

Jan 24th, 2018
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  1. (5:34:09 PM) Anon188: fo shizzle?
  2. (5:34:14 PM) BurningPrincess left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
  3. (5:34:17 PM) Stephenjames left the room (quit: ).
  4. (5:34:19 PM) Anon188: i know the feeling
  5. (5:34:27 PM) ***humbot bakes allicat a fruit cake
  6. (5:34:32 PM) oleifera: how much do u need Anon188
  7. (5:34:39 PM) oleifera: I'll be your molasses daddy
  8. (5:34:50 PM) Anon188: i don't i was making a joke
  9. (5:34:54 PM) allicat: oleifera <3
  10. (5:35:05 PM) allicat: i'm urs
  11. (5:35:09 PM) oleifera: well you just missed out on a great opportunity...
  12. (5:35:11 PM) Anon188: as to me being an orphan seemed to fit in there.
  13. (5:35:19 PM) Mencius: I feel like fo shizzle has always been more commonly uttered by white people than black people since it was devised by snoop
  14. (5:35:25 PM) Anon188: nah i don't need money
  15. (5:35:29 PM) humbot: you don't say
  16. MalReynolds marshal0505 medusa Mencius Messenger_bird MetaNova mquin Mr-Potter MuffinMedic MurkySocks muskrat MX_CarlyG
  17. (5:35:38 PM) allicat: i dint say
  18. (5:35:39 PM) oleifera: oh I do
  19. (5:35:41 PM) oleifera: wanna send me money
  20. (5:35:46 PM) oleifera: paypal ty
  21. (5:35:51 PM) Anon188: probably but i never knew it was snoop
  22. (5:35:53 PM) Mencius: what do you need money for anyway?
  23. (5:36:02 PM) oleifera: shelter
  24. (5:36:11 PM) Anon188: i would never beg fo reel
  25. (5:36:14 PM) Anon188: for real
  26. (5:36:16 PM) humbot: snoop made pop rap
  27. (5:36:24 PM) allicat: no i just want ur warm snuggles oleifera <3
  28. (5:36:25 PM) humbot: he had to use made-up swear words
  29. (5:36:30 PM) oleifera: wat
  30. (5:36:34 PM) Anon188: he grew up in Compton I think
  31. (5:36:40 PM) allicat: cold ones too, i guess
  32. (5:36:52 PM) oleifera: no
  33. (5:36:55 PM) oleifera: he didnt invent
  34. (5:36:59 PM) oleifera: comes from an old philly tradition
  35. (5:37:09 PM) humbot: :P
  36. (5:37:10 PM) Anon188: he didn't?
  37. (5:37:14 PM) oleifera:
  38. (5:37:18 PM) oleifera: yeah
  39. (5:37:20 PM) Mencius: snoop invented the internet dont you know
  40. (5:37:22 PM) oleifera: they use it here
  41. (5:37:25 PM) Anon188: oh ..ok i believe too easy
  42. (5:37:26 PM) oleifera: in a classic song
  43. (5:37:30 PM) Anon188: guilible
  44. (5:37:32 PM) oleifera: 1981
  45. (5:37:51 PM) oleifera: but it was invented before that
  46. (5:37:56 PM) Anon188: i am learning , i watch and listen
  47. (5:38:01 PM) oleifera: also snoop was really explicit
  48. (5:38:06 PM) Anon188: slooowly
  49. (5:38:14 PM) allicat: @seen spiderbait
  50. (5:38:14 PM) trebot: allicat: spiderbait was last seen in #wrongplanet 14 weeks, 3 days, 1 hour, 23 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: <spiderbait> That happens to me sometimes too
  51. (5:38:20 PM) Anon188: <------------slow
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