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Vulplore Chatlog 001

a guest
Oct 15th, 2015
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  1. 20:06
  2. <Neri>: Well, odds are is we will be the only two till other vulpplayers get on and I poke them.
  3. 20:09
  4. <Neri>: Yuki's player will prolly wanna talk. Ruru and Clay's players also.
  5. 20:09
  6. <Neri>: And a few others.
  7. 20:09
  8. <Val>: That would be good
  9. 20:09
  10. <Neri>: Yah
  11. 20:09
  12. <Neri>: Can just do OOC pda's ingame if we see them.
  13. 20:09
  14. <Val>: I need to pull up a bunch of ideas I've had for lore in the past
  15. 20:09
  16. <Neri>: I have quite a few ideas also.
  17. 20:09
  18. <Val>: I wish I wrote them down now
  19. 20:10
  20. <Neri>: The first main topic is species origin.
  21. 20:10
  22. <Neri>: I have a lot of ideas for the psychology of the race once we actually get to it.
  23. 20:10
  24. <Neri>: Mostly based on how people rp them.
  25. 20:13
  26. *** Erin joined #Vulplore
  27. 20:13
  28. <Erin>: Hello
  29. 20:13
  30. <Erin>: anyway so vulp are fox wolf mix right?
  31. 20:14
  32. <Val>: I got ideas for the type of planet for them
  33. 20:14
  34. *** KasparoVv joined #Vulplore
  35. 20:15
  36. <Neri>: Vulp are canines in general technically. Most play them as foxes.
  37. 20:15
  38. <KasparoVv>: Lmao, me and ddd joined some channel called vulpore by accident. Oops.
  39. 20:15
  40. <Neri>: I know Beau plays his as a dog
  41. 20:15
  42. <Neri>: Heh~
  43. 20:15
  44. <KasparoVv>: From what I know the whole vulpkanin thing spans canids and vulpines
  45. 20:15
  46. <Neri>: Basically
  47. 20:15
  48. <KasparoVv>: Some guy played a raccoon but I don't think that was lore-legit
  49. 20:15
  50. <Neri>: I have thoughts on how the psychology works when we get around to it.
  51. 20:15
  52. <Erin>: Mmm well my idea was they could be like dogs who were bred over the course of 200-300 years and became sentient and uprose
  53. 20:16
  54. <Erin>: 10/10?
  55. 20:16
  56. <Neri>: Nah
  57. 20:16
  58. <Neri>: Can't link to human.
  59. 20:16
  60. <Erin>: ah alright
  61. 20:16
  62. <KasparoVv>: The vulps are digitigrade like the tajarans, right? Or are they plantigrade like humans and unathi?
  63. 20:17
  64. *** Ddd joined #Vulplore
  65. 20:17
  66. <Neri>: Welcome~
  67. 20:17
  68. <Ddd>: Ah
  69. 20:17
  70. <Ddd>: the L
  71. 20:17
  72. <KasparoVv>: Yeah it wasn't that vulpore channel
  73. 20:17
  74. <Neri>: Yep~
  75. 20:17
  76. <KasparoVv>: Haha
  77. 20:17
  78. *** KasparoVv quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  79. 20:17
  80. <Ddd>: oke doke
  81. 20:17
  82. <Neri>: He prolly timed out
  83. 20:17
  84. <Neri>: He'll be back in a moment
  85. 20:17
  86. *** KasparoVv joined #Vulplore
  87. 20:17
  88. <KasparoVv>: RIP browser
  89. 20:17
  90. <Erin>: So ideas for planet? I mean they breathe oxygen right? so it has to be an earth like planet at the least
  91. 20:18
  92. <Ddd>: so vuplakins old lore was sparklesnowflake eutopia bestest evers technologies
  93. 20:18
  94. <Neri>: They breath oxygen.
  95. 20:18
  96. <Neri>: I don't think they have a set physiology yet.
  97. 20:18
  98. <Val>: I was thinking a tundra like planet
  99. 20:18
  100. <KasparoVv>: It's most likely a planet with gravity super-similar to Earth's
  101. 20:18
  102. <Erin>: oh yeah.. because of the fur
  103. 20:18
  104. <Neri>: Taja are already tundra
  105. 20:18
  106. <Val>: Would make sense
  107. 20:18
  108. <KasparoVv>: Depending on their height and such though
  109. 20:18
  110. <Ddd>: taja is jungle I thought
  111. 20:18
  112. <Neri>: No.
  113. 20:18
  114. <KasparoVv>: It'd be managable to have a planet with a wide range of climates
  115. 20:19
  116. <Neri>: I just went over the racial lore earlier today to make sure we didn't copy taa.
  117. 20:19
  118. <Neri>: taja*
  119. 20:19
  120. <KasparoVv>: Because not all canines or vulpines are winterbeasts
  121. 20:19
  122. <Neri>: Yah.
  123. 20:19
  124. <Erin>: what kind of culture do they have? they are hunters right?
  125. 20:19
  126. <KasparoVv>: Probably
  127. 20:19
  128. <Neri>: I'm thinking a savahnaish planet.
