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Jun 28th, 2017
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  1. #ifndef _SIM_H_
  2. #define _SIM_H_
  5. #include <stdint.h>
  6. #include <math.h>
  7. #include <stdio.h>
  8. #include <stdlib.h>
  10. struct cache{
  11. uint32_t assoc; /* associatividade, 1 para map. direto */
  12. uint32_t block; /* número de bytes por bloco */
  13. uint32_t num_blocks; /* número de blocos por conjunto */
  14. uint32_t lat; /* latência de acesso em ciclos */
  15. };
  18. struct stats{
  19. unsigned long *hits; /* vetor para cada nível de cache */
  20. unsigned long *misses; /* idem */
  21. unsigned long cycles; /* número total de ciclos da simulação */
  22. };
  24. /** Recebe um traço de endereços de memória acessados e simula hierarquia de memória
  25. * @param configs vetor de configurações de caches
  26. * @param num_configs número de níveis de cache
  27. * @param mem_lat latência em ciclos de acesso à memória
  28. * @param filename nome do arquivo de traço (ou null)
  29. * @param stream stream com traço (se filename for null)
  30. * @return estatísticas de simulação
  31. */
  32. struct stats * sim(struct cache * configs, int num_configs,
  33. uint32_t mem_lat, char * filename, char * stream);
  35. void setValues(uint32_t* tag, uint32_t* index, uint32_t size,struct cache * configs);
  36. void getValues(uint32_t*tag,uint32_t*index,uint32_t tagsize,uint32_t indexsize, uint32_t end);
  37. int _hash(char * str, int num_blocks, int assoc);
  38. int cacheSize(int assoc, int num_blocks, int block);
  39. void startStats(struct stats * sim);
  40. void LRUstart(uint32_t * Cache, uint32_t size);
  41. int dirMapped(uint32_t * Cache, int tag, int pos, int cycles,char mode,int extra);
  42. int assocMapped(uint32_t * Cache, int tag, int pos, int cycles, char mode,int extra, struct cache * configs);
  43. int getBlockPos(int index,int num_blocks);
  44. int acessCache(struct cache * configs,struct stats * sim,uint32_t * Cache, uint32_t end,int num_configs, uint32_t mem_lat,char mode);
  45. int fullyAssoc(uint32_t * Cache, int tag,int pos, int cycles, char mode,int extra,int num_blocks);
  47. uint32_t hex2int(char *hex);
  50. /* TAG - BLOCK INDEX - OFFSET */
  52. int main(){
  53. //testa so mem
  54. /*
  55. char * trace = "R 12345678\nW 90ABCDEF\n";
  56. struct stats * res = sim(NULL, 0, 10, NULL, trace);
  57. */
  58. //testa l1
  59. //char * trace = "R 12345678\nW 90ABCDEF\n";
  60. // struct cache mycache = {1, 4, 2, 1};
  61. // struct stats * res = sim(&mycache, 1, 10, NULL, NULL);
  63. /*char * filename = "filename";
  64. char * trace = "R 12345678\nR 12345678\n";
  65. struct stats * res = sim(&mycache, 1, 10, NULL, trace);
  66. */
  67. struct cache mycache2 = {2, 8, 4, 1};
  68. char * trace3 = "R 12345678\nW 90ABCDEF\nW 00000410\nW 00000324\nW 000003ec\nW 00000410\n";
  69. struct stats * res = sim(&mycache2, 1, 10, NULL, NULL);
  70. return 0;
  71. }
  73. struct stats * sim(struct cache * configs, int num_configs, uint32_t mem_lat, char * filename, char * stream){
  74. struct stats *sim = malloc(sizeof(struct stats));
  75. FILE *fp = fopen("C:\\Users\\Laster\\Documents\\Standard\\Estudos\\filename.txt","r");
  76. int size = 0;
  77. uint32_t end, i = 0,indexsize, tagsize;
  78. char *p = stream, str[11];
  79. struct cache * q;
  80. printf("test\n");
  81. printf("test\n");
  82. printf("test\n");
  83. if(configs != NULL){
  84. size = cacheSize(configs->assoc,configs->num_blocks,configs->block);
  85. setValues(&tagsize,&indexsize,size, configs);
  86. }
  88. startStats(sim);
  89. uint32_t Cache[configs->num_blocks];
  90. uint32_t * Cache2;
  91. if(num_configs == 0){ //ACESSO DIRETO A MEMORIA
  92. (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  93. return sim;
  94. }
  95. if(num_configs == 2){
  96. q = configs++;
  97. // uint32_t Cache2[q->num_blocks];
  98. Cache2 = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*(q->num_blocks));
  99. }
  101. if(fp != NULL) // TEM ARQUIVO
  102. {
  103. while(fscanf(fp,"%[^\n]\n",str) != EOF)
  104. {
  105. end = hex2int(str);
  106. if(num_configs == 2){
  107. if(acessCache(configs,sim,Cache,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0])){ //hit na l1: update LRU and leave
  108. sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  109. *(*sim).hits += 1;
  110. }
  111. else{
  112. if(acessCache(q,sim,Cache2,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0])) //hit na l2: updates l2 LRU and bring it to l1
