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Jul 27th, 2017
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  1. TukuiCF["general"] = {
  2. ["autoscale"] = true, -- mainly enabled for users that don't want to mess with the config file
  3. ["uiscale"] = .75, -- set your value (between 0.64 and 1) of your uiscale if autoscale is off
  4. ["overridelowtohigh"] = true, -- EXPERIMENTAL ONLY! override lower version to higher version on a lower reso.
  5. ["multisampleprotect"] = true, -- i don't recommend this because of shitty border but, voila!
  6. }
  9. TukuiCF["theme"] = { -- Optional pixelfont can be used if desired, use this: -- --
  10. ["CHAT_Font"] =, -- Controls: Chat Font ONLY!!
  11. ["CHAT_FSize"] = 15, -- Controls: Font size for the chatframes.
  14. ["UF_Font"] =, -- Controls: Unitframe // Actionbar // Nameplate Font
  15. ["UF_FSize"] = 16, -- Controls: Font size for unitframes.
  18. ["DATA_Font"] =, -- Controls: Datatext // Chat Tab Fonts // Buff+Debuff Fonts
  19. ["DATA_FSize"] = 14, -- Controls: Font size on datatext panels.
  22. ["UI_Font"] =, -- Controls: Datatext // Chat Tab Fonts // Buff+Debuff Fonts
  23. ["UI_FSize"] = 37, -- Controls: Font size on datatext panels.
  26. ["UI_Texture"] =, -- Controls: All UI Textures.
  28. ["scale"] = 45, -- Global Action Bar Panel Size
  30. ["custom_hover"] = false, -- True: Uses the custom color below for coloring mouse-over on buttons.
  31. ["hover_color"] = { .8, .2, .2, .5 }, -- False: Uses your class color for coloring mouse-over on buttons.
  32. }
  34. TukuiCF["unitframes"] = {
  35. ["V3_Style"] = true, -- adds panels on the UF
  36. ["show_solomode"] = false, --
  37. ["health_vertical"] = false, -- vertical aligment on health
  38. ["classcolor"] = true, -- duh?
  39. ["showvalues"] = true, -- shows hp/pp values on UF
  40. ["showpercentage"] = true, -- shows hp/pp percent on UF
  41. ["ufwidth"] = 250, -- the width of the player/target UF
  43. -- general options
  44. ["enable"] = true, -- do i really need to explain this?
  45. ["enemyhcolor"] = false, -- enemy target (players) color by hostility, very useful for healer.
  46. ["unitcastbar"] = true, -- enable tukui castbar
  47. ["cblatency"] = true, -- enable castbar latency
  48. ["cbicons"] = true, -- enable icons on castbar
  49. ["auratimer"] = true, -- enable timers on buffs/debuffs
  50. ["auratextscale"] = 11, -- the font size of buffs/debuffs timers on unitframes
  51. ["playerauras"] = true, -- enable auras above the player frame
  52. ["targetauras"] = true, -- enable buffs on target unit frame
  53. ["highThreshold"] = 80, -- hunter high threshold
  54. ["lowThreshold"] = 20, -- global low threshold, for low mana warning.
  55. ["targetpowerpvponly"] = true, -- enable power text on pvp target only
  56. ["totdebuffs"] = true, -- enable tot debuffs (high reso only)
  57. ["focusdebuffs"] = true, -- enable focus debuffs
  58. ["petbuffs"] = true, -- enable pet buffs
  59. ["showfocustarget"] = true, -- show focus target
  60. ["showtotalhpmp"] = true, -- change the display of info text on player and target with XXXX/Total.
  61. ["showsmooth"] = true, -- enable smooth bar
  62. ["showthreat"] = true, -- enable the threat bar anchored to info left panel.
  63. ["charportrait"] = true, -- do i really need to explain this?
  64. ["maintank"] = true, -- enable maintank
  65. ["mainassist"] = false, -- enable mainassist
  66. ["unicolor"] = true, -- enable unicolor theme
  67. ["combatfeedback"] = true, -- enable combattext on player and target.
  68. ["playeraggro"] = true, -- color player border to red if you have aggro on current target.
  69. ["positionbychar"] = true, -- save X, Y position with /uf (movable frame) per character instead of per account.
  70. ["showboss"] = true, -- enable boss unit frames for PVELOL encounters.
  71. ["healcomm"] = true, -- enable healprediction support.
