
20160716a leslyzerosix chat

May 7th, 2017
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  1. Leslyzerosix19:52
  2. Hello :D/
  3. ThatOneGvy19:55
  4. Hey, Lesly.
  5. LDTD19:56
  6. 쨔잔안녕하세요
  7. Gorune19:56
  8. 안녕하세용~
  9. Leslyzerosix19:56
  10. Hey Gvy :D/
  11. Leslyzerosix19:57
  12. 안녕하세요~ :D/
  13. blackgoat19:57
  14. 안녕하세요늦은시간에 시작하신건가
  15. Leslyzerosix19:57
  16. 안녕하세요~네
  17. blackgoat19:57
  18. 어느새 3시....
  19. blackgoat19:58
  20. 히익
  21. kichigaigirl20:03
  23. Leslyzerosix20:04
  24. Hey kichi :D/
  25. RochesteDorm20:08
  27. RochesteDorm20:10
  28. sexyback
  29. Leslyzerosix20:10
  30. Thanks :D
  31. Bronxden20:13
  32. hello
  33. Leslyzerosix20:13
  34. Hey Bronx :D/
  35. Bronxden20:14
  36. how are you boss
  37. Leslyzerosix20:17
  38. i'm good, except a little tired :>
  39. RogueMinja20:17
  40. Hey guys.
  41. Leslyzerosix20:18
  42. and i'm not a boss Just a hentai
  43. Bronxden20:18
  44. im srry to hear that, get some sleep and hi rogue
  45. Leslyzerosix20:18
  46. Hey :D/
  47. Leslyzerosix20:19
  48. NP :D
  49. ThatOneGvy20:19
  50. Hey, Minja.
  51. zato1one20:20
  52. 입장안녕하세요
  53. Leslyzerosix20:21
  54. 안녕하세요~
  55. allesey20:23
  56. 렛슬링님 ㅎ영늦게 시작하셨네요 ㅎ
  57. Leslyzerosix20:24
  58. 네 ㅎㅎ
  59. Leslyzerosix20:25
  60. 늦게해도 문제없을것같더라구요가끔은 말이죠
  61. LDTD20:25
  63. blackgoat20:25
  64. 야행성이시군요
  65. Leslyzerosix20:26
  66. 오히려..뭔가 만드는 사람들은24시간 사이클을 가지고 사는사람들이 더 적을것같지만요
  67. LDTD20:26
  68. 저...저는..똥을만듭니다..!
  69. blackgoat20:27
  70. 헐저하고 같은걸 만드시네요
  71. LDTD20:27
  72. 하루하루 똥만드는 기계일뿐이지!헉 같은 업종이셨네반갑습니다
  73. blackgoat20:27
  74. 히힣
  75. Leslyzerosix20:27
  76. ㅋㅋㅋ
  77. LDTD20:27
  78. 3시부터 비올거라고
  79. LDTD20:28
  80. 일기에보에 나오더니쓸데없이 이런건 정확하다니...
  81. Leslyzerosix20:29
  82. 넥슨은 진짜 끝났구나사장이 횡령으로 압수수색 ㅋㅋ검사장이랑 유착
  83. blackgoat20:29
  84. Leslyzerosix20:29
  85. 서든2가 그꼴이 난게 당연한 결과
  86. LDTD20:29
  87. 쯧...
  88. blackgoat20:29
  89. 기사 떴나요?횡!령!파!티!
  90. LDTD20:30
  91. 소박한 정의구현정도
  92. Leslyzerosix20:30
  93. 그정도가 아니고 이미 소환에 압수수색까지 받고있어서넥슨에서 일한다고 자만심에 가득한 인간 얼굴이 떠오르는군
  94. LDTD20:30
  95. 저 정도 안일하게 운영해댔으면벌좀 받아야
  96. Leslyzerosix20:30
  97. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ빈수레가 요란하다 딱 맞는말이었지..게다가 횡령 정황이 해외로 자금을 빼돌렸다는 의혹까지 받고있어서
  98. Leslyzerosix20:31
  99. 더 크게 처벌될수도 있다네요
  100. LDTD20:31
  101. 이참에 된통 당했으면 좋겠네요경영마인드가 글러먹은터라
  102. blackgoat20:31
  103. 인간의 욕심은 끝이없고
  104. Crongsheim20:31
  105. 끠요오오오옷!
