
Els(Adalet)? Do you wanna build a snowman?

May 8th, 2018
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  1. 04[18:18] <SwaDM> Now - my question is! When would Kiran approach, exactly? Right after the whole meeting business? A little time later?
  2. 01[18:19] <Artisan_Kiran> 5I-
  3. 01[18:19] <Artisan_Kiran> 5I actually think he'd have made sure his friends were okay, and then gone for a walk.
  4. [18:19] <SwaDM> Yeah - that makes perfect sense.
  5. 01[18:19] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Probably a little way out from the mansion.
  6. [18:19] <SwaDM> Allow me, then.
  7. 01[18:20] <Artisan_Kiran> 5tfw polishing his sword isn't enough any more
  8. 04[18:21] <SwaDM> Once more - Kiran can indeed confirm, people are alive. Broken bones and what have you simply need a little more time to fully heal - so they'll be sore in certain places - but otherwise, they're whole. Lous himself is in essentially peak condition - which is a boon. Seriously, can you imagine not having Lous around to babysit the party? Suicide, I tell you.
  9. 02[18:26] * SwaDM (Mibbit@B460E27C.99822F6.8D871A00.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  10. 03[18:32] * Swaddy (Mibbit@B460E27C.99822F6.8D871A00.IP) has joined #vrppathfinder
  11. [18:32] <Swaddy> OR
  12. [18:32] <Swaddy> My internet can crash and burn at a most exquisite time
  13. [18:32] <Swaddy> A fair possibility
  14. 03[18:32] * Swaddy is now known as SwaDM
  15. [18:33] <SwaDM> What'd you get, if anything?
  16. 01[18:35] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Heh
  17. 01[18:35] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Literally just:
  18. 01[18:35] <Artisan_Kiran> 5[18:21] <SwaDM> Once more - Kiran can indeed confirm, people are alive. Broken bones and what have you simply need a little more time to fully heal - so they'll be sore in certain places - but otherwise, they're whole. Lous himself is in essentially peak condition - which is a boon. Seriously, can you imagine not having Lous around to babysit the party? Suicide, I tell you.
  19. [18:35] <SwaDM> Right!
  20. [18:36] <SwaDM> Regardless - he can certainly have a walk across the snowy fields. One can readily tell that the area around the mansion - even at some distance, has been completely cleared. There's...nothing but snow, really. No wildlife or Voidspawn. The climate isn't particularly pleasant either - with or without cold resistance, albeit it is still, without a doubt-
  21. [18:36] <SwaDM> - much better then any sort of heavy blizzard.
  22. [18:37] <SwaDM> Said walk, however, will have been a rather lonesome experience. Nobody really bothers him in his stride come this point - and there isn't even much sound to go by - apart from the crunching of snow, and the wind - which is quite light now, compared to a few days ago.
  23. 06[18:39] * Artisan_Kiran walks to the top of a hill not too far from the mansion, and stops to survey the landscape.
  24. [18:39] <SwaDM> One can't particularly spot- say, the debris from Skyhome from there. The sky seems to dim to a somwhat unnatural black further north, at the very horizon.
  25. 06[18:40] * Artisan_Kiran slowly and unceremoniously sits himself down on the hilltop, staring north.
  26. [18:40] <SwaDM> Off west is a comparatively small cluster of pine trees - potentially what was one either some kind of hunting ground, or numbers.
  27. [18:40] <SwaDM> *lumber
  28. 06[18:41] * Artisan_Kiran groans from the accumulated aches and pains of the last few days, and just sits a while, before letting himself fall backwards, lying down in the snow.
  29. 06[18:42] * Artisan_Kiran lays there, quietly, but slowly starts to smile to himself.
  30. [18:42] <SwaDM> It's still not particularly comfortable. A warm bed might've been better. Still, at least the cold should technically ease some of those aches. Doubly so on their hand. Positive energy speeds up the recovery, sure, but it doesn't magically make the body not recognize that something rather off happened to it.
  31. 06[18:44] * Artisan_Kiran sits back up after a few minutes and looks around, selecting a nice flat area.
  32. 06[18:44] * Artisan_Kiran looks down at his broken hand, encased in a mitten, and frowns at it.