  113. {
  114. sim->cycles += q->lat;
  115. *(*sim).hits += 1;
  116. }
  117. else{
  118. sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  119. (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  120. *(*sim).misses += 1;
  121. }
  122. }
  123. }
  124. else{
  125. if(acessCache(configs,sim,Cache,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0])){ //hit
  126. sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  127. *(*sim).hits += 1;
  128. }
  129. else{//miss
  130. (*sim).cycles += 1;
  131. (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  132. *(*sim).misses += 1;
  133. }
  134. }
  135. }
  136. return sim;
  137. }
  138. else // USAR STREAM
  139. {
  140. while( *p != '\0'){
  141. while(*p != '\n' && *p != '\0'){ //pega o endereço em string
  142. str[i] = *p;
  143. i++;p++;
  144. }
  145. p++; i = 0;
  146. str[i] = '\0';
  147. end = hex2int(str);
  151. //getValues(&tag,&index,tagsize,indexsize,end);
  152. if(num_configs == 2){
  153. if(acessCache(configs,sim,Cache,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0])){ //hit na l1: update LRU and leave
  154. sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  155. *(*sim).hits += 1;
  156. }
  157. else{
  158. if(acessCache(q,sim,Cache2,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0])) //hit na l2: updates l2 LRU and bring it to l1
  159. {
  160. sim->cycles += q->lat;
  161. *(*sim).hits += 1;
  162. }
  163. else{
  164. sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  165. (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  166. *(*sim).misses += 1;
  167. }
  168. }
  169. }
  170. else{
  171. if(acessCache(configs,sim,Cache,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0])){ //hit
  172. sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  173. *(*sim).hits += 1;
  174. }
  175. else{//miss
  176. (*sim).cycles += 1;
  177. (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  178. *(*sim).misses += 1;
  179. }
  180. }
  181. /*
  182. if(num_configs == 0){ //ACESSO DIRETO A MEMORIA
  183. (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  184. }
  185. else if(num_configs == 1){ //ACESSO L1
  186. //end = _hash(str1,configs->num_blocks,configs->assoc);
  188. pos = getBlockPos(index,configs->num_blocks);
  189. printf("\npos=%d\n", pos);
  190. if(configs->assoc == 1){ //mapeando direto
  191. if(dirMapped(Cache,tag,pos,sim->cycles,str[0],extra)){ //hit
  192. sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  193. *(*sim).hits += 1;
  194. }
  195. else{//miss
  196. if(extra == 1){(*sim).cycles += mem_lat;} //if it was a miss in a writtenblock then writeback policy
  197. (*sim).cycles += 1;
  198. (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  199. *(*sim).misses += 1;
  200. }
  201. extra = 0;
  202. }
  203. else if(configs->assoc == configs->num_blocks){ //assoaciatividade completa
  205. }
  206. else{ //associativo
  207. if(assocMapped(Cache,tag,pos,sim->cycles,str[0],extra,configs)){
  208. sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  209. *(*sim).hits += 1;
  210. }
  211. else{//miss
  212. if(extra == 1){(*sim).cycles += mem_lat;} //if it was a miss in a writtenblock then writeback policy
  213. (*sim).cycles += 1;
  214. (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  215. *(*sim).misses += 1;
  216. }
  217. }
  218. }
  219. else{ //ACESSO l2
  221. }*/
  222. }
  223. }
  224. return sim;
  225. }
  227. /*void push2l1(struct cache * configs,struct stats * sim,uint32_t * Cache,int pos, int cycles, char mode){
  228. aux = tag; aux <<= 10;
  229. timer = cycles;
  230. aux = aux | timer;
  231. if(configs->assoc == 1){ //mapeando direto, só 1 posição possivel
  232. if(mode == 'R'){
  233. Cache[pos] = 1;
  234. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 31;
  235. }
  236. else{
  237. Cache[pos] = 3;
  238. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  239. }
  240. }
  241. else if(configs->assoc == configs->num_blocks){ //fully associative
  242. }
  243. else{ //associativo
  244. }
  245. }*/
  246. int assocMapped(uint32_t * Cache, int tag, int pos, int cycles, char mode,int extra, struct cache * configs){
  247. uint32_t tTag, timer = cycles, V, D, aux, i, LRUpos = cycles;
  248. for(i=0;i<configs->assoc;i++){ //laço para encontrar um bloco vazio
  249. V = Cache[pos] >> 31;
  250. D = Cache[pos] << 1 >> 31;
  251. aux = tag; aux <<= 10;
  252. timer = cycles;
