Voxalice1 review

Aug 29th, 2021
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  1. Reviewing
  2. The Social Platform (SP) by Jeffalo
  4. Let's start this review off by saying, I've used before (WoM). I don't want to come off as biased here. Alright, here goes nothing.
  6. First of all, the history of this SP. The URL used to be a rickroll, and by changing the content of this site, Jeffalo officially ruined the rickroll. On top of that, the URL is poorly optimized, since "wasteof" is a long string at the beginning of the URL and "waste" could easily be in other URLs, making the URL autofill badly.
  8. Unlike Antisocial (<.<), WoM is well-designed, sporting an up-to-date modern look without fail. The responsiveness of it is debatable but decent. I do think the website could have a bit more personality in it, and I wish we could have a design without leaving lots of whitespace, but overall it's fine.
  9. [Design: 6/10]
  11. WoM contains some features that Antisocial doesn't; for one, a password reset button, which is pretty much necessary for any SP like this. I genuinely enjoyed using this site for a prolonged amount of time, which is something I can't say for Antisocial. I believe the logout button should either be extremely obvious or prompt you because it's simple to accidentally sign out of the site.
  12. [UX: 8/10]
  14. This site's security is well-guarded, and the privacy policy is very respectable in its transparency about not wanting to collect IRL data. For some reason, it doesn't seem like the ToS/PP are accessible without being logged out, which is a bit worrying in nature. Well-done nevertheless.
  15. [Legal: 9/10]
  17. Yeah. Overall, I enjoyed using WoM, and I certainly liked it more than that other SP I reviewed. I think I'd give this a decent 7. Good job, Jeffalo!
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