
Ash's Anthro Adventures Ch. 6 – True as Stone

Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. Ash's Anthro Adventures
  3. Ch. 6 – True as Stone
  5. After his adventure in the Viridian Forest, Ash continued his way to Pewter City. Next to him was his faithful Pikachu skipping along. After he recalled his Pokémon, he allowed them some time to recover and to allow Pikachu to introduce Butterfree to all the other of Ash's Pokémon. After an hour of walking, Ash recalled his starter Pokémon and found out Butterfree was adjusting well, especially with his Bulbasaur, Charizard and Pidgeot.
  7. As they walked, the two came to a familiar stone. "Pikachu look!" Ash said with joy. The duo walked up to a large stone on a cliff. They looked and saw a small city bustling with people and Pokémon. Ash knew this city very well. "We did it Pikachu, Pewter City!"
  9. "Yeah!" Pikachu beamed. "I can't wait to see Brock again!"
  11. "I agree," Ash replied. "But how about we keep the whole Lust stone incident a secret for now?"
  13. Pikachu gave him a shocked expression. "Why?"
  15. "Because I don't want that perverted nutcase ogling you or any of the others right now," Ash said with a smirk. "I wouldn't blame him though, considering how amazing all of you are."
  17. Pikachu blushed. "Oh Ash."
  19. Ash smiled. "Come on, let's get down to the Pokémon Center. Maybe there we can find out where Brock is working at."
  21. "Right!" the poke-girl beamed. The two jumped down the rocks and headed to the two.
  23. After 10 minutes of climbing, the duo was down in the city. As they walked, they noticed some familiar and new sites until they came face to face with the city Pokémon Center. "Here's the Pokémon Center," Ash said. "You know the drill Pikachu."
  25. "Alright Ash," Pikachu said in a disappointed tone.
  27. "Pikachu return," Ash said as he recalled his Pika-girl. Ash entered the building and went straight to the front desk.
  29. "May I help you?" asked the resident Nurse Joy.
  31. "Yes, I'd like to recharge my Pokémon," Ash said as he took off his Poke-Tector and handed it to Nurse Joy.
  33. "Alright, it will just be a minute." Nurse Joy replied as she took the Poke-Tector. "May I ask you a question sir?"
  35. "Sure," Ash replied.
  37. "Well… is your name Ash Ketchum?" Nurse Joy asked timidly.
  39. Ash gave a confused glance. "Yeah, why?"
  41. Nurse Joy beamed. "Oh my! My sister in Viridian City told me how you saved the Pokémon Center there from those horrible Pokémon thieves." She explained. "She also told me how you taught those children about battling and raising Pokémon." Ash inwardly smirked. "I was actually hoping to ask you if you could stay for a while and teach some of the students here."
  43. "Well that depends," Ash replied. "I was actually planning on meeting up with an old friend and then heading off to the Pewter City Gym. But I suppose I can stay a couple of days."
  45. "Oh thank you!" Nurse Joy exclaimed as she shook Ash's hand. "The children will be happy to learn from such an experienced trainer."
  47. Ahs rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "Sheesh Nurse Joy, you're making me blush."
  49. "Ash Ketchum blushing? No I've seen everything!" exclaimed a familiar voice. Ash and Nurse Joy turned to see a man in his early 20's with spiky brown hair, squinty eyes, a white lab coat, black shirt and pants. Ash knew this man very well.
  51. Ash smirked. "Hey Nurse Joy, who is the top Pokémon Doctor here?"
  53. "That would be Dr. Brock Stone." Nurse Joy replied.
  55. "No, that couldn't be," Ash said. "The Brock I know would be too indulged in finding a girlfriend than taking a job. But then again, he is one of my best friends." Ash turned back to the man as he said the last part.
  57. The man smiled and walked over to Ash. "It's good to see you again Ash."
  59. "You too Brock," Ash said as he shook hands with his former travelling companion, Brock.
  61. "You're Poke-Tector Mr. Ketchum," Nurse Joy said as she brought out the device.
  63. "Thank you," Ash replied.
  65. "And here's your room key." Nurse Joy gave Ash the key. "When will you be available to teach the children?"
  67. "How about you tell them to come to the Gym tomorrow? I'll be going there to challenge the Gym Leader." Ash explained.
  69. "Now are you?" Brock said smirking. "Well Ash Ketchum, I accept your challenge!"
  71. Ash gave Brock a look of shock before remembering that Brock was indeed the Gym Leader of Pewter City before he had joined Ash on his journey. "What about your brother, Forest?" Ash asked.
  73. "He and I interchange nowadays," Brock responded.
  75. Ash smirked. "Looks like I'm finally getting that rematch."
  77. "This is splendid!" Nurse Joy beamed. "Watching an actual gym battle will be an excellent way for you to teach the children, Mr. Ketchum!"
  79. "I agree," Ash replied. "But please Nurse Joy, call me Ash. Mr. Ketchum is my grandpa." Ash looked at his Poke-Tector before sticking it out. "Come on out Pikachu!"
  81. "Pika!" the electric mouse exclaimed.
  83. "Hey Pikachu," Ash said to the mouse girl, "Look who's here." Pikachu turned and beamed at the sight of their old friend.