  33. 06[18:45] * Artisan_Kiran gets to his feet, turns back toward the mansion and starts walking.
  34. [18:46] <SwaDM> Thusfar - the front of the mansion has remained unnocupied still, ever since the entrance of the party itself. Albeit that might haveto do wtih the fact that night *should* start falling relatively soon.
  35. [18:46] <SwaDM> And with that would come decreasing temperatures - naturally.
  36. 04[18:47] <SwaDM> While the door currently is shut - Kiran would know it's likely not *locked* - it wasn't beforehand.
  37. 06[18:48] * Artisan_Kiran proceeds to the door, and opens it. But not before pausing mid-stride and remembering to kick the snow off of his boots.
  38. 04[18:48] <SwaDM> Kiran does not become Chaotic Evil.
  39. [18:48] <SwaDM> Good.
  40. 06[18:49] * Artisan_Kiran does not, however, remove his outdoor clothes.
  41. 04[18:49] <SwaDM> The large lobby is still there. Off in the corner - to the right side ofthe rather large stairs, Kiran might notice that a small area was erected - something of a recreational corner - or what passes for it, given it contains a couple of bookshelves and seats. Some of the - what one would presume - would be the Snowtownians seem to be occupying it right now.
  42. [18:50] <SwaDM> There's a distant, muffled clanging up from the second floor - constant.
  43. 06[18:50] * Artisan_Kiran surveys the people in the corner.
  44. [18:50] <SwaDM> Off to the left - over where the dining hall shuold be, one can also listen to the muffled noises of what should be a large gathering of people - most likely having dinner.
  45. [18:51] <SwaDM> Fair skinned - with light tones of hair. Relatively tall - yes. That should indeed be natives from the area. Some idly parsing through some books - a woman talking with what should be her child.. Even a chess table - currently occupied.
  46. [18:52] <SwaDM> It's a little odd, seeing such a grandiose mansion being...well. Repurposed.
  47. 04[18:54] <SwaDM> The excess of space being utilized to either store materials, or give additional lodgings and utilities for many people occupying the place - instead of being utilized for...well - let's simply say less practical, more unecessary things. Since Kiran lived in Valveria, he might know about it.
  48. [18:54] <SwaDM> There is, similarly, a small, stomping, clattering noise across his right - followed by a greeting.
  49. [18:55] <SwaDM> "Ah - you're back."
  50. 06[18:55] * Artisan_Kiran turns around to look at the voice, expression soft.
  51. [18:55] <SwaDM> A giant lava-rock person carrying two large wooden crates. Well, it makes sense.
  52. [18:56] <SwaDM> ...Why don't the crates catch on fire ag- wait, is that even lava?
  53. [18:56] <SwaDM> Nevermind, focus.
  54. [18:56] <SwaDM> 7"Didn't take you for someone who enjoys the cold."
  55. 06[18:57] * Artisan_Kiran opens his mouth, glances down at the crates, and clearly rethinks what he was going to say.
  56. 01[18:57] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I haven't seen snow since I was young."
  57. 06[18:57] * Artisan_Kiran remembers who he's talking to.
  58. 01[18:57] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Er. Younger."
  59. 01[18:58] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It's nice."
  60. [18:58] <SwaDM> 7"Hrm - well. That makes sense. They don't ever get it from where you're from, do they?"
  61. 06[18:58] * Artisan_Kiran smiles slightly.
  62. 01[18:58] <Artisan_Kiran> 5(It occurs to me that I didn't actually /check/ that with you)
  63. [18:58] <SwaDM> 7Adalet paces over towards the front door as he carries the crates, setting them down just to the side of them.
  64. [18:58] <SwaDM> 7(It really doesn't.)
  65. [18:59] <SwaDM> 7(Might be it's stupidly, extremely rare, but Valveria most certainly is not a place where snowing is a thing.)
  66. 01[18:59] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"No, we don't."
  67. 06[19:00] * Artisan_Kiran opens his mouth again, rethinking - again.
  68. 01[19:00] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Are- are you busy?"