  106. blackgoat20:31
  107. 같은실수를 반복한다
  108. Leslyzerosix20:31
  109. 서든 그꼴로 제작비 300억?오버워치가 400억 조금 안된다고 들었고..블러드본이 300억이었던가
  110. blackgoat20:31
  111. 이야폭풍이넹
  112. Leslyzerosix20:32
  113. 어짜피 하청의 하청줘서 제작비는 윗선에서 죄다 잘라먹고
  114. LDTD20:32
  115. 폴란드: 위쳐3는 우리나라의 자랑이다
  116. Leslyzerosix20:32
  117. 노동자들이 박봉받으면서 대충 만들었을텐데
  118. LDTD20:32
  119. ???: 게임은 규탄받아야한다어리둥절그러게요정작 욕은 그 만든사람들이 먹어서씁쓸
  120. blackgoat20:32
  121. 우리나라는 높으신분들이 멘탈쓰레기가 많아서
  122. Leslyzerosix20:32
  123. 아뇨 요즘 보면 그렇지만도 않아요 ㅋㅋ정확히 돈슨 윗선만 욕하는사람도 많아요
  124. LDTD20:33
  125. 아마 근데
  126. Leslyzerosix20:33
  127. 말단으 하청의 하청이라는걸 알게된다면..
  128. LDTD20:33
  129. 그런 사람들도 다
  130. Leslyzerosix20:33
  131. 싸잡아서 욕은 못하죠
  132. LDTD20:33
  133. 이미 글러먹은 시스템때문에그냥 톱니바퀴에 껴서 그러려니 하는마인드일수도있어서씁쓸하네요
  134. Leslyzerosix20:33
  135. 당연히 하청의 하청을 주면대충하게되죠
  136. LDTD20:33
  137. 뭐 개인이 나서서 바꾸려고한다고
  138. Leslyzerosix20:33
  139. 사람이 일을 열심히 하게 만드는 방법..
  140. LDTD20:33
  141. 될 레벨이 아닐정도로 망가져있으니 원...
  142. Leslyzerosix20:33
  143. 1.돈을준다2 돈을 더 준다
  144. LDTD20:34
  145. 전부다 자기 이득 챙길수있을만큼 챙기려고만 할듯
  146. Leslyzerosix20:34
  147. 3 거부할 수 없는돈을 준다
  148. LDTD20:34
  149. 슬푸다
  150. Leslyzerosix20:34
  151. 자본주의에선 저거밖에 없지..근데 분명 저횡령자금중서든2머니가 거기 없을까? ㅋㅋ
  152. LDTD20:34
  153. zzzzz있을거가타요...
  154. Leslyzerosix20:34
  155. 개발비가 어디로 갔나?답이 나오는부분이죠
  156. LDTD20:35
  157. 이번에 또세금으로 투자받아서엑소런같은거나 쳐만들고있던데
  158. Leslyzerosix20:35
  159. 회사의 높으신분..
  160. LDTD20:35
  161. 답답 터지는부분
  162. allesey20:35
  163. 엑소런은 뭐임요
  164. LDTD20:35
  165. 울고싶다...
  166. Leslyzerosix20:35
  167. 그것도 가장 높은사람이 횡령범죄를 일으키는 이유가 뭘까
  168. LDTD20:35
  169. 잠시만요 링크가 어딨더라..
  170. allesey20:35
  171. 설마 런게임 + 엑소?
  172. LDTD20:35
  173. sp..네..
  174. Leslyzerosix20:35
  175. 회사가 불안하다는거지 저거
  176. allesey20:35
  177. 이ㅋ런ㅋ미ㅋ친ㅋ스타세일링은게임이 망하는 지름길인데 ㅎ
  178. allesey20:36
  179. 게임에서 스타 세일링을 해도 되는건성우와 총감독 뿐이죠
  180. LDTD20:36
  181. [혈압주의]인터뷰도라이....
  182. allesey20:37
  183. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  184. Leslyzerosix20:37
  185. 5억?근데 5억주고 게임만들라고 하면 당연 먹튀지..
  186. LDTD20:37
  187. 저거 인터뷰
  188. allesey20:37
  189. 여러분의 세금이, 터지고 있습니다!
  190. LDTD20:37
  191. 5분30초부터 보면진짜 얼척이 터집니다
  192. allesey20:38
  193. 방송중이라 소리를 못들어서 그러는데
  194. LDTD20:38
  195. 아니 그래 다 ...
  196. allesey20:38
  197. 뭐라고 하나요
  198. LDTD20:38
  199. 좋은데...요약하면게임 개발하는데자금난이 심하다-> 한국콘텐츠 진흥원의
  200. allesey20:38
  201. 미친
  202. LDTD20:38
  203. 가치평가제도로후원을 받음
  204. allesey20:38
  205. 5억이나 받아처먹고 저런소리 하네
  206. LDTD20:39
  207. -> 엑소로 한국 ip의 게임을 만듬-> 앞으로 다른 한국적 특성(웃음)을 추가게임을 발로 만든게 보인다는게 심각한거죠
  208. LDTD20:40
  209. 세금으로 만들어진게임...