  85. "Hello Pikachu," Brock said friendly. "It's good to see you again."
  87. 'Sort of,' Ash thought. He was using his abilities to conceal Pikachu's true form from Brock. He was still unsure of Brock's reaction, and didn't want to risk anything.
  89. "You two Brock," Pikachu said, even though all Brock heard was, "Pika Pika-Chu."
  91. "So tomorrow then?" Ash asked again.
  93. "Tomorrow," Brock agreed. "For now Ash, let me treat you and Pikachu to some dinner?" Ash and Pikachu beamed. They had long missed Brock's food. Brock chuckled. "Okay, okay! I'll take that as a yes you two."
  95. "Alright!" Ash and Pikachu screamed before dancing around.
  97. Brock shook his head. "Some things will never change."
  99. Sometime later
  101. After re-meeting and having a fantastic dinner, Ash and Brock slowly walked towards the Pokémon center. Ash had recalled Pikachu back into his Poke-Tector so she could prepare the Pokémon Ash had chosen to battle Brock tomorrow. Meanwhile, Ash and Brock were talking about the coming day's events.
  103. "And a soon as we enter the gym, we start the battle." Ash finished. "Everything from there just goes with the flow."
  105. "Wow Ash," Brock said in surprise. "You really planned this out then?"
  107. "Yeah," Ash replied.
  109. "I must admit it Ash, I never expected you to be the teaching type," Brock said. "I'm proud of you."
  111. "Thanks Brocko," Ash smiled.
  113. "So," Brock began, "When are you planning to tell me about the Lust Stone?"
  115. Ash froze and looked at Brock in shock. How could he have known about the Lust Stone? And more importantly, did he know about Ash's Pokémon. "W-What are you talking about?" Ash asked timidly.
  117. "Don't play dumb Ash, that's one of the things I know you're good at." Brock replied. "I mean, I'm shocked none of the others ever realized you were just acting."
  119. Ash shook his head. "You know me too well Brock." Brock nodded. Ash sighed, "How did you find out?"
  121. "Oak called me the day you left Pallet Town," Brock explained. "He thought he should tell just because he thought you would have trouble deciding whether or not to tell me. I can see he was right."
  123. "Sorry Brock," Ash said to his friend. "It's just… you don't necessarily have the greatest reputation about being subtle around women. I mean, Tracey got distracted because of the Lust Stone's effects, and I never knew him to be a pervert!"
  125. "I understand Ash," Brock said as he placed his hand on Ash's shoulder. "But like just like you have grown, I have as well. I actually have a girlfriend now."
  127. Ash did a double take. "WHAT?"
  129. "No need to yell," Brock said jokingly. "But it's true. Do you remember Holly?"
  131. "Yeah, she was your partner in that tag team competition back in Sinnoh. In fact, she was the first girl that liked you that didn't end up with you in poison shock." Ash replied.
  133. "Well, she came through a few years ago. We met, caught up, one thing led to another and now, she staying with me." Brock exclaimed the last part.
  135. "Wow Brock," Ash said in surprise. "Well I'm happy for ya. It's good to see you've grown out of that ridiculous obsession you had."
  137. "And are you going to stop with acting so dense?" Brock asked with a smirk.
  139. Ash sighed. "Yeah."
  141. "So are you going to show me Pikachu and the others now?" Brock asked.
  143. "Tomorrow," Ash replied. "Right now, I feel like getting some sleep."
  145. "Sounds good to me," Brock agreed. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
  147. "See ya Brock," Ash said as he shook Brock's hand before walking into the Pokémon Center. Once there, he quickly went to his room and went to sleep for the coming day.
  149. The next morning
  151. Ash was walking down the road towards the Pewter City gym for both his battle and his teaching session. After the night he had, Ash was fully charged for the upcoming battle. Next to him was Pikachu, skipping happily and ready for the battle. "Here we are," Ash said as he and Pikachu came in front of the Gym.
  153. "There he is children," called out a familiar voice. Ash and Pikachu turned to see Nurse Joy along with a group of children.
  155. "Pikachu, time to return," Ash said as he recalled his electric mouse. He didn't want the children to get all handsy on his Pokémon. "Hey Nurse Joy."
  157. "Hello Ash," Nurse Joy greeted. "Here are all the students. Everyone say hello to Mr. Ketchum."
  159. "Hello Mr. Ketchum," All the students said in unison.
  161. "Hey everyone," Ash greeted. "And please, call me Ash. Now, is everyone ready to watch an awesome Gym Battle?"
  163. "Yeah!" the entire group exclaimed.
  165. "Alright!" Ash replied. He lead the group towards the doors of the gym and opened them wide. "Here we are!"
  167. "Good to see you made it," called Brock. Everyone turned to see the Pewter City Gym Leader standing on the other side of the battle field. Next to him was a woman with long pink hair, otherwise known as Holly. "Ash, you remember Holly."
  169. "Yeah," Ash said with a smile. "Hey Holly!"
  171. "Hello Ash!" Holly greeted. "It's good to see you again!"
  173. "Can the battle start now?" One of the students interrupted.
  175. Ash smiled. "What do you say Brock?"
  177. "Sounds like a good idea to me!" Brock exclaimed.
