

Nov 30th, 2018
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  1. Alright, so Mac speaking here to give his 2nd try at Pablo. So i'm going to tell you right off the bat, Pablo has claimed neutral to me, which that being Han Solo. I don't believe it for a second, I was dmed a convo with someone else who probs doesn't want their name out there and they and got his role pm. (if more context could be given if needed, just ping me)
  3. ```Pablo SmithToday at 5:42 AM
  4. Rn town seems to be in a goodish spot but iunno how long that can last
  5. So I know if I claim I'll most likely die
  7. (Contracted)Today at 5:43 AM
  8. i mean if excal turns up maf we got another one in the bag
  9. thomas
  11. Pablo SmithToday at 5:43 AM
  12. Yeah
  13. Thomas has been breathing down my neck so hard this game(edited)
  14. Its honestly making me sus
  15. But anyway
  16. I'm guessing you are in contact with the other prs
  17. So I guess you can forward my message to them
  18. I'm not mafia and I'm just trying to win, but if you are interested in a little partnership I'm game
  19. Fuck it
  20. Dear Pablo Smith,
  22. You are the sharpshooting pilot Han Solo. After being betrayed by your friend Lando Calrissian, you are at the mercy of the Galactic Empire, who plan on having the citizens of Cloud City freeze you in carbonite for them. They have hidden your identity, making you immune to investigations.
  24. You are allied with yourself, and win if you are lynched. After which, you will leave the game.```
  26. so let me start with some points.
  28. 1. why the hell would somebody be Han Solo and be mad that they're up lynched. If I had that chance to get lynched and I was neutral, I would of taken it right there, but Pablo didn't. At that point of him being up for lynch, why he defend himself just baffles me. With that, actively defending yourself from lynch, while having a role that needs you getting lynched, doesn't help your case.
  30. 2. so he have him actively pushing for the lynch of two townies, Cam and Excal. Could be a silly mistake as a town, but still kind of a shame that we lost two town.
  32. 3) as Thomas stated before and explained, you've acted different in this game no need to go over it again
  34. 4) in "his" role pm of Han solo it says he's immune to investigation. It wouldn't make sense in a game design wise if your investigated as neutral and there's nothing that comes up. The only way for you to get found out as neutral is if you shared your pm or just by observing how they act. Lets take this game we're playing right now as an example; i.e. going up for lynch and than heavily defending yourself once up for lynch. The complete opposite of "his" winning condition.
  36. 5) being immune to investigation is also a trait of the godfather. (keep this in mind)
  38. here's a question you may ask "if he were godfather why the fuck would he claim han solo, the role who wins by death"
  39. and I respond to that with this;
  41. **he wouldn't be suspected as a person to lynch anymore, because nobody wants to lynch the jester.**
  43. tl;dr pablo fucked up by claiming jester with a fake pm and tried japing us all.
  45. Make the right choice on who to vote for.
  47. and remember, this is epic.
  49. -Mac
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