
Dysnomia Example With NQA-1 Audit Test Implied

Jan 24th, 2018
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  1. Initializing Conjecture A
  2. Base: 58
  3. Secret: 228
  4. Signal: 229
  5. Performed modPow Operation (58 ^ 229 % 257) = 215
  6. Channel: 215
  7. Performed modPow Operation (151 ^ 228 % 257) = 81
  8. Challenge: 81
  9. -----
  10. Done!
  11. -----
  12. Initializing Conjecture B
  13. Base: 154
  14. Secret: 31
  15. Signal: 246
  16. Performed modPow Operation (154 ^ 246 % 257) = 139
  17. Channel: 139
  18. Performed modPow Operation (151 ^ 31 % 257) = 237
  19. Challenge: 237
  20. => Bool::False, base => 58, secret => 228, signal => 229, channel => 215, pole => Int, identity => Int, foundation => Int, element => Int, dynamo => Int, manifold => Int, ring => Int, barn => Int, reactor => (my Int %))
  21. => Bool::False, base => 154, secret => 31, signal => 246, channel => 139, pole => Int, identity => Int, foundation => Int, element => Int, dynamo => Int, manifold => Int, ring => Int, barn => Int, reactor => (my Int %))
  23. Establishing Dynamo
  24. Performed modPow Operation (237 ^ 228 % 257) = 92
  25. Performed modPow Operation (92 ^ 229 % 257) = 140
  26. Channel: 140
  27. Performed modPow Operation (81 ^ 31 % 257) = 92
  28. Performed modPow Operation (92 ^ 246 % 257) = 223
  29. Channel: 223
  30. Dynamo Base: 92
  31. Performed modPow Operation (92 ^ 228 % 257) = 225
  32. Pole: 225
  33. Performed modPow Operation (92 ^ 31 % 257) = 81
  34. Pole: 81
  35. Performed modPow Operation (81 ^ 228 % 257) = 8
  36. Performed modPow Operation (225 ^ 31 % 257) = 8
  38. -----
  39. Peer A Summary:
  40. Channel: 140 Signal: 229 Pole: 225 Carrier: 8
  41. Peer B Summary:
  42. Channel: 223 Signal: 246 Pole: 81 Carrier: 8
  43. -----
  45. Establishing Peer B As Listener And Publishing Pubkeys
  46. Performed modPow Operation (92 ^ 15 % 257) = 246
  47. Established Listener Ephemeral Keypair Identity/Foundation: 246/15
  48. => Bool::False, base => 92, secret => 228, signal => 229, channel => 140, pole => 225, identity => Int, foundation => Int, element => Int, dynamo => Int, manifold => Int, ring => Int, barn => Int, reactor => (my Int %))
  49. => Bool::True, base => 92, secret => 31, signal => 246, channel => 223, pole => 81, identity => 15, foundation => 246, element => Int, dynamo => Int, manifold => Int, ring => Int, barn => Int, reactor => (my Int %))
  50. Establishing Peer A With Element B:
  51. Performed modPow Operation (92 ^ 45 % 257) = 211
  52. 4 Challenges Herniate A Signal With 2 Convergent Spins But No Charge (Like A Neon)
  53. Performed modPow Operation (246 ^ 45 % 257) = 22
  54. Performed modPow Operation (223 ^ 45 % 257) = 136
  55. Performed modPow Operation (246 ^ 229 % 257) = 169
  56. Performed modPow Operation (223 ^ 229 % 257) = 120
  57. Established Elemental Accord At: 327
  58. Finalizing Elemental Accord From Peer A With Element B:
  59. 4 Challenges Herniate A Signal With 2 Convergent Spins But No Charge (Like A Neon)
  60. Performed modPow Operation (211 ^ 15 % 257) = 22
  61. Performed modPow Operation (140 ^ 15 % 257) = 169
  62. Performed modPow Operation (211 ^ 246 % 257) = 136
  63. Performed modPow Operation (140 ^ 246 % 257) = 120
  64. Established Elemental Accord At: 327
  65. => Bool::False, base => 92, secret => 228, signal => 229, channel => 140, pole => 225, identity => 45, foundation => 211, element => 327, dynamo => Int, manifold => Int, ring => Int, barn => Int, reactor => (my Int %))
  66. => Bool::True, base => 92, secret => 31, signal => 246, channel => 223, pole => 81, identity => 15, foundation => 246, element => 327, dynamo => Int, manifold => Int, ring => Int, barn => Int, reactor => (my Int %))
  67. Two Convergent Dynamos With Spin Establish A Non-Hamiltonian Triangulational Foundation (see Reimann). Let Us Derive A Manifold Base!