  179. "I'll be the referee!" Holly called out as she ran to the outside of the middle of the field. Ash and Brock each stood on opposite sides of the battle field, which was mostly stone. The students and Nurse Joy were all in the bleachers, awaiting the battle. "This battle shall be a three on three. Only the Challenger will be allowed to substitute! Trainers select your Pokémon!"
  181. "Croagunk you're up!" Brock exclaimed. Like Ash, he had a Poke-Tector. A purple frog like Pokémon appeared on the field with an uninterested expression.
  183. "Croagunk!" exclaimed the toad.
  185. "Nice to see you too Croagunk," Ash said with a smirk. "Now it's my turn, I choose you Infernape!"
  187. Just as Ash called, the fire monkey appeared on the field, but like all the others of Ash's Pokémon, she had been transformed. Her legs had become longer so she could walk more human like and made her 5' 3", and had white hair curls on her head, and a set of F-cups. "Alright!" exclaimed the fire monkey.
  189. Brock's jaw nearly hit the floor as he saw one of Ash's transformed Pokémon for the first time. He knew they would be sexually attractive, but not that sexually. Brock shook his head, remembering he had a girlfriend, and that she was still unaware about Ash's gift. "Wow Ash, I haven't seen Infernape in a while. Looks like she's changed."
  191. "You can say that again," Ash replied. Only he and Brock could see Infernape's true form. "Now are we ready?"
  193. "Ready!" Brock called out.
  195. "BEGIN!" Holly exclaimed.
  197. "Infernape start things strong with Flamethrower!" Ash called out.
  199. "Right!" Infernape called out before launching a massive fire stream at Croagunk.
  201. "Croagunk dodge it!" Brock exclaimed.
  203. "Right," Croagunk said nonchalantly as it jumped away from the fire attack.
  205. "Okay Croagunk, use Poison Jab!" Brock exclaimed.
  207. "Poison Jab!" Croagunk said without any change in tone. It lunged at Infernape with fists full of poison.
  209. "Infernape counter Croagunk with Mach Punch!" Ash exclaimed.
  211. "Come and get some frogger!" Infernape said with glowing fists. She and Croagunk then joined in a duel of flying fists. Meanwhile, the children were extremely amazed by the battle between the two fighting types. Half of the group was cheering for Ash, while the other half was cheering for Brock.
  213. 'Time to step things up!' Ash thought. "Infernape change from Mach Punch to Thunder Punch!"
  215. "This should stun ya!" Infernape exclaimed wildly as her right fist changed from a glowing light to an electric charged fist. She then successfully punched Croagunk across the face.
  217. "Yeow!" Croagunk screamed in pain.
  219. "Croagunk!" Brock exclaimed as he watched his poison type crash into the ground before him. Croagunk slowly got back onto its feet, still able to fight. "Alright Croagunk, try to get back in there with Brick Break!"
  221. "Brick Break!" Croagunk exclaimed as it charged with glowing hands.
  223. "Infernape, dodge it and use Ankle Sweep!" Ash exclaimed.
  225. Infernape successfully avoided the attack. "Missed me, missed me, now kiss my FEET!" she teased before kicking Croagunk hard in the chest.
  227. "Yah!" exclaimed Croagunk in pain.
  229. "Now to finish this," Ash said with a smirk. "Infernape use Flare Blitz!"
  231. "Face my Fire Rocket!" Infernape exclaimed as she was engulfed in searing blue flames before striking Croagunk hard in the chest.
  233. "Croagunk no!" Brock exclaimed in shock as he watched his poison type fly across the room into a large rock. Once the dust settled, everyone saw Croagunk fall to the ground with swirling eyes.
  235. "Croagunk is unable to battle!" Holly exclaimed. "Infernape is the winner!"
  237. "Way to go Infernape!" Ash exclaimed. Infernape began to dance around as she celebrated her victory.
  239. "Return Croagunk," Brock said as he recalled his Pokémon to his Poke-Tector. "Nice job my friend." Brock then looked at Ash with a smirk on his face. "I'll admit Ash, you definitely surprised me. But you're not going to defeat me this time! Go Ludicolo!" Suddenly, a large duck like Pokémon with a grass sombrero.
  241. "Lu-di-colo!" Exclaimed the dancing mallard.
  243. "Wow, I haven't seen Ludicolo in a while," Ash said in surprise. "But that's not gonna stop us, right Infernape?"
  245. "Right!" Infernape exclaimed as her fire mane burned bright. Meanwhile, several of the student where discussing how the battle would play out. Many were saying that Infernape was going to lose while others believed she still had a chance.
  247. "Begin!" Holly exclaimed.
  249. "Alright Ludicolo, Start things with Rain Dance!" Brock exclaimed.
  251. Ash's face immediately paled. He couldn't risk Infernape getting hurt due to the coming rain. "Infernape return!" Ash exclaimed as he recalled the fire monkey. As soon it was done, it was already raining on the field. "Drat, I was hoping I wouldn't have to use her yet, but you left me no choice Brock. Jalorda, I choose You!"
  253. "Raa!" exclaimed the royal grass snake as she stood on the field. Jalorda had greatly changed due to the transformation. She was 6 ft tall with a set of strong legs and a set of three clawed arms, and a set of G-cups. Brock almost lost his control again at the sight of the transformed snake.