  69. [19:00] <SwaDM> 7"Only vaguely. I've been moving some food and amenities for you to bring back to your friends."
  70. 01[19:00] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Ah. Thank you. Yeah, that's important."
  71. [19:00] <SwaDM> 7"No hunting to do right now, and Lous' been taking over security today. When he's not busy with the kids, anyway."
  72. 06[19:01] * Artisan_Kiran smiles a little more.
  73. 01[19:02] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Well."
  74. 06[19:02] * Artisan_Kiran holds up his broken hand.
  75. 01[19:02] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"How would you like to go for a walk?"
  76. [19:03] <SwaDM> 7He seems to ponder for a moment...*maybe*? It's actually a little hard to tell, since he can't make any sort of expressions. Kind of like Lous, actually. How does one read expressions then, honestly? That's a little weird, when you think about it.
  77. [19:03] <SwaDM> 7"Rhm. If you wish."
  78. [19:04] <SwaDM> 7"I owe you for dragging you over here a few months past."
  79. 01[19:05] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"That's okay. It was a good talk. But if you insist that you owe me, I have an idea of how you can pay me back."
  80. [19:06] <SwaDM> 7"I am already terrified."
  81. [19:06] <SwaDM> 7He then makes a small motion with his hand. "By all means, then. Lead on."
  82. 06[19:06] * Artisan_Kiran will lead him back to where he lay down in the snow.
  83. [19:07] <SwaDM> 7Adalet follows without much hassle, thankfully. For all that weight, he has little trouble trudging through the snow.
  84. [19:07] <SwaDM> 7Which is proably a good thing.
  85. 01[19:09] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"How long have you been stationed back home?"
  86. 01[19:09] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Small talk: engage!
  87. 04[19:09] <SwaDM> 7Kiran attempts to engage in things hoo-mans do.
  88. [19:09] <SwaDM> 7"Hrm? Well, if I'm not mistaken, we got this assignment a little over four months ago."
  89. [19:11] <SwaDM> 7"As for the snowlands themselves - that should be closer to three months."
  90. 01[19:13] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Hang on, pulling up logs.
  91. 04[19:13] <SwaDM> 7>Kiran, mid walk, removes a massive notebook and starts parsing through it
  92. 01[19:14] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Was checking if Adalet had specifically said where he's from exactly, but he had not!
  93. [19:14] <SwaDM> 7He did not, no
  94. 01[19:14] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Are you originally from the Snowlands, or was this just where you were directed?"
  95. [19:15] <SwaDM> 7"I'm..."
  96. [19:15] <SwaDM> 7"Not actually sure."
  97. [19:15] <SwaDM> 7"I know they're familiar to me, at the very least."
  98. 01[19:17] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"In spite of that. Well. They seem to be like a home now."
  99. 06[19:17] * Artisan_Kiran gestures back toward the mansion as they walk.
  100. [19:17] <SwaDM> 7"The closest to it ,yes."
  101. 04[19:17] <SwaDM> 7He also spares a glance towards it, afore focusing back on Kiran. "Albeit that would be more for them, then me."
  102. 06[19:19] * Artisan_Kiran smiles at Adalet.
  103. 01[19:19] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"That's the best kind of home."
  104. 04[19:20] <SwaDM> 7Adalet suddenly lets out a small chortle, afore nodding towards Kiran.
  105. [19:20] <SwaDM> 7"Quite, quite."
  106. [19:20] <SwaDM> 7"I hardly can take them to the Tower, after all."
  107. 01[19:21] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Is the Tower like a home?"
  108. 01[19:21] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I don't imagine it's quite the same."
  109. [19:22] <SwaDM> 7"More then you might think! How do you think it's like?"
  110. 01[19:22] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I imagine that it's comfortable enough. More rigid than I might prefer. But I suppose if Reveno can have a place there I may be mistaken."
  111. [19:23] <SwaDM> 7"Well put enough -but no."
  112. [19:23] <SwaDM> 7"We all do very much get our rooms, and we have a fair ammount of freedom on how to adjust them. Hell, Jugo has a massive floor dedicated solely for drilling new prospects."
  113. [19:24] <SwaDM> 7"From what I've been told, it's not too unlike Spera's own accomodations, overall."
