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a guest
Feb 5th, 2019
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  1. //////////////////////////launch options -console -tickrate 128 -novid +exec autoexec.cfg -language abig +mat_disable_fancy_blending 1
  2. //start commands ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. //cl_clanid 31193117 verti rip
  4. //Sound refresh commands "snd_updateaudiocache" and "snd_rebuildaudiocache"
  6. sensitivity 1.337;
  8. volume 0.04;
  9. m_pitch 0.022;
  10. m_yaw 0.022;
  11. fps_max 299;
  12. fps_max_menu 145;
  13. snd_mute_losefocus 0;
  14. engine_no_focus_sleep 0;
  15. cl_lagcompensation 1;
  16. cl_predictweapons 1;
  17. cl_predict 1;
  18. cl_interp_ratio 1;
  19. cl_interp 0;
  20. cl_interpolate 1;
  21. cl_cmdrate 128;
  22. cl_updaterate 128;
  23. rate 786432;
  24. cl_autowepswitch 0;
  25. snd_musicvolume 0;
  26. cl_disablehtmlmotd 1;
  27. sv_lan 1;
  28. con_enable 1;
  29. hud_scaling 0.64;
  30. net_graph 1;
  31. net_graphpos 2;
  32. net_graphproportionalfont 0;
  33. cl_showloadout 1;
  34. cl_radar_always_centered 0;
  35. cl_radar_scale 0.4;
  36. cl_hud_healthammo_style 0;
  37. cl_hud_color 8;
  38. cl_loadout_colorweaponnames 1;
  39. zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 0.818933027098955175;
  40. joystick 0;
  41. cl_teammate_colors_show 1;
  42. cl_color 3;
  43. cl_use_opens_buy_menu 0;
  44. hud_showtargetid 1;
  45. cl_crosshairalpha 11111;
  46. cl_radar_icon_scale_min 1;
  47. cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 1;
  48. cl_drawhud_force_radar 0;
  49. ui_steam_overlay_notification_position topleft;
  50. cl_hud_playercount_pos 1;
  51. cl_hud_radar_scale 1.3;
  52. cl_disablefreezecam 1;
  53. cl_forcepreload 1;
  54. cl_freezecameffects_showholiday 0;
  55. cl_playerspray_auto_apply 1;
  56. cl_crosshair_sniper_width 3;
  57. cl_join_advertise 2;
  58. lobby_default_privacy_bits1 0;
  59. mat_monitorgamma 2.6;
  64. //////////////////////////////////////viewmodel
  65. cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 0.5;
  66. cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.25;
  67. viewmodel_fov 68;
  68. viewmodel_offset_x 2.5;
  69. viewmodel_offset_y 2;
  70. viewmodel_offset_z -2;
  71. viewmodel_presetpos 0;
  72. cl_bob_lower_amt 5;
  73. cl_bobamt_lat 0.1;
  74. cl_bobamt_vert 0.1;
  75. viewmodel_recoil 0;
  77. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////con_filters
  78. //show map before accept
  79. //i put same lines in showmap.cfg
  80. developer 1;
  81. con_filter_enable 2;
  82. con_filter_text_out "game:mapgroupname";
  83. con_filter_text "game:map";
  85. //show map before accept confilters
  86. //backup alias for showmap -> alias showmap "exec showmap"
  87. alias showmap1 "con_filter_text game:map";
  88. alias showmap2 "con_filter_text_out game:mapgroupname";
  89. alias showmap "showmap1; showmap2";
  91. //show toggled voice enable
  92. alias voicetoggle "toggle voice_enable 0 1";
  93. alias voicefilter "con_filter_text "voice"";
  94. alias +Voble "clear; voicefilter";
  95. alias -Voble "voicetoggle; showmap";
  97. //show god on/off
  98. alias godfilter "con_filter_text ""god"";
  99. alias +Agods "clear; godfilter; gods";
  100. alias -Agods "showmap";
  102. //volume
  103. alias volumeF "con_filter_text "volume"";
  104. alias vcC "toggle volume 0 0.04 0.1337 1";
  105. alias vcS "play weapons\ak47\ak47_clipin";
  106. alias vcB "vcC;vcS";
  107. alias +vcF "clear; volumeF";
  108. alias -vcF "vcB; showmap";