  253. aux = aux | timer; //aux OR timer, coloca tag e timer da LRU nos bits
  255. if(V == 0){ //checks if its not inicialized, else verifies if its a hit
  256. V = 1;
  257. if(mode == 'R'){
  258. Cache[pos] = 1;
  259. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 31;
  260. }
  261. else{
  262. Cache[pos] = 3;
  263. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  264. }
  266. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  267. printf("%d", Cache[pos]);
  268. return 0; //return miss
  269. }
  270. else{
  271. tTag = Cache[pos] << 2; tTag = tTag >> 12;
  272. if(tag == tTag){ // HIT
  273. if(mode == 'R'){
  274. Cache[pos] = 1; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 31;
  275. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  276. }
  277. else{
  278. Cache[pos] = 3; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  279. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  280. }
  281. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] >> 10; //Limpa LRU
  282. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 10;
  283. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | cycles; //atualiza LRU
  284. return 1; //return hit
  285. }
  286. if((Cache[pos] << 22 >> 22) < timer){ //finds the least recently used block in case theres no free block
  287. LRUpos = pos;
  288. }
  289. }
  290. pos += configs->num_blocks;
  291. }
  292. //at this point theres no empty block, and no hits, so we use LRU policy
  293. pos = LRUpos;
  294. D = Cache[pos] << 1 >> 31;
  295. V = Cache[pos] >> 31;
  296. aux = tag; aux <<= 10;
  297. timer = cycles;
  298. aux = aux | timer; //aux OR timer, coloca tag e timer da LRU nos bits
  300. if(D == 1){ extra = 1; }
  301. if(mode == 'R'){
  302. Cache[pos] = 1; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 31;
  303. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  304. }
  305. else{
  306. Cache[pos] = 3; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  307. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  308. }
  309. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] >> 10; //Limpa LRU
  310. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 10;
  311. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | cycles; //atualiza LRU
  312. return 0;
  313. }
  314. int dirMapped(uint32_t * Cache, int tag, int pos, int cycles, char mode,int extra){
  315. uint32_t tTag, timer, V, D, aux;
  316. D = Cache[pos] << 1 >> 31;
  317. V = Cache[pos] >> 31;
  318. aux = tag; aux <<= 10;
  319. timer = cycles;
  320. aux = aux | timer; //aux OR timer, coloca tag e timer da LRU nos bits
  322. if(V == 0){ //bloco nao utilizado antes, logo miss
  323. V = 1;
  324. if(mode == 'R')
  325. Cache[pos] = 1; //Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  326. else
  327. Cache[pos] = 3; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  328. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  329. return 0; //return miss
  330. }
  331. else{ //
  332. timer = Cache[pos] << 22; timer = timer >> 22;
  333. tTag = Cache[pos] << 2; tTag = tTag >> 12;
  334. if(tag == tTag){ // HIT
  335. if(mode == 'R'){
  336. Cache[pos] = 1; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 31;
  337. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  338. }
  339. else{
  340. Cache[pos] = 3; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  341. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  342. }
  343. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] >> 10; //Limpa LRU
  344. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 10;
  345. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | cycles; //atualiza LRU
  346. return 1; //return hit
  347. }
  348. else{ //MISS
  349. if(D == 1){ extra = 1; }
  350. if(mode == 'R'){
  351. Cache[pos] = 1; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 31;
  352. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  353. }
  354. else{
  355. Cache[pos] = 3; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  356. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  357. }
  358. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] >> 10; //Limpa LRU
  359. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 10;
  360. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | cycles; //atualiza LRU
  361. }
  362. }
  363. return 0;
  364. }
  366. int fullyAssoc(uint32_t * Cache, int tag,int pos, int cycles, char mode,int extra,int num_blocks){