  114. [19:26] <SwaDM> 7"It is more of a tower from the outside then it is from the inside, essentially."
  115. 01[19:26] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Huh."
  116. 06[19:26] * Artisan_Kiran grins.
  117. 01[19:26] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I can definitely imagine that being the case with Jugo."
  118. [19:27] <SwaDM> 7"It is quite the place, actually.'
  119. 01[19:27] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Am I allowed to ask?"
  120. [19:27] <SwaDM> 7"I won't divulge strategic information."
  121. [19:27] <SwaDM> 7"Otherwise, sure."
  122. 06[19:28] * Artisan_Kiran pauses.
  123. 01[19:28] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"What's your room like?"
  124. [19:28] <SwaDM> 7"..Prrh. Quite simple. I should specify that the room I've been describing is not so much Jugo's personal room - it is more one intended for his function of instructor and sensei."
  125. [19:28] <SwaDM> 7"He has his own personal quarters. Regardless-"
  126. 01[19:29] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I had assumed, but the image of the sleepless Jugo living solely in a dojo was amusing."
  127. [19:29] <SwaDM> 7"It is pretty amusing."
  128. [19:30] <SwaDM> 7"Still. It's not much different then what you'd imagine - I have no need for any specific acommodations. I do, however, make myself more at home over towards the temples close towards the top."
  129. [19:31] <SwaDM> 7He nods once. "I mainly keep books - a bed, and some other things for my own amusement. Chess and Dames sets."
  130. 01[19:31] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Ah, right. I had wondered whether the chessboard had been one of your acquisitions."
  131. [19:32] <SwaDM> 7"Not from the Tower, but I got it from Snowtown, yes."
  132. [19:32] <SwaDM> 7"It is a rather amusing game!"
  133. [19:32] <SwaDM> 7"I tried to learn Jenga, once. Once."
  134. [19:32] <SwaDM> 7Adalet sounds slightly guilty.
  135. 06[19:32] * Artisan_Kiran thinks of the size of Adalet's fingers.
  136. 01[19:32] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I imagine that went poorly."
  137. [19:32] <SwaDM> 7"Jugo was rather upset."
  138. 06[19:33] * Artisan_Kiran literally stops walking for a moment to process the mental image of Jugo playing Jenga.
  139. 04[19:33] <SwaDM> 7Kiran can see it, in his mind's eye.
  140. [19:33] <SwaDM> 7A massive Jenga tower, erected with blood and sweat.
  141. 01[19:34] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Quick draw (Block)
  142. [19:34] <SwaDM> 7Adalet proceeding to knock it over due to the excessive size of his fingers.
  143. [19:34] <SwaDM> 7The tranquil fury in the poor Estierran.
  144. [19:34] <SwaDM> 7Granted, that's not how you play Jenga, but.
  145. [19:34] <SwaDM> 7He probably was not expecting to win in a single draw.
  146. 01[19:35] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"We played a game called Dungeons of Dragons with Spera once." (or Dragons of Dungeons, I can't recall which)
  147. [19:35] <SwaDM> 7Dragons of Dungeons
  148. [19:35] <SwaDM> 7"...You're kidding."
  149. 01[19:35] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It was... surreal."
  150. [19:35] <SwaDM> 7"Fifth edition?"
  151. [19:35] <SwaDM> 7"Reveno loves that bloody game."
  152. 01[19:36] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I don't know, I just played and let someone else administer the rules."
  153. [19:36] <SwaDM> 7"Is it the one with the flying genitalia?"
  154. 06[19:37] * Artisan_Kiran attempts to remember.
  155. 01[19:37] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"That... does sound like something that came up."
  156. 04[19:37] <SwaDM> 7Kiran keenly remembers himself and Linda counting flying penii.
  157. 04[19:37] <SwaDM> 7Kiran doesn't want to remember anymore.
  158. [19:37] <SwaDM> 7"Yes, same game."
  159. [19:37] <SwaDM> 7"It is an...amusing thing."
  160. 01[19:37] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"There were so many of them."
