
An Addled Assembly

Oct 31st, 2018
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  1. [2018-06-16 12:41] *Bloodlust Krieg grumbles, dragging himself in
  2. [2018-06-16 12:42] *La Renarde waves at the meat man.
  3. [2018-06-16 12:43] Joey Bites: Yo what up!
  4. [2018-06-16 12:44] *Bloodlust Krieg gives a little wave then collapses, hitting the ground hard "Bluuuuggghhhh...Paaaaaaiiiinnn"
  5. [2018-06-16 12:44] *Atlach-Nacha shoots a morphine dart at Krieg's butt from the crack in the ceiling.
  6. [2018-06-16 12:45] *Joey Bites flashes her a thumbs-up. [sub]But god he wishes that were him.[/sub] "You uh, gonna be okay?"
  7. [2018-06-16 12:46] *Bloodlust Krieg gets darted but still remains in pain and on the ground. Grumbles more "Noooohh,
  8. [2018-06-16 12:47] Atlach-Nacha: [sub]This guy must have been through a real grinder.[/sub]
  9. [2018-06-16 12:48] *Joey Bites drags Tiddles over by the arm and squats to inspect Krieg.
  10. [2018-06-16 12:49] *A Bloody Mess Was alright lighting another cigarette as she watched Joey inspect Krieg.
  11. [2018-06-16 12:50] *Bloodlust Krieg lays there like dead meat, still alive but in pain
  12. [2018-06-16 12:50] *Joey Bites prods him tentatively. "What'd you do?"
  13. [2018-06-16 12:53] *Bloodlust Krieg rolls over on his back, grabs joey boi and force sits him on his mask "PAIN dammit"
  14. [2018-06-16 12:55] *Joey Bites squawks, tensing his thighs so he doesn't have the entirety of his weight resting on this thing. "O-okay, okay! I was just hopin' you'd be more specific!"
  15. [2018-06-16 12:55] *Eliza Boskonovich looks over at them with a raised eyebrow whispering to herself "What the fuck..."
  16. [2018-06-16 12:57] *Bloodlust Krieg smashes the WiFi router
  17. [2018-06-16 12:57] La Renarde: No, no. You need that.
  18. [2018-06-16 12:58] *Tiddly "Buy more internet."
  19. [2018-06-16 12:58] Joey Bites: Did you get that or--
  20. [2018-06-16 12:58] *Atlach-Nacha has her looted attic laptop suddenly stop working. "Oi."
  21. [2018-06-16 12:58] *Bloodlust Krieg grumps
  22. [2018-06-16 12:59] Bloodlust Krieg: MEAT MAN LEGS HURTS. MAYBE can't feel them no more
  23. [2018-06-16 12:59] Joey Bites: UH, shit dude, that's not good.
  24. [2018-06-16 12:59] *Bloodlust Krieg flips the table out of rage "NOW MEAT MAN ANGRY AND IN PAIN. [b]RRRRRRAAAAAAGGGGHH[/b]"
  25. [2018-06-16 13:00] *Atlach-Nacha is annoyed by the noise. Dangles from from the attic behind the meat man and bites his neck, injecting a proper dose.
  26. [2018-06-16 13:00] La Renarde: I could bleed on you if it'll make you feel better.
  27. [2018-06-16 13:01] *Joey Bites is ousted from his spot on Krieg's face, and subsequently has a personal stake in this.
  28. [2018-06-16 13:03] *Bloodlust Krieg twitches, looking to the side to notice some girl biting into his neck. It don't hurt so much but that just pisses him off even more, wrapping an arm around her head and yanks her young ass outta her attic then pulls her off of his neck, holding her in front of him by the leg. Furiously pokes her face "Bad bad Bad BAD"
  29. [2018-06-16 13:04] Joey Bites: Naw it's okay dude, she's tryin' to help--
  30. [2018-06-16 13:05] *Atlach-Nacha makes a rubber ducky squeak every time he pokes. She's used to dangle upside down but from the ceiling, not from a meat man.
