

Mar 2nd, 2019
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  1. Major
  2. - Improved stability in multiplayer games.
  3. - Improved performance.
  5. Minor
  6. - Removed restriction on the Chinese localisation package for reduced violence.
  7. - Greedy Mercenaries; made mission a bit more challenging on hard.
  8. - An Exourian Encounter; made mission a bit more challenging on hard.
  9. - Fixed Worker’s team color when constructing Hero Throne.
  10. - Made Alan more active on Shadows of War as well as making it harder on hard.
  12. Balance
  13. - Changed spawn setup; no Hero Throne, no Scouting Hound.
  14. - Increased starting wood, 50->175
  15. - Increased Gathering Base supply, 12->14
  16. - Decreased Hero Throne construction time, 50->46
  17. - Changed requirements for Blacksmith and Training Camp; House
  18. - Decreased production time for heroes, 45->35
  19. - Decreased Scouting Hound cost, 50->30
  20. - Decreased Scouting Hound production time, 12->6
  21. - Regular units no longer heal from cleared creep camps, 15->0
  22. - Increased extra XP/Level that heroes drop when killed, 50->100
  23. - Increased Hero Throne heal rate, 1->3
  24. - Decreased Footman base damage, 14->13
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