  161. 04[19:38] <SwaDM> 7Adalet simply stares in a deadpan manner at Kiran. However deadpan his expressionless face can manage.
  162. 01[19:39] <Artisan_Kiran> 5How far from the hill are we?
  163. [19:39] <SwaDM> 7It's fair to say you're about thre
  164. [19:40] <SwaDM> 7I was leaving the pace of that up to you.
  165. 01[19:40] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Ah, right.
  166. 01[19:40] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Now, the favour I had to ask!"
  167. [19:41] <SwaDM> 7"Hm? Yes?"
  168. 01[19:41] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"As you have seen, one of my hands is broken, and the majority of manual tasks are currently beyond me."
  169. [19:41] <SwaDM> 7"Yes."
  170. 01[19:41] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I'd like you to help me build a snowman."
  171. 04[19:42] <SwaDM> 7Again, the expression doesn't judge, but Kiran swears he's being judged.
  172. [19:42] <SwaDM> 7"But you have no carrot."
  173. 01[19:43] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"You are quite correct!"
  174. 06[19:43] * Artisan_Kiran instead retrieves a pale-blue crystal from his pack.
  175. 01[19:43] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I have this."
  176. 01[19:43] <Artisan_Kiran> 5(1x air crystal)
  177. [19:44] <SwaDM> 7"..."
  178. [19:44] <SwaDM> 7"...That will be adequate."
  179. 01[19:44] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It's not quite tradition. But I didn't want to waste any food out here."
  180. [19:45] <SwaDM> 7Adalet bends down, not even missing a beat before he starts to gradually roll up snow to form the base of said snowman.
  181. [19:45] <SwaDM> 7"We are thankfully not *low* on food, but yes!"
  182. 06[19:45] * Artisan_Kiran will assist as best he can by clumsily rolling up the head.
  183. [19:46] <SwaDM> 7"Why the desire, though?"
  184. 06[19:48] * Artisan_Kiran shrugs.
  185. 01[19:48] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It's been a long time. And I felt like doing something that doesn't... matter."
  186. 01[19:48] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It's been a long time since I've done that, too."
  187. [19:48] <SwaDM> 7"I think I understand."
  188. [19:49] <SwaDM> 7"Nobody can be all business all the time, yes."
  189. 06[19:49] * Artisan_Kiran smiles to himself while he fumbles the snow.
  190. 01[19:49] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Like Jenga."
  191. [19:49] <SwaDM> 7"I was *going* to say that, you know."
  192. 06[19:50] * Artisan_Kiran chuckles.
  193. 01[19:50] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I believe you."
  194. 04[19:50] <SwaDM> Gradually, theballs will begin to build up. Well, roughly in ball shape, anyway. Kiran has one hand, and Adalet is hardly built for precision.
  195. 01[19:50] <Artisan_Kiran> 5We are the best.
  196. [19:50] <SwaDM> 7"How have things been on the other side?"
  197. 01[19:51] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Well..."
  198. 06[19:51] * Artisan_Kiran thinks for a moment.
  199. 01[19:52] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I may have died. I frequently want to hit two of my teammates, but can't for several reasons. We fought a dragon. And also a legendary elemental from the war my grandfather told me about when I was just a child."
  200. 06[19:52] * Artisan_Kiran nods to himself.
  201. 01[19:52] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"So just about average, really."
  202. [19:52] <SwaDM> 7"That does sound about par for the course, yes."
  203. [19:53] <SwaDM> 7"I am guessing Sandra and the bird girl are the most difficult out of all of those things."
  204. 06[19:53] * Artisan_Kiran purses his lips.
  205. 01[19:53] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"They're..."
  206. 06[19:53] * Artisan_Kiran puts his hands on his hips and looks down at the pieces of snowman.
  207. [19:54] <SwaDM> 7Adalet is still rolling his bit, but it appears to be juust about the right size now.
  208. 01[19:54] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Have you ever met someone who has talent, but only ever has it?"
  209. [19:55] <SwaDM> 7"What do you mean?"
  210. [19:55] <SwaDM> 7"Someone composed solely of that talent?"
  211. 01[19:56] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"No, I mean... they seem content where they are. Sandra is talented, but she never truly applies herself. She doesn't create, or innovate. She's just content to have the talent, and stay more-or-less as she is."