  210. Leslyzerosix20:40
  211. 5억 이나 가 아니고 5억밖에 안준것같은데
  212. allesey20:40
  213. 필라스 오브 이터니티가챕터당 5만달러로 만든건데
  214. Leslyzerosix20:40
  215. 저런 투자받을때
  216. allesey20:40
  217. DLC까지 해서 20만달러면
  218. Leslyzerosix20:40
  219. 계약서에 판매량으로 투자금 회수못하면 강제추징하겠다 라고 적어놔야지 ㅋ저건 딱봐도 횡령용..
  220. allesey20:40
  221. 1000원이라고 치면
  222. LDTD20:40
  223. 진짜 게임 내용에서
  224. LDTD20:41
  225. 노력이 찾아봐지질않는심지어 그대로 복붙
  226. allesey20:41
  227. 한화 2억 든건가
  228. LDTD20:41
  229. 표절 논란드는데역시나 엑소 빠순이들이 표절아니라고 빼액..야 누가봐도 복붙인데 왜...
  230. allesey20:41
  231. 걔들은돈없어서 위 못해봤을거예요
  232. allesey20:42
  233. 그러니 못본듯
  234. LDTD20:42
  235. 못본것보단받아들일 생각이 전혀 없죠 애초에...뭐랄까 논리적인 생각 자체가 안되는 레벨이라유사인류... 팬덤의 심각하게 잘못된 예
  236. Gorune20:43
  237. ㄷㄷㄷㄷ
  238. allesey20:44
  239. 원래 팬덤은
  240. allesey20:45
  241. 규모가 크고 단합이 잘 될수록 답이 없죠
  242. Leslyzerosix20:46
  243. 국뽕마케팅이랑 비슷하군
  244. BLACKOrc20:46
  245. 모기때운에자다깻는데방송중이시네요안녕 하세요늦게 키셧네요
  246. Leslyzerosix20:48
  247. 안녕하세요~
  248. BLACKOrc20:48
  249. 시츠기ㅣ 등짝 나이스요즘 방송시간이 점점 새벽대로 가시네요
  250. Vandoom20:51
  251. Greetings
  252. Leslyzerosix20:51
  253. Hello :D/
  254. Vandoom20:52
  255. hows it going lesly
  256. Leslyzerosix20:55
  257. i making most important part nowABS
  258. Vandoom20:57
  259. Abs
  261. NKato21:06
  262. Dem boobiebloobsSoI turn 27 this monthWaitnot 27.32.27 is the day.Man, my brain is getting old faster than my body. :\
  263. Leslyzerosix21:08
  264. :D/
  266. NKato21:08
  267. Sup, Lesly
  269. LDTD21:08
  270. 전 잠시 뭣좀 하러 슝슝
  272. blueburry21:09
  273. Lesly :DI am here Lesly ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗI am here
  275. Leslyzerosix21:10
  276. Hello BB :D/
  277. LDTD21:19
  278. 다시왔슴둥 슝슝
  279. Leslyzerosix21:19
  281. LDTD21:28
  283. Sedokun21:36
  284. Greetings!
  285. RogueMinja21:36
  286. Hey.
  287. Leslyzerosix21:36
  288. Hello
  290. bigotrazos21:39
  291. ei;D
  292. Leslyzerosix21:39
  293. Hey :D/
  294. bigotrazos21:40
  295. z mod is cool
  296. Leslyzerosix21:40
  297. yup
  298. Leslyzerosix21:41
  299. the best of hard surface modeling
  300. bigotrazos21:41
  301. i nmeed learni learn of imm today
  302. bigotrazos21:47
  303. crashç¿?
  304. Kocchan21:48
  305. hello o/
  306. Leslyzerosix21:49
  307. nope
  308. bigotrazos21:49
  309. goood
  310. Leslyzerosix21:49
  311. Hello Kocchan :D/
  312. Sedokun21:51
  313. @Lesly, how You figured out the way to split model in pieces?the body i mean
  314. Andrespj88121:56
  315. Hi Lesly !!! =)/ beautiful satsuki !!
  316. Leslyzerosix21:57
  317. Hey Andre :D/
  318. Andrespj88121:57
  319. @Sedokun, maybe using diferent subtools or polygroups in the same tool
  320. Leslyzerosix21:57
  321. I split it with all manually
  323. Andrespj88121:59
  324. lesly has the perfect baemesh to start each model >_<, i need one basemesh*
  325. Kocchan22:01
  326. what's the song?