  72. ["group"] = true, -- enables party/raid layout (requested feature)
  73. ["swing"] = true, -- enable a swing bar for the unitframes (located just above the castbar)
  74. ["vengeance"] = true, -- enable tukui vengeance plugin / Tanks ONLY (located just under the acionbars)
  76. -- raid layout
  77. ["showrange"] = true, -- show range opacity on raidframes
  78. ["raidalphaoor"] = 0.3, -- alpha of unitframes when unit is out of range
  79. ["gridonly"] = false, -- enable grid only mode for all healer mode raid layout.
  80. ["showsymbols"] = true, -- show symbol.
  81. ["aggro"] = true, -- show aggro on all raids layouts
  82. ["raidunitdebuffwatch"] = true, -- track important spell to watch in pve for grid mode.
  83. ["gridhealthvertical"] = true, -- enable vertical grow on health bar for grid mode.
  84. ["showplayerinparty"] = true, -- show my player frame in party
  85. ["gridscale"] = 1, -- set the healing grid scaling
  87. -- class bar plugin (only priest so far)
  88. --["show_time"] = false, -- show time on the bar
  89. --["show_player"] = false, -- show bar on player unit (disabled until i've figured out a better way to display it)
  90. --["show_target"] = false, -- show bar on target unit (disabled until i've figured out a better way to display it)
  92. -- class specific extra plugins
  93. ["runebar"] = true, -- enable tukui runebar plugin / Death Knight
  94. ["eclipse"] = true, -- enable tukui eclipse plugin / Druid
  95. }
  97. TukuiCF["arena"] = {
  98. ["unitframes"] = true, -- enable tukz arena unitframes (requirement : tukui unitframes enabled)
  99. ["interrupt"] = false, -- enable interrupt icons (interruptbar alternative)
  100. }
  102. TukuiCF["actionbar"] = {
  103. ["enable"] = true, -- enable tukz action bars
  104. ["hotkey"] = true, -- enable hotkey display because it was a lot requested
  105. ["hideshapeshift"] = false, -- hide shapeshift or totembar because it was a lot requested.
  106. ["bottomrows"] = 2, -- numbers of row you want to show at the bottom (select between 1 and 2 only)
  107. ["rightbars"] = 1, -- numbers of right bar you want (0 - 2)
  108. ["showgrid"] = false, -- show grid on empty button
  110. ["split_bar"] = true,
  111. ["mainbar_swap"] = false,
  112. ["rightbars_vh"] = false,
  113. }
  115. TukuiCF["gains"] = {
  116. ["experience"] = true, -- enables exp "spam" in the loot frame.
  117. ["reputation"] = true, -- enables rep "spam" in the loot frame
  118. ["petexperience"] = true, -- enables pet exp "spam" in the loot frame.
  119. }
  121. TukuiCF["timetodie"] = {
  122. ["enable"] = true, -- enables calculated time to die on your target
  123. ["type"] = 2, -- set your mobtype (1 = raidboss only) (2 = raidboss and playerlevel + 3 mobs (hc instance bosses, 83 mobs etc.)) (3 = show add for every mob available)
  124. ["dps"] = 0, -- show raid dps? (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
  125. ["length"] = 0, -- show fight length? (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
  126. }
  128. TukuiCF["combo"] = {
  129. ["display"] = true, -- true to enable numeric display, false to enable bar display ( ! ! Does not work at the moment, keep it to true ! ! )
  130. ["powerbar"] = false, -- enables powerbar under the combobars (only if display is set to false)
  131. ["classcolor"] = false, -- enables class colored power bar
  133. ["dknight"] = false, -- enable death knight combo module (odd behaviour and not updating correctly, disabled until further notice)
  134. ["druid"] = false, -- enable druid combo module (odd behaviour and not updating correctly, disabled until further notice)
  135. ["hunter"] = true, -- enable hunter combo module
  136. ["mage"] = true, -- enable mage combo module
  137. ["paladin"] = true, -- enable paladin combo module (will turn into bar above the playerframe if false)
  138. ["priest"] = true, -- enable priest combo module
  139. ["shaman"] = true, -- enable shaman combo module
  140. ["warlock"] = true, -- enable warlock combo module (will turn into bar above the playerframe if false)
  141. ["warrior"] = true, -- enable warrior combo module
  142. }
  144. TukuiCF["bags"] = {
  145. ["enable"] = true, -- enable an all in one bag mod that fit tukui perfectly
  146. }
  148. TukuiCF["map"] = {
  149. ["enable"] = true, -- reskin the map to fit tukui
  150. }
  152. TukuiCF["loot"] = {
  153. ["lootframe"] = true, -- reskin the loot frame to fit tukui
  154. ["rolllootframe"] = true, -- reskin the roll frame to fit tukui
  155. ["autogreed"] = true, -- auto-dez or auto-greed item at max level, auto-greed Frozen orb
  156. }
  158. TukuiCF["cooldown"] = {
  159. ["enable"] = true, -- do i really need to explain this?
