
Sy Explains What The Fuck

Jul 15th, 2016
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  1. To avoid /soc/posting in the thread like some kind of narnar, I'ma just explain my glacial content rate here.
  2. So basically around mid June (like a day after I put out the Freddy centric voicefaggotry) I went to the hospital.
  3. Turns out I now have BPPV (it can be Googled) out of nowhere. It's unfun as fuck.
  4. A few days later I ended up going back to the hospital due to uncontrollable muscle spasms in my neck that were so bad it was like my head was trying to twist itself off (or snap my own neck). This happened likely because something got pulled or torn while doing the Epley maneuver to treat the BPPV at home. Or it's a side effect of the antinausea meds I was taking for it (apparently that can happen). Or both.
  6. So on any given day I'm now possibly on up to 3 sets of meds: antiinflammatories for arthritis (unrelated to this story but still notable), antinausea for the BPPV, and muscle relaxers for the spasms. Ergo, my ability to write has not been the greatest.
  8. But I'll get back to it in time, no worries.
  9. Oh yeah, I also got informed of and then carried out the act of moving over the last two days of June.
  10. That was also not fun. But on the plus side, it may mean that I can do voicefaggotry more regularly again.
  11. I'm still not alone here, but I have acquired my own room finally, so we'll see how it goes when I am more well.
  13. I think that's it. Sorry I'm so slow at OC making.
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