  110. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////end of con_filters
  112. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////aliases
  113. //give aliases
  114. alias givem4 "give weapon_m4a1";
  115. alias givem4s "give weapon_m4a1_silencer";
  116. alias giveak "give weapon_ak47";
  117. alias giveawp "give weapon_awp";
  119. //Surf reset and back
  120. alias surfback "bind n sm_back";
  121. alias surfreset "bind n sm_r";
  123. //pull out knife with inspect
  124. alias +pulspect "slot3; +lookatweapon";
  125. alias -pulspect "-lookatweapon";
  127. //toggle to show teammates through walls
  128. alias showtm showtm1
  129. alias showtm1 "cl_teamid_overhead_always "1"; alias showtm showtm2"
  130. alias showtm2 "+cl_show_team_equipment; alias showtm showtm3"
  131. alias showtm3 "cl_teamid_overhead_always "0"; -cl_show_team_equipment; alias showtm showtm1"
  132. alias ashowtm "bind e showtm"
  133. alias unshowtm "bind e +use"
  135. //mute and voice
  136. alias al "toggle cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party 0 1";
  137. alias enem "toggle cl_mute_enemy_team 0 1";
  138. alias alll "al; enem";
  140. //Show netgraph and fps while checking scoreboard
  141. alias "+netscore" "+showscores; net_graphheight 0";
  142. alias "-netscore" "-showscores; net_graphheight 9999";
  144. //nade aiming assistance
  145. alias +aim1 "cl_crosshairsize "999";cl_crosshairgap "3";cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1";cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1";cl_crosshairdot "1";cl_crosshaircolor "5";cl_crosshaircolor_r "255";cl_crosshaircolor_g "0";cl_crosshaircolor_b "0";";
  146. alias -aim1 "cl_crosshairsize "1.5";cl_crosshairgap "-5";cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0";cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "0";cl_crosshairdot "0"; cl_crosshaircolor "1";";
  147. alias aim11 "bind mouse2 +aim1";
  148. alias unaim11 "bind mouse2 +attack2";
  150. ////////////jumpthrow aliases
  151. //moving one
  152. alias +jtr "+forward;+jump;-attack;-attack2";
  153. alias -jtr "-jump;-forward";
  154. //still one
  155. alias "+jt" "+jump;-attack;-attack2";
  156. alias "-jt" "-jump";
  158. alias bjt1 "bind j +jtr";
  159. alias bjt2 "bind j +jt";
  161. //activate nade bind
  162. alias +abinds "unbind alt; joystick 0";
  163. alias -abinds "bind alt +altbinds";
  165. //nade binds
  166. alias nade1 "use weapon_flashbang";
  167. alias nade11 "bind 1 nade1";
  168. alias nade2 "use weapon_smokegrenade";
  169. alias nade22 "bind 2 nade2";
  170. alias nade3 "use weapon_hegrenade";
  171. alias nade33 "bind 3 nade3";
  172. alias nade4 "use weapon_molotov; use weapon_incgrenade";
  173. alias nade44 "bind 4 nade4";
  174. alias unade1 "bind 1 slot1";
  175. alias unade2 "bind 2 slot2";
  176. alias unade3 "bind 3 slot3";
  177. alias unade4 "bind 4 slot4";
  179. //ALTbinds alias activator
  181. alias +altbinds "nade11;nade22;nade33;nade44;aim11;bf11;bf22;bf33;bf44;bjt1;ashowtm;surfreset";
  182. alias -altbinds "unade1;unade2;unade3;unade4;unaim11;ubf1;ubf22;ubf33;ubf44;bjt2;unshowtm;surfback";
  184. //Practise
  185. alias bf1 "endround";
  186. alias bf11 "bind f1 bf1";
  187. alias bf2 "mp_swapteams";
  188. alias bf22 "bind f2 bf2";
  189. alias bf3 "writeip; con_logfile cfg/TP_ip.cfg; getpos_exact; con_logfile .";
  190. alias bf33 "bind f3 bf3";
  191. alias bf4 "exec Practise";
  192. alias bf44 "bind f4 bf4";
  193. alias ubf1 "bind f1 +Agods";
  194. alias ubf2 "toggle r_drawclipbrushes 2 0";
  195. alias ubf22 "bind f2 ubf2";
  196. alias ubf3 "exec TP_ip";
