
Your money is no good here, ASH!

Feb 7th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood on the small platformed stage as she finished setting up for the evening, the room already beginning to fill with guests and bidders. Picking up her glass, she took a small sip of her drink to calm her nerves since she just wanted this night to go smoothly and save the animals. // Brad was lingering off to the side of the venue with a beer in his hand, just kind of waiting for the shit to start and half hoping that he might be able to wrangle someone cool into a threesome with him and Kelsey. This guy. // Adam stood nervously with his hands in his pockets as he glanced around the room at all of the guests, growing more and more uncomfortable with the fact that he didnt have very much money for tonight. // The five guys of All Time Low walked in together, moving their way through the growing crowd in the restaurant toward the back of the large room. Jack threw his hands up into the air, raising his voice over the chatter. "Eyyy! We made it!"-
  2. Tsaaq: ((Ooo dis cute))
  3. Covet: [I figured I'd leave it up through February XD]
  4. Covet: [Cause Valentine stuff XD]
  5. Covet: Felix was outside standing down the street away from the entry, getting a cigarette in, because he needed it bad before all of this excitment picked up. He didn't want to be jittery through that. He was trying to hurry. // Kelsey was over near the stage with Steph, checking to see if there was anything else she could do to help. "How are we looking on time?" She asked then turned when the ATL guys came in making a bunch of noise. // Eli had gotten himself a beer, and had found a table near the front, looking around a the people that were there. He saw Adam wallflowering and waved him over. // Cadence had a bottle of water in her hand taking sips from it, while she chewed on her peppermint gum. She was by the stairs leaning on the railing, watching all the people famous and not famous come in. // The 4 SoS dudes where chilling at a table together doing there thing with their accents, being guys.// While Lynn and her two dudes were hanging out together in the back standing around because they're cool like that.
  6. Covet: [I'm sorry I'm so ridiculous XD]
  7. Covet: *their thing
  8. Tsaaq: Hayley walked out of the bathroom after checking her face and her outfit. She furrowed her eyebrows before heading down to where the girls had been. "Hey guys." Hayley greeted before looking over to the audience. "Are these people supposed to be here?" She asked, recognizing ATL but still, the other guys were there and she's like wtf. // "I better head onto the stage" Bliss told Eli, she went to give him a kiss on his cheek before heading over. She gave Adam a wave before looking at her sorority sisters. "Everyone is on their A game tonight." // Remy pulled up to the resturant and let the valet take his lambo. "Hey Felix, mind if I join you?" He asked as he took out his pack of cigarettes.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Steph turned when she heard Jack's voice, stepping down off the stage and walking to the group to go give some hugs cause friends. "You made it! I'm glad you're here. Everyone go get a table and get yourselves some drinks because we're starting in a minute or so." She turned and stepped back onto the little stage, watching as Bliss came over. "Are you ready? I'm going to start this up." Taking a deep breath, she stepped in front of the microphone and cleared her throat until the chattering hushed, smiling to their crowd. "I want to thank you all for joining us this evening. We'll be raising funds for Animal Aid Inc, a local Portland animal shelter who has already thanked us in advice for our support." She paused for the clapping. "Our first date up for auction tonight is Bliss Maverick. A valued member of the Northwest State student government, Bliss is a communication arts and political science major. Shall we start the bidding at one hundred dollars?" She asked, tipping it over to the audience to yell their shit and duke it out. // Brad smiled when he saw Bliss take the stage, taking another sip of his beer. // Adam wandered over to where Eli was standing to join him, looking at the stage. "There's an awful lot of people here...." // ATL returned the hugs and backed off the stage to get out of the way. Listening to Steph introduce Bliss, Rian raised his hand. "One hundred dollars." // State Champs guy also raised his hand. "One fifty!"-
  10. Tsaaq: ((For references.))
  11. Covet: [WOWZA BLISS....]
  12. Alexithymiaa: (TITS)
  13. Covet: Looking over at Remy, Felix gave a nod of his head, "Not at all," He inhaled and exhaled again, "With Steph inviting ATL and them telling these other bands, I don't think I have enough cash to even compete."// "Oh we're starting. You look so bad ass Hayley." Kelsey said with a grin, giving her a couple of thumbs up, getting quiet at Steph started up and introduced Bliss. // He gave Bliss a quick hug before she made her way over to the stage, Unable to not stare at her ass as he called out to her, "Good luck up there, I'll do my best to outbid them all." He turned to Adam, "That's a good thing right? Means lots of bids?"// "Yeah, Steph talked to ATL, and they kind of spread the word about. We're going to make a shit ton." Cadence said shaking her water bottle around. She watched out towards the crowd as people started bidding for Bliss.// Luke and Michael were shoving each other back and forth, before Luke was able to get out a bid. "Five hundred!" // Alex from Pvaris called out and scoffed, "This is for charity people. Fifteen Hundred."