  129. 20:19
  130. <KasparoVv>: I imagine their society'd revolve around small, tight-knit well-defined packs
  131. 20:19
  132. <Neri>: Yah
  133. 20:20
  134. <Neri>: On the psychological bit, I have ideas there
  135. 20:20
  136. <Ddd>: I thought it could have been interesting if they weren't a species that naturally evolved, but a science experiment gone awol
  137. 20:20
  138. <Erin>: I have some aswell considering they are canines
  139. 20:20
  140. <KasparoVv>: Lmao, that'd be funny.
  141. 20:20
  142. <Erin>: well that is what I said and it was shot down
  143. 20:20
  144. <Neri>: Personally I would rather not have it linked to humans
  145. 20:20
  146. <Ddd>: doesn't have to be humans
  147. 20:20
  148. <KasparoVv>: The whole pack-thing I got from the fact that the species encompasses canid physicology and something I read on the baystation12 resomi lorebible
  149. 20:21
  150. <Ddd>: could have been a species thats been in space longer than humans
  151. 20:21
  152. <Neri>: We already have a species that is basically an AWOL science experiment anyways.
  153. 20:21
  154. *** FoS joined #Vulplore
  155. 20:21
  156. <Ddd>: Grey, Vox
  157. 20:21
  158. <KasparoVv>: Slimes?
  159. 20:21
  160. <KasparoVv>: The experiment thing, I mean.
  161. 20:21
  162. <Ddd>: slimes arent
  163. 20:21
  164. <Neri>: Nucleation and Shadowpeople are functionally AWOL science experiments. No need for more.
  165. 20:21
  166. <Ddd>: slimes have their own planet
  167. 20:21
  168. <KasparoVv>: Oh lol.
  169. 20:21
  170. <KasparoVv>: I've never played them. Also, welcome @FoS!
  171. 20:21
  172. <Neri>: Welcome FoS~
  173. 20:22
  174. <Ddd>: hay fos draw us cute voxes moar
  175. 20:22
  176. <Erin>: Speaking of vox I need to speak with somebody later about their lore because i'm a little confused but still want to be vox
  177. 20:22
  178. <Ddd>: yaya is good shoal is good
  179. 20:22
  180. <KasparoVv>: What was the question?
  181. 20:22
  182. <Ddd>: all you need to know
  183. 20:23
  184. <Erin>: what about vox?
  185. 20:23
  186. <Neri>: On the topic of psychology, since they are likely pack based, seeing how people play vulps. I'm thinking they should have a mental "switch" for what role they take in interactions.
  187. 20:23
  188. <Ddd>: steal is not word, claim is word
  189. 20:23
  190. <KasparoVv>: What is this switch you're talking of?
  191. 20:23
  192. <KasparoVv>: Are you talking about the whole pack ranking structure thing?
  193. 20:23
  194. <Erin>: Like going lone wolf mode?
  195. 20:23
  196. <Ddd>: this doesnt sound like a thing that can be mechanically portrayed
  197. 20:23
  198. <KasparoVv>: Like alpha-beta-gamma w/e
  199. 20:23
  200. <Neri>: Doesn't need mechanics.
  201. 20:23
  202. <Erin>: Ah
  203. 20:23
  204. <Neri>: It's something people who play vulps tend to do anyways.
  205. 20:24
  206. <KasparoVv>: Mind describing this behaviour a bit?
  207. 20:24
  208. <Neri>: If they see a spot that needs a leader. They take control and start asserting. If unneeded, they submit to the authority figure present.
  209. 20:24
  210. <KasparoVv>: Oh, yeah-- so it is like the pack ranking thing
  211. 20:24
  212. <Neri>: Basically.
  213. 20:25
  214. <Ddd>: I've only ever paid attention to Colin black, Yuki frost, fox, and valthorne, and they just act like humans
  215. 20:25
  216. <Erin>: Could be similar to the vox hat thing but just with basic standing and no in game showing of it
  217. 20:25
  218. <KasparoVv>: Lmao. The fancy leader hat..
  219. 20:25
  220. <Ddd>: best hat
  221. 20:25
  222. <KasparoVv>: Haven't seen a raider round in ages, come to think of it.
  223. 20:25
  224. <Neri>: Neri for example tends to prefer the following role, but has a tendency to get into situations that need an a leader, nobody being up to it, she just starts ordering the people around.
  225. 20:26
  226. <KasparoVv>: I figure it'd be a good bet to make the lore and species pack-centric
  227. 20:26
  228. <Neri>: This has happened at least four times in medbay while she was the mechanic.
  229. 20:26
  230. <Neri>: Sees medbay going to shit. Starts ordering the medics around/doing unlicensed surgery
  231. 20:26
  232. *** Ddd quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  233. 20:26
  234. <KasparoVv>: Referencing that, while on station, vulpkanin detached from their home pack tend to form one of their own aboard
  235. 20:26
  236. <Neri>: Yah
  237. 20:26
  238. <Erin>: So lets also bring up things vulps like and dislike later too
  239. 20:26
  240. <Neri>: Which has been shown with that Vulp Embassy in the old bar we did.
  241. 20:27
  242. <Val>: I tend to play Val as one who takes others around, if they ask to follow I will let the most of the time
  243. 20:27
  244. <Neri>: Omnivorous but preferring meats.
  245. 20:27
  246. <KasparoVv>: And how they're for the most part they're predisposed to becoming distressed when being caught without a pack for a long period of time or something
  247. 20:27
  248. <Val>: Also I remember the embassy, that was amazing
  249. 20:27
  250. <Neri>: The Embassy was awesome.