  197. alias ubf33 "bind f3 ubf3";
  198. alias ubf4 "toggle host_timescale 0.2 1";
  199. alias ubf44 "bind f4 ubf4";
  201. //180*2degrees spin
  202. alias "+spin" "+lookspin; -lookspin";
  203. alias "-spin" "-lookspin";
  204. alias +fullspin "+spin; +lookspin";
  205. alias -fullspin "+spin; +lookspin";
  207. //180*2degrees spin activate
  208. alias bspinalt "bind "alt" "+fullspin";
  209. alias "+aspin" "exec controller.360.cfg; unbind alt";
  210. alias "-aspin" "cl_autowepswitch "0"; bspinalt";
  212. //fastplant
  213. alias "+fp" "slot5; +attack";
  214. alias "-fp" "-attack";
  216. //shorteners
  217. alias ViewGangsta "cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 2; cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 2; viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x -2.0; viewmodel_offset_y 2.0; viewmodel_offset_z 2.0; viewmodel_presetpos 0; cl_bob_lower_amt 30;cl_bobamt_lat 2; cl_bobamt_vert 2; viewmodel_recoil 1";
  218. alias ViewQuake "cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 0.5; cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.25; viewmodel_fov 54; viewmodel_offset_x -2; viewmodel_offset_y -2; viewmodel_offset_z -2; viewmodel_presetpos 0; cl_bob_lower_amt 5; cl_bobamt_lat 0.1; cl_bobamt_vert 0.1; viewmodel_recoil 0";
  219. alias ViewNormal "cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 0.5; cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.25; viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 2; viewmodel_offset_z -2; viewmodel_presetpos 0; cl_bob_lower_amt 5; cl_bobamt_lat 0.1; cl_bobamt_vert 0.1; viewmodel_recoil 0";
  221. //crosshair-smallcross
  222. alias cross "cl_crosshairsize "1.5";cl_crosshairthickness "0.5";cl_crosshairgap "-5";cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0";cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "0";cl_crosshairdot "0";cl_crosshairstyle "4";cl_crosshaircolor "1";cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0";"
  224. //crosshair-dot
  225. alias dot "cl_crosshairsize "0.5";cl_crosshairthickness "1";cl_crosshairgap "-4";cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1";cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1";cl_crosshairdot "1";cl_crosshairstyle "4";cl_crosshaircolor "1";cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0";"
  227. //square
  228. alias square "cl_crosshairsize "1";cl_crosshairthickness "6";cl_crosshairgap "-6";cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0";cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1";cl_crosshairdot "0";cl_crosshairstyle "4";cl_crosshaircolor "1";cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0";"
  230. //default crosshair
  231. alias default "cl_crosshairstyle 1; cl_fixedcrosshairgap 0";
  233. //default dot crosshair
  234. alias defaultdot "cl_crosshairstyle 1; cl_fixedcrosshairgap 999";
  236. //cl_showpos
  237. alias showpos "incrementvar cl_showpos 0 1 1";
  239. //strafeLEFT
  240. alias +lef "+moveleft; +left";
  241. alias -lef "-moveleft; -left";
  243. //strafeRIGHT
  244. alias +rig "+moveright; +right";
  245. alias -rig "-moveright; -right";
  247. //mouse strafe
  248. alias MS1 "bind mouse1 +lef";
  249. alias MS2 "bind mouse2 +rig";
  250. alias MS "MS1;MS2";
  252. //Normal Mouse Attack
  253. alias NMA1 "bind mouse1 +attack";
  254. alias NMA2 "bind mouse2 +attack2";
  255. alias NMA "NMA1;NMA2";
  257. //Clan_changing_binds those aint gonna work if you're not in steam group adequate to clan tag
  259. alias animu "cl_clanid 1799923";
  260. alias Bani "bind kp_multiply animu";