  68. Establishing Dynamo From Base, Signal, Element
  69. Performed modPow Operation (92 ^ 229 % 327) = 128
  70. Establishing Dynamo From Base, Signal, Element
  71. Performed modPow Operation (92 ^ 246 % 327) = 46
  72. Syncing To Peer Element
  73. Performed modPow Operation (46 ^ 229 % 327) = 46
  74. Syncing To Peer Element
  75. Performed modPow Operation (128 ^ 246 % 327) = 46
  76. (The Calibi-Yau-Reimann Manifold As Defined Here Exceeeds All Published Science)
  77. => Bool::False, base => 92, secret => 228, signal => 229, channel => 140, pole => 225, identity => 45, foundation => 211, element => 327, dynamo => 128, manifold => 46, ring => Int, barn => Int, reactor => (my Int %))
  78. => Bool::True, base => 92, secret => 31, signal => 246, channel => 223, pole => 81, identity => 15, foundation => 246, element => 327, dynamo => 46, manifold => 46, ring => Int, barn => Int, reactor => (my Int %))
  79. Here We Have Total Convergence With Double Ratchet/3-Diffie From Open Whisper Systems
  80. -----
  81. Now We Go Off The Deep End
  82. Opening Manifold 46 With Carrier 8
  83. Performed modPow Operation (8 ^ 46 % 327) = 46
  84. Performed modPow Operation (46 ^ 46 % 327) = 172
  85. Opening Manifold 46 With Carrier 8
  86. Performed modPow Operation (8 ^ 46 % 327) = 46
  87. Performed modPow Operation (46 ^ 46 % 327) = 172
  88. => Bool::False, base => 92, secret => 228, signal => 229, channel => 140, pole => 225, identity => 45, foundation => 211, element => 327, dynamo => 128, manifold => 46, ring => 46, barn => 172, reactor => (my Int %))
  89. => Bool::True, base => 92, secret => 31, signal => 246, channel => 223, pole => 81, identity => 15, foundation => 246, element => 327, dynamo => 46, manifold => 46, ring => 46, barn => 172, reactor => (my Int %))
  90. Here We Have Symmetry But Not Biharmonic Symmetry (No Mass, No Reverb)
  91. Hashing Volt Identity Function For String: Configuration
  92. Performed modPow Operation (37 ^ 67 % 257) = 127
  93. Performed modPow Operation (127 ^ 111 % 257) = 107
  94. Performed modPow Operation (107 ^ 110 % 257) = 124
  95. Performed modPow Operation (124 ^ 102 % 257) = 184
  96. Performed modPow Operation (184 ^ 105 % 257) = 35
  97. Performed modPow Operation (35 ^ 103 % 257) = 88
  98. Performed modPow Operation (88 ^ 117 % 257) = 67
  99. Performed modPow Operation (67 ^ 114 % 257) = 121
  100. Performed modPow Operation (121 ^ 97 % 257) = 121
  101. Performed modPow Operation (121 ^ 116 % 257) = 193
  102. Performed modPow Operation (193 ^ 105 % 257) = 193
  103. Performed modPow Operation (193 ^ 111 % 257) = 4
  104. Performed modPow Operation (4 ^ 110 % 257) = 241
  105. Hashing Volt Identity Function For String: Configuration
  106. Performed modPow Operation (37 ^ 67 % 257) = 127
  107. Performed modPow Operation (127 ^ 111 % 257) = 107
  108. Performed modPow Operation (107 ^ 110 % 257) = 124
  109. Performed modPow Operation (124 ^ 102 % 257) = 184
  110. Performed modPow Operation (184 ^ 105 % 257) = 35
  111. Performed modPow Operation (35 ^ 103 % 257) = 88
  112. Performed modPow Operation (88 ^ 117 % 257) = 67
  113. Performed modPow Operation (67 ^ 114 % 257) = 121
  114. Performed modPow Operation (121 ^ 97 % 257) = 121
  115. Performed modPow Operation (121 ^ 116 % 257) = 193