  367. uint32_t tTag, timer = cycles, V, D, aux, LRUpos = cycles;
  368. for(pos=0;pos<num_blocks;pos++){ //laço para encontrar um bloco vazio
  369. V = Cache[pos] >> 31;
  370. D = Cache[pos] << 1 >> 31;
  371. aux = tag; aux <<= 10;
  372. timer = cycles;
  373. aux = aux | timer; //aux OR timer, coloca tag e timer da LRU nos bits
  375. if(V == 0){ //checks if its not initialized, else verifies if its a hit
  376. V = 1;
  377. if(mode == 'R'){
  378. Cache[pos] = 1;
  379. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 31;
  380. }
  381. else{
  382. Cache[pos] = 3;
  383. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  384. }
  386. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  387. printf("%d", Cache[pos]);
  388. return 0; //return miss
  389. }
  390. else{
  391. tTag = Cache[pos] << 2; tTag = tTag >> 12;
  392. if(tag == tTag){ // HIT
  393. if(mode == 'R'){
  394. Cache[pos] = 1; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 31;
  395. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  396. }
  397. else{
  398. Cache[pos] = 3; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  399. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  400. }
  401. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] >> 10; //Limpa LRU
  402. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 10;
  403. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | cycles; //atualiza LRU
  404. return 1; //return hit
  405. }
  406. if(LRUpos < timer){ //finds the least recently used block in case theres no free block
  407. LRUpos = pos;
  408. }
  409. }
  410. }
  411. //at this point theres no empty block, and no hits, so we use LRU policy
  412. pos = LRUpos;
  413. D = Cache[pos] << 1 >> 31;
  414. V = Cache[pos] >> 31;
  415. aux = tag; aux <<= 10;
  416. timer = cycles;
  417. aux = aux | timer; //aux OR timer, coloca tag e timer da LRU nos bits
  419. if(D == 1){ extra = 1; }
  420. if(mode == 'R'){
  421. Cache[pos] = 1; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 31;
  422. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  423. }
  424. else{
  425. Cache[pos] = 3; Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 30;
  426. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | aux; // V - D - tag - LRU
  427. }
  428. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] >> 10; //Limpa LRU
  429. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] << 10;
  430. Cache[pos] = Cache[pos] | cycles; //atualiza LRU
  431. return 0;
  432. }
  435. //this function is taken from:
  436. //
  437. uint32_t hex2int(char *hex) {
  438. uint32_t val = 0;
  439. while (*hex) {
  440. // get current character then increment
  441. uint8_t byte = *hex++;
  442. // transform hex character to the 4bit equivalent number, using the ascii table indexes
  443. if (byte >= '0' && byte <= '9') byte = byte - '0';
  444. else if (byte >= 'a' && byte <='f') byte = byte - 'a' + 10;
  445. else if (byte >= 'A' && byte <='F') byte = byte - 'A' + 10;
  446. // shift 4 to make space for new digit, and add the 4 bits of the new digit
  447. val = (val << 4) | (byte & 0xF);
  448. }
  449. return val;
  450. }
  451. void getValues(uint32_t*tag,uint32_t*index,uint32_t tagsize,uint32_t indexsize,uint32_t end){
  452. *tag = end >> (32-tagsize); //32 - (tagsize + indexsize) -> calculo do OFFSET
  453. *index = end << tagsize >> (32 - ((tagsize + indexsize) + tagsize));
  454. return;
  455. }
  456. int getBlockPos(int index,int num_blocks){
  457. return index % num_blocks;
  458. }
  459. void setValues(uint32_t* tag, uint32_t* index, uint32_t size,struct cache * configs){
  460. int offset = (int) log2((double)configs->block);
  461. *index = (int) log2((double)configs->num_blocks);
  462. *tag = 32 - (*index + offset);
  463. }
  464. /*
  465. setStrings(str1,str2,stream);
  466. void setStrings(char * str1, char * str2, char * stream){ //Funcao para separar os endereços de entrada
  467. int i; char *p;
  468. p = stream;
  469. for(i=0; *p != '\n'; p++,i++){
  470. str1[i] = *p;
  471. }
  472. p = stream+11;
  473. for(i=0; *p != '\n'; p++,i++){
  474. str2[i] = *p;
  475. }
  476. str1[i] = '\0';
  477. str2[i] = '\0';
  478. return;
  479. }*/
  480. /*
  481. int _hash(char * str, int num_blocks, int assoc){
  482. int i, res, target_block;
  483. char *p, op[3];
  484. char q = str + 7;
  485. for(i=0;i<3;i++,p++){
  486. op[i] = *p;
  487. }
  488. res = (int) strtol(op, NULL, 16); //converts string to long int, third arg selects base.
