

Nov 2nd, 2021
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  1. As Celeste is beginning to walk away, her eyes glow brighter for a few moments, and a selection of the cards orbiting her glow the same, obscuring their faces in a blinding light.
  3. "A vision revealed itself to me... My Harrow deck has chosen to show me our fortunes, and how our story might play out."
  4. The brightly glowing cards float from the ring around her to align themselves in a Harrowing spread. She waves a hand and one dims to the point that it can be seen.
  6. The first card is The Rakshasa, perfectly aligned in the negative past position. "Just as the Rakshasa sits upon the back of its slave, depriving it of freedom and happiness, the armies of The Abyss crushed beneath them the poor citizens of Kenabres. The many suffer for the whims of the few, and we all suffer great loss for their cruel enjoyment.
  8. Also perfectly aligned, the Empty Throne The good of the past. Celeste smiles sadly as she looks on it, "But not everything about the past is cruel. The Empty throne reminds us that, despite our losses, those we have left behind are still with us. The friends and family we've lost live on in our memories, the ways they changed us for the better, and in the lessons they taught us, that we carry on to enrich our lives and give us our best chance at victory."
  9. The card spins around, turning to directly face Aurelia. In it, she sees something familiar, something that reminds her of the stories she's been told of her heroic ancestors. "This is your role, Aurelia. Remember those who came before you and strive to uphold their legacy, their memory will grant you the strength you need to see our mission through."
  11. Once again in its proper place, the Marriage card reveals itself, next. Neither good nor bad, simply an expression of the past as it is"Another important reminder that our past was more than a tragedy. The Marriage, the coming together of two disparate entities. We may have suffered incomprehensible loss, but we've gained something new, as well. Many find solace in the company of their allies in hard times, and we are no exception, bound together by fate as new friends in this harshest of times.
  12. "This card shows your role, Dragos." It turns to face him as the Throne had Aurelia. In it he sees possibility, the opportunities that yet await him, and those that he may come to rely on in the future. "The most unlikely of people can grow closer than family in times such as these, and I see that you will understand this before long."
  14. Yet another card lands perfectly aligned, the Theatre. What good there is to be found in the present. "A promising card, The Theater evidences a true prophecy, not merely some guess. The actors play their part, and the audience watches how the story unfolds.
  15. "This card also shows me my role, that of the audience. One who sees what is yet to come, but yet lacks the means to influence it. It is your place to play the part of the actors, Ekei." The card turns from Celeste to Ekei instead. She sees in it the determination to do what must be done, to carry on the mission to its inevitable end. "Your role is to take your place among the cast of actors playing out our grand story, doing what you can to see it to the end."
  17. The twin shows up next, exactly where it belongs in the position of the present, but neither good nor bad. "Now, this card is rather worrying. Among its other meanings, it sometimes denotes that the entire Harrowing is a falsehood, or that I will interpret it incorrectly. Its more practical meaning is somewhat worrying as well. Those around us are split, torn by indecision between two opposing choices. It calls into question the motives and loyalties of those we consider friends, but in the end the decisions they make are not yet ours to know. We can only hope that their choices do not divide us as the Twin is.
  18. "I can't help but think that this may also be something of a cruel joke the fates are playing on me, mocking me for the curse that binds me to my own twin, leaving us unable to be separated."
  20. Unfortunately, the next card to reveal itself is The Beating. Perfectly aligned to show the harsh realities of the current situation. "Our situation as it is now is quite aptly shown by the Beating. An enemy besieges us with an unending assault, threatening to wear away our stamina and willpower until nothing remains. Our battle promises to be relentless, unfaltering. To beat us into submission no matter how long we might fight against our fate. But, this is only our situation now. The future holds far more to hope for than an endless war."
  22. The negative future position is the Snakebite. A card that you'd rather not see in such a certain position. "A truly vile poison lies in wait for us, promising to bring ruin to everything we hold dear. This card foretells not only the death of those close to us, but the end of our very ideas, freedoms, dreams, and hopes. This poison lies in wait for us, waiting to corrupt the virtuous, destroy our trust and love, and leave only death in its wake.
  23. "Not a good prediction for the future, but the bad isn't all that awaits us."
  25. In the neutral future position is The Carnival, right where it belongs. "The future promises a journey to the Carnival, a place of infinite promises. But these are illusions and lies, phantasms promising great power and untold boons, only to lead you astray, into the winding halls of a mirror maze that you might never escape. Those who rely blindly on the power these creatures offer are sure to wander off the path, lost to their own ignorance. But those who can see through the lies can yet find truth hidden among them. Rare gems of true knowledge, genuine power.
  26. "This is my other role, that of a wandering tourist. It is yet to be seen if I will find what I seek, or be led astray by the false promises of those that would decieve me."
  28. Finally, the good that is to come. "Just where it should be, the Desert shows us what stretches before us. An inhospitable and vile land lies ahead. To attempt crossing it would be suicide, any attempt to venture into these wastes would only leave you stranded, without succor or sustenance or even the will to live. However, the presence of the sphinx in this wasteland reminds us of something else, that we do not have to cross alone. There are those who would help us, with whose assistance crossing the Desert is not only possible but guaranteed. And on the other side, a future rich in wonderful possibilities and experiences awaits us."
  29. The card spins to point at Cassandra, It fills her with a sense of protectiveness, the desire to safeguard those weaker than her. "Your role, Cassandra, is that of the Sphinx. To guide others through trials that they could never hope to survive on their own. To be a shield for others as they journey to their destination, that they might reach it safely."
  31. The cards, along with those circling Celeste, glide down to rest in her hand, atop a small chunk of the wardstone that she doesn't remember having picked up. Their glow dissipates, as does that in her eyes. Only one eye still bears the seeker's spiral once it subsides, and that one isn't glowing nearly as brilliantly as it just was.
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