  31. [2018-06-16 13:05] *A Bloody Mess She snorted as the meatman treats that spider-youkai in such a manner. " [sub]That probably won't end well for him.[/sub] " She does take the time to get up, dust herself off, and walk over to where the spider had come down from, just to take a peek on what was up there.
  32. [2018-06-16 13:06] *Bloodlust Krieg looks to Joey "HELP? SHE BI- oh. Ooohh...." slowly slouches, falling onto his knees then onto the ground. Dropping the spider lady in the process, he let's out a content mure as the drug finally hit him, might have hit him a little too much as he lays there, making noises of murder and hoping dead baby santa might come
  33. [2018-06-16 13:06] La Renarde: Can't be in pain if you're not awake.
  34. [2018-06-16 13:07] *Joey Bites sighs in relief. Holy shit. Krieg's like a baby with teething pains x100000. When he hurts, everyone suffers.
  35. [2018-06-16 13:08] *Bloodlust Krieg kinda wiggles around a little, attempting to make a dirt angel into the ground. Giggling hysterically and humping a little
  36. [2018-06-16 13:09] *Atlach-Nacha wobbles to her feet and rubs the fresh bruises. Was almost afraid he was immune to morphine or something. She likes him a lot better this way.
  37. [2018-06-16 13:09] La Renarde: He looks like he's having fun.
  38. [2018-06-16 13:10] Joey Bites: [sub]Ain't he cute.[/sub]
  39. [2018-06-16 13:11] La Renarde: He's like a dog or something.
  40. [2018-06-16 13:12] *Bloodlust Krieg is immune to a lot of things unless they came in giant doses then he'll just be a giant Russian dog that's high on cheekibreeki
  41. [2018-06-16 13:13] *Joey Bites plunks down just out of arm's reach.
  42. [2018-06-16 13:13] *Atlach-Nacha will need to boost her diet to make more Krieg-sized doses.
  43. [2018-06-16 13:14] Out and a-Scout: [s]Idi nahui.[/s]
  44. [2018-06-16 13:14] *A Bloody Mess [sub]Now do Scout.[/sub]
  45. [2018-06-16 13:14] *Out and a-Scout [sub]Huh? Who's doin' me?[/sub]
  46. [2018-06-16 13:15] *Out and a-Scout [eicon]yeeeah[/eicon]
  47. [2018-06-16 13:15] La Renarde: Yeah!
  48. [2018-06-16 13:15] *Out and a-Scout [sub]Oh man, somebody wants to do me? I'm down.[/sub]
  49. [2018-06-16 13:15] *Atlach-Nacha grabs the scout from behind, sinks her four fangs into his neck and spurts all her remaining morphine into him.
  50. [2018-06-16 13:15] *Bloodlust Krieg starts dragging himself to Joey, grabbing him by the ankle once he's in reach "Joooeeeeyy~ Come on, Joooeey." burps, twitching a little "W-W-W-We gonna go on an ADVENTURE Joooe-*URP*-eeyyy. KRIEG AND JOEY ADVENTURE"
  51. [2018-06-16 13:16] *A Bloody Mess Oh, good. She listened. Saeki spent all that time just looking into the spider's domain while she was busy with the other 'humans'.
  52. [2018-06-16 13:17] *La Renarde is feeling awfully left out.
  53. [2018-06-16 13:18] *Atlach-Nacha 's domain is just the dark and dusty attic. Nothing to see there. Nope.
  54. [2018-06-16 13:18] *Joey Bites can't BELIEVE that little shit's getting the last of the morphine instead of hi-- wait, what. [sub]"Aw geez, Krieg."[/sub] He make an attempt to pry the fingers off his ankle. "What kinda adventure are you gonna go on when you're all fucked up and dopey?"