  261. alias Cringe "cl_clanid 27376550";
  262. alias BCr "bind kp_minus Cringe";
  263. alias ZL "cl_clanid 26305235";
  264. alias BZL "bind kp_plus ZL";
  265. alias G2A "cl_clanid 27102956";
  266. alias BG2A "bind kp_enter G2A";
  267. alias Omedia "cl_clanid 12657867";
  268. alias BOM "bind KP_del Omedia";
  269. alias nutz "cl_clanid 10344706";
  270. alias bnutz "bind kp_ins nutz";
  274. //Load whatever gamemode you want. For example "map de_dust2; competitive"
  275. alias casual "game_type 0; game_mode 0";
  276. alias competitive "game_type 0; game_mode 1";
  277. alias wingman "game_type 0; game_mode 2";
  278. alias armsrace "game_type 1; game_mode 0";
  279. alias demolition "game_type 1; game_mode 1";
  280. alias deathmatch "game_type 1; game_mode 2";
  281. alias custom "game_type 3; game_mode 0";
  286. //original troll with cheat site
  288. alias otroll "say The best cheats for free at & Also we have coders who will write special for you undetectable cheat/scripts for just a little fee, starting at $9,99 per month";
  290. alias troll1 "cl_clanid 26930787";
  291. alias troll2 "cl_clanid 26930827";
  292. alias troll3 "cl_clanid 26930840";
  293. alias troll4 "cl_clanid 26930848";
  294. alias troll5 "cl_clanid 26930864";
  295. alias troll6 "cl_clanid 26930907";
  296. alias troll7 "cl_clanid 26930932";
  297. alias troll8 "cl_clanid 26930943";
  298. alias troll9 "cl_clanid 26930965";
  300. //////////////////////////////////old version which i changed
  301. //alias t1ot "troll1;otroll";
  302. //alias t2ot "troll2;otroll";
  303. //alias t3ot "troll3;otroll";
  304. //alias t4ot "troll4;otroll";
  305. //alias t5ot "troll5;otroll";
  306. //alias t6ot "troll6;otroll";
  307. //alias t7ot "troll7;otroll";
  308. //alias t8ot "troll8;otroll";
  309. //alias t9ot "troll9;otroll";
  311. //alias bt1ot "bind kp_end t1ot";
  312. //alias bt2ot "bind KP_DOWNARROW t2ot";
  313. //alias bt3ot "bind KP_PGDN t3ot";
  314. //alias bt4ot "bind KP_LEFTARROW t4ot";
  315. //alias bt5ot "bind KP_5 t5ot";
  316. //alias bt6ot "bind KP_RIGHTARROW t6ot";
  317. //alias bt7ot "bind KP_HOME t7ot";
  318. //alias bt8ot "bind kp_uparrow t8ot";
  319. //alias bt9ot "bind kp_pgup t9ot";
  320. //////////////////////////////////to this one:
  322. alias troll0 "ntroll1";
  323. alias ntroll1 "troll1;otroll;alias troll0 ntroll2";
  324. alias ntroll2 "troll2;otroll;alias troll0 ntroll3";
  325. alias ntroll3 "troll3;otroll;alias troll0 ntroll4";
  326. alias ntroll4 "troll4;otroll;alias troll0 ntroll5";
  327. alias ntroll5 "troll5;otroll;alias troll0 ntroll6";
  328. alias ntroll6 "troll6;otroll;alias troll0 ntroll7";
  329. alias ntroll7 "troll7;otroll;alias troll0 ntroll8";
  330. alias ntroll8 "troll8;otroll;alias troll0 ntroll9";
  331. alias ntroll9 "troll9;otroll;alias troll0 ntroll1";
  333. alias bntroll "bind kp_home troll0";
  335. //troll with aimware
  337. alias +saimbot "+forward; cl_clanid 10088900";
  338. alias -saimbot "-forward";
  339. alias +saimlock "+back; cl_clanid 10088936";
  340. alias -saimlock "-back";
  341. alias +swh "+moveleft; cl_clanid 28454867";
  342. alias -swh "-moveleft";
  343. alias +sbh "+moveright; cl_clanid 10109772";
  344. alias -sbh "-moveright";
  346. alias baimbot "bind w +saimbot";
  347. alias baimlock "bind s +saimlock";
  348. alias bwh "bind a +swh";
  349. alias bbh "bind d +sbh";
  351. alias bwaimware0 "baimbot; bwh; bbh; baimlock"
  353. alias aimwaretroll "say Prepare to get rekt by! We provide the best paid cheats! Weekly updates! Skin changer! Undetectable by VAC!"