  327. Andrespj88122:01
  328. lelsy delete the hidden hair xD she looks better with short hair!
  329. Leslyzerosix22:01
  330. RE:I AM -English Ver
  331. Andrespj88122:01
  333. Leslyzerosix22:02
  334. in Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
  335. Kocchan22:02
  336. sankyu
  337. Leslyzerosix22:03
  338. ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
  339. RogueMinja22:03
  340. Woo.
  341. LDTD22:05
  342. 저어는 나갈준비를해야되서 슝슝좋은 주말되세얌Cya guys
  343. Andrespj88122:05
  344. cya!
  345. Leslyzerosix22:05
  346. 잘가세요 :D/
  347. Andrespj88122:15
  348. o_O
  350. Beater81622:25
  351. Hey everyone
  352. Leslyzerosix22:25
  353. Hai Beater :D/
  354. RogueMinja22:27
  355. Hey Beater.
  357. Beater81622:27
  358. Lesly, Rogue
  360. Sedokun22:43
  361. o/
  362. Beater81622:48
  363. Hai Sedo o/
  364. Beater81622:53
  365. JOJO\o/
  366. Beater81622:57
  367. The fact that you're playing the JoJo songs makes you one of my favorite streamer Lesly
  368. Beater81622:58
  369. And also because your skills at modeling is incredible are*
  370. Leslyzerosix23:01
  371. yup, i like jojoᕦʳ ´º㉨ºᕤ
  372. Sedokun23:06
  373. I wish I could see whole Zbrush UI, sometimes i can't understand how do Lesly made some things.
  374. Beater81623:07
  375. Lesly does magic stuff with Zbrush
  376. TenkStreams23:08
  377. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  378. Beater81623:08
  379. Best OST Ever !
  380. Andrespj88123:09
  381. zbrush users can understand each move from him >:D
  382. Sedokun23:10
  383. @andrespj881, You can? I can't figure out how lesly made sub element from mask without making polygroup
  384. Leslyzerosix23:11
  385. Hey Tenk :D/
  386. NKato23:12
  387. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  388. NKato23:14
  389. ᕦʳ ´º㉨ºᕤ
  390. Andrespj88123:14
  391. @sedokun, well you can create you own short cuts to create or use some tools, then is easier when your workingat least for me
  392. Leslyzerosix23:16
  393. Use your inside hentai power ᕦʳ ´º㉨ºᕤ
  394. Andrespj88123:18
  395. for example, bodyparts you can use in the same tool polygroups or each part like a subtool and unify all when you finish your model.hentai power xD
  396. Andrespj88123:20
  397. i hope you understand me im not a native speaker and sometimes is not correct when im typing
  399. Beater81623:22
  400. Everybody have that kind of problem so don't worry about that
  402. Beater81623:23
  403. well, when I said "everybody"... I meant people who doesn't use english as their main language
  404. Sedokun23:23
  405. I wonder if any native English speakers are here...
  406. Beater81623:23
  407. I'm French
  408. Leslyzerosix23:24
  411. Leslyzerosix23:26
  412. all over the world Hentai ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  413. 23:31Sedokun from Russia