  251. 20:27
  252. <Neri>: Val got ahold of a traitor's pda.
  253. 20:27
  254. <Neri>: Got all the vulps encryption keys.
  255. 20:27
  256. <KasparoVv>: I'm getting some of these ideas from the Bay12 Resomi species, a whole load of parallels can be drawn b/w that and Vulps--
  257. 20:27
  258. <Erin>: I would say they REALLY prefer meats and cant have things like wheat
  259. 20:27
  260. <KasparoVv>: Lmfao gg
  261. 20:28
  262. <KasparoVv>: Whatever a real canine diet is'd be a good bet
  263. 20:28
  264. <Neri>: So we were all talking on the taitor channel in the vulp language.
  265. 20:28
  266. <Neri>: And ended up turning the Old Bar into an embassy.
  267. 20:28
  268. <Neri>: Yuki brought a pet human~
  269. 20:29
  270. <Neri>: But yah, Vulps having a preference for being with groups makes sense.
  271. 20:29
  272. <Neri>: Also similar to how most vulp players have been rping.
  273. 20:29
  274. <Erin>: There should be downsides to that aswell. like if the leader gets distressed they all feel the same except for the few who want to one up them and take their spot as leader
  275. 20:29
  276. <Neri>: Not much oneupping with a mental switch.
  277. 20:30
  278. <Neri>: If the leader isn't fit. Another takes over. Leader just moves into the follower position until suited again.
  279. 20:30
  280. <KasparoVv>: Yeah.
  281. 20:30
  282. <Erin>: Could say that weakness is a taboo trait
  283. 20:30
  284. <Neri>: Sorta like a thing that the japanese do irl.
  285. 20:30
  286. <Erin>: since they are hunters
  287. 20:30
  288. <Neri>: If someone can't handle being an adult. It's socially acceptable to just let go and be a kid for a few hours.
  289. 20:30
  290. <KasparoVv>: While we're on this topic, I figure it'd be a good idea to divvie the lore page up into history, behaviour, and pack study
  291. 20:30
  292. <Neri>: Yah.
  293. 20:31
  294. <Neri>: Methinks that normal physiology for fur should be muted reds, browns, greys, and blacks, sometimes with whites. The neons should be purely a dye choice.
  295. 20:31
  296. <KasparoVv>: ^^^^^
  297. 20:31
  298. <KasparoVv>: Absolutely
  299. 20:32
  300. <Erin>: oh my god yes
  301. 20:32
  302. <Erin>: maybe have some spotted fur in there too
  303. 20:32
  304. <Erin>: i can sprite that
  305. 20:32
  306. <Val>: Yes, that would be amazing
  307. 20:32
  308. <Neri>: Sure~
  309. 20:32
  310. <Neri>: Spots would be nice to have for variation.
  311. 20:32
  312. <KasparoVv>: The fur colour/patterns should probably pertain to what the character most looks like
  313. 20:32
  314. <Erin>: should i also do a shaved version?
  315. 20:32
  316. <KasparoVv>: Say if someone's trying to make a grey fox vulpkanin, etc. etc.
  317. 20:32
  318. <Neri>: Plsno. We dun need the barber shaving vulps.
  319. 20:32
  320. <Neri>: Hairless foxes look demonic irl.
  321. 20:33
  322. <Erin>: whats to stop a vulp shaving themselves?
  323. 20:33
  324. <KasparoVv>: I think if you're going to make fur patterns that you should look at TG's lizardman system
  325. 20:33
  326. <KasparoVv>: They've implemented something like it
  327. 20:33
  328. <Erin>: Alright
  329. 20:33
  330. <Erin>: what do they do like the goon hair layers thing? where you pick multiple and they layer over eachother
  331. 20:33
  332. <KasparoVv>: Also fur patterns shouldn't be limited to just spots-- but could also potentially include common fur patterns for dogs, wolves, etc
  333. 20:33
  334. <Erin>: yeah I was already assuming that
  335. 20:33
  336. <Neri>: Stripes, maybe tipped tails.
  337. 20:33
  338. <KasparoVv>: No, they have a selection dialogue where you pick a fur pattern
  339. 20:33
  340. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, TG's got that going too
  341. 20:34
  342. <Erin>: I also want to do the same for humans and fox
  343. 20:34
  344. <KasparoVv>: Just play about with their character creator at some point and you'll get a feel for it
  345. 20:34
  346. <Erin>: humans being you know.. freckles and scars
  347. 20:34
  348. <Erin>: and alright
  349. 20:34
  350. <Neri>: Look up a Tricolor Caviler King Charles Spaniel for a nice coloration pattern.
  351. 20:34
  352. <KasparoVv>: I sortof wish we could implement TG's system for our unathi, but it's pretty incompatible with what we've got. Porting it'd be a drag
  353. 20:35
  354. <KasparoVv>: If we could make it proper modular it'd be no problem at all to work it for vulp/humans
  355. 20:35
  356. <KasparoVv>: Possibly even tajarans or whatever
  357. 20:35
  358. <Erin>: because if you make a modular system I'll sprite maybe like 20 variations for random body parts each species
  359. 20:35
  360. <Neri>: How indepth should nanotress have researched the vulp pack system?