  55. [2018-06-16 13:18] *A Bloody Mess [sub]She can see enough into that darkness to see shapes. Doesn't believe that for a second.[/sub]
  56. [2018-06-16 13:19] *La Renarde waves her arms, "I wanna get bitten too!"
  57. [2018-06-16 13:19] *Out and a-Scout had been looking around so hopefully, too, a big smile on his face [s]and his dick twitching in his trousers[/s] at the idea of somebody doing him. And then he felt arms wrapping around him from behind and pointed fangs sinking into his skinny throat, and it was all over from there, man. Freezing up immediately, the runner didn't utter a sound as he was pumped full of the last of the spider lady's morphine, just stood there rigidly, grey-blue eyes staring off at nothing. Then, a big, dopey smile spread out across his face, all big white teeth, a wheezy little laugh escaping past his grinning lips, "Huh..."
  58. [2018-06-16 13:21] *Bloodlust Krieg drags himself towards Joey, pulling him over at the same time "[b]RAPE[/b]" He puts on his rape face as he mounts lays on top of Joey, instead of straight up butt fucking, he just passes out right on top of him. Seems like the morphine kicked in too much and made the meat man fall asleep, muttering about La Renarde hosting her show about poontah
  59. [2018-06-16 13:21] La Renarde: He even humps like a doggie.
  60. [2018-06-16 13:23] A Bloody Mess: [s][sub]The only thing he knows is ball. And good. And rape.[/sub][/s]
  61. [2018-06-16 13:23] *Joey Bites scrambles frantically in a bid for escape, a surge of panic-- oh. Well then. He's actually mildly offended, for several reasons, not the least of which being the 8'4 dude collapsed on top of him. [sub]Wheeze.[/sub]
  62. [2018-06-16 13:24] *Atlach-Nacha is all out of juice. Without letting go of the scout or extracting her fangs, she sucks out a generous helping of blood to replenish a bit.
  63. [2018-06-16 13:25] La Renarde: You wanna trade? I got magic blood.
  64. [2018-06-16 13:25] La Renarde: [sub]Or something like that.[/sub]
  65. [2018-06-16 13:26] *Out and a-Scout "...Muh," The runner let out a soft, shaky little sigh, wincing and kicking one small, sneaker-clad foot lightly as he felt his blood being drawn, looking around in confusion, licking his suddenly dry lips, " Ma, what's goin' on...?"
  66. [2018-06-16 13:26] Joey Bites: [sub]Pfft, lightweight.[/sub]
  67. [2018-06-16 13:28] *Atlach-Nacha feeling her juicers kick in again. That was only an appetizer, though. Edges up to Renarde, who looks suspiciously eager to 'trade'. A clammy hand pushes the woman's chin back while the four bloodied needle-like fangs sink into her throat, spurting some fresh produce inside.
  68. [2018-06-16 13:29] *La Renarde all of the sudden is getting second thoughts.
  69. [2018-06-16 13:30] *Out and a-Scout wobbled slightly on the spot when the spider lady moved away from him, then just plopped right down onto the ground, stretching himself out starfish-style, smiling softly to himself as he looked up at the ceiling.
  70. [2018-06-16 13:30] *Atlach-Nacha begins gulping down even before the morphine stops flowing.
  71. [2018-06-16 13:32] *La Renarde 's features pull together in the center of her face as the spider lady drinks from her like a Capri-sun.
  72. [2018-06-16 13:33] *Atlach-Nacha 's long striped leg reaches for Joey and pulls him in while she's still drinking.
  73. [2018-06-16 13:33] *Joey Bites [sub]groans. This is like the torment of Tantalus, being forced to watch while everyone--[/sub] Oh hey.
  74. [2018-06-16 13:34] *La Renarde winces, feeling the hot lifeblood as its pulled through her carotid and out of her body. The oh-so-familiiar thirst of blood loss creeps up her throat, making it stick to itself as she gulps hard.