  355. alias aimware "aimware1";
  356. alias aimware1 "bwaimware0; cl_clanid 10088900; aimwaretroll; alias aimware aimware2";
  357. alias aimware2 "cl_clanid 10088936; aimwaretroll; alias aimware aimware3";
  358. alias aimware3 "cl_clanid 28454867; aimwaretroll; alias aimware aimware4";
  359. alias aimware4 "cl_clanid 10109772; aimwaretroll; alias aimware aimware1";
  361. alias baimware "bind kp_uparrow aimware";
  363. alias bw "bind w +forward";
  364. alias bs "bind s +back";
  365. alias ba "bind a +moveleft";
  366. alias bd "bind d +moveright";
  368. alias unaimwarebind "bw;ba;bs;bd";
  369. alias bunaimwarebind "bind kp_pgup unaimwarebind";
  371. //shots_shorteners
  372. alias +yeah "say ( >•_•)>⌐■-■";
  373. alias -yeah "say (⌐■_■) #Yeeeaaahhh";
  374. alias shot1 "say Wanna see some magic?╰( •_•)つ──☆*:・";
  375. alias shot2 "say SHURIKEN TOSS ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ~~~卐";
  376. alias shot3 "say It's not a rape if both are crying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯";
  377. alias shot4 "say Every day is a leg day if you're running away from your problems 三┏┃ ̿ ̿ ▀ ͜ʖ ̿ ̿▀┃┛";
  378. alias shot5 "say Hey girl, are you a school? Cuz I wanna shoot some kids inside you (つ ♥ ͜ʖ ♥)つ";
  379. alias shot6 "say Ich bin ein Pole und anderer Leute Unglück sind angenehm fur mir •ᴗ•";
  380. alias shot7 "say Warum das Leben ist so schwer? Hilf mir denn ich habe selbstmordgedanken (✖╭╮✖)";
  381. alias shot8 "say Hilf mir! Ich habe schwere Durchfall ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶";
  382. alias shot9 "say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯";
  383. alias shot10 "say Ich möchte deine arschloch ficken";
  384. alias shot11 "say Jede Zeit ist gut zum sterben";
  385. alias shot12 "say Ein guter Jude ist ein toter Jude";
  387. //bind_shots
  388. alias Byeah "bind kp_home +yeah";
  389. alias Bshot1 "bind kp_uparrow shot1";
  390. alias Bshot2 "bind kp_pgup shot2";
  391. alias Bshot3 "bind kp_leftarrow shot3";
  392. alias Bshot4 "bind kp_5 shot4";
  393. alias Bshot5 "bind kp_rightarrow shot5";
  394. alias Bshot6 "bind kp_end shot6";
  395. alias Bshot7 "bind kp_downarrow shot7";
  396. alias Bshot8 "bind kp_pgdn shot8";
  397. alias Bshot9 "bind kp_enter shot9";
  398. alias Bshot10 "bind kp_plus shot10";
  399. alias Bshot11 "bind kp_ins shot11";
  400. alias Bshot12 "bind kp_del shot12";
  402. //;▄;▀;░;▐;█;▐;
  404. //HH bind 卐
  405. alias +hh1 "say H E I L 卐卐卐卐卐卐";
  406. alias -hh1 "say I ██卐卐███████";
  407. alias +hh2 "say T██卐卐██卐卐卐";
  408. alias -hh2 "say L████████████";
  409. alias +hh3 "say E卐 卐 卐██卐卐██";
  410. alias -hh3 "say R███████卐卐██";
  412. alias bhh1 "bind kp_leftarrow +hh1";
  413. alias bhh2 "bind kp_5 +hh2";
  414. alias bhh3 "bind kp_rightarrow +hh3";
  417. //defaultbinds
  418. alias Umultiply "bind kp_multiply +abinds";
  419. alias Uminus "bind kp_minus +aspin; joystick 0";
  420. alias Uplus "bind kp_plus MS";
  421. alias Uenter "bind kp_enter NMA";
  422. alias Udel "BindToggle KP_del crosshair";
  423. alias Uins "bind kp_ins ViewNormal";
  424. alias U1 "bind KP_END ViewQuake";
  425. alias U2 "bind KP_DOWNARROW ViewGangsta";
