
Pokemon Theft

Aug 20th, 2018
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  2. It was all a big misunderstanding for Misty but still Officer Jenny looked down at her sternly. “Pokemon theft is a very serious crime you know.” her hands were planted firmly on her hips as she scolded the water type trainer. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to arrest you.”
  4. Misty hadn’t really stolen any Pokemon, a Squirtle simply wandered off following her. When she picked it up, both the officer and the young man the squirtle belonged to raced around the corner “There he is, that's my squirtle!” Officer Jenny walked towards her with a baton pointed directly in Misty's face, causing Misty to back against the wall with her hands up.
  6. Misty begged, “Please please don't arrest me it’s just a misunderstanding!” despite her pleading the officer cuffed misty and pulled her along to the station. She noticed that Officer Jenny’s gait was odd, the officers rear swung with every step, she swore she could just barely make out a white puff from beneath her skirt. Misty ended up chalked this up as her imagination as they walked, she worried more about what she would do to clear up this misunderstanding.
  8. At the station she was told that she was heading for processing, there Jenny took her finger prints and picture. Next she was told to remove her shorts and panties. “Why would I need to do that?” The officer calmly explained that the cells here were currently without toilets. “We’re remodeling the jailhouse and the plumbing is out.” She held up a large plastic rectangle to Misty “You'll be wearing a diaper instead.” Misty was so shocked she missed the way Jenny’s eyes flashed saying that and how excited she was about it. Misty lay on the cold table behind her reluctantly, she was impressed by how fast Officer Jenny lifted, lotioned, powdered, and wrapped her in the diaper in what almost seemed to be practiced motions. It was so fast that she didn't notice what a monster the diaper was. Her butt lifted from the table enough so that her thighs no longer touched the cold surface, she found that they couldn't touch each other either. Her legs dangled weakly off the table and from her position she could see a mound of white that covered her crotch. Officer Jenny helped her to her feet, and toddled her towards the cell. “Stay here while I work this out.” Misty was left sitting on a bench in the empty cell, the cushion around her rear puffed out beneath her. She sat for two days, her only break in the boredom of the empty cell was when Jenny would bring her food. “I’m sorry that there isn’t better food, it’s just a nutrient paste and a some water.” She flipped a switch on the wall and before Misty could respond and a tube dropped from the ceiling. Now the captive Misty looked visibly confused. “Why- Why- tube?” Officer Jenny laughed at Misty’s stunned confusion. It’s to make sure you don’t hurt yourself or me with utensils or a glass, you’ll have to swallow what the tube gives you.” She stared at the tube that lay at knee level before sighing and resigning herself to her meal, kneeling down and bringing her mouth towards the tube. She heard a click and thick paste filled her mouth, pouring its way down her throat. The contraption pumped the mush into her stomach until she felt she could handle no more. She grunted behind the tube and another click was heard, now water flowed down to wash out the paste. Her already full stomach became waterlogged, causing her to belly to bloat outwards. She finished and the tube retracted, leaving Misty sat groaning and holding her over full stomach.
  9. It was another day of this with three meals a day before Misty found that she couldn’t hold it anymore. “OFFICER PLEASE, CAN I USE YOUR BATHROOM?”
  13. She blushed at her own flatulence, embarrassed by her own body. Again Officer Jenny walked towards Misty’s cell, this time without her skirt, a diaper much like her own was around her waist. She waddled towards her and laughed. “You’re wearing your bathroom Misty, you better just let it out. Holding it in isn’t good for you.” Misty looked on shock “But why- why are you wearing a diaper to Officer?” “It’s so much easier to catch criminals when you don’t have to worry about bathrooms.” The cell door opened and the officer walked towards her. “I’ve also really come to love the feeling of using the diapers though, it's so wonderful to push out all that mess. She pressed the puffed back of her diaper to Misty’s face. She found herself unable to move from the stomach cramps. The Officer rubbed her padded crotch and braced herself, holding Misty’s face in the back padding.
  17. Warmth covered misty’s face while officer jenny filled her diaper, the warmth and stink shocked her enough to make her herself let loose.
  21. Noisy farts filled the air as both woman pooped themselves aggressively. Hot mess forced itself out and into their waiting padding. The diapers expanded Jenny’s into Misty’s face and Misty’s onto the ground below her. She felt the hot shit squish against her groin, it felt almost pleasurable. Misty’s face pushed harder into Jenny’s diaper when she started grinding against the ground and losing herself to Jenny’s fun.
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