

Mar 31st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. $name : Immortal generator
  2. $author : Radulu LAW
  3. $description : <b>Hit button to generate an Immortal being</b>
  4. $amount : 1
  5. $button : Generate
  7. $drive
  8. artist
  9. assassin
  10. engineer
  11. explorer
  12. merchant
  13. politician
  14. prostitute
  15. scholar
  16. soldier
  17. thief
  19. $age
  20. very young, a child really
  21. young - a youth
  22. mature, but barely still considerably young
  23. older, fully matured
  24. old, elderly
  25. ancient
  27. $ages
  28. never age
  29. age in very, very slow pace, like a month or so per a century or even slower
  30. age normally as people do, and you constantly think about how will you look once you reach the age beyond the natural end
  31. age backward, and you can't but wonder what will happen once you'll go to your pre-infant stage
  32. reach certain age and then revert back to your younger self, in seemingly never ending cycle
  33. vary in your age constantly - you didn't find what progresses or reverts your age, but it might be that a month from now on you'll wake up ancient, only to find yourself in a body of a child a year ago
  34. change your appearance at will, because you found the way to do it
  36. $odd
  37. hideous scar, clearly visible to all
  38. hideous scar, hidden before the sight of all, luckily
  39. deformity, clearly visible to all
  40. deformity, hidden before the sight of all, luckily
  41. small things visible to all who get to know you better. Some joke that you perform a set of tiny rituals that'd be enough for a brand new sect or other secret society
  42. general behavior that makes you stand out - gained, learned or with you since childbirth, you act like people rarely do
  43. perception - you literally or figuratively, but definitely see the world around you in strange, uncanny fashion
  44. language - you speak in weird fashion. Perhaps you use proper words, but your accent, the way you construct the sentences, or include foreign expressions certainly make you "different" once you open your mouth
  45. choice of wardrobe - the world of fashion is a wilderness, but even there you seem to not belong because of what you wear and how
  47. $attribute
  48. below average. When it comes to this, you're just awful. {10%}
  49. average, given your age and posture.
  50. above average. You're in good shape.
  51. way above average. Practicing much? It shows.
  52. powerful. Whoa! Olympics? {10%}
  53. inhuman. Don't do that. You're scaring people... {10%}
  55. $immortality
  56. Were always like that. There was no special event or happening, you simply discovered one day, by accident that you can't die and that's how it is to this day.
  57. Were cursed after you crossed some powerful being, perhaps even a god. It didn't look that bad when you did it...
  58. Were blessed by some powerful being, perhaps even a god, once you performed some action, knowingly or not.
  59. Were bestowed the gift of immortality by other immortal. Apparently it's part of quasi-natural cycle and there's strong possibility you may sire one like yourself, should you try to reproduce the happening.
  60. Were selected to become one by some organization, or group for the purpose of fulfilling some mission. Things went haywire and, eh, let's just say that what should be a temporary condition became your permanent nature.
  61. You woke up one day, remembering only fragments from the last night. There was this woman... Or was it a man? There was some party, a celebration, you came to your home together and then you woke up and immediately knew there's something different about you.
  62. Came in contact with some artifact. Perhaps you touched a holy relic, perhaps you were struck with divine weapon, or swallowed a cursed potion stolen from the table of devils. It didn't look that powerful when you put your eyes on it.
  63. Science. You were a subject of scientific experiment. It was voluntary act or not, you knew about it, or was secretly exposed to something, you have full understanding of the process or not at all, but in the end it's science who made you the way you are.
  64. Science. You experimented and experimented and experimented. Perhaps your pursuit was ethical and advanced, perhaps it was selfish, greedy and savage in nature, but in the end you are the result of your own experiments. Apparently, the world and its ways are much stranger than we imagine.
  65. One word: magic. You performed a magical ritual, perhaps participated in one "for shit & giggles", but guess what. You are immortal now.
  66. It was accident. You were minding your business, when suddenly... And that's it. Apparently it's possible to become immortal in very peculiar conditions, and you know the secret.
  67. It's in your blood. Apparently your family has the history of immortals and you are among them.
  69. $limitation
  70. there are none, or you don't know them. Yet.
  71. you may die of old age, but nothing in this world can kill you. Nothing.
  72. you may die of old age, succumb to sickness, but you laugh at anything that may bring you harm.
  73. you may die of old age, fall because of the violence - natural or not - but aside of those? Immortal!
  74. you may be killed by other people.
  75. you may be killed by beings out of this world.
  76. you may be killed by devil or a god.
  77. you may be killed by a god.
  78. you may be killed by very special people, or a very special, one in a generation human.
  79. you may be killed by special weapon - special, but very much mundane like fire, silver bullet, or nuke.
  80. you may be killed by special artifact, perhaps a holy relic, cursed blade or a substance prepared in specific way. Kryptonite, anyone?
  81. you may kill yourself.
  82. with enough firepower everything will perish. Even you.
  83. you are immortal only in specific conditions, perhaps in daylight, or in total darkness, or only when Moon is golden.
  84. you are immortal only in specific environment, for example on a holy ground, or near highly radioactive places.