  75. [2018-06-16 13:35] *Out and a-Scout [sub]Don't mind the Scout, laying on the ground over here, doped-out on spider lady morphine and rubbing himself through his trousers.[/sub]
  76. [2018-06-16 13:37] *Atlach-Nacha slips out her fangs, thick red streams running down her chin, and takes a deep breath. Starting to look pretty doped up herself. Pale grabby fingers seize Joey and bend him over. The smeared fangs pierce his scruff and drain... but don't inject anything.
  77. [2018-06-16 13:38] *La Renarde 's worried expression slackens into a dopey grin, the morphine finally hitting her veins like warm summer rain.
  78. [2018-06-16 13:38] *La Renarde slides to her knees, then tips over to her side and curls up like a cooked prawn.
  79. [2018-06-16 13:40] *Out and a-Scout craaawls his way on over to join his "yoga partner" from before, wriggling across the floor like some kind of dopey, horny worm, grumbling to himself as he went.
  80. [2018-06-16 13:41] *Joey Bites actually bites down on his lip in anticipation, totally passive in her grip-- and nothing comes. "Hey. HEY." He struggles vigorously in her grip regardless of the teeth in his nape. "BITCH. Where's mine, you spindly-legged cunt?!"
  81. [2018-06-16 13:43] *La Renarde flips over to face Scout, the pupil of her 'good' eye dilated to match the other.
  82. [2018-06-16 13:43] *Out and a-Scout mumbles, "Dumbass..."
  83. [2018-06-16 13:43] *La Renarde breaks out into a hazy gigglefit.
  84. [2018-06-16 13:43] *Atlach-Nacha gives a short burbling laugh into his bloodied scruff, sending red bubbles into the air. His struggling maker her teeth tear his tissue, but she withdraws and drops the blood-squirting and quite sober cat with a flop.
  85. [2018-06-16 13:44] La Renarde: Dear lord morphine is so niiiice.
  86. [2018-06-16 13:44] La Renarde: I'm so thiiiiirsty.
  87. [2018-06-16 13:46] *Out and a-Scout immediately wriggles up close to the girl, wheezing out a dorky little laugh, casually looping his arms around her, ducking his head and--burying his face into her chest. What? When was he going to be able to do this again? "Your tits are nice," He replied, grinning lopsidedly, "Augh, jeez, I'm thirsty too..."
  88. [2018-06-16 13:46] *Atlach-Nacha wanders over to Krieg on unsteady feet. Might as well, while he's knocked out. She picks up his heavy leg off the ground with a huff and bites into his meaty calf. It's like biting into a supple piece of rare beef, red juice squirting everywhere.
  89. [2018-06-16 13:48] *Joey Bites doesn't think it's fucking funny. He struggles to his feet with his eyes squeezed shut against the rush of dizziness, legs very nearly giving out beneath him. He fumbles in his back pocket for the familiar weight of his pistol and clumsily cocks it, jaw set and teeth grinding.
  90. [2018-06-16 13:49] *La Renarde , incredibly too doped-out to care about the young man literally faceplanting into her chest. She wraps an arm around him in return, holding him close while patting him on the head. "Wwhe need some...Some water."
  91. [2018-06-16 13:49] La Renarde: [sub]*entirely[/sub]
  92. [2018-06-16 13:50] La Renarde: [sub]*Was entirely[/sub]
  93. [2018-06-16 13:50] *Atlach-Nacha looks like she's about to burst, flopping down on her rear and looking around. What a bloody mess. She's doped up the room except Joey, slurped up all the blood, and probably passed around a whole bunch of infections on those fangs. Only the vampire is left, who also looks quite tasty, but she can't even stand up to get to her. She reaches out with a wobbly hand. "Hrrmm... can I have some of yours, too? I'll give you some morphine."