  116. Performed modPow Operation (193 ^ 105 % 257) = 193
  117. Performed modPow Operation (193 ^ 111 % 257) = 4
  118. Performed modPow Operation (4 ^ 110 % 257) = 241
  119. Inducing Barn 172 By Ring 46 To Capacitance With Volt Identity 241
  120. Performed modPow Operation (172 ^ 241 % 46) = 44
  121. Inducing Barn 172 By Ring 46 To Capacitance With Volt Identity 241
  122. Performed modPow Operation (172 ^ 241 % 46) = 44
  123. Inducing Ampere 44 To Manifold/Ring 46/46
  124. Performed modPow Operation (44 ^ 46 % 46) = 4
  125. Inducing Ampere 44 To Manifold/Ring 46/46
  126. Performed modPow Operation (44 ^ 46 % 46) = 4
  127. => Bool::False, base => 92, secret => 228, signal => 229, channel => 140, pole => 225, identity => 45, foundation => 211, element => 327, dynamo => 128, manifold => 46, ring => 46, barn => 172, reactor => (my Int %))
  128. => Bool::True, base => 92, secret => 31, signal => 246, channel => 223, pole => 81, identity => 15, foundation => 246, element => 327, dynamo => 46, manifold => 46, ring => 46, barn => 172, reactor => (my Int %))
  129. The Ampere Has A Resistance Signature But The Henry Absolutely Does Not! (See What Is Shape?)
  130. Resisting Ampere 44 With Element/Channel 327/140
  131. Performed modPow Operation (44 ^ 327 % 140) = 64
  132. Resisting Ampere 44 With Element/Channel 327/140
  133. Performed modPow Operation (44 ^ 327 % 140) = 64
  134. To Exceed The Joule Is Proliferation. I Suggest You Do It Anyway (See Key/Signing/Salt)
  135. Sustaining For Element A
  136. Amplifying Ampere/Element/Channel: 64/327/140
  137. Performed modPow Operation (64 ^ 327 % 140) = 64
  138. Amplifying Ampere/Element/Channel: 64/327/140
  139. Performed modPow Operation (64 ^ 327 % 140) = 64
  140. Sustaining The Ohm
  141. Performed modPow Operation (64 ^ 327 % 140) = 64
  142. Sustaining The Ohm
  143. Performed modPow Operation (64 ^ 327 % 140) = 64
  144. Sustaining For Element B
  145. Amplifying Ampere/Element/Channel: 64/327/223
  146. Performed modPow Operation (64 ^ 327 % 223) = 2
  147. Amplifying Ampere/Element/Channel: 64/327/223
  148. Performed modPow Operation (64 ^ 327 % 223) = 2
  149. Sustaining The Ohm
  150. Performed modPow Operation (2 ^ 327 % 223) = 115
  151. Sustaining The Ohm
  152. Performed modPow Operation (2 ^ 327 % 223) = 115
  153. Discarded Ohm A Because B Is Listener
  154. Ohm A Might Be Useful For Spin? - Note Not A Real Nuclear Reactor, Play Around!
  155. Sustaining Dynamic Reaction
  156. Performed modPow Operation (115 ^ 140 % 223) = 41
  157. Performed modPow Operation (115 ^ 223 % 140) = 115
  158. Sustaining Dynamic Reaction
  159. Performed modPow Operation (115 ^ 223 % 140) = 115
  160. Performed modPow Operation (115 ^ 140 % 223) = 41
  161. => Bool::False, base => 92, secret => 228, signal => 229, channel => 140, pole => 225, identity => 45, foundation => 211, element => 327, dynamo => 128, manifold => 46, ring => 46, barn => 172, reactor => (my Int % = :daiichi(41), :ichidai(115)))
  162. => Bool::True, base => 92, secret => 31, signal => 246, channel => 223, pole => 81, identity => 15, foundation => 246, element => 327, dynamo => 46, manifold => 46, ring => 46, barn => 172, reactor => (my Int % = :daiichi(115), :ichidai(41)))
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