  14. Tsaaq: Hayley twirled around a moment and shrugged. "Thanks... I didn't want to wear colors, I didn't want to be modest. So I tried to look as biddable as possible." She shrugged with a giggle. "Besides, this is the only year I'm not dreading being on stage." Hayley told Kelsey. She whistled loudly at Bliss. "Hey, I could bid right? Or are we not allowed to bid? Cause I have monies now. Technically." // Bliss put her hand on her hip as she posed. Her eyebrows rose as she looked over to Eli. She kept her smile in tact but her eyes were like 'wtf are you slacking for man?' // He lit his cigarette and glanced inside. "I think they already started." He said as he inhaled deeply then exhaled. He frowned a little at Felix. "You know man... Money isn't really like, a problem for me anymore. I can just give you some if you don't want some creeps with their paws all over Steph?" He offered.
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's eyes bounced around the room as she watched the bids climb, pleased with how this shit was going. // Brad smirked, throwing out a bid because why the fuck not. "Sixteen hundred!" // Adam shrugged. "I dont really have the money to compete with so many people though..." He said in a smaller voice, nudging Eli because bid you fucking asshole. // Rian looked over at Brad before raising his hand. "Two thousand!" // Evan of State Champs raised his hand. "Three thousand!"-
  16. Covet: "Where I appreciate the offer, I'll pass. I already told her that I intended not to make a big fuss about bidding, mostly because Valentines and Her Birthday are coming up" Felix said, "I'm just going to make sure she gets a max bid, by pushing it up.We should get in there before we get in trouble." // "I'm not sure...." Kelsey said thinking about it, "I mean, the money is going to charity, so it shouldn't matter where it comes from." //Eli wasn't terribly concerned though the look on his Fiance's face was amusing, Hearing the offer jump up a thousand, he raised his hand and called out, "Eight thousand."// Cadence looked out into the crowd, trying to find Remy, "Where the hell is he at? I'm going up next."// Luke was to busy arguing with Michael that he forgot they were still bidding // Alex gave a nod to Eli, "There we go" He clapped but didn't bid again.
  17. Tsaaq: "I'll bid-" Hayley began to say with her index finger raised before she heard Eli's bid. "Oh, nevermind." Hayley whispered with a shrug. // Bliss exhaled with relief as she took the microphone. "Oh, thank you so much for your generous bids." She said before waving her fingers in the direction of Eli the winning bidder. "Next up is Cadence Berkoff, former head cheerleader, part time model and partial owner of a menagerie of animals. She is also a talented artist and a wonderful erotic dancer hobbyist." Bliss introduced Cadence even though she was basically just dramaticizing shit, guys would probably think all that was hot or something. // He nodded but still he anticipated giving this guy monies. "Fiiine." He went to toss his butt and went inside as soon as he heard Cadence's name. He rose his eyebrow to see what manner of fuckboys were bidding on his wife first just because. "Looking like a dime as usual." He waved as he looked at her on stage.
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stepped off the stage quickly to make way for Cadence up there, walking over to Kelsey and Hayley and linking her hands behind her back as she watched for Cadence being hot and stuff. // Brad lifted a hand, being thoroughly amused with this. "A thousand dollars." // "Look, you won." Adam said with such joy in his voice because the other of Bliss going home with some dudes was unsettling to him. // Alex, being the married guy that he was, raised his hand for the pregnant bitch. "Two thousand." // Derek State Champs also did th ebid. "Three thousand!"-
  19. Covet: Felix followed Remy in and made his way to a table near where the girls were standing. He looked around the room trying to spot Zack, because he know that guy was here somewhere.// Kelsey smiled as Bliss came back down, "Great Job, I knew Eli wouldn't let anyone else win."// "I intended to win," Eli said with a chuckle, "I wouldn't want her to feel awkward." // Cadence set her water bottle down on the stairs and made her way up to the microphone, giving a wave. She noticed that Bliss conveniently left out that she was married and a mom to be. She was still trying to find Remy and finally saw him walking in and over. She gave a smirk at Remy, giving him a wave from where she was at on stage// Ashton called out, "Four thousand. // Brian upped it by calling out "Make it an even Five."