  160. }
  162. TukuiCF["datatext"] = {
  163. ["fps_ms"] = 0, -- show fps and ms on panels
  164. ["mem"] = 0, -- show total memory on panels
  165. ["bags"] = 6, -- show space used in bags on panels
  166. ["gold"] = 5, -- show your current gold on panels
  167. ["wowtime"] = 0, -- show time on panels
  168. ["guild"] = 1, -- show number on guildmate connected on panels
  169. ["dur"] = 9, -- show your equipment durability on panels.
  170. ["friends"] = 3, -- show number of friends connected.
  171. ["dps_text"] = 0, -- show a dps meter on panels
  172. ["hps_text"] = 0, -- show a heal meter on panels
  173. ["power"] = 7, -- show your attackpower/spellpower/healpower/rangedattackpower whatever stat is higher gets displayed
  174. ["haste"] = 11, -- show your haste rating on panels.
  175. ["crit"] = 10, -- show your crit rating on panels.
  176. ["avd"] = 0, -- show your current avoidance against the level of the mob your targeting
  177. ["armor"] = 0, -- show your armor value against the level mob you are currently targeting
  178. ["currency"] = 2, -- show your tracked currency on panels
  179. ["hitrating"] = 0, -- show your characters hit rating
  180. ["mastery"] = 4, -- show your characters mastery rating
  181. ["spec"] = 8, -- show your active talent group and allow you to switch on panels.
  183. ["battleground"] = true, -- enable 3 stats in battleground only that replace stat1,stat2,stat3.
  185. ["location"] = true, -- where are ya'll?!
  186. ["coords"] = true, -- here are we!
  188. ["stat_block"] = true, -- new 4 block system in top-right screen for important datatexts only (time/mem/latency/fps)
  189. ["text"] = false, -- enables text on rep/exp frames
  191. ["classcolor"] = true, -- show some text as classcolor in the datatext
  192. ["color"] = { .7, .3, .3 }, -- if classcolor is false, use this color instead
  193. }
  195. TukuiCF["chat"] = {
  196. ["enable"] = true, -- blah
  197. ["whispersound"] = true, -- play a sound when receiving whisper
  198. ["chatheight"] = TukuiCF["theme"].CHAT_FSize*12, -- the "CHAT_FSize*X" equals the number of lines the chat-windows will have (Default 12 lines)
  199. }
  201. TukuiCF["panels"] = {
  202. ["bottom_panels"] = true,
  203. }
  205. TukuiCF["tooltip"] = {
  206. ["enable"] = true, -- true to enable this mod, false to disable
  207. ["hidecombat"] = false, -- hide bottom-right tooltip when in combat
  208. ["hidebuttons"] = false, -- always hide action bar buttons tooltip.
  209. ["hideuf"] = false, -- hide tooltip on unitframes
  210. ["cursor"] = false, -- tooltip via cursor only
  211. ["id"] = true, -- adds spell and item id to the tooltip
  212. }
  214. TukuiCF["merchant"] = {
  215. ["sellgrays"] = true, -- automaticly sell grays?
  216. ["autorepair"] = true, -- automaticly repair?
  217. }
  219. TukuiCF["error"] = {
  220. ["enable"] = false, -- true to enable this mod, false to disable
  221. filter = { -- what messages to not hide
  222. ["Inventory is full."] = true, -- inventory is full will not be hidden by default
  223. },
  224. }
  226. TukuiCF["invite"] = {
  227. ["autoaccept"] = false, -- auto-accept invite from guildmate and friends.
  228. }
  230. TukuiCF["frames"] = {
  231. ["watch"] = true, -- Re-added feature from v11, makes the watchframe movable with "/wf".
  232. ["world"] = true, -- allows the ability to move the world frame around with "/wsup".
  233. }
  235. TukuiCF["buffreminder"] = {
  236. ["enable"] = true, -- this is now the new innerfire warning script for all armor/aspect class.
  237. ["sound"] = false, -- enable warning sound notification for reminder.