  414. RogueMinja23:31
  415. I'm a native English speaker.
  416. Sedokun23:31
  417. Hail Minja!
  418. Leslyzerosix23:32
  419. i'm from hell
  420. Beater81623:32
  422. Leslyzerosix23:33
  423. It's a joke
  424. Beater81623:33
  425. Oh wait... Are you a succubus ?
  426. Leslyzerosix23:33
  427. However, Koreans are referred to hell here
  429. Sedokun23:33
  430. @Lesly, we always knew that
  432. Leslyzerosix23:34
  433. Sometimes people die by Artillery
  434. Leslyzerosix23:35
  435. i need world peace
  436. Beater81623:35
  437. We all need that. Even in my country...
  438. Leslyzerosix23:35
  439. For more expand business
  440. Leslyzerosix23:36
  441. For more my hentai fans!
  442. Beater81623:36
  443. We need more !
  445. Beater81623:36
  446. We need more !
  447. Andrespj88123:39
  448. do a close up of her face lesly, i like her expression
  449. Leslyzerosix23:40
  450. She's always angry
  451. Leslyzerosix23:42
  452. Because, she have crazy mom
  453. RogueMinja23:42
  454. Aren't all moms crazy?
  455. Leslyzerosix23:42
  457. Skelefuku23:50
  458. hii
  459. RogueMinja23:51
  460. Hey Fuku.
  461. Skelefuku23:52
  462. 'o'/
  463. Leslyzerosix23:53
  464. Hey fuku :D/
  465. Beater81623:53
  466. Hai Fuki
  467. Donicx123:53
  468. she cute when she's angry she could dominate me all day eveyday no rest for me
  469. Beater81623:54
  470. Donic
  471. Skelefuku23:54
  472. hello hello
  473. Skelefuku23:55
  474. this is turning out so nice lesly
  475. Donicx123:55
  476. Tenk tenk tenk expect a present from me soon Gift
  478. Leslyzerosix23:56
  479. Doni you Maso Hentai
  481. Leslyzerosix23:57
  482. Thanks
  483. Donicx123:57
  484. when it's satsuki sama yes
  485. Leslyzerosix23:58
  486. me too.. ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
  487. S200023:58
  488. 안녕하세요
  489. Leslyzerosix23:58
  490. 안녕하세요~
  491. BLACKOrc23:59
  492. 굿모닝
  493. Leslyzerosix00:00
  494. 안녕하세요~
  496. BLACKOrc00:00
  497. 3시간 전에 봤지만 ㅋㅋ
  499. Floreum00:12
  501. Beater81600:14
  502. All Hail Satsuki-sama !
  503. RogueMinja00:14
  504. \[T]/
  505. Beater81600:14
  506. Also, that censorship tho'
  508. Leslyzerosix00:17
  509. NICE----
  511. Andrespj88100:18
  512. somequick question, someone know whats the problem here in picarto when i want to watch. and the screen says "stream offline" while the person in this case lesly is "live"? i dont know how can i fix it.
  513. Beater81600:19
  514. Are you on mobile Andres ?
  515. Andrespj88100:20
  516. no i mean now m at homw with no problems , but at work i can watch the stream
  517. Sedokun00:20
  518. @Anders probably issues of RTMP connection
  519. Beater81600:20
  520. refresh the page maybe ?
  521. Andrespj88100:20
  522. using windows 7 16 gb ram quadro graphic card but here, it says "!stream offline"
  523. Andrespj88100:21
  524. cant*
  525. • Reconnecting...Please wait!
  526. • Connected - Chat Version 7
  527. BLACKOrc00:24
  528. 3시간 전에 봤지만 ㅋㅋ
  529. Floreum00:24
  531. Beater81600:24
  532. All Hail Satsuki-sama !
  533. RogueMinja00:24
  534. \[T]/
  535. Beater81600:24
  536. Also, that censorship tho'
  537. Leslyzerosix00:24
  538. NICE----
  539. Andrespj88100:24
  540. somequick question, someone know whats the problem here in picarto when i want to watch. and the screen says "stream offline" while the person in this case lesly is "live"? i dont know how can i fix it.
  541. Beater81600:24
  542. Are you on mobile Andres ?
  543. Andrespj88100:24
  544. no i mean now m at homw with no problems , but at work i can watch the stream
  545. Sedokun00:24
  546. @Anders probably issues of RTMP connection
  547. Beater81600:24
  548. refresh the page maybe ?
  549. Andrespj88100:24
  550. using windows 7 16 gb ram quadro graphic card but here, it says "!stream offline"cant*i remenber i had the same problem here one year ago. but i cant remenber how was the solution.and all the plug-ins and stuff like that are ok =/
  551. Beater81600:25
  552. Can't help you anymore on that, sorry...
  554. someoneunkown00:25
  555. Hiya Lesly
  557. Beater81600:27
  558. the level of cuteness on that image is so...
  559. Andrespj88100:27
  560. problem i´ll continue searching how can i fix it
  561. Leslyzerosix00:27
  562. Hey unkown :D/
  563. Andrespj88100:30
  564. eyebrows
  566. Leslyzerosix00:31
  567. haha
  568. Beater81600:33
  569. Who needs weapons when you can have gigantics eyebrows ?
  570. Andrespj88100:35
  571. ahahhahha shen can use it to fly!
  572. Sedokun00:36
  574. Leslyzerosix00:38
  575. Pretty cute
  576. someoneunkown00:42
  577. Ayesorry I missed your "hello earlier""hello"***
  579. Leslyzerosix00:43
  580. :D/
  582. someoneunkown00:59
  583. lol
  584. Leslyzerosix00:59
  585. lol..and Thanks
  586. Beater81600:59
  587. What ?!
  588. Leslyzerosix00:59
  589. server problems Again,
  590. Beater81600:59
  591. Oh. I thought you were leaving
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