  426. alias U3 "BindToggle KP_PGDN cl_righthand";
  427. alias U4 "bind KP_LEFTARROW cross";
  428. alias U5 "bind KP_5 dot";
  429. alias U6 "bind KP_RIGHTARROW showpos";
  430. alias U7 "bind "KP_HOME default";
  431. alias U8 "bind "KP_UPARROW defaultdot";
  432. alias U9 "bind kp_pgup +vcF";
  435. alias +activeshots "Byeah; Bshot1; Bshot2; Bshot3; Bshot4; Bshot5; Bshot6; Bshot7; Bshot8; Bshot9; Bshot10; Bshot11; Bshot12";
  436. alias -activeshots "Umultiply;Uminus;Uplus;Uenter;Udel;Uins;U1;U2;U3;U4;U5;U6;U7;U8;U9"
  438. alias +activetroll "Bani;BCr;BZL;BG2A;BOM;bnutz;bntroll;bunaimwarebind;baimware;bhh1;bhh2;bhh3";
  439. alias -activetroll "Umultiply;Uminus;Uplus;Uenter;Udel;Uins;U1;U2;U3;U4;U5;U6;U7;U8;U9";
  440. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////end of aliases
  442. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////all binds
  443. bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect";
  444. bind "F1" "+Agods";
  445. bind "F2" "ubf2";
  446. bind "F3" "ubf3";
  447. bind "F4" "ubf4";
  448. bind "F5" "buy ak47; buy m4a1";
  449. bind "F6" "buy awp";
  450. bind "F7" "buy p250";
  451. bind "F8" "buy deagle";
  452. bind "F9" "buy vest";
  453. bind "F10" "buy vesthelm";
  454. bind "F11" "buy defuser";
  455. bind "`" "toggleconsole";
  456. bind "1" "slot1";
  457. bind "2" "slot2";
  458. bind "3" "slot3";
  459. bind "4" "slot4";
  460. bind "5" "+fp";
  461. bind "6" "slot6";
  462. bind "7" "slot7";
  463. bind "8" "slot8";
  464. bind "9" "slot9";
  465. bind "0" "slot10";
  466. unbind "-"; //////////NOT BOUND
  467. unbind "="; //////////NOT BOUND
  468. unbind "BACKSPACE"; //////////NOT BOUND
  469. bind "TAB" "+netscore";
  470. unbind "CAPSLOCK"; //////////NOT BOUND
  471. bind "SHIFT" "+speed; r_cleardecals";
  472. bind "CTRL" "+duck";
  473. bind "ALT" "+altbinds";
  474. bind "SPACE" "+jump";
  475. unbind "RALT"; //////////NOT BOUND
  476. unbind "RCTRL"; //////////NOT BOUND
  477. unbind "RSHIFT"; //////////NOT BOUND
  478. unbind "ENTER"; //////////NOT BOUND
  479. bind "a" "+moveleft";
  480. bind "b" "buymenu";
  481. bind "c" "radio3; noclip";
  482. bind "d" "+moveright";
  483. bind "e" "+use";
  484. bind "f" "slot3";
  485. bind "g" "drop";
  486. unbind "h"; //////////NOT BOUND
  487. bind "i" "+activeshots";
  488. bind "j" "+jt";
  489. bind "k" "+spray_menu";
  490. bind "l" "+activeTroll";
  491. bind "m" "+Voble";
  492. bind "n" "sm_back";
  493. unbind "o"; //////////NOT BOUND
  494. unbind "p"; //////////NOT BOUND
  495. bind "q" "lastinv";
  496. bind "r" "+reload";
  497. bind "s" "+back";
  498. bind "t" "+lookatweapon";
  499. bind "u" "messagemode2";
  500. bind "v" "+voicerecord";
  501. bind "w" "+forward";
  502. bind "x" "radio2";
  503. bind "y" "messagemode";
  504. bind "z" "radio1";
  505. unbind "["; //////////NOT BOUND
  506. unbind "]"; //////////NOT BOUND
  507. unbind "semicolon"; //////////NOT BOUND
  508. unbind "'"; //////////NOT BOUND
  509. unbind "\"; //////////NOT BOUND
  510. unbind ","; //////////NOT BOUND
  511. unbind "."; //////////NOT BOUND
  512. unbind "/" //////////NOT BOUND
  513. unbind "INS"; //////////NOT BOUND
  514. unbind "DEL"; //////////NOT BOUND
  515. unbind "HOME"; //////////NOT BOUND