  255. "Ludicolo use Water Pulse!" Brock commanded.
  257. "Dance, dance, DANCE!" Ludicolo exclaimed before firing the large water sphere at Jalorda.
  259. "Jalorda use Protect!" Ash called out. Jalorda spun as her body glowed and a shield of light appeared, blocking her from the attack. "Now follow up with Dragon Tail!"
  261. "Face my wrath!" Jalorda exclaimed as her tail glowed with bright energy. She slammed her tail hard into Ludicolo, sending the dancing duck into another rock.
  263. "Ow," Ludicolo said as it rubbed its head.
  265. "You okay Ludicolo?" Brock asked his water/grass type. Ludicolo's response was a thumbs up. "Okay, Ludicolo use Hydro Pump!"
  267. "Dance, dance, DANCE!" Ludicolo exclaimed as it launched a massive water stream at Jalorda. Thanks to the effects of Rain Dance, the attack was much stronger than normal.
  269. "Jalorda counter it with Leaf Storm!" Ash called out.
  271. "Right!" Jalorda exclaimed as she summoned a tornado of leaves, clashing with the Hydro Pump. However, due to the effects of the Rain Dance, Ludicolo's Hydro Pump came out as the stronger attack as it decimated Jalorda's Leaf Storm and hitting the grass snake. "AH!"
  273. "Jalorda!" Ash exclaimed in shock as Jalorda skidded across the wet floor. As Jalorda slowly got back on her feet, the rain finally seemed to stop. "Jalorda, are you still able to fight?"
  275. "Of course!" Jalorda said proudly.
  277. Ash nodded. He turned to Brock who was smirking while Ludicolo continued to dance. "Brock, I didn't want to do this, but you left me no choice! Jalorda use Attract!" Ash commanded.
  279. "You got it!" Jalorda exclaimed as she spun around, summoning a number of heart shaped lights, stopped and her breasts jiggled. She winked and the hearts flew towards Ludicolo, striking him in the chest. Ludicolo stopped in his tracks as hearts replaced its eyes.
  281. "I LOVE YOU!" Ludicolo exclaimed as it continued to dance around with heart shaped eyes.
  283. "Ludicolo no!" Brock said in shock.
  285. "Alright, Jalorda time to try our new attack, Dragon Leaf!" Ash exclaimed.
  287. "Here goes nothing!" Jalorda exclaimed as her tail glowed with a combination of colors. She swung her tail around, slamming it successfully on Ludicolo.
  289. "AH!" Ludicolo exclaimed as it flew across the field, still with heart shaped eyes.
  291. "Now end it with Frenzy Plant!" Ash cried out.
  293. "Frenzy Plant!" Jalorda exclaimed as her body glowed with a green light and massive thorned vines shoot out of the ground and struck Ludicolo into the ground.
  295. "Ludicolo!" Brock exclaimed in shock. Once the dust cleared, everyone could see Ludicolo on his back with swirled eyes.
  297. "Ludicolo is unable to battle, Jalorda is the winner!" Holly exclaimed.
  299. "Yay!" all of the students exclaimed. They were all happy Jalorda was able to succeed in her battle.
  301. "That was amazing!" One of the students exclaimed.
  303. "Yeah! Especially that Dragon Leaf attack!" another agreed.
  305. "I never heard of an attack like Dragon Leaf," one of the students said out loud.
  307. Brock heard. "I have to agree Ash, what kind of attack was that?" he asked, referring to Dragon Leaf.
  309. "It's something I've worked on for a while." Ash replied. "It's actually a combined move made up of Dragon Tail and Leaf Blade. It's always good to try out new combinations to see how they work in battle. Right Jalorda?"
  311. "Right!" Jalorda said proudly.
  313. "Wow," all the students said in awe.
  315. "Well Ash, looks like I've come to my final Pokémon," Brock said as he recalled his Ludicolo. "I choose you Steelix!"
  317. "ROOO!" roared the steel snake as it appeared on the field.
  319. "I should have known," Ash said with a smirk. "You ready to keep going Jalorda?"
  321. "Ready!" the grass snake exclaimed.
  323. "Begin!" Holly exclaimed.
  325. "Okay Jalorda, start things off with Leaf Storm!" Ash commanded. Jalorda followed by creating a massive leaf tornado heading straight for Steelix.
  327. "Steelix stop it with Stone Edge!" Brock commanded.
  329. "ROO!" Steelix exclaimed as it launched a ring of stones colliding with the Leaf Storm.
  331. "Alright Jalorda, follow up with Dragon Tail!" Ash called out.
  333. "Counter with Iron Tail!" Brock exclaimed. The two snake Pokémon clashed their tails against one another. They continued clashing their tails against each other, neither having the clearer advantage.
  335. "Come on Jalorda/Steelix!" the students exclaimed as they witnessed the intense battle.
  337. "Steelix shake things up with Earthquake!" Brock Commanded.
  339. "Quakin' Time!" Steelix roared as it crashed its tail onto the ground. A massive wave of power shook the ground, forcing Jalorda to lose her balance and get hit by several pieces of earth.
  341. "Jalorda!" Ash exclaimed in shock.