  212. 06[19:56] * Artisan_Kiran turns his hand over.
  213. [19:57] <SwaDM> 7"Ah - I understand. Static."
  214. [19:57] <SwaDM> 7"I know what you mean, yes."
  215. 01[19:57] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"And Raven is strong. But she seems content to be - yes. Static, too."
  216. 04[19:57] <SwaDM> 7Adalet inclines his head towards Kiran. "A waste of space, should you ask me."
  217. 01[19:58] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It's frustrating, watching them. I sometimes wonder if this had all happened to their world, if they would be so content to stay the same."
  218. [19:58] <SwaDM> 7He ceases rolling the body of the snowman, nodding towards it.
  219. [19:58] <SwaDM> 7"Likely not. People usually only value things after they lose them."
  220. 01[20:00] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"How do you help someone be everything they could, when they can't see it themselves?"
  221. [20:00] <SwaDM> 7"Dragons and elementals though, hm?"
  222. 06[20:00] * Artisan_Kiran chuckles.
  223. [20:00] <SwaDM> 7"And-"
  224. 04[20:00] <SwaDM> 7"That's a question I can't answer, Kiran."
  225. [20:00] <SwaDM> 7"I'm a warrior, not a...."
  226. [20:00] <SwaDM> 7"...I have no idea. Counselor?"
  227. 06[20:00] * Artisan_Kiran nods to himself.
  228. 01[20:01] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I don't intend to counsel them. I wish I could inspire them."
  229. [20:01] <SwaDM> 7He nods once more, reaching out so that he may slowly heft up the snowman's head.
  230. 01[20:01] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"And you're a warrior, but you're still inspiring, Adalet."
  231. [20:02] <SwaDM> 7"Is that so?"
  232. 01[20:02] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Yes."
  233. 01[20:03] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"You're building a future in the face of everything. Because we can't give up. You're fighting for your world, and others, from beyond death."
  234. 06[20:03] * Artisan_Kiran shrugs a little.
  235. [20:03] <SwaDM> 7"Amidst it."
  236. [20:03] <SwaDM> 7"Not beyond."
  237. 01[20:03] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"And you still make time to show them a game you love."
  238. [20:03] <SwaDM> 7"But, thank you."
  239. [20:04] <SwaDM> 7"If it makes you feel any better, your growth has been..."
  240. [20:04] <SwaDM> 7"...I suppose...a pleasant surprise."
  241. 06[20:04] * Artisan_Kiran smiles.
  242. [20:05] <SwaDM> 7"Mind you - you've much to learn still."
  243. 01[20:05] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I wasn't ready for all this, when we first met. But between sinking and swimming, I like to think I'm keeping afloat."
  244. [20:05] <SwaDM> 7"For now, for now."
  245. [20:05] <SwaDM> 7"Still, there's promise."
  246. 01[20:05] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Well. We don't exactly have a giant dojo."
  247. [20:05] <SwaDM> 7"I am hardly speaking about combat."
  248. [20:06] <SwaDM> 7"...Plus, you probably do."
  249. 01[20:06] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"We have an adaptable field combat practice area. It's run by multiple Sigvard Harts."
  250. [20:06] <SwaDM> 7"..."
  251. [20:06] <SwaDM> 7He lets out a weak sigh
  252. [20:06] <SwaDM> 7"That name again."
  253. 01[20:06] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Again?"
  254. [20:07] <SwaDM> 7"Oh, come now - between skirmishes amongst sperans and nevians and other worlds, he seems to crop up rather...much."
  255. [20:07] <SwaDM> 7"I wonder if he is the equivalent of fast-food for Spera."
  256. 01[20:08] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I'm not sure. At least one Sigvard I've met seemed like a good man."
  257. [20:08] <SwaDM> 7"I am merely teasing. Still - if you have that, you likely have a dojo."
  258. [20:08] <SwaDM> 7"Estierran Martial Arts are rather valuable."
  259. [20:08] <SwaDM> 7(Small correction - it wasn't ran by Multiple sigvards - it just had one Sigvard and other people. Still.)
