Guest User

Server Config

a guest
Jun 5th, 2016
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  1. #
  2. # #
  3. # WorldConfig #
  4. # #
  5. WorldSpawnWorld: ''
  6. WorldSpawnX: ''
  7. WorldSpawnY: ''
  8. WorldSpawnZ: ''
  9. EnabledWorlds: ''
  10. BaseMoneyPerKill: 10.0
  11. EnabledWorldsUseSameMoneyAsDisabledWorlds: false
  12. HealPlayerWhenTheyEnterArena: true
  13. HealPlayerWhenTheyKillAnotherPlayer: false
  14. HealPlayerWhenTheyLevelUp: true
  15. Disable/Enable PlayerEarnsMoneyByKill: true
  16. OpsCanDrop/PickupItemsWhileInPvp: true
  17. PlayerDropItemsWellInTheArena: false
  18. PlayerPickupItemsWellInTheArena: false
  19. Special Ability 1: SPEED
  20. Special Ability 2: HEALTH_BOOST
  21. Special Ability 3: FIRE_RESISTANCE
  22. Special Ability 4: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE
  23. Special Ability 5: ABSORPTION
  24. Special Ability 6: JUMP
  25. Special Ability 7: INCREASE_DAMAGE
  26. Special Ability 8: REGENERATION
  27. Special Ability 9: SPEED
  28. Special Ability 10: HEALTH_BOOST
  29. Special Ability 11: ABSORPTION
  30. Special Ability 12: FIRE_RESISTANCE
  31. Special Ability 13: JUMP
  32. Special Ability 14: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE
  33. Special Ability 15: REGENERATION
  34. Special Ability 16: NIGHT_VISION
  35. Special Ability 17: INCREASE_DAMAGE
  36. MenuIconItem: COMPASS
  37. MenuItemName: '&aKitPvp Menu'
  38. MenuIconSlot: 0
  39. MenuShopEnable: true
  40. MenuShopIconItem: CHEST
  41. MenuShopIconGuiSlot: 12
  42. MenuShopIconName: '&eShop'
  43. MenuShopIconDescriptionLine1: '&4----------'
  44. MenuShopIconDescriptionLine2: '&f17 Abilities!'
  45. MenuShopIconDescriptionLine3: '&fPurchase!'
  46. MenuKitsEnable: true
  47. MenuKitsIconItem: DIAMOND_SWORD
  48. MenuKitsIconGuiSlot: 14
  49. MenuKitsIconName: '&eKits'
  50. MenuKitsIconDescriptionLine1: '&4-------'
  51. MenuKitsIconDescriptionLine2: '&f35 Kits!'
  52. MenuKitsIconDescriptionLine3: '&fRank Up!'
  53. MenuTpToSpawnEnable: true
  54. MenuTpToSpawnIconItem: COMPASS
  55. MenuTpToSpawnIconGuiSlot: 8
  56. MenuTpToSpawnIconName: '&aTeleport To Spawn'
  57. MenuExitInvEnable: true
  58. MenuExitInvIconItem: BARRIER
  59. MenuExitInvIconGuiSlot: 0
  60. MenuExitInvIconName: '&4Quit Menu'
  61. MenuGuiName: '&fKitPvp'
  62. ShopGuiName: '&fShop'
  63. KitsGuiName: '&fKits'
  64. WorldIsDisabledMessage: '&4The World You Are In Is Disabled. To Enable A World, Add
  65. The World Name To The Config File!'
  66. CommandSenderIsNotPlayer: '&4You Are Not A Player!'
  67. PlayerDoesNotHavePermission: '&4You Do Not Have Permission!'
  68. SetKitSuccess: '&aYou Have SuccessFully Set a Kit!'
  69. RemoveKitSuccess: '&aYou Have SuccessFully Removed a Kit!'
  70. RemoveAllKitsSuccess: '&aYou Have SuccessFully Removed All Of The Kits!'
  71. PlayerDoesNotHaveKit: '&4You Do Not Have That Kit! To Unlock Kits, Earn Levels By
  72. Killing Other Players!'
  73. NoSpawnLocations: '&4There Are 0 Valid Spots To Spawn! Set Spawns by /Kp SetSpawn
  74. (1 - 16)'
  75. AllSpawnsRemoved: '&aYou Have SuccessFully Removed All Of The Spawns!'
  76. SuccessEnableWorld: '&aYou Have SuccessFully Enabled This World!'
  77. SuccessDisableWorld: '&aYou Have SuccessFully Disabled This World!'
  78. Disable/Enable WorldSpawn Set Message: true
  79. Disable/Enable 1 Spawn Removed Message: true
  80. Disable/Enable Spawn Added Message: true
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