
13th Episode

Oct 10th, 2017
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  1. [13th Episode]
  2. [Thursday]
  3. [Afternoon]
  6. >The main 5 surfs towards Cianwood to hurry up and save Amphy, surfing past the Whirl Islands as Rin relay infor regarding the legendary Pokemon, Lugia, residing there and occasionally one can see it swimming undeneath or flying at midnight.
  7. >This scares both Jalen and Owain
  8. >Nevertheless, both Rin and Lucina push everyone onward to Cianwood, both girls feeling the need to save Amphy as Severa runs through her head of who did the poisoning and tell them all who did it.
  9. >She's not worried of his battling skill, but she is worried about who else Asugi is running with since he don't do these things unless ordered to.
  10. >Both Jalen and Lucina are confident in beating whoever they come across, Rin advise caution to them both.
  13. >Back in the Cianwood TR Base, Dio is reporting to his superior, Gangrel, about the Olivine mission.
  14. >Gangrel is pleased with it and tell him to wait here with his group and add Setsuna and Peri to it, Dio acceot it(But don't care for anyone in his group)
  15. >Dio ask Gangrel what's the status on the Safari Zone, with Gangrel bragging about having spies in the workforce there that sneaks off the rare pokemon here for the transportation to Mahogany City. He also is confident in that no one will ever find his base here, being that it's an abandoned warehouse on the outside.
  16. >Gangrel dismiss Dio so he can go back to living his life of excess, Dio leaving out and enjoying his status as a Captain by bullying and ordering some grunts around while thinking that with Jalen and his friends being dead...he have no one that will stop him from becoming the champ now.
  18. >Meanwhile, the Main 5 finally arrive at Cianwood and get to searching around for the Cianwood Pharmacy asap.
  19. >Soon, Severa spot it down south near the gym, the gang head over there.
  20. >After explaining the situation to the store manager, Anna(Yes, that Anna) she gives them a Family-Secret...SecretPotion
  21. >Inigo call them up and relay that time is quickly running out for Amphy, Owain takes the medicine and tell the others that he will fly out to Olivine City and will call them when he make it there asap.
  23. >He does that, leaving the 4 teens on what to do...they decide to head to the Gym for their badges..
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