  361. 20:36
  362. <Erin>: Well theres something
  363. 20:36
  364. <KasparoVv>: Ah, there's another thing
  365. 20:36
  366. <Erin>: when did vulps get discovered?
  367. 20:36
  368. <Erin>: was it during a tribal period?
  369. 20:36
  370. <FoS>: I didn't want to have any color/marking restrictions when i created 'em. Just saying.
  371. 20:36
  372. <Erin>: or when they were advanced on their own
  373. 20:36
  374. <KasparoVv>: And how much NT is involved in strip-mining their planets haha
  375. 20:36
  376. <Neri>: Yah.
  377. 20:36
  378. <KasparoVv>: Because with tajaran, that's the only reason why NT knows so much about them
  379. 20:36
  380. <Neri>: I'm fairly sure most vulps have at least Skeptical set for nanotress.
  381. 20:36
  382. <KasparoVv>: Because they're on their home planet yanking all their ores
  383. 20:36
  384. <Val>: I sure know I am
  385. 20:37
  386. <Erin>: My character is skeptical as a human just because she was found sacrificing crabs to narsie
  387. 20:37
  388. <Erin>: xD
  389. 20:37
  390. <KasparoVv>: I think there'd be limited knowledge of Vulpkanins from NT aside from speculation and assumptions
  391. 20:37
  392. <KasparoVv>: Could reference the Vox page for that
  393. 20:37
  394. <Neri>: Maybe nanotress encountered Vulps before they exited their starsystem but after they left their planet?
  395. 20:37
  396. <KasparoVv>: There's a section detailing what Vox know about Vox and what NT/other species know about Vox
  397. 20:37
  398. <KasparoVv>: Yeah
  399. 20:37
  400. <Erin>: thats what i want to see
  401. 20:38
  402. <Erin>: like they picked up vulps at our stage now on earth or at like
  403. 20:38
  404. <Neri>: So Vulps having spread to other planets in their system before a nanotress probe showed up?
  405. 20:38
  406. <Erin>: the 50s or so
  407. 20:38
  408. <Erin>: and yanked them into interstellar communities
  409. 20:38
  410. <KasparoVv>: Is that a yes/no question?
  411. 20:38
  412. <Val>: So NT found Vulps just before they gained interstellar travel but still had space travel?
  413. 20:38
  414. <Erin>: Could be yeah
  415. 20:38
  416. <Neri>: They prolly picked up the vulps after we get to europa if you want an analogue
  417. 20:38
  418. <Neri>: Yah.
  419. 20:38
  420. <Erin>: sounds fine.. maybe 2-3 planets colonised
  421. 20:38
  422. <KasparoVv>: And a deal b/w vulpkanins granted them the last bump in tech to accomplish interstellar?
  423. 20:38
  424. <KasparoVv>: What were the planets like, though?
  425. 20:38
  426. <KasparoVv>: Were they class-M earth-like with atmospheres and ecologies?
  427. 20:39
  428. <Neri>: One being a temperate slightly on the hotside.
  429. 20:39
  430. <KasparoVv>: Or did they need terraforming
  431. 20:39
  432. <Erin>: probably a main planet in the goldylocks zone with 2 habitable moons? or 1 habitable moon and a dead planet similar to mars
  433. 20:39
  434. <Neri>: One being more dusty and dry but still livable.
  435. 20:39
  436. <Val>: Got IRL things to do, be back
  437. 20:39
  438. <Neri>: Maybe one moon being the dustydry.
  439. 20:39
  440. <Erin>: k
  441. 20:39
  442. <Neri>: I'll save the logs for you Val.
  443. 20:39
  444. <KasparoVv>: And the other being an iceball?
  445. 20:39
  446. <Erin>: and the mars like planet being
  447. 20:39
  448. <Erin>: yeah
  449. 20:39
  450. <Erin>: an iceball
  451. 20:39
  452. <Neri>: The marsstyle being an iceball.
  453. 20:40
  454. <Neri>: Maybe sorta like irl europa
  455. 20:40
  456. <Neri>: Ice surface. Water beneath
  457. 20:40
  458. <Erin>: btw neri
  459. 20:40
  460. <Erin>: people are talking to you in game
  461. 20:40
  462. <KasparoVv>: Where all the heavy-furred arctic whatever vulps go. Kek.
  463. 20:40
  464. <KasparoVv>: In OOC or IC? haha. If neri's a department head, that's bad juju
  465. 20:41
  466. <Erin>: ic but yeah. didn't know if they were paying attention
  467. 20:41
  468. <Erin>: they arent a head
  469. 20:41
  470. <Neri>: I am the mechanic
  471. 20:42
  472. <Neri>: Aka an Assistant/Engineer that makes spacepods.
  473. 20:42
  474. <Neri>: Nonessential karmajob.
  475. 20:42
  476. <Erin>: So lets say vulp with winter coats are more fish loving? since its an iceball with an under surface ocean
  477. 20:42
  478. <Neri>: Sure
  479. 20:42
  480. <Neri>: Makes sense.
  481. 20:42
  482. <Erin>: while the ones from the main planet love meat
  483. 20:42
  484. <KasparoVv>: I think for that it'd be good to look at the way arctic wolves/fox behave and their diet
  485. 20:42
  486. <Neri>: Yah
  487. 20:42
  488. <KasparoVv>: Because it'd be so similar
  489. 20:42
  490. <Neri>: Someone wanna do some research on arctic wolves/foxes?