  94. [2018-06-16 13:50] *Atlach-Nacha [sub]hic[/sub]
  95. [2018-06-16 13:52] *Out and a-Scout lifted his clumsy hands up to the girl's tits, squishing them together and holding them up so that he could bury his face into them, sighing happily as he breathed in her scent and nuzzled his cheek up to her chest, "Can't get up. 'S too far. Somebody, heeelp, we need water..."
  96. [2018-06-16 13:53] *Joey Bites staggers forward, levelling the pistol at the back of Hatsune's head with shaking hands, still a good 12 feet away when he fires off three deafening rounds in quick succession, lips pulled back in something like a sneer.
  97. [2018-06-16 13:55] *A Bloody Mess Saeki had turned to look at the youkai as she asked for some of her vitae, she snorted and blew the lungful of vanilla-tinged smoke towards the woman. " You wouldn't want any of my blood. " Taking note of that gun, she's just going to go and settle back into her seat.
  98. [2018-06-16 13:59] *Atlach-Nacha is caught completely off guard by the bullet boring through her back, followed by another hitting her neck, and a third ricocheting off the wall nearby. Letting out a skin-crawling hiss and darting to her feet, holding her wounds, foul-smelling green ichor squelching from them. Her eyes dart around until they find a gun-toting joey advancing on her. What a sobering sight. Opening her mouth, she shoots a thick rope of silk at his gun-carrying hand and reels in it forcefully.
  99. [2018-06-16 13:59] *La Renarde cooes happily, dribbling like an invalid all over the floor while holding Scout like her beloved child. The beloved child helping himself to her tits. She giggles again, her opium-tainted brain completely ignorant to most everything going on around her. Save for the guy lazily motorboating her.
  100. [2018-06-16 14:02] *Out and a-Scout lets his bleary eyes fall half-closed as he wriggles his lanky self up closer, wrapping one of those long runner's legs around the woman, a blissful little expression on his face as he reaches to try and tug Shae's shirt down, but his eyesight was getting a little funny and his hands were so clumsy, all he succeeded in doing was frustrating himself, "...Hey, lady. Laaadyyy. Get yours tits out,"
  101. [2018-06-16 14:03] *Joey Bites isn't giving up the gun unless he's sure there's no way around it, and staunchly digs his heels into the lino, jerking backwards with all of his weight in a bizarre game of tug-of-war. "You don't get to fucking-- take from me-- without givin' me somethin' back--!" he hisses, watching her wounds gush and ooze with a sense of immense satisfaction.
  102. [2018-06-16 14:05] *La Renarde just stares at Scout for a bit, his words not having reached her ears until several seconds after leaving his mouth. "Wuh-huh? You want my tits out?"
  103. [2018-06-16 14:05] *La Renarde blinks slow, one eye at a time. "...Eh, okay."
  104. [2018-06-16 14:06] *Deaths warden [sub]joey stop shooting my spider[/sub]
  105. [2018-06-16 14:06] *La Renarde sluggishly grabs onto the v-neck of her top with her clumsy hand and tugs down, freeing her big 'ol bra-clad breasts from their confines.
  106. [2018-06-16 14:06] Joey Bites: [sub]Naw.[/sub]
  107. [2018-06-16 14:07] Deaths warden: [sub]prepare for your one weakness spare mags[/sub]
  108. [2018-06-16 14:07] *Pinocha Tower snorts awake at her spot at the bar a second time at all the ruckus going on, and looks around blearily. "eh~~~~?" she sort of croaks, and looking past the woman grappling with the kid, to the other woman grappling with the other kid. "what's this, joe's got himself in a spot of trouble, has he? would he like a hand, i wonder?" she mused aloud, loud enough for him to hear her, in fact.