  85. you are immortal only when you feed on blood, flesh, or other specific substance. Yeah, it might be drug, spice (mmmm, Shai-Hulud), fungi, feces... Well, reality is weirder than fiction, right?
  86. you are immortal only when you perform continuously some action like chanting some psalm, mantra, meditating
  88. $group
  89. none. Purposefully or not, but you managed to avoid relationships like that.
  90. an individual. Lone human who knows you to unknown extent, perhaps even better than you know yourself.
  91. a family. There's this saying that "family looks great on a photo". In your case - it is as it is.
  92. a group. They know of you. They understand you, at least to some degree. And they are part of your life, whether you want it or not.
  93. a movement. You have fans! Plenty of these. Tread lightly, for even immortal is powerless against the strength of human masses.
  94. a country. Yeah, there's whole nation recognizing you for what you are. Go figure.
  96. $wealth
  97. Money. Plain and simply. Money buys armies, provides safety, opportunities and options. And sometimes, a happiness. Whoever told you otherwise is a fool.
  98. Skills. You invested in the ability of doing stuff. Perhaps you're master survivalist, martial artists second to none, or a skilled blacksmith/carpenter/architect/etc,etc - in the end you feel competent that no matter the circumstances, the setting or times, you will find the way to put your skills into action.
  99. Influence. Eh, why bother about knowing, learning, hoarding when it's all so temporary? Programming languages come and go, money lose value, you don't intend to find yourself in situation when you need to survive on your own and so on ad so forth. You prefer to have contacts and means to make these contacts do the job you require.
  100. Esoteric knowledge. There's more to this reality than what mundane people chase for. And you learn, study and know a few "cheat codes" that allow you to perform nothing short of miracles. You intend to know it all and perhaps become as gods one day.
  101. None. It's all temporary. Have enough to satiate your basic needs, is your style. After all, what you're afraid to lose has control over you.
  103. $sentiment
  104. none. You don't really need any of such burden. It all fades away with time anyway.
  105. precious memory of a person, place, or past event. How well did you know them... And you still can't seem to let them go.
  106. place. You were born there, discovered your immortality there, witnessed certain happening. This or that, it's important for you enough to at least warrant a visit every now and then.
  107. event. Faces and circumstances aren't that important, but you were there, when it all did happen. You don't have to remember everything, but the knowledge that you were there, or that it took place seems important to you more than any memory you hold dear.
  108. item. You keep it. You have to touch it, or know that it is safe. When you lose it, you're trying to recover it at all cost.
  109. knowledge. You can't let go of this one particular skill or knowledge, even when it might be obsolete already. Perhaps a language no longer spoken, a fact no one cares about, an ability that's no longer any useful. But it is what you hold dear. No judgment.
  110. person. You want him or her to be happy, or at least safe. Love, obligation, admiration - you may know each other or not, but the fate of this particular person is important to you.
  111. lineage. They must live. Their blood means something to you, even if they don't realize that you exist. Perhaps it's your own family, or the lineage of your best friend, or an enemy, you are their guardian and preserver.
  112. group. Sect, organization, clan, nation, followers of... Nevermind. Their fate is important to you. You may actively support them, or contradict their actions, but you're never neutral to them and their actions aren't to you.
  114. $immortal
  115. <b>IMMORTAL'S NAME:</b><br><br> <b>Drive:</b><br>This is who you are at your core. You may do many things across centuries or thousands of years, but no matter what and where, you always default to being <b>[an] [drive]</b>. You understand the inside language of others of same profession, you perceive the world through the lenses of your trade. Tricks, skills, targets, choices... This is who you are and whom you'll ever be.<br><br><b>Age:</b><br>You look <b>[age]</b> and you seem to <b>[ages]</b><br><br><b>- STRENGTHS:</b><br>In terms of raw physical power and endurance, you consider yourself <b>[attribute]</b><br><b>- MOVES:</b><br>Agile? Dexterous? Fast? Last time you checked - <b>[attribute]</b><br><b>- PSYCHE:</b><br>The power of your mind? You're <b>[attribute]</b><br><b>- WARFARE:</b><br>All things that fall into "conflict" category. Your charisma, manipulative skills, awareness, perception. To sum it up: <b>[attribute]</b><br><br><b>Oddity</b><br>There's always something odd about the likes of you, and in your case it's <b>[an] [odd]</b><br><br><b>The nature of your immortality:</b><br>You thought every immortal is the same? Wrong. Each of you is a history on its own, a unique case. You? <b>[immortality]</b><br><br><b>Limitations of your condition</b>:<br>There are immortals and there are immortals, each defined by certain weakness, limitation of their "gift". In your case: <b>[limitation]</b><br><br> <b>Antagonists:</b><br>There are people knowing you and opposing you, perhaps hunting you down or trying to kill you for their own reason. You know that there's <b>[group]</b><br><br><b>Supporters:</b><br>Similarly, you can count on <b>[group]</b><br><br> <b>Wealth:</b><br>You live for some time and you know about your status now. What is that you consider worth a pursuit in accordance of your core values? <b>[wealth]</b><br><br><b>Sentimental value:</b><br>You consider yourself above typical mundane sentiments, but there's this one thing that you can't part with... <b>[an] [sentiment]</b><br><br><br><br><br><br>
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