  491. 20:43
  492. <Erin>: arctic foxes dive into snow to eat sleeping mice
  493. 20:43
  494. <KasparoVv>: For wolves; common prey targets are caribou, arctic hares, lemmings and musk ox. They're not afraid to go after creatures that are markedly bigger than them, notably caribou. Other components of their diet are birds, such as ptarmigans, and seals.
  495. 20:43
  496. <Erin>: so thats not really a go on an all ice planet thats mostly water
  497. 20:43
  498. <KasparoVv>: Wikipedia copypasta haha
  500. 20:42
  501. <Neri>: Yah
  502. 20:42
  503. <KasparoVv>: Because it'd be so similar
  504. 20:42
  505. <Neri>: Someone wanna do some research on arctic wolves/foxes?
  506. 20:43
  507. <Erin>: arctic foxes dive into snow to eat sleeping mice
  508. 20:43
  509. <KasparoVv>: For wolves; common prey targets are caribou, arctic hares, lemmings and musk ox. They're not afraid to go after creatures that are markedly bigger than them, notably caribou. Other components of their diet are birds, such as ptarmigans, and seals.
  510. 20:43
  511. <Erin>: so thats not really a go on an all ice planet thats mostly water
  512. 20:43
  513. <KasparoVv>: Wikipedia copypasta haha
  514. 20:43
  515. <Erin>: oh my god how many rounds is this guy not going to listen to people
  516. 20:44
  517. <Neri>: Heh
  518. 20:44
  519. <Neri>: Am saving the logs by the way
  520. 20:44
  521. <Erin>: oh good
  522. 20:44
  523. <Erin>: what was his name again?
  524. 20:44
  525. <Erin>: moonman?
  526. 20:44
  527. <Erin>: ooc i mean
  528. 20:44
  529. <Neri>: I mean this chat's logs
  530. 20:44
  531. <KasparoVv>: For the fox-like ones
  532. 20:44
  533. <KasparoVv>:
  534. 20:44
  535. <Erin>: ohh
  536. 20:44
  537. <KasparoVv>: say First paragraph's got all you really need to know
  538. 20:44
  539. <Erin>: Kas
  540. 20:45
  541. <Neri>: Heh~ You did the reflex ss13 say~
  542. 20:45
  543. <Erin>: you and me have the same problem
  544. 20:45
  545. <Neri>: I do it also~
  546. 20:45
  547. <Erin>: i use say in everything other than ss13 SO MUCH
  549. Neri
  550. Erin
  551. FoS
  552. KasparoVv
  553. Val
  556. 20:30
  557. <Erin>: since they are hunters
  558. 20:30
  559. <Neri>: If someone can't handle being an adult. It's socially acceptable to just let go and be a kid for a few hours.
  560. 20:30
  561. <KasparoVv>: While we're on this topic, I figure it'd be a good idea to divvie the lore page up into history, behaviour, and pack study
  562. 20:30
  563. <Neri>: Yah.
  564. 20:31
  565. <Neri>: Methinks that normal physiology for fur should be muted reds, browns, greys, and blacks, sometimes with whites. The neons should be purely a dye choice.
  566. 20:31
  567. <KasparoVv>: ^^^^^
  568. 20:31
  569. <KasparoVv>: Absolutely
  570. 20:32
  571. <Erin>: oh my god yes
  572. 20:32
  573. <Erin>: maybe have some spotted fur in there too
  574. 20:32
  575. <Erin>: i can sprite that
  576. 20:32
  577. <Val>: Yes, that would be amazing
  578. 20:32
  579. <Neri>: Sure~
  580. 20:32
  581. <Neri>: Spots would be nice to have for variation.
  582. 20:32
  583. <KasparoVv>: The fur colour/patterns should probably pertain to what the character most looks like
  584. 20:32
  585. <Erin>: should i also do a shaved version?
  586. 20:32
  587. <KasparoVv>: Say if someone's trying to make a grey fox vulpkanin, etc. etc.
  588. 20:32
  589. <Neri>: Plsno. We dun need the barber shaving vulps.
  590. 20:32
  591. <Neri>: Hairless foxes look demonic irl.
  592. 20:33
  593. <Erin>: whats to stop a vulp shaving themselves?
  594. 20:33
  595. <KasparoVv>: I think if you're going to make fur patterns that you should look at TG's lizardman system
  596. 20:33
  597. <KasparoVv>: They've implemented something like it
  598. 20:33
  599. <Erin>: Alright
  600. 20:33
  601. <Erin>: what do they do like the goon hair layers thing? where you pick multiple and they layer over eachother
  602. 20:33
  603. <KasparoVv>: Also fur patterns shouldn't be limited to just spots-- but could also potentially include common fur patterns for dogs, wolves, etc
  604. 20:33
  605. <Erin>: yeah I was already assuming that
  606. 20:33
  607. <Neri>: Stripes, maybe tipped tails.
  608. 20:33
  609. <KasparoVv>: No, they have a selection dialogue where you pick a fur pattern
  610. 20:33
  611. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, TG's got that going too
  612. 20:34
  613. <Erin>: I also want to do the same for humans and fox
  614. 20:34
  615. <KasparoVv>: Just play about with their character creator at some point and you'll get a feel for it
  616. 20:34
  617. <Erin>: humans being you know.. freckles and scars
  618. 20:34
  619. <Erin>: and alright
  620. 20:34
  621. <Neri>: Look up a Tricolor Caviler King Charles Spaniel for a nice coloration pattern.