  516. unbind "END"; //////////NOT BOUND
  517. unbind "PGUP"; //////////NOT BOUND
  518. unbind "PGDN"; //////////NOT BOUND
  519. bind "UPARROW" "buy molotov; buy incgrenade";
  520. bind "LEFTARROW" "buy flashbang";
  521. bind "DOWNARROW" "buy smokegrenade";
  522. bind "RIGHTARROW" "buy hegrenade";
  523. bind "KP_INS" "ViewNormal"; //////////NOT BOUND
  524. bind "KP_DEL" "incrementvar crosshair 0 1 1";
  525. bind "KP_END" "ViewQuake";
  526. bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "ViewGangsta";
  527. bind "KP_PGDN" "incrementvar cl_righthand 0 1 1";
  528. bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "cross";
  529. bind "KP_5" "dot";
  530. bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "showpos";
  531. bind "KP_HOME" "default";
  532. bind "KP_UPARROW" "defaultdot";
  533. bind "KP_PGUP" "+vcF";
  534. unbind "NUMLOCK"; //////////NOT BOUND
  535. unbind "KP_SLASH"; //////////NOT BOUND
  536. bind "KP_MULTIPLY" "+abinds";
  537. bind "KP_MINUS" "+aspin";
  538. bind "KP_PLUS" "MS";
  539. bind "KP_ENTER" "NMA";
  540. bind "PAUSE" "pause"; //////////WTF xDddddDDDD
  541. bind "MOUSE1" "+attack";
  542. bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2";
  543. bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump";
  544. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump";
  545. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////end of binds
  547. clear
  548. echo " `.::;:,.`
  549. echo " `;+++#########+++:
  550. echo " `++##################++;
  551. echo " :++#######+++++#++#+######++`
  552. echo " :+#####++############++#+#####++`
  553. echo " ,@@@@' ;@@@@+ `+#####++#######@@@@@#######++####++
  554. echo " :@@@@@@;@@@@@@, '####++#####@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#+###+####+.
  555. echo " #@@@@@@;@@@@@@@ +#########@@@@#############@@@@####+####'
  556. echo " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ `+###+##+#@@@########++#########@@@###+####+
  557. echo " ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@' `+###+#+#@@########################@@@###+###+`
  558. echo " `@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ `+#+####@@@+############;#############@@#######+
  559. echo " '@@@@@@@@@@@, +##++##@@##############::;#+############@@##+###'
  560. echo " '@@@@@@@@@, +######@@##############::::;+#############@@######+
  561. echo " '@@@@@@@, +##++##@@##############::::::;##############@@##+###;
  562. echo " +@@@@@: '######@###############::::::::;++############@@######`
  563. echo " '@@@, `+##+##@###############::::::::::;##############@@+#+##+
  564. echo " ,@: ++##++@@####+#########::::::::::::;##############@@#+###;
  565. echo " @. :#####@@##############:;::::::::::::;+########+####@##+##+
  566. echo " : +##+##@#####';;;;;;;;';;;'';;::::;::;';;;;;;;;######@##+#++
  567. echo " :##+##@@#####'+++++++++++++++':::::::;'+++++++;######@@####+
  568. echo " +##+##@######'+++++++++++++++;:::::;'+++++++++;#######@##+##'
  569. echo " @@@@@. #@@@@ '@@@@` @@@@@;@@ @@ @@@@@# @@@@@ `+####@#######;+++++++++++++++;:::::;++++++++++;#######@@####+
  570. echo " @`... @@#:+@@ '@ @@ @. `@, @; @' @' ,@+ +##+##@#######;+++++++++++++++;:::::'++++++++++'########@###+#.