  20. Tsaaq: ((Hey Bliss trying to make those monies!))
  21. Covet: [XD]
  22. Tsaaq: "I could've taken her out on a girl date." Hayley said with a pout. "Jesus." Her eyes widened. "It's her new fat ass." She leaned in to whisper to Kelsey. "Everybody wants to touch it." // Bliss look between the males. "Alright I heard five thousand do I hear six thousand? Anyone?" She called out. // "Eleven thousand!" He chimed up immediately, the time to give these guys false hope was over. // "Ah, eleven thousand! Going once? Going twice! Sold to the man in the back How very generous!" She said before clapping her hands and handing over the mic.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -Steph put her fingers to her lips to whistle loudly for Cadence and Remy taking home the winning bid, making a mental note of how much each girl was going for so she could tally it all up later. // Brad clapped for Cadence, finishing off his beer and trying to flag down the waitress for another. // "That's really kind of you. Unfortunately I don't really have the money to be as kind as you." Adam said with a frown.-
  24. Covet: Spotting Zack, Felix made his way back over to Remy, "I'm pretty sure I know who's going to take the winning bet for Steph tonight." He mumbled as he death glared Zack. Steph wasn't around so he could get away with the dirty looks, since he'd promised not to start anything.//"So that puts us at Sixteen Thousand total so far?" Kelsey asked then continued to pay attention// "Hmm, I can spot you some if you think it'd help your bidding at all." Eli offered to him. // "Thank you baby." Cadence called out than took over the mic, "Next up we have my kick ass sister in law, Hayley. Guys you better bring your a-game because she's fiesty, and takes no shit. She enjoys music and is a fellow cheerleader, and she is a fantastic dancer. Let me hear your starting bids.// Calum called out "Five hundred!" // Lynn upped the bid even more, "Two thousand!"
  25. Tsaaq: Hayley took her spot on the stage and crossed her arms over her chest after waving at the crowd, but mostly looking to Adam with a smile. She looked over to the one guy from 5SOS with her eyes wide before her head snapped in the direction of the other bidder. // Bliss went to blow Eli a kiss and looked between the bidders. "Oh wow." She whispered. "This is going well." She said to Kelsey. // He looked over to Zack then back at Felix. "Why doesn't any of Steph's boyfriends like that guy? Is it his arms? Do his arms intimidate you?" He asked quietly.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "We're up to nineteen thousand." Steph said with a little bit of a giddy bounce because animals. // Brad lifted a hand. "Three thousand!" // Adam went to open his mouth and bid and promptly shut it when they went way over his limit, glancing at Eli. "I couldnt take your money. Especially not for something like this. I'm sure... it'll be fine..." He trailed off as he looked back over at Hayley. // Jack jumped up in his seat, waving a hand. "Ten thousand!"-
  27. Covet: Felix turned to look at Remy, "No, his arms don't intimidate me. The way he has googley eyes for Steph intimidates me. He make it a point to bother us, if he's around." He said going back to glare at Zack.//"Oh wow, Go Hayley!" Kelsey cheered out hearing Jack bid Ten thousand// "Yeah, I understand, I couldnt help you right now if I wanted to." Eli said with a frown.// "Ten Thousand to Jack...Oh god.. Ten thousand to Jack." Cadence said then looked at Hayley, "Your guys' date should be fun at least." She said trying to be positive, becaues Jack was unpredictable as fuck.// 5SoS quieted down, as did the Pvris peeps.
  28. Covet: *makes
  29. Tsaaq: She looked over to Adam with her eyes wide. "What?" She asked as she looked around with surprise. "Uh, okay. Awesome I guess." She said with a forced smile. "Looking forward to it." Hayley said before taking the microphone."Next up with have Kelsey, another cheer-slash-sorority sister. Basically a celebrity because she has a grammy and an awesome album. She's worth a bunch of monies so let's start off with a thousand?" // Bliss looked over to Eli and lifted her hands. 'Why?' She mouthed, when noticing Adam didn't even bid. // Remy nodded his head. "I mean, it's not like she's gonna run away with him and shit. It's in the bag. All he has going for him is the arms."
