
A lover of all 46

Oct 30th, 2017
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  1. app based sum. not that accurate. bit rushed.
  3. yumi tells mc how she will tell everybody tomorrow at work how he asked her out but was only playing with her. asks him to tell her honestly if he likes fmc more. mc thinks that it's his fault for not dealing with her first. how he will tell her sincerely cause he doesn't wanna disappoint. how he knows it's shameless and greedy but he wants to be with fmc, and how his best choice to get out of this is to calmly apologize. he lets her how it's not how she thinks. she tells him to explain well. he tells her about fmc and her family -fiance situation and how he and him don't get along/he doesn't like it. how everybody wants to know what's going on recently. how he tried to use fmc's background to solve everything(maybe how their families using fmc to fix shit ..). yumi asks him if his fight with fiance was for show to fmc, and he admits to it. how all he cares about is yumi and he must be in good standing at work to have their relationship exposed. how it was all for their future. she goes 'really..' and 'it was how i expected it to be' and he sighs thinking it's over. yumi tells him sorry for doing this but he wanted to know his heart. he thanks her for her understanding. she leads him off on another entry point cause company ppl might still be there. they take their goodbyes but she goes how later she will be there too cause she still has work to do and calls out to fmc. fmc asks what's going on. yumi agrees with that question and goes how mc lied till the very end. fmc goes how thanks to mc things were going good for her. yumi asks if it's about the recent photos scandal and how mc was helping there and fmc is surprised she knew but yumi goes how she had doubts and how fmc had an unknown hobby. how it wasn't anything bad but the fault lies in the guy that blackmailed her with it, and gets pissed the victims get all the blame. yumi kinda ask her why fmc, idk, sticks with mc cause it wasn't such a big deal and fmc goes how mc helped her out(notsure). yumi here explodes that all mc said till the end were all lies and didn't fmc hear it. how he told her what she wanted to hear. fmc admits fault but yumi shouts how she isn't, at all. how mc fucked with both their work life and personal life and played with both of them. how she will show her smth, but hopes fmc wont get shocked. shows her an accountant server form overseas that mc bought for work and has all the recorded sns activity on it. here fmc remembers how she asked mc how did he send the vid of fiance but he goes how a friend of his did it. yumi goes how today she saw it/her at the press conference and she's sorry fmc mixed up with a guy like mc. then how she will get payback tomorrow on mc in her own way and for fmc to stay away. fmc asks yumi to tell her how it's all lies. idol calls fmc to ask what happened cause kang/fiance came there and is crazy. she fakes it how she is involved too and it might be her end. he goes how yeah cause he's an idol. she tells him to comfort her cause shes worried, but thinks this much will remove doubt on her. she lies more how she hopes it's done fast and he tells her not to worry cause he has good news and goes 'i found the guy that made/played the video'. mc thinks how there will be 'holes' to escape. how yumi and fmc are satisfied... tbc...
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