  343. "Now use Fire Fang, Steelix!" Brock called out.
  345. "Burn!" Steelix roared as its teeth bursted into flames. Steelix lunged at Jalorda.
  347. "Jalorda get out of there!" Ash exclaimed, but it was too late. Steelix bit down hard on Jalorda's back with fiery teeth.
  349. "AH!" Jalorda screamed in pain.
  351. "Now end it with one more Iron Tail!" Brock commanded. Steelix tossed Jalorda into the air before slamming her with its steel powered tail. Jalorda flew across the room into the wall by Ash. Once the dust cleared, everyone could see Jalorda had swirled eyes.
  353. "Jalorda is unable to battle, Steelix is the winner!" Holly exclaimed. All the students gasped at the sight that Ash lost.
  355. "Jalorda return," Ash said solemnly. Jalorda disappeared back into his Poke-Tector. Ash looked at Brock and Steelix with a stern face. "Infernape, I need you again!" Ash called out. The fire monkey then made her second appearance in the battle.
  357. "Time to fight again!" Infernape said as she made fake punches.
  359. "Begin!" Holly exclaimed.
  361. "Infernape use Mach Punch!" Ash commanded.
  363. "Incoming!" Infernape screamed as she lunged her fists.
  365. "Steelix use Stone Edge!" Brock exclaimed. Steelix roared as it summoned multiple rocks at Infernape.
  367. "Not happening!" Infernape growled as she punched through the rocks. She however does not see one stone heading straight at her until she is hit in the stomach. "Ah!"
  369. "Infernape!" Ash called out in shock. Infernape fell on the floor just in front of Ash. "Infernape get up!"
  371. "Not going to happen Ash, Steelix use Earthquake!" Brock exclaimed.
  373. "Time to end this!" Steelix roared as it smashed its tail once again into the ground, sending a massive earthquake. Infernape is hit with the full force of the attack.
  375. "AH!" Infernape screams as she fell to the ground, unconscious.
  377. "Infernape is unable to battle, Steelix is the winner!" Holly exclaimed.
  379. All the students gasped as Ash recalled his fire monkey. Most of them were wondering, a few doubting that Ash could win against Brock and his Steelix. Especially considering that he had already defeated two Pokémon that had defeated his earlier Pokémon.
  381. "You did a good job, Infernape," Ash said as he looked at his Poke-Tector. He then looked at Brock with an angered look. "Well Brock, it seems it has come to this. Our true rematch. Pikachu, I choose you!" Ash exclaimed.
  383. Quickly enough, Pikachu appeared on the field, clearly ready to fight. "Pika!" she exclaimed. Brock didn't react as badly as he had before, since he had already expected Pikachu was transformed. "Hey there Steelix!"
  385. "Hello Pikachu," Steelix greeted, considering Ash was disguising her from Brock's Pokémon as well. "It has been a while."
  387. "Yeah, it has," Pikachu agreed.
  389. "Enough formalities, Pikachu," Ash called his electric mouse girl. "It's time to have our long awaited rematch!"
  391. "I agree with Ash, Steelix," Brock called out. "It's time to finally see who indeed is the stronger Pokémon after all these years."
  393. "This is the final match up!" Holly exclaimed. "BEGIN!"
  395. "Steelix start things with Iron Tail!" Brock called out first.
  397. "You use Iron Tail too Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed. The two Pokémon collided their tails together, both infused with steel power. "Now follow up with Quick Attack Pikachu!"
  399. "Coming in for my close up!" Pikachu screamed as she ran up Steelix's body before headbutting it in the jaw.
  401. "Steelix use Stone Edge!" Brock commanded. Steelix quickly recovered and summoned a ring of large stones and sent them at Pikachu.
  403. "Pikachu, use Counter Shield!" Ash called out.
  405. "Got it!" Pikachu replied as she got on her back and began to spin while summoning lightning bolts. The spinning electricity destroyed the incoming rocks before having a chance to reach her.
  407. "Steelix use Earthquake!" Brock commanded.
  409. "RIGHT!" the steel snake roared as it slammed its tail into the ground again.
  411. 'Not this time,' Ash thought. "Pikachu use Surf!"
  413. "Surf's up!" Pikachu screams as he body glows blue. Suddenly from the cracks of ground from the earlier earthquakes, enormous amounts of water formed into an enormous tsunami. Pikachu was surfing on top of the large wave, ready hit Steelix dead on.
  415. Brock was frozen. He knew Ash had a lot of tricks, but Pikachu knowing Surf? That was a shocker. Brock watched as Steelix was consumed by the enormous wave and severely damaged. "Time to end this Pikachu!" Ash called out, snapping Brock from his thoughts. "Use Thunderbolt!"
  417. "PIKA!" Pikachu screamed. Normally, electric attacks have no effect on ground types like Steelix, unless they are wet and happen to be a Steel type, like Steelix. And because of all those factors, well…
  419. "AAAH!" Steelix screamed in pain as it was electrocuted to the fullest extent. As soon as the attack was done, Steelix fell to the ground with swirls in its eyes.
  421. "Steelix is unable to battle, Pikachu is the winner. The victory goes to Ash Ketchum!" Holly exclaimed, declaring the end of the battle.
