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Sep 25th, 2013
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  1. Efficiency Station Theory
  2. Penned by Anna Day
  3. Theory by Selene Avery and Anna Day
  4. Efficiency Station is the most recent station to make the Nanotrasen roster
  5. The station stands out from other because of its large and complex maintenance.
  6. Observation of these maintenance shafts reveal large amounts of burn damage, and if you look carefully enough, you might even find a forgotten corpse
  7. Why has Nanotrasen built a new station on top of an old one? What happened to said station? The following is several shifts worth of guessing and observations.
  8. Examination of maintenance shows several rooms that would not be commonly found on a standard research station, among them are: Markets, extended dorms and a strip club.
  9. Evidence supports the fact that the station may not have been a research station, but rather a civilian colony station, maybe even a trade outpost.
  10. If this is the case, why has the old station been destroyed by a plasma fire, when such a material never would have been available to a civilian population.
  11. A small pile of bones was found in the mysterious maintenance shaft, examining these bones showed signs of damage, a cracked skull, fractured femurs. This seems to be evidence of hostile actions on the station.
  12. The question is: Who would attack a defenseless trade outpost, and why did Nanotrasen move in afterwards?
  13. Perhaps Nanotrasen destroyed the station themselves? Maybe their deathsquads killed the inhabitants, and burned the evidence. But the question still remains, why? And why build a station on top of it?
  14. More answers need to be found, we may never truly know what happened. But, this, is my theory.
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