  260. 01[20:08] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Given we have a Blake, we probably have a dojo."
  261. [20:09] <SwaDM> 7"There you have it, then!"
  262. [20:09] <SwaDM> 7"But - apologies. What else were you saying, afore I diverged the conversation?"
  263. 01[20:10] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Ah, yes. Dragons and elementals."
  264. 01[20:11] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"The Void had a dragon, up in the Cloud."
  265. [20:11] <SwaDM> 7"Dragon, you mean. Lous did tell me about that, yes."
  266. [20:11] <SwaDM> 7"Which is...worrying."
  267. 01[20:11] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Ah, right."
  268. [20:11] <SwaDM> 7"Those things have always been a bad, bad portent."
  269. 01[20:11] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I'm not really... familiar with dragons, per se. Why exactly is it bad? Beyond being a dragon."
  270. [20:11] <SwaDM> 7"They signal the end of the world."
  271. [20:12] <SwaDM> 7"...Here, mind you. I've been told that's very much not the case in other worlds."
  272. 01[20:12] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I was much happier before I heard that particular superstition."
  273. [20:13] <SwaDM> 7"My apologies - but there is little requirement to lie at this moment, yes?"
  274. [20:13] <SwaDM> 7"I am also aware of the Nexuses, yes."
  275. 01[20:13] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I hadn't realised we were keeping the Nexuses secret."
  276. 01[20:14] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Wait, do they /also/ foretell the end of the world?"
  277. [20:14] <SwaDM> 7"No - they aren't a secret, thesmelves.
  278. [20:14] <SwaDM> 7"They simply foretell an imbalance amidst the natural world - hardly the end of the world."
  279. [20:15] <SwaDM> 7"It just simply happens that, if something *is* bringing about certain doom, then logically the natural world will be thrown into disarray."
  280. 01[20:15] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Well."
  281. 06[20:15] * Artisan_Kiran gestures south at the sky.
  282. 01[20:15] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Colour me surprised."
  283. [20:16] <SwaDM> 7Adalet can't help but let out another chuckle again.
  284. [20:16] <SwaDM> 7"Yes."
  285. [20:16] <SwaDM> 7"Infact, the body of one of them is still by Snowtown."
  286. 01[20:16] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"That would be Earth?"
  287. [20:16] <SwaDM> 7"Yes. A tough costumer."
  288. [20:17] <SwaDM> 7"From what I can remember, I helped fell it."
  289. 01[20:17] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"That's a long time for the body to have rested there."
  290. [20:17] <SwaDM> 7"It became something of an attraction, believe it or not. Granted, it was so torn up that it wasn't...exactly recognizeable."
  291. [20:17] <SwaDM> 7"Still, it made for wonderful building materials."
  292. 01[20:19] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"What do you remember about it?"
  293. [20:20] <SwaDM> 7"Well. As you might expect, it simply rose out of the bare ground - quite massive in size. Well over fifty feet. Rather humanoid. It made a beeline towards the city itself, and caused...some havoc amongst it. We did, however, intercept it before it got too bad."
  294. [20:21] <SwaDM> 7"If I am not mistaken, I helped in destroying one of it's legs so it could've been piled upon."
  295. 01[20:21] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Impressive."
  296. 01[20:21] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I wonder what the imbalance in the world was back then."
  297. [20:22] <SwaDM> 7"A dragon."
  298. 01[20:22] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Oh."
  299. [20:22] <SwaDM> 7"At least...I think it was one."
  300. [20:22] <SwaDM> 7Adalet pauses, as if considering something.
  301. 01[20:22] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"What makes you think that?"
  302. [20:22] <SwaDM> 7"I don't...know, it's-"
  303. [20:22] <SwaDM> 7"Rrn. I hate this."
  304. [20:22] <SwaDM> 7"Muddled memory."
  305. [20:23] <SwaDM> 7"If not, it must've been something akin to it. I think."
  306. 01[20:23] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It's okay. Don't pressure yourself."
  307. 06[20:23] * Artisan_Kiran smiles a little.
  308. [20:24] <SwaDM> 7"Apologies. Being a Faceless does have it's downsides on that regard."