  238. }
  240. TukuiCF["others"] = {
  241. ["pvpautorelease"] = false, -- enable auto-release in bg or wintergrasp. (not working for shaman, sorry)
  242. ["autoquest"] = false, -- enable auto-accept and auto turn-in of quests
  243. ["viewport"] = true, -- adds a viewport on your screen.
  244. }
  246. TukuiCF["spec"] = {
  247. ["eset1"] = " ",
  248. ["eset2"] = " ",
  249. }
  251. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. -- Per Name Config (overwrite general and class)
  253. -- Name need to be case sensitive
  254. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  256. if TukuiDB.myname == "Dajova" then
  257. TukuiCF.merchant.autorepair = false
  258. TukuiCF.unitframes.showfocustarget = false
  259. TukuiCF.unitframes.cbicons = false
  260. end
  262. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  263. -- Per Level Config (overwrite general)
  264. -- Sets the config depening on your current level.
  265. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. if UnitLevel("player") < 20 then -- Sets setting on characters less than lvl 20
  268. TukuiCF.unitframes.showpercentage = false
  269. TukuiCF.actionbar.split_bar = false
  270. TukuiCF.actionbar.rightbars = 0
  271. TukuiCF.datatext.mastery = 0
  272. TukuiCF.datatext.hitrating = 4
  273. TukuiCF.datatext.text = true
  274. TukuiCF.invite.autoaccept = false
  275. end
  277. if UnitLevel("player") >= 20 and UnitLevel("player") < 40 then -- Sets setting on characters equal or more than lvl 20 and less than lvl 40
  278. TukuiCF.actionbar.rightbars = 0
  279. TukuiCF.datatext.mastery = 0
  280. TukuiCF.datatext.hitrating = 4
  281. TukuiCF.datatext.text = true
  282. TukuiCF.invite.autoaccept = false
  283. end
  285. if UnitLevel("player") >= 40 and UnitLevel("player") < 60 then -- Sets setting on characters equal or more than lvl 40 and less than lvl 60
  286. TukuiCF.datatext.mastery = 0
  287. TukuiCF.datatext.hitrating = 4
  288. TukuiCF.datatext.text = true
  289. TukuiCF.invite.autoaccept = false
  290. end
  292. if UnitLevel("player") >= 60 and UnitLevel("player") < 80 then -- Sets setting on characters equal or more than lvl 60 and less than lvl 80
  293. TukuiCF.datatext.mastery = 0
  294. TukuiCF.datatext.hitrating = 4
  295. TukuiCF.datatext.text = true
  296. TukuiCF.invite.autoaccept = false
  297. end
  299. if UnitLevel("player") >= 80 and UnitLevel("player") < 85 then -- Sets setting on characters equal or more than lvl 60 and less than lvl 80
  300. TukuiCF.datatext.text = true
  301. TukuiCF.invite.autoaccept = false
  302. end
  304. ----- [[ Support for TelUI_AddonSkins ]] ----- !! Do NOT change the code below !!
  306. local TelUI_AddonSkins = CreateFrame("Frame")
  308. TelUI_AddonSkins:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
  309. TelUI_AddonSkins:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, addon)
  310. if not addon == "TelUI_AddonSkins" then return end
  312. CustomSkin = { }
  314. CustomSkin.normTexture = TukuiCF["media"].normTex
  315. CustomSkin.bgTexture = TukuiCF["media"].blank
  316. CustomSkin.font = TukuiCF["theme"].DATA_Font
  317. CustomSkin.smallFont = TukuiCF["theme"].CHAT_Font
  318. CustomSkin.fontSize = TukuiCF["theme"].DATA_FSize
  319. CustomSkin.fontFlags = TukuiCF["theme"].DATA_FFlag
  320. CustomSkin.buttonSize = TukuiDB.buttonsize
  321. CustomSkin.buttonSpacing = TukuiDB.buttonspacing
  322. CustomSkin.borderWidth = TukuiDB.Scale(2)
  323. CustomSkin.buttonZoom = { .08, .92, .08, .92 }
  324. CustomSkin.barSpacing = TukuiDB.Scale(1)
  325. CustomSkin.barHeight = TukuiDB.infoheight
  327. function CustomSkin:SkinBackgroundFrame(frame)
  328. self:SkinFrame(frame)
  329. TukuiDB.SkinFadedPanel(frame) -- valid styles: SetTemplate, StyleOverlay, SkinPanel, SkinFadedPanel.
  330. --TukuiDB.StyleShadow(frame) -- valid shadow: CreateShadow, StyleShadow. (if either Skin is selected, no need to change here)
  331. end
  333. self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
  334. end)
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