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Steph started to laugh, clapping for Jack because that guy was crazy and Hayley would probably have fun on a date with him. // Brad stood up straight when Kelsey took the stage, immediately calling out. "Five thousand!" // Adam let out a sigh as they announced Jack to be the winning bid for Hayley, shifting on his feet. "Things would be easier if the world didnt revolve around money." // Derek State Champs raised his hand. "Eight thousand!"-
  31. Covet: "I know that. But he doesn't get that." Felix mumbled.//Kelsey made her way up to the stage and smiled at Hayley, mouthing a thank you to her as she waved at the crowd.// Cadence stepped down and went to go sit on the stairs so she could take a drink of water, yawning a little.//Eli looked over at Bliss and motioned to her the money signal with his fingers. "I'm sure it's not going to be anything serious, just people hanging out." He said trying to reassure Adam.// Luke turned around and looked at Derek, then called out "Eight and a half thousand." // Brian called out "Nine thousand".
  32. Tsaaq: "Ah nine thousand. I think I can shake a little more money out of your pockets ladies and gents, come on. Let me hear a ten thousand somewhere?" She called out to the crowd. // Bliss pouted and lightly dragged her index finger along her cheek to mime sadness. She looked between the bidders. "There's a lot of rockers here tonight, right?" She asked finally realizing that shit. // Remy patted Felix shoulder. "Don't worry man. He'll get to message." He said. Remy went over to Cadence immediately and kissed the side of her head. "Is this totes inapropes? No right? I won the bidding thing."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, that was kind of the point. Hopefully we can really raise a lot of money with them all here tonight." She spoke as she walked the bidding continue on Kelsey. // Brad wasnt into all these assholes bidding on Kelsey. "Thirteen thousand!" He yelled out, hoping that would shake them off. // "Yeah, that's probably how it would be." Adam spoke in reply to Eli, just trying to convince himself that would be the case even though he wasnt so sure.-
  34. Covet: "I know. I wonder if he's noticed Steph's necklace. She hasn't put the one that he apparently picked out for her back on since I got her one at Christmas." Felix said all smug like. He walked over closer to the stairs, seeing Zack fairly close now, in a position where he could watch and glare at the same time.//"Thank you all for your bids, So very generous of you. For our Final sorority sister, we have my Cousin Steph, Some of you know her as a fellow rocker yourselves. She's a fantastic singer, and an athletic genius, Not to mention a wonderful writer. Let's start our bidding!" // Looking up at Remy she leaned into his kiss, "Not inappropriate at all, even if someone else had won." She said with a smile. //Nodding along with Bliss, he turned his head to hear Adam, "I mean, they can't just assume that all the girls aren't already taken or anything. It's a date, not them actually dating." // The guys grumbled about loosing out to some scrawny dude in a fucking beanie. // Calum called out his same bid again, "Two thousand!" // Lynn Chirpped up, "Thirtyfive hundred!"
  35. Tsaaq: Hayley took her steps back. "Hm..." She trailed off before going over to where Bliss was standing and took in a deep breath as she waited on the last bids for Steph. // Bliss smiled as she nodded her head. "Well great job." She told Steph. She went to give Hayley a pat on her shoulder. "Everybody did great today." She said. // Remy went to sit down beside her. "You look beautiful babe." He said as he took her hand. "You feel any better?"
  36. Alexithymiaa: -Steph walked up onto the stage and turnd to face everyone, lacing her fingers together as people bid on her. // Brad started to move toward the crowd to the front of the stage, wanting to sweep Kelsey up when she got down. // Adam nodded even though he wasnt really all that convinced. "Yeah, you're right. And it's for a good cause. They're raising a lot of money for the shelter this way." // Zack piped up with his expected first bid. "Five thousand!"-
  37. Covet: Felix didn't even hesitate after he heard Zack's bid. "Eight thousand." It was small enough that it's encourage Zack to go higher. //Kelsey listened to the bids going around, "Am I stopping at Eight thousand?" She taunted not wanting to cut anyone off.// "A little, but not by much. It just doesn't feel like much because I've kind of gotten used to it at this point." She told him "Thank you for saying I look pretty though."//"Is this really the last one tonight? Wow, that went quick." Eli said. // Nobody else said anything because they weren't sure if the bidding was over.
  38. Covet: *it'd
  39. Tsaaq: Hayley furrowed her eyebrows. Was the bidding over. She looked over to Bliss. "That's the guy from ATL..." She trailed off. "Felix needs to say more monies." She whispered. // She shrugged her shoulders. "But think of all the money we'll get for the charity?" // "You always look pretty. To me anyways." Remy said. "Felix is worried about Zack, I don't know why every guy Steph dates has a problem with him."