  622. 20:34
  623. <KasparoVv>: I sortof wish we could implement TG's system for our unathi, but it's pretty incompatible with what we've got. Porting it'd be a drag
  624. 20:35
  625. <KasparoVv>: If we could make it proper modular it'd be no problem at all to work it for vulp/humans
  626. 20:35
  627. <KasparoVv>: Possibly even tajarans or whatever
  628. 20:35
  629. <Erin>: because if you make a modular system I'll sprite maybe like 20 variations for random body parts each species
  630. 20:35
  631. <Neri>: How indepth should nanotress have researched the vulp pack system?
  632. 20:36
  633. <Erin>: Well theres something
  634. 20:36
  635. <KasparoVv>: Ah, there's another thing
  636. 20:36
  637. <Erin>: when did vulps get discovered?
  638. 20:36
  639. <Erin>: was it during a tribal period?
  640. 20:36
  641. <FoS>: I didn't want to have any color/marking restrictions when i created 'em. Just saying.
  642. 20:36
  643. <Erin>: or when they were advanced on their own
  644. 20:36
  645. <KasparoVv>: And how much NT is involved in strip-mining their planets haha
  646. 20:36
  647. <Neri>: Yah.
  648. 20:36
  649. <KasparoVv>: Because with tajaran, that's the only reason why NT knows so much about them
  650. 20:36
  651. <Neri>: I'm fairly sure most vulps have at least Skeptical set for nanotress.
  652. 20:36
  653. <KasparoVv>: Because they're on their home planet yanking all their ores
  654. 20:36
  655. <Val>: I sure know I am
  656. 20:37
  657. <Erin>: My character is skeptical as a human just because she was found sacrificing crabs to narsie
  658. 20:37
  659. <Erin>: xD
  660. 20:37
  661. <KasparoVv>: I think there'd be limited knowledge of Vulpkanins from NT aside from speculation and assumptions
  662. 20:37
  663. <KasparoVv>: Could reference the Vox page for that
  664. 20:37
  665. <Neri>: Maybe nanotress encountered Vulps before they exited their starsystem but after they left their planet?
  666. 20:37
  667. <KasparoVv>: There's a section detailing what Vox know about Vox and what NT/other species know about Vox
  668. 20:37
  669. <KasparoVv>: Yeah
  670. 20:37
  671. <Erin>: thats what i want to see
  672. 20:38
  673. <Erin>: like they picked up vulps at our stage now on earth or at like
  674. 20:38
  675. <Neri>: So Vulps having spread to other planets in their system before a nanotress probe showed up?
  676. 20:38
  677. <Erin>: the 50s or so
  678. 20:38
  679. <Erin>: and yanked them into interstellar communities
  680. 20:38
  681. <KasparoVv>: Is that a yes/no question?
  682. 20:38
  683. <Val>: So NT found Vulps just before they gained interstellar travel but still had space travel?
  684. 20:38
  685. <Erin>: Could be yeah
  686. 20:38
  687. <Neri>: They prolly picked up the vulps after we get to europa if you want an analogue
  688. 20:38
  689. <Neri>: Yah.
  690. 20:38
  691. <Erin>: sounds fine.. maybe 2-3 planets colonised
  692. 20:38
  693. <KasparoVv>: And a deal b/w vulpkanins granted them the last bump in tech to accomplish interstellar?
  694. 20:38
  695. <KasparoVv>: What were the planets like, though?
  696. 20:38
  697. <KasparoVv>: Were they class-M earth-like with atmospheres and ecologies?
  698. 20:39
  699. <Neri>: One being a temperate slightly on the hotside.
  700. 20:39
  701. <KasparoVv>: Or did they need terraforming
  702. 20:39
  703. <Erin>: probably a main planet in the goldylocks zone with 2 habitable moons? or 1 habitable moon and a dead planet similar to mars
  704. 20:39
  705. <Neri>: One being more dusty and dry but still livable.
  706. 20:39
  707. <Val>: Got IRL things to do, be back
  708. 20:39
  709. <Neri>: Maybe one moon being the dustydry.
  710. 20:39
  711. <Erin>: k
  712. 20:39
  713. <Neri>: I'll save the logs for you Val.
  714. 20:39
  715. <KasparoVv>: And the other being an iceball?
  716. 20:39
  717. <Erin>: and the mars like planet being
  718. 20:39
  719. <Erin>: yeah
  720. 20:39
  721. <Erin>: an iceball
  722. 20:39
  723. <Neri>: The marsstyle being an iceball.
  724. 20:40
  725. <Neri>: Maybe sorta like irl europa
  726. 20:40
  727. <Neri>: Ice surface. Water beneath
  728. 20:40
  729. <Erin>: btw neri
  730. 20:40
  731. <Erin>: people are talking to you in game
  732. 20:40
  733. <KasparoVv>: Where all the heavy-furred arctic whatever vulps go. Kek.