  491. target_block = res % assoc;
  492. res = res % num_blocks;
  493. if(assoc == 1)
  494. return res;
  495. else
  496. return target_block;
  497. }*/
  498. int cacheSize(int assoc, int num_blocks, int block){
  499. printf("here");
  500. return assoc * (4*block) * num_blocks;
  501. }
  502. void startStats(struct stats * sim){
  503. //sim->cycles = malloc(sizeof(unsigned long));
  504. (*sim).hits = malloc(sizeof(unsigned long));
  505. (*sim).misses = malloc(sizeof(unsigned long));
  506. (*sim).cycles = 0;
  507. *(*sim).hits = 0;
  508. *(*sim).misses = 0;
  509. return;
  510. }
  511. void LRUstart(uint32_t * Cache, uint32_t size){
  512. uint32_t i;
  513. for(i = 0 ; i<size ; i++){
  514. Cache[i] = i;
  515. }
  516. }
  518. int acessCache(struct cache * configs,struct stats * sim,uint32_t * Cache, uint32_t end,int num_configs, uint32_t mem_lat,char mode){
  519. uint32_t tag,index,tagsize,indexsize,size=0,pos,extra=0;
  521. setValues(&tagsize,&indexsize,size, configs);
  522. getValues(&tag,&index,tagsize,indexsize,end);
  525. // if(num_configs == 1){ //ACESSO L1
  526. //end = _hash(str1,configs->num_blocks,configs->assoc);
  528. pos = getBlockPos(index,configs->num_blocks);
  529. printf("\npos=%d\n", pos);
  530. if(configs->assoc == 1){ //mapeando direto
  531. if(dirMapped(Cache,tag,pos,sim->cycles,mode,extra)){ //hit
  532. // sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  533. // *(*sim).hits += 1;
  534. return 1;
  535. }
  537. else{//miss
  538. if(extra == 1){(*sim).cycles += mem_lat;} //if it was a miss in a writtenblock then writeback policy
  539. // (*sim).cycles += 1;
  540. // (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  541. // *(*sim).misses += 1;
  542. return 0;
  543. }
  544. extra = 0;
  545. }
  546. else if(configs->assoc == configs->num_blocks){ //fully associative
  547. if(fullyAssoc(Cache,tag,0,sim->cycles,mode,extra,configs->num_blocks)){ //hit
  548. // sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  549. // *(*sim).hits += 1;
  550. }
  551. else{ //miss
  552. // (*sim).cycles += 1;
  553. // (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  554. // *(*sim).misses += 1;
  555. }
  556. }
  557. else{ //associativo
  558. if(assocMapped(Cache,tag,pos,sim->cycles,mode,extra,configs)){
  559. sim->cycles += configs->lat;
  560. // *(*sim).hits += 1;
  561. return 1;
  562. }
  563. else{//miss
  564. if(extra == 1){(*sim).cycles += mem_lat;} //if it was a miss in a writtenblock then writeback policy
  565. // (*sim).cycles += 1;
  566. // (*sim).cycles += mem_lat;
  567. // *(*sim).misses += 1;
  568. return 0;
  569. }
  570. }
  571. // }
  572. // else{ //ACESSO l2
  573. // }
  574. return 0;
  575. }
  577. #endif // _SIM_H_
  581. /* if(acessCache(configs,sim,Cache,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0])){ //hit na l1: update LRU and leave
  583. }
  584. else{
  585. if(acessCache(p,sim,Cache,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0])) //hit na l2: updates l2 LRU and bring it to l1
  586. {
  587. push2l1(configs,sim,Cache,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0]);
  588. }
  589. else{
  590. push2l1(configs,sim,Cache,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0]);
  591. push2l2(configs,sim,Cache,end,num_configs,mem_lat,str[0]);
  592. }*/
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