  40. Alexithymiaa: -Steph pursed her lips as she listened to the bids being called out, her eyes dropping down to her feet. // Adam lifted his head to see Steph standing on stage, nodding to Eli. "Seems like it, yeah. I mean, we were here a few hours so I guess not that quick." // Zack turned his head to look over at Felix, chewing on his tongue. "Ten thousand." // From across the fucking room, Ash raised his fucking hand. "Twelve thousand."-
  41. Covet: Felix picked his head up and looked over at Ash.If he was angry before because of Zacks presence, he was livid now, "No Fuck you! You don't get to bid. The ten thousand bid goes to Zack. Bidding is over! Tell them Kelsey." He said because he'd rather let Zack have the only date he'd get with her over that other sonovabitch.//"Oh.. Um.. Ten thousand to the good looking guy with the arms?" Kelsey said looking at Steph, then out to where Ash was. Thanks for coming to the event....Please talk to Steph about who to write your checks out to..." She trailed off wanting to wrap this up before shit hit the fan.// "It's because Zack is a nice guy. And I guess that's threatening." Cadence said, "Apparently Steph really has to tiptoe around him as a subject with Felix." Cadence looked over, "What the fuck is this guy doing here?" //"That's true." Eli said then fell along with the hush as Felix yelled out. // The band people just kind of looked around because, drama.
  42. Tsaaq: Hayley's mouth fell open. "Oh shit Ash, where've you been?" She asked with her eyebrows raised. // Bliss looked to Ash when she heard his voice and shook her head. She went to look over to Eli, counting on him until she saw that Kelsey accepted Zac's bid. // Remy stood to his feet. "Huh, looks like the thing you guys did to him didn't work." He said as he looked to Cadence. "Don't go anywhere near this, stay here, or somewhere safe." Remy went to walk towards Felix. "Let's escort this guy out of here."
  43. Alexithymiaa: -Steph set her jaw when she heard Ash's voice and his bid, her hands curling into fists at her sides. "No, that doesnt count. Ten thousand. Done." She snapped a little as she stepped down off the stage, crossing her arms over her chest and walking over to the corner to start directing payments. // Brad walked over to Kelsey once she was off the stage, slipping his arm around her waist. "I don't think we should be here anymore. I think I should take you home and celebrate my win." // Adam turned to look at Ash and the fact that there was clearly some fucking drama going down right now, keeping his mouth firmly shut. // Zack was also mad that Ash exists in this universe, but silently excited for his win. // Ash got mad, throwing his hands into the air. "What? That's not fair. You can't just disqualify my bid because you don't like me!" He called out like a fucking baby.-
  44. Covet: "Gladly." Felix said walking with Remy, to go assist in the leaving of Ash."I think they just did. C'mon.. we're going for a walk." Felix said grabbing Ash by one arm to drag him towards the door.//"Taking me back to the dorms to have sex with me doesn't count as our date." She told him as she walked along with him, "But you need to pay Steph first, then we can leave.// "My ass is firmly planted in this area until you guys get back. I'll help Steph out."//Eli looked at Adam, "I'm going to go make sure that Remy and Felix don't need any help. Can't hurt to lend some extra hands." he said pushing his sleeves up his arms like he's some macho fuck, after giving Bliss a glance, "I'll Be right back in My Love."// People were dispersing and doing the payment things int he meantime.
  45. Tsaaq: Hayley went over to Adam and took his hand. "Whatever, you can take me on a date any time for free anyways." She shrugged. // Bliss nodded and watched Eli, Felix and Remy. "Oh my." She whispered, watching keenly. // "Take a fucking hike man!" He called out. "Who cares if we bend the rules, you don't even fucking go here anymore." Remy argued, grabbing the male by his jacket as they walked to the door.
  46. Alexithymiaa: "Right, I'll pay her and then we can go. But rest assured, this is just the celebration. The real date will be better." Brad leaned in to peck Kelsey's cheek before turning off to go write Steph a check. // Adam sighed as Eli went after the guys because he didnt want poor Eli to get hurt. Sending Hayley a forced smile because he was still uncomfortable with her going on a date with Jack, he nodded. "Of course. And I will. How about we head home?" He asked, putting his hand on her back to lead her toward the exit. // "Neither do any of these fucks." Ash argued while being thrown out. He's weak and it was probably easy.-
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