  109. [2018-06-16 14:08] A Bloody Mess: [sub]To be fair: Your spider did try to feed on Joey without giving him anything in return.[/sub]
  110. [2018-06-16 14:08] Deaths warden: [sub]he gets the sweet release of death.[/sub]
  111. [2018-06-16 14:09] *Atlach-Nacha winces at bullets lodged in her, but even more at the surprisingly intimidating display of a junkie being denied his fix. The tug continues, but only until he's in range for her writhing striped legs, which yank him into her embrace immediately. "Guh... you've earned... grlh... your dose." Hugging him tightly, she chomps into his throat violently and starts shooting the morphine. Her juicers have been on hyper mode after the overfeeding, and Joey's system is flooded with enough morphine put down a horde of elephants.
  112. [2018-06-16 14:10] *Out and a-Scout "You're welcome," He mumbled, staring at nothing for a few seconds before he snorted, correcting himself with a little smile, "I mean, thanks. Thanks, I mean. Thanks. Thanks, tits. Aw, jeez, I don't feel so good," As he said that, though, he quickly dove back in, giving a slurred, playful little growl as he shoved his face between those tits, tugging and clawing with trembling hands at Shae's bra, hopelessly trying to get the stupid thing off, "Need water...y'smell so good, lady,"
  113. [2018-06-16 14:17] *Joey Bites drops the pistol with a heavy clatter and immediately goes limp in her arms. His head falls back and a soft, quavering groan bubbles up in his chest. "Oh..!" All sins forgiven, his eyes slide out of focus and the rise and fall of his chest slows to a crawl. This makes them even.
  114. [2018-06-16 14:18] *Deaths warden reaches over to bar slowly to pat pinocha.
  115. [2018-06-16 14:19] *La Renarde grins wide, giving the good li'l Scout all sorts of head pats as he tries to navigate her bra. She doesn't have the heart (or brain power) to tell him that it actually clasps in the back, but she does find his attempts endearing. She'd undo it herself, but... That would require effort. Effort her drug-leaden limbs just couldn't muster up at the moments. "Gaah. You're so sweeeet~"
  116. [2018-06-16 14:24] *Out and a-Scout "I know, I'm the best. I'm a-I'm a titty touchin' machine," The Bostonian mumbled in response, his face slightly pink with frustration as he kept tugging and fidgeting at the front of the woman's bra before, with a snort, he just pushed the stupid thing up, hands reaching to grab at the woman's sides a little roughly as he rolled over and pulled her along with him, stretching himself out starfish-style once more, grinning from ear-to-ear, nuzzling up into Shae's bare chest, giving a funny little wheezing sound, "Think I'm gonna puke. Is that normal...?"
  117. [2018-06-16 14:25] *Atlach-Nacha stops pumping when the morphine starts seeping out of his ears, and drops the cat to the ground heavily. "Eeerrgh..." Her gunshot wounds continue to ooze ichor, and she suddenly starts to lose human form, tiny striped legs sprouting from her skin. With horrible gargling noises, she disintegrates into a pile of quivering crimson jelly, laced with dark green goo and writhing with tiny spiders. The gloop of ichor and half-digested blood spreads out on the floor in a massive pool, small slimy crawlies skittering in all directions and retreating to the nooks and crannies.
  118. [2018-06-16 14:28] *Joey Bites starts seizing almost the instant his body hits the floor, back arching sharply off of the ground as he's wracked with convulsions.
  119. [2018-06-16 14:29] *La Renarde groans, stroking Scout's hair like a mama kitty cuddling her baby. "Dun puke on my boobs, 'kay?" Of all the things she could use right now, a bountiful cleavage full of vomit was most certainly not one of them.
  120. [2018-06-16 14:30] *Pinocha Tower frowns when the woman bit down on joe, and frowned deeper still when the woman suddenly collapsed into a pile of gross creepy-crawlies, leaving the cat behind to have his spasms. she looked around and glanced at buster when he pats her, looking back to the spasming joe. "well, that was a helluva thing to wake up to."
  121. [2018-06-16 14:31] Joey Bites: [sub]bountiful cleavage full of vomit... is my favourite new phrase[/sub]
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