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Nov 27th, 2015
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  1. Private Sub cmdGrade_Click()
  2. 'Dims all of the variables
  3. Dim coursework_mark(1 To 15) As Integer
  4. Dim exam_mark(1 To 15) As Integer
  5. Dim Percentage(1 To 15) As Integer
  6. Dim Grade(1 To 15) As String
  7. Dim total_mark(1 To 15) As Integer
  8. Dim valid_mark As Boolean
  9. Dim student_names(1 To 15) As String
  10. Dim Counter As Integer
  11. Dim position As Integer
  13. 'Calls each of the sub programs
  14. Call user_input(student_names(), coursework_mark(), exam_mark())
  15. Call calculate_percentage(coursework_mark(), exam_mark(), Percentage(), total_mark())
  16. Call calculate_grade(Percentage(), Grade())
  17. Call display_results(student_names(), coursework_mark(), exam_mark(), Grade())
  18. Call count_occurences(student_names(), Grade())
  19. Call find_maximum(coursework_mark(), exam_mark(), position, total_mark())
  20. Call write_to_file(student_names(), position, total_mark())
  23. End Sub
  25. Private Sub calculate_percentage(ByRef coursework_mark() As Integer, exam_mark() As Integer, ByRef Percentage() As Integer, total_mark() As Integer)
  26. 'Calculate the percentage, firstly the total mark is calculated, whcih then the total mark is used to calculate the percentage
  27. Dim Counter As Integer
  28. For Counter = 1 To 15
  29. total_mark(Counter) = coursework_mark(Counter) + exam_mark(Counter)
  30. Percentage(Counter) = ((total_mark(Counter) / 150) * 100)
  31. Next
  32. End Sub
  34. Private Sub calculate_grade(ByRef Percentage() As Integer, Grade() As String)
  35. 'Determines the grade with the percentage
  36. Dim Counter As Integer
  37. For Counter = 1 To 15
  38. If Percentage(Counter) >= 70 Then
  39. Grade(Counter) = "A"
  40. ElseIf Percentage(Counter) >= 60 And Percentage(Counter) <= 69 Then
  41. Grade(Counter) = "B"
  42. ElseIf Percentage(Counter) >= 50 And Percentage(Counter) <= 59 Then
  43. Grade(Counter) = "C"
  44. ElseIf Percentage(Counter) >= 45 And Percentage(Counter) <= 49 Then
  45. Grade(Counter) = "D"
  46. ElseIf Percentage(Counter) < 45 Then
  47. Grade(Counter) = "No Grade"
  48. End If
  49. Next
  50. End Sub
  52. Private Sub count_occurences(ByRef student_names() As String, Grade() As String)
  53. 'This sub program uses count occurence
  54. Dim Pointer As Integer
  55. Dim target As String
  56. target = "A"
  57. Counter = 0
  58. For Pointer = 1 To 15
  59. If Grade(Pointer) = target Then Counter = Counter + 1
  60. Next
  62. End Sub
  64. Private Sub cmdEnd_Click()
  65. 'Ends the program
  66. End
  67. End Sub
  69. Private Sub display_results(ByRef student_names() As String, coursework_mark() As Integer, prelim_mark() As Integer, Grade() As String)
  70. 'Displays the complete results
  71. Dim Counter As Integer
  72. For Counter = 1 To 15
  73. picOutput.Print student_names(Counter); Tab(30); coursework_mark(Counter); Tab(40); prelim_mark(Counter); Tab(50); Grade(Counter)
  74. Next
  75. End Sub
  77. Private Sub user_input(ByRef student_names() As String, coursework_mark() As Integer, prelim_mark() As Integer)
  78. 'PicOutput displays the results, the file with the data is then opened by using the correct file path
  79. Dim Index As Integer
  80. picOutput.Print "student_names"; Tab(25); "coursework_mark"; Tab(45); "prelim_mark"; Tab(60); "Grade"
  81. Open "H:\computing\Computing Science\Higher Computing\SDD\Software Design and Development Assignment\Programming Task\Name and Grades.csv" For Input As #1
  82. For Index = 1 To 15
  83. Input #1, student_names(Index), coursework_mark(Index), prelim_mark(Index)
  84. Next
  85. Close #1
  86. End Sub
  88. Private Sub find_maximum(ByRef coursework_mark() As Integer, prelim_mark() As Integer, position As Integer, total_mark() As Integer)
  89. Dim Counter As Integer
  90. Dim maximum As Integer
  91. maximum = 0
  92. For Counter = 1 To 15
  93. 'A fixed loop for the remaining value 2 to 10
  94. total_mark(Counter) = coursework_mark(Counter) + prelim_mark(Counter)
  95. If total_mark(Counter) > maximum Then
  96. 'The second value is checked to see if it is less than maximum
  97. maximum = total_mark(Counter)
  98. position = Counter
  99. 'maximum is assigned the third value
  100. End If
  101. Next Counter
  103. 'This continues until all numbers are checked
  104. End Sub
  106. Private Sub write_to_file(ByRef student_names() As String, position As Integer, total_mark() As Integer)
  107. 'File will open using the appropriate file path which allows the user to write to the file
  108. MsgBox ("The student with the top mark is " & student_names(position))
  110. Open "H:\computing\Computing Science\Higher Computing\SDD\Software Design and Development Assignment\Programming Task\Top Mark.csv" For Output As #1
  111. Write #1, student_names(position), total_mark(position)
  112. Close #1
  113. End Sub
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