
this happened

Feb 2nd, 2021
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  1. Its interesting, the distances mankind go to for something.
  3. Be them passionate about a project, angered by their life and its injustices, wrecked with depression from things out of their hands. They will climb mountains and cross seas without bottoms for what emotion drives them to do so. They will reach for what they truly believe is the goal or cause to their current state. Some times its very enlightening, even exciting, to watch them reach for a goal so far from their current position and root for them to make it.
  5. Some times though it is the most heartbreaking event to witness. The lengths one goes to destroy themselves because they feel they have no other course of action. They feel cursed, too weak, too damaged or far too small to leave a lasting mark on this marble. How fragile these people are shatters my heart for them many times over, the need to help them only growing stronger as I find more people dashed upon my rocks. How can they have such poison for themselves, these unique people, these beautiful souls; how can they hate themselves so much when they only have so many trips around the sun to be here. Their time is too short, much too short, to spend wallowing in their poisons. I don't know how to help them, I've been told some are beyond that kind of help from my fellows.
  7. Some of my own even tell me not to even try.
  9. With the lack of love and care they have for my own home, throwing everything into my waters and choking the life within on plastics and sharp rusted metal, my kin ask me why I care for these beings. They wallow in their poison and use it to poison others. They use their pain and greed to hurt each other time and time again, building their hoard of coin while others suffer under them. They are selfish, broken, cruel and lost their connection to the world. Why should I wish to help these people that wilfully try and poison their own water supply and bodies.
  11. Because someone has to care.
  13. Because I need to care
  15. I can not bear seeing another young face drowned in my waters, plucked too soon by death when they were only starting to flourish. Too many have died by their own hands, by the hands of others, too many leaving grieving loved ones in their wake. They think themselves alone and unloved, dying thinking these things are truths and only after they are gone is it made false by the tears. These people needed love, needed to hear it in each day and each action. These people, who feel alone, needed someone to care and tell them how easy it is to love them. A reminder, a nudge, maybe even a simple action as a hand on the shoulder. These people need love, in all its forms, to know the world isn't cold.
  17. So I will show them it.
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