  423. "YAY!" all of the students cheered. All of them were glad and surprised Ash and Pikachu had won.
  425. "We did it Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed.
  427. "Yeah!" Pikachu screamed as she ran to Ash and hugged him.
  429. Brock walked over to his fallen iron snake. "Are you alright Steelix?"
  431. Steelix groggily opened its eye. "I forgot how powerful that little rodent can shock. I'm sorry Brock." The titanium titan responded.
  433. Brock smiled. "You did well, old friend. Return." Brock recalled Steelix. Brock then walked over to Ash who was spinning Pikachu around in his arms. "Ash."
  435. Ash immediately stopped and he and Pikachu stood side by side, waiting for Brock's response. "Yes Brock?" he asked.
  437. Brock smiled. "For defeating me, I present you with this-" Brock held up a small emblem resembling a stone. "-The Boulder Badge?"
  439. Ash smiled and nodded. He took the badge in his hand. "Yes! We got, the Boulder Badge!"
  441. "Alright!" Pikachu exclaimed.
  443. "Congratulations Ash," Holly said as she stood next Brock.
  445. "Thanks Holly," Ash said with a smirk. He noticed the entire group of students coming towards him.
  447. "Mr. Ketchum, that was awesome!" one of the students exclaimed.
  449. "Yeah!" many of the others agreed.
  451. "I didn't even know Pikachus can learn Surf," one of the students stated.
  453. "Believe me, I was just as surprised s you guys when I first found out," Ash said with a sneaky smile.
  455. Later
  457. After Ash received the badge, the students were all lead by Nurse Joy back to their homes. They all thanked Ash and Brock for a great battle and said they would root for Ash during the Pokémon league. Afterwards, Brock and Holly treated Ash to dinner, which he greatly accepted. And after all that, Ash went back to the Pokémon Center.
  459. Ash was currently resting on his bed in only his boxers while the three Pokémon he had used during his gym battle were all conversing and laughing (It's a large room). Jalorda and Infernape complimented Pikachu on how well she had defeated Steelix. Ash was quietly thinking about what he would do the next day, and what his future held for him.
  461. "Ash?" called a voice. Ash turned to see his three Pokémon all eyeing him in a questioning look. "You okay Ash?" Infernape asked.
  463. Ash smiled. "I'm fine girls," he replied. "Just thinkin'."
  465. "About what?" Pikachu asks as she jumps and sits next to Ash.
  467. "Nothing," Ash replied.
  469. Pikachu then grew a devilish smile. "You know Ash," she began as she pressed two fingers on Ash's bear chest, "I seem to recall you promising me a little something after the battle."
  471. Ash cocked an eyebrow before his face paling at the sight of Pikachu's evil grin. Ash knew full well what Pikachu wanted. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."
  473. "I think you do," Pikachu said devilishly. "And I seem to recall you saying you would give Infernape and Jalorda something special after the battle."
  475. "He did, did he?" Infernape and Jalorda said simultaneously with the same evil smiles as Pikachu.
  477. Ash was getting both nervous and aroused at the same time. Having these three gorgeous poke-girls surrounding him was something he didn't expect, but knew he didn't dislike it. But he wouldn't let them know it. "He he…" Ash chuckled nervously.
  479. Pikachu's smile then turned from an evil one to one with lust as she slowly pressed her lips on the crook of Ash's neck. Ash lightly moaned as Pikachu began to kiss as she trailed up Ash's neck. "Time for our reward Ash," Pikachu said lustfully between kisses. She gave Infernape and Jalorda a thumbs up, indicating it was okay.
  481. Infernape and Jalorda moved right next to each of Ash's side and began to kiss around his body. Jalorda kissed the left while Infernape kissed the right. Ash continued to moan lightly as he was under the complete mercy of these three girls. Jalorda and Infernape continued to kiss up Ash's body until they reach to his nipples and began to lick them playfully.
  483. "Ah!" Ash moaned as his body was being used as a toy. Pikachu silenced his moaning by kissing him hard.
  485. Jalorda and Infernape continued to lick and suck on Ash's nipples, treating him like a toy. After they thought it was enough, they ceased and looked at the throbbing erection barely held down by his stretching boxers. They smirked at each other before roughly pulling Ash's boxers off, revealing the throbbing organ.
  487. Both the monkey and the snake were shocked by the size of the member, even though they were told about by Pikachu, Pidgeot and Meowth, who had all ridden it before. They shook their amazement and each took a hold of the cock in their hands.
  489. "AH!" Ash moaned loudly as he felt a pair of hands grip around his member and they begin pumping him. Pikachu silenced him again by kissing him hard.
  491. The two starters continued to pump Ash with one hand each while their other hands were playing with the each other's sex. The only who wasn't moaning loudly was Pikachu. Ash managed to regain enough control to think he needed to fix that. Using whatever strength he had that wasn't in his cock, Ash began to use his hands and squeezed Pikachu's breasts.
  493. "Mmph!" Pikachu moaned as she kissed Ash as he fondled, squeezed and caressed her breasts.
  495. Meanwhile, Jalorda and Infernape stopped pumping Ash and started licking up and down the throbbing member. Ash and Pikachu continued to moan as their bodies were being played with. After a while of no results, Jalorda and Infernape stopped licking Ash's cock and looked at each other.