  734. 20:40
  735. <KasparoVv>: In OOC or IC? haha. If neri's a department head, that's bad juju
  736. 20:41
  737. <Erin>: ic but yeah. didn't know if they were paying attention
  738. 20:41
  739. <Erin>: they arent a head
  740. 20:41
  741. <Neri>: I am the mechanic
  742. 20:42
  743. <Neri>: Aka an Assistant/Engineer that makes spacepods.
  744. 20:42
  745. <Neri>: Nonessential karmajob.
  746. 20:42
  747. <Erin>: So lets say vulp with winter coats are more fish loving? since its an iceball with an under surface ocean
  748. 20:42
  749. <Neri>: Sure
  750. 20:42
  751. <Neri>: Makes sense.
  752. 20:42
  753. <Erin>: while the ones from the main planet love meat
  754. 20:42
  755. <KasparoVv>: I think for that it'd be good to look at the way arctic wolves/fox behave and their diet
  756. 20:42
  757. <Neri>: Yah
  758. 20:42
  759. <KasparoVv>: Because it'd be so similar
  760. 20:42
  761. <Neri>: Someone wanna do some research on arctic wolves/foxes?
  762. 20:43
  763. <Erin>: arctic foxes dive into snow to eat sleeping mice
  764. 20:43
  765. <KasparoVv>: For wolves; common prey targets are caribou, arctic hares, lemmings and musk ox. They're not afraid to go after creatures that are markedly bigger than them, notably caribou. Other components of their diet are birds, such as ptarmigans, and seals.
  766. 20:43
  767. <Erin>: so thats not really a go on an all ice planet thats mostly water
  768. 20:43
  769. <KasparoVv>: Wikipedia copypasta haha
  770. 20:43
  771. <Erin>: oh my god how many rounds is this guy not going to listen to people
  772. 20:44
  773. <Neri>: Heh
  774. 20:44
  775. <Neri>: Am saving the logs by the way
  776. 20:44
  777. <Erin>: oh good
  778. 20:44
  779. <Erin>: what was his name again?
  780. 20:44
  781. <Erin>: moonman?
  782. 20:44
  783. <Erin>: ooc i mean
  784. 20:44
  785. <Neri>: I mean this chat's logs
  786. 20:44
  787. <KasparoVv>: For the fox-like ones
  788. 20:44
  789. <KasparoVv>:
  790. 20:44
  791. <Erin>: ohh
  792. 20:44
  793. <KasparoVv>: say First paragraph's got all you really need to know
  794. 20:44
  795. <Erin>: Kas
  796. 20:45
  797. <Neri>: Heh~ You did the reflex ss13 say~
  798. 20:45
  799. <Erin>: you and me have the same problem
  800. 20:45
  801. <Neri>: I do it also~
  802. 20:45
  803. <Erin>: i use say in everything other than ss13 SO MUCH
  804. 20:45
  805. <KasparoVv>: Yeah it's a hard habit to break lmao
  806. 20:45
  807. <Neri>: I do it also~
  808. 20:45
  809. <KasparoVv>: And the guy who needs the logs is Val
  810. 20:45
  811. <Neri>: Quite often
  812. 20:45
  813. <Neri>: I am saving the logs for Val
  814. 20:45
  815. <Erin>: but yeah lets see.. so we have 2 planets and a moon, earth like, frozen ocean and dustball
  816. 20:46
  817. <Erin>: each one has a fairly different diet
  818. 20:46
  819. <Erin>: all cultures are fairly similar apart from climate and food related culture
  820. 20:46
  821. <KasparoVv>: Yeah
  822. 20:46
  823. <Erin>: non interstellar species before NT contact
  824. 20:46
  825. <Erin>: pack based hierarchy
  826. 20:46
  827. <Erin>: that it so far?
  828. 20:46
  829. <KasparoVv>: But the climate and food-related bit draws parallels to earth-dwelling species like arctic foxes and wolves in similar biomes
  830. 20:47
  831. <Neri>: Maybe they went spaceage, then shit fell apart due to lack of communication for a bit, resulting in deteching for a few hundred years, allowing the divergent evolutions on the moons/planets before getting back into space?
  832. 20:47
  833. <KasparoVv>: Yeah
  834. 20:47
  835. <KasparoVv>: And the isolationist nature of the packs lol
  836. 20:47
  837. <Neri>: Yah.
  838. 20:47
  839. <Erin>: If you add the modular system
  840. 20:47
  841. <Erin>: i could do different patterns and you could set different natural colours for each one
  842. 20:47
  843. <Neri>: Although packs technically wouldn't be too isolationist. Just cautious of new groups.
  844. 20:47
  845. <Erin>: say the frozen planet being all whites blacks and natural greyish blues
  846. 20:47
  847. <KasparoVv>: I think something that'd be good to record is the feeling of distress that normally comes along with a vulpkanin being detached for a pack for a long period of time
  848. 20:48
  849. <KasparoVv>: + greys and light browns
  850. 20:48
  851. <Erin>: mmm
  852. 20:48
  853. <Erin>: while the earthlike and dustball are more commonly browns and reds
  854. 20:48
  855. <Neri>: Yah.
  856. 20:48
  857. <KasparoVv>: Yeah yeah, bronzish/sandy colours
  858. 20:48
  859. <Neri>: Would make sense.