  571. echo " @ ;@. @@ '@ .@ @, @@ #@ @' @' @@ +####@@#######;++++++''''''''';:::::'++++++++++'########@##+##+
  572. echo " @++++ @@ #@ '@ @@ @#+++` +@ @@ @@+++: @' `@' `#####@########'++++++'::::::::::::::;+++++++++++#########@####+
  573. echo " @@@@@ @@ #@ '@@@@` @@@@@` @+`@` @@@@@; @@@@+ '##+##@########'++++++;::::::::::::::;+''++++++++#########@+#+#+
  574. echo " @ @@ @@ '@ `@# @, @@@@ @' @' @@ +##+#@@########'++++++;'';;;:::::::::'';;+++++++'#########@#####:
  575. echo " @ @@ @@: '@ +@ @, .@@# @' @' @' +####@#########++++++++++++';;:::::::;::;+++++++:;#+######@@####+
  576. echo " @ ,@@@@@# '@ @, @@@@@' @@ @@@@@@ @' @@ +#+##@########:++++++++++++++';:::::::::;+++++++::;########@#+##+
  577. echo " `#####@#######:;+++++++++++++++';::::::::'+++++++:::;#######@####+
  578. echo " .##+##@######:;;+++'''++++++++++;::::::::;++++++'::::#######@####+
  579. echo " :##+#@@#######::;;::::;''+++++++'::::::::;++++++':::+######+@####+
  580. echo " ;####@@########::;::::::'+++++++'::::::::;++++++'::#########@####+
  581. echo " .# ## @# ;##+#@@#########:;::::::'+++++++'::::::::;++++++;:##########@##+##
  582. echo " ,@ @@ @@ ;##+#@@########;;;:::::;++++++++'::::::::'++++++'###########@##+#+
  583. echo " ,@ @@@ @@ :####@@########'+++'''++++++++++;::::::::'++++++;##########+@####+
  584. echo " ,@ @.@# @@ .##+##@########;+++++++++++++++':::::::::'++++++;###########@#+##+
  585. echo " ,@ @,+@ @@ `##+##@########;+++++++++++++++;:::::::::'++++++;###########@####+
  586. echo " ,@ @, @@@@ +####@########'+++++++++++++';::::::::::+++++++;##########@@####+
  587. echo " ,@ @, @@@ +##+#@########'+++++++++++';;:::::::::::+++++++;##########@@#+##'
  588. echo " ,@ @, @@@ +##+#@@########+';;;'';';;::::::::::::::;;'''''+##########@####+.
  589. echo " ,@ @, @@ ;##+##@#########+######::::::::::::::::::#+###############@####+
  590. echo " `+####@#################::::::::::::::::#################@@#+##+
  591. echo " +####@@#################::::::::::::::++########+#######@#####'
  592. echo " '##+##@##################::::::::::::##+################@####+`
  593. echo " @@@@ @ @::@@@@ #####@@##################:::::::::;###::#::#':;::+####@##+##'
  594. echo " `@ @`@ @::@ @@ +#####@###################;:::::::####;##;:+;;:;#+###@@#####,
  595. echo " .@ @`@ @::@@@ `###+#@@###################::::::+####''#'+#++++'####@##+##+
  596. echo " @,,@ # @.:@ @# +####+@####################::::+###################@@####+:
  597. echo " +@@+ @@@@ :@ ,@ `+##+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#+##+`
  598. echo " '##+@##############################################@####.
  599. echo " ++#@#########################+#+#+##+#################+
  600. echo " .+#@####''##''#;;;##;;'#';;;#;###':;+###+::+######@##+
  601. echo " '#@####+:+#:##:;;##:;:#;:;'#:##::+;:##;:+;:######@#+`
  602. echo " @ @ @@@@@# @# @@@@@ @@@@@@# #@@@: +@####+:#;'#+:###';#:##:##+;#;'#####+:###:+#####@+:
  603. echo " @ @ @' '@@ @@ @@ ###@+#+`@@'@: @#####:#:##'::;#:::+##:##;+#:##'''#:+###:######@'
  604. echo " @ @ @' @@@+ @@ ;@ ,@ :@ @#####::+##:+###:';##+:##:##:##:;:#:####:#######
  605. echo " @;;;;@ @#;;;, :@ @@ @@ @@ ,@ @@, @#####::###:++##:#:+#;'##:##:;#+:##;:#+:+#######
  606. echo " @@@@@@ @@@@@; @@ @' @@@@@ ,@ @@@, @#####:####:::#+:#:##:+#+:###::,####:::#########
  607. echo " @ @ @' .@';;@@ @@ :@; ,@ @@ @###############################################
  608. echo " @ @ @' @@@@@@@: @@ @@ ,@ ' ;@ @###############################################
  609. echo " @ @ @@@@@@`@. @@ @@ `@` ,@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#
  610. echo " + + ++++++#+ +.#+ ++ .+ `@#' ++######++++#######+#++######+:
  611. echo " '+#########++#++########++,
  612. echo " .++#################+'`
  613. echo "made by NeenJa `:+++++#+#++++',
  616. //host_writeconfig = this prevents CS:GO from overwriting these settings if it gets the exec order wrong.
  618. host_writeconfig
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