  497. "Nothing's comin' out," Infernape said blatantly.
  499. "I know," Jalorda replied. "Looks like we need the big guns." Infernape nodded, understanding her plan.
  501. "Wha-!" Ash tried to say but was silenced as he felt two pairs of breasts consume is cock. Ash could feel the buildup beginning to become unbearable, and things got worse as Pikachu pressed her own breasts against Ash's face.
  503. Jalorda and Infernape continued to bob up and down Ash's throbbing cock, each taking turns to lick the dripping tip. "G-Girls! I-I'm g-gonna-AAAH!" Ash didn't have time to finish as he released his seed into the air and onto his two Pokémon.
  505. Jalorda and Infernape moved away from Ash's still-hard member and each took a finger-full of his seed and licked the substance. "Mmm, tasty," Infernape with a chimpish smile.
  507. "I agree," Jalorda stated.
  509. "If you girls are ready," Pikachu began as she helped Ash onto his back. "Who'd like to go first?" she pointed at Ash's cock, and both starter evolutions understood what she meant.
  511. Jalorda looked at Infernape and said, "You can go first Infernape."
  513. Infernape looked at Jalorda in shock. "But Jalorda-"
  515. Jalorda silenced her by placing her fingers on Infernape's lips. "You've been with Ash longer than I have, besides, I can wait. By the look of that pussy, you're barely holding on." Jalorda pointed at Infernape's wet pussy, causing the fire monkey to blush.
  517. "A-Alright," Infernape replied.
  519. Ash was barely aware of what was happening. After he had his release, all he could feel was Pikachu setting his head on the pillow of his bed – Not Pikachu's usual forte, considering she would make sure he had spent every last bit he had to give up. Ash's world came back into full view as a new sensation emerged, namely around crotch area. Ash looked and saw Infernape, slowly mounting herself onto his rock-hard member. "I-Infernape?"
  521. "H-Hey Ash," Infernape said timidly as she eased herself onto Ash's cock. Once she was all the way down, she lifted herself up before coming down again. "Ah!" she moaned as she felt the organ within her. She then began to repeat the action again and again, each time gaining more speed and force.
  523. "AH!" Ash moaned loudly as he began to thrust into Infernape over and over again, each time with more force. His vision changed though when a pair of yellow folds floated over his eyes before coming down upon his face.
  525. "Lick me Ash," Pikachu said lustfully as she pressed her ass on Ash's face. "AH!" she moaned as soon as she felt Ash's tongue lick her wet pussy while she and Infernape caressed each other's breast.
  527. "MMPH!" Ash moaned as another sensation entered his body, this time by his balls. Jalorda was licking the area between Ash and Infernape, licking any juices she saw come out.
  529. Between thrusting inside of Infernape, licking Pikachu's pussy, and having Jalorda lick the insides of his sighs, Ash was pretty much sure he had lost all control of his body. Ash could feel pressure building inside him once again, this time even more so. Infernape's bouncing up and down his cock was making him ever so close.
  531. "I-I'm gonna cum!" Infernape screamed. Suddenly, Ash felt a wet warmness envelope his cock. That was all he needed.
  533. "AH!" Ash screamed under Pikachu as he released his load.
  535. "AAAH!" Infernape screamed as she felt Ash's seed shoot into her, full blast. After what seemed like an eternity, Infernape lifted herself off of Ash still hard member before falling on the bed asleep.
  537. Ash panted heavily as Pikachu lifted herself from him. Suddenly, Ash felt something lifting his shoulders, forcing him into a sitting position. "Ash," Pikachu whispered into his ear. Ash slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Jalorda's ass up in the air before him. At the sight of it, Ash's hardness regained its original strength.
  539. "Come and get some Ash," Jalorda said lustfully. She had lost her own judgment as she wagged her ass in Ash's face. Her tail was stretching above and to her side.
  541. Ash didn't need to be told twice. He quickly got onto his feet and positioned himself towards Jalorda's entrance. With one swift thrust he went in. "AH!" both he and Jalorda screamed. Ash took a second to recover before pulling out and plunging in again into his royal Pokémon.
  543. While Ash continued to thrust into Jalorda, Pikachu was busy playing with herself. She rubbed her fingers against her pussy while she watched the erotic scene before her.
  545. "Ah!" Jalorda moaned as Ash continued to pound faster and harder after each thrust. She knew she'd be close.
  547. "Here-I-COME!" Ash screams as he released his load once again.
  549. "AAAH!" Jalorda screamed as she felt Ash's seed shoot into her. After the release was done, Ash eased himself out of Jalorda, allowing her to slump down and rest. "Phew," Ash said as he whipped his forehead.
  551. "Ash," Pikachu called form behind. Ash turned to see Pikachu, spreading her ass cheeks apart and revealing her asshole. "You haven't claimed this hole yet."
  553. Ash knew what Pikachu wanted, but wasn't sure, especially because he had not fucked any of his Pokémon in the ass yet. But knowing Pikachu, she would not be satisfied until he did as she asked. "Alright Pikachu," Ash said with a warm smile.