  309. [20:24] <SwaDM> 7"I am sadly not a reliable source anymore, when it comes to the history of our world."
  310. 01[20:24] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I understand. I'm still piecing things together myself."
  311. 01[20:25] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"What happens if a Faceless remembers their past?"
  312. [20:26] <SwaDM> 7"We all remember our past - at least... a small ammount of it. As if looking at a blurry, half- burned photograph."
  313. [20:26] <SwaDM> 7"I don't really know what would happen if we did. We gave up our identities for a reason."
  314. 06[20:27] * Artisan_Kiran nods. He's learned enough about people not to poke at this too much.
  315. [20:28] <SwaDM> 7Still - he does mumble, under his breath.
  316. [20:28] <SwaDM> 7"Some more then others."
  317. 06[20:28] * Artisan_Kiran will pause, giving him the opportunity to elaborate, but moving on if he doesn't seem to within a second or two.
  318. 04[20:29] <SwaDM> 7Adalet does appear to share a particular glance with Kiran. It lingers for those few seconds, before he plucks out several pebbles to start making the face of the snowman.
  319. 01[20:29] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Forgive me for prying, but you said you were amongst death rather than beyond it. I don't really understand what that means."
  320. [20:29] <SwaDM> 7"Well."
  321. 06[20:29] * Artisan_Kiran smiles at the snowman.
  322. [20:30] <SwaDM> 7"If you are speaking about my initiation into the Faceless - yes, I "died", and became one."
  323. [20:30] <SwaDM> 7"But if you are speaking about my current condition, I am not dead. It is more like my body is in..."
  324. [20:30] <SwaDM> 7"Stasis."
  325. [20:30] <SwaDM> 7"At the edge of death itself."
  326. 01[20:31] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Ah. That sounds... stressful."
  327. [20:31] <SwaDM> 7"Not at all."
  328. 04[20:31] <SwaDM> 7"I'm comfortable with my death, Kiran. My only concern is when it will happen."
  329. 04[20:32] <SwaDM> 7He then shrugs, once more, glancing at Kiran again.
  330. [20:32] <SwaDM> 1d20+16
  331. [20:32] <Botchy> SwaDM: 36:20+16
  332. 01[20:32] <Artisan_Kiran> 5wew
  333. [20:32] <SwaDM> 7Adalet then nods at him, once.
  334. [20:32] <SwaDM> 7And holds his hand out for the air crystal
  335. 06[20:32] * Artisan_Kiran smiles slightly, and offers it.
  336. 01[20:32] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I hope that you're there when we win, too."
  337. [20:33] <SwaDM> 7"...I hope I am not."
  338. 06[20:33] * Artisan_Kiran frowns.
  339. [20:33] <SwaDM> 7He pushes the crystal onto the snowman, sucessfully making it's nose.
  340. 01[20:33] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Why is that?"
  341. [20:33] <SwaDM> 7"Ah. Do not frown."
  342. 04[20:34] <SwaDM> 7"I've a purpose, Kiran. In time, you will learn it."
  343. 01[20:35] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Okay."
  344. 06[20:35] * Artisan_Kiran looks over the snowman.
  345. [20:35] <SwaDM> 7"Now then - I'd say he's quite ready."
  346. 01[20:36] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Yeah. I think so too."
  347. [20:37] <SwaDM> 7He rubs his hands together, nodding once more. "Now then - was there anything else you wanted to know?"
  348. 01[20:38] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I had planned to ask you about farming, and how to manage the land like this. But... I feel like that can wait."
  349. 06[20:38] * Artisan_Kiran smiles at the snowman and then Adalet.
  350. [20:39] <SwaDM> 7"Oh - I can show you. We got little greenhouses set up."
  351. [20:39] <SwaDM> 7"After you've had a little rest, anyway."
  352. 01[20:39] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Please."
  353. 01[20:39] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Fow now, this has been fun. Just... not mattering for a little while."
  354. [20:40] <SwaDM> 7"I agree."
  355. [20:40] <SwaDM> 7"You'll have more opportunities for this, I think. In time."
  356. 01[20:40] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I hope so."
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