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a guest
Jan 3rd, 2017
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  1. #ArenaPvP by Royendero
  2. #If you have a problem o bug, sendme a PM in spigot!
  3. #No distribute this plugin, or your id will disabled for use this plugin.
  4. #
  5. #world: choose the world when the arenas are installed.
  6. world: "LobbyGeneral"
  7. #Tp to lobby on join server.
  8. tplobbytojoin: true
  9. #Time in seconds, cooldown per duel.
  10. duelcooldown: 10
  11. #Use commands in game,
  12. #If you want bypass this, use permission "arenapvp.bypasscommands
  13. usecommandsingame: false
  14. #Antirain protection in the world.
  15. antirain: true
  16. #View health when you hurt a player.
  17. viewhealthbyarrow: true
  18. #Enable sounds
  19. sounds: true
  20. #Enable display message
  21. enabletitleandsubtitlescreen: true
  22. #Enable action bar messages
  23. enableactionbar: true
  24. #Enable party fire
  25. partyfire: false
  26. #Save file (If you use FlatFile) every x seconds.
  27. #If your file is big, add more seconds!
  28. saveelo: 240
  29. #Rankeds defaulf for users.
  30. rankedsdefault: 10
  31. #Unankeds default for users.
  32. unrankedsdefault: 20
  33. #When a Party vs Party finish, remove all drops in x radious.
  34. removedropsradious: 50
  35. #When the meetup finish, remove all drops in x radious.
  36. removedropsmeetupradious: 100
  37. #Enable heal mode of the plugin.
  38. #First, use /gamerule naturalRegeneration false.
  39. #And the plugin, heal automatically in kits: Soup, McSg, etc.
  40. #No heal in BuildUHC, IronBuild, UHC, FInalUHC, ComboBuild, etc.
  41. healmodeoftheplugin: true
  42. meetup:
  43. maxplayers: 20
  44. minplayers: 8
  45. # start meetup when are 4 players.
  46. start: 30
  48. hotbar:
  49. ranked:
  50. # Give the item in hotbar.
  51. enable: true
  52. id: 276
  53. # data-value: example:
  54. # 35:5, the id is 35, the dava-value is 5
  55. data-value: 0
  56. # amount, please keep 1, in new updates you can change it.
  57. # if you change it, the players can drop this item.
  58. amount: 1
  59. # Slots: [0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8]
  60. slot: 0
  61. unranked:
  62. enable: true
  63. id: 268
  64. data-value: 0
  65. amount: 1
  66. slot: 1
  67. duelaccept:
  68. enable: true
  69. id: 283
  70. data-value: 0
  71. amount: 1
  72. slot: 2
  73. meetup:
  74. enable: true
  75. id: 399
  76. data-value: 0
  77. amount: 1
  78. slot: 4
  79. sethotbar:
  80. enable: true
  81. id: 396
  82. data-value: 0
  83. amount: 1
  84. slot: 5
  85. party:
  86. enable: true
  87. id: 421
  88. data-value: 0
  89. amount: 1
  90. slot: 6
  91. options:
  92. enable: true
  93. id: 266
  94. data-value: 0
  95. amount: 1
  96. slot: 8
  97. spectator:
  98. enable: true
  99. id: 381
  100. data-value: 0
  101. amount: 1
  102. slot: 7
  103. hotbarparty:
  104. rank2v2:
  105. id: 276
  106. data-value: 0
  107. amount: 1
  108. slot: 0
  109. rank3v3:
  110. id: 276
  111. data-value: 0
  112. amount: 1
  113. slot: 2
  114. duel:
  115. id: 283
  116. data-value: 0
  117. amount: 1
  118. slot: 4
  119. actions:
  120. id: 399
  121. data-value: 0
  122. amount: 1
  123. slot: 6
  124. leave:
  125. id: 331
  126. data-value: 0
  127. amount: 1
  128. slot: 8
  130. hotbarranked:
  131. leave:
  132. id: 331
  133. data-value: 0
  134. amount: 1
  135. slot: 8
  137. #GUI ITEMS
  138. gui:
  139. playingmsg: true
  140. queuemsg: true
  141. kits:
  142. builduhc:
  143. # enable this kit in the GUI
  144. enable: true
  145. id: 327
  146. data-value: 0
  147. amount: 1
  148. slot: 0
  149. ironbuild:
  150. enable: true
  151. id: 326
  152. data-value: 0
  153. amount: 1
  154. slot: 1
  155. pots:
  156. enable: true
  157. id: 373
  158. data-value: 16453
  159. amount: 1
  160. slot: 2
  161. potsdebuff:
  162. enable: true
  163. id: 373
  164. data-value: 16388
  165. amount: 1
  166. slot: 3
  167. vanilla:
  168. enable: true
  169. id: 373
  170. data-value: 8261
  171. amount: 1
  172. slot: 4
  173. gapple:
  174. enable: true
  175. id: 322
  176. data-value: 1
  177. amount: 1
  178. slot: 5
  179. iron:
  180. enable: true
  181. id: 306
  182. data-value: 0
  183. amount: 1
  184. slot: 6
  185. diamond:
  186. enable: true
  187. id: 310
  188. data-value: 0
  189. amount: 1
  190. slot: 7
  191. mcsg:
  192. enable: true
  193. id: 259
  194. data-value: 0
  195. amount: 1
  196. slot: 8
  197. uhc:
  198. enable: true
  199. id: 322
  200. data-value: 0
  201. amount: 1
  202. slot: 9
  203. soup:
  204. enable: true
  205. id: 282
  206. data-value: 0
  207. amount: 1
  208. slot: 10
  209. finaluhc:
  210. enable: true
  211. id: 30
  212. data-value: 0
  213. amount: 1
  214. slot: 18
  215. combobuild:
  216. enable: true
  217. id: 420
  218. data-value: 0
  219. amount: 1
  220. slot: 25
  221. combofly:
  222. enable: true
  223. id: 349
  224. data-value: 3
  225. amount: 1
  226. slot: 26
  227. party:
  228. ffa:
  229. enable: true
  230. id: 276
  231. data-value: 0
  232. amount: 1
  233. slot: 0
  234. mysql:
  235. use: false
  236. ip: 'localhost'
  237. port: '3306'
  238. database: 'database'
  239. username: 'user'
  240. password: 'password'
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