  555. Ash set himself just outside Pikachu's entrance, his cock still hard. "Here we go," Ash said as he slowly inserted his member into Pikachu.
  557. "AH!" Pikachu screamed as she felt Ash's cock stretch her tight asshole. There was a slight feeling of pain, but it was overwhelmed by a tidal wave of pleasure consuming the rest of her body.
  559. Ash thrusted the last bit in. "Ready Pikachu?" he asked. Pikachu steadily nodded, saying she was ready. Ash nodded before pulling out, then thrusting back in, slightly faster than before.
  561. "AH!" the two scream, Pikachu the louder. Ash continued to pull in and out over and over again, hitting Pikachu's special spot each time. Each thrust became swifter and harder than the last, resulting in a room-shaking scream each time. Pikachu was positive that ass fucking nothing like pussy fucking, but it was just as pleasurable. Ash had to agree.
  563. "P-Pikachu," Ash moaned as he continued his thrusts. He felt his build up for the fourth time that night coming close to its breaking point, and this time he had the greatest surge of power yet. "P-Pikachu… I-I'm gonna c-cum…"
  565. "G-Go ahead Ash, c-cum inside m-me," Pikachu moaned between thrust.
  567. "I'm COMING!" Ash screamed as he released his load for the fourth time that night.
  569. "AAAH!" Pikachu screamed as she felt her insides being filled with Ash's seeds. After what seemed like an eternity, when it was really less than half a minute, Ash ceased his release. He slowly let himself out of Pikachu's ass, allowing her to fall onto the bed, next to Infernape.
  571. Ash panted heavily as he sat on the floor. He looked around at the damage. Both Infernape and Jalorda were still leaking his seed from their pussies while Pikachu was dripping from her ass. As far as he knew, Infernape was the only one unconscious and Jalorda and Pikachu were incredibly exhausted. Ash managed to summon enough strength to get onto his feet and go into the bathroom. Ash grabbed a towel and proceeded to carefully clean up his three Poke-girls. As soon as they were clean, Ash managed to set them so that all three were sleeping on the large bed. Ash then took a quick shower before setting out his sleeping bag on the floor and falling to sleep himself.
  573. The next morning
  575. Ash stood in front of the Pewter City Pokémon Center, awaiting for Brock to say his goodbyes. After managing a full night of sleep, including his session with his Poke-girls, Ash got up, recalled his Pokémon into his Poke-Tector, and got himself something to eat. Ash was currently waiting for Brock; he didn't want to say goodbye to his best friend, but he had to continue on his journey.
  577. "Ash!" called a pair of voices. Ash turned to see both Brock and Holly running towards him with some unusual clothes. They looked like travelling clothes, and on their backs they had different colored backpacks.
  579. "Hey guys," Ash said as he waved at the two. "What's with the backpacks?"
  581. "Actually Ash, we wanted to ask you something," Brock said, taking a step forward. "How would it sound if I come along with you?"
  583. Ash did a double take. "Are you serious?" Ash asked. Brock nodded. "Of course you can come, Brock! But what about you, Holly?"
  585. "The only way I'd let Brock-y here go is if I go too," Holly said with a childish grin.
  587. Ash smirked at Brock. "You are so whipped," he said to the Pokémon Doctor. "Of course you can tag along Holly."
  589. "Yay!" Holly beamed.
  591. "So if everyone's set, let's go!" Ash exclaimed as he ran past the two.
  593. "ASH!" Brock exclaimed. He quickly grabbed Holly's wrist before running behind the laughing raven-haired trainer. Ash laughed as he ran through the streets of Pewter, and as Brock and Holly desperately tried to catch up to him. He was glad Brock would be joining him once again, and that he would have Holly to keep him company when Ash would want some time alone with his Pokémon. All this was just part of the exhilarating adventure that awaited him.
  595. Next Time – Clefairy's Dance
  596. On their way to Cerulean, Ash and Brock find the familiar Mt. Moon, and a group of lost Clefas and Clefairys. The small Pokémon are scared, but Ash decides to help them. One of the Clefairys takes a shine to Ash. Will Ash be able to help the small Pokémon, and what about the Clefairy with a crush on Ash?
  598. Sorry for the delay guys, this chapter took a lot to finish. And I've been pretty busy lately, but I'm glad with the results. I know a lot of you guys wanted to see Brock with someone, and after checking the records, I had to choose Holly as the best. She was in more episodes than other girls, and she seemed like the one most people liked. This story will still be centered on Ash and his harem, but there will be small shots of Brock/Holly fluff for you TeenCare Shippers (TeenCare shipping is the official name of the shipping between Holly and Brock),
  600. Now for the revealed Pokémon attacks-
  602. Infernape – Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Mach Punch, Dig, Blast Burn, Ankle Sweep, Thunder Punch
  604. Jalorda – Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm, Attract, Dragon Tail, Frenzy Plant, Slam, Protect
  607. ---
  608. Author notes
  610. Now I need help from all you guys out there. I'm not sure whether or not what to do when Ash finishes the Kanto League. I give you guys two choices – either that Ash continue through the same regions as he has before, or should Ash goes to an entirely new region. Either way, in the end it will be my choice and I can adapt to either, but I want to hear your opinions.
  612. Till Next time, and Please Review, and no flames please!
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