... whatever exactly the entire last week was?" He frowned, his face dropping a bit and he kind of just looked like a battered puppy.-
  37. Covet: Kelsey looked him over, listening to him. "Yes. So long as you actually mean that." She said her arms still crossed.
  38. Tsaaq has left the chat
  39. Alexithymiaa: "I do. I don't want to fight with you. I just want us to be how we always are." He watched her before lowering his head. "Put Connor to bed... and I'll see you tomorrow?"-
  40. Covet: "Okay. I don't want to fight either, but it's going to take time to get back to that." Kelsey told him then walked over and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, before turning around. "Goodnight. Don't forget the ice." She said then walked back to her dorm room to get Connor put into bed and go to bed herself.
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