  860. 20:48
  861. <Erin>: maybe even dirty green colours depending on how customizable you want it
  862. 20:48
  863. <KasparoVv>: whatever the natural colours for foxes/wolves living in warmer climates, kek
  864. 20:48
  865. <Erin>: like moss
  866. 20:49
  867. <KasparoVv>: But we've neglected to mention the dog-like ones.
  868. 20:49
  869. <KasparoVv>: Dog colours and fur-patterns tend to be whatever regardless of the climate
  870. 20:49
  871. <Neri>: The dog ones could easily be a subspecies.
  872. 20:49
  873. <Erin>: well that is because humans bred dogs weirdly to make them all weird
  874. 20:49
  875. <Erin>: wolves are dogs before human breeding
  876. 20:49
  877. <Erin>: i mean there are wild dogs but you get the point
  878. 20:50
  879. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, I think it's in the current wiki (and Elysian's thing) that Vulpkanin is just the overcoat name for all the wolf-like, fox-like, dog-like beings
  880. 20:50
  881. <Erin>: so dont take dog breeds as a good idea of natural evolution
  882. 20:50
  883. <Neri>: Maybe the result of a fairly widespread cult during the rennesaunce era?
  884. 20:50
  885. <KasparoVv>: Yeah.
  886. 20:50
  887. <KasparoVv>: Oh, that reminds me
  888. 20:50
  889. <Neri>: Selective breeding for specific colorations?
  890. 20:50
  891. <KasparoVv>: What about african wild dogs and such?
  892. 20:50
  893. <KasparoVv>: That'd be an interesting fur pattern.
  894. 20:50
  895. <Neri>: Sorta like a less violent Aryan thing?
  896. 20:50
  897. <KasparoVv>: Lmao yeah
  898. 20:50
  899. <KasparoVv>: That resulted in the dog furpattersn
  900. 20:50
  901. <KasparoVv>: That'd be interesting to read
  902. 20:51
  903. <Erin>: why not have it more violent?
  904. 20:51
  905. <KasparoVv>: That's a good question
  906. 20:51
  907. <Erin>: could have been a war going on for hundreds of years causing the different speciesish thing
  908. 20:51
  909. <Erin>: dogs, wolves and fox
  910. 20:51
  911. <KasparoVv>: I thought the whole war crazed thing was for the Unathi
  912. 20:51
  913. <Erin>: all being from each planet constantly purging eachother
  914. 20:51
  915. <KasparoVv>: The lore for the Wryn that was written is super similar to what you just said
  916. 20:52
  917. <KasparoVv>: Different 'hives', all TOTALLY against eachother, constant crazy fighting to kill eachother off
  918. 20:52
  919. <Erin>: Ah
  920. 20:52
  921. <KasparoVv>: I mean it'd be interesting and possibly RP provoking
  922. 20:52
  923. <Neri>: So lets have it be a more nonviolent thing.
  924. 20:52
  925. <Erin>: of course there would be outlying communites
  926. 20:52
  927. <KasparoVv>: Yeah
  928. 20:52
  929. <Erin>: and NT probably really died it down with their presence
  930. 20:52
  931. <KasparoVv>: Lonely island!11
  932. 20:52
  933. <Neri>: A fairly widespread pseudocult, possibly religious.
  934. 20:52
  935. <Neri>: Resulting in some dogstyle furpatterns.
  936. 20:53
  937. <Erin>: could even make NT like an authoritarian state stopping them from killing eachother
  938. 20:53
  939. <Neri>: Why does it need to be violent?
  940. 20:53
  941. <Erin>: it doesnt this is just ideas
  942. 20:53
  943. <Neri>: The Wyrn already have violent hives.
  944. 20:53
  945. <Erin>: but they are all based on dogs foxes and wolves which lets face it
  946. 20:53
  947. <Erin>: are violent hunting creatures
  948. 20:53
  949. <KasparoVv>: I figure we should avoid it being too similar to Wryn and Unathi culture
  950. 20:53
  951. <KasparoVv>: They're violent but as a means to an end; food and survival
  952. 20:53
  953. <Neri>: Lets have it be nonviolent but definitely morally ambiguous.
  954. 20:53
  955. <Erin>: I havent read either of them so
  956. 20:54
  957. <KasparoVv>: Well said Neri lol
  958. 20:54
  959. <Erin>: Could change it from being war to being like
  960. 20:54
  961. <Erin>: racial marriage shunning
  962. 20:54
  963. <Neri>: Like a human would find it squicky and boundary violating but a Vulp would find it perfectly normal.
  964. 20:54
  965. <Erin>: so foxes are supposed to marry foxes and not care about wolves and the like
  966. 20:54
  967. <Neri>: Yah.
  968. 20:54
  969. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, the races are divergent from eachother but not totes at arms
  970. 20:54
  971. <KasparoVv>: Sounds good
  972. 20:54
  973. <Neri>: Somwhat racist but not violent.
  974. 20:54
  975. <Neri>: somewhat*
  976. 20:55
  977. <KasparoVv>: I think it'd then make sense to have different 'dialects' of canilunzt
  978. 20:55
  979. <Neri>: Yah.
  980. 20:55
  981. <KasparoVv>: For the fox-like, the dog-like
  982. 20:55
  983. <Neri>: Or in general just different speaking patterns.
  984. 20:55
  985. <KasparoVv>: And then sub-dialects depending on locale-
  986. 20:55
  987. <Neri>: Neri tends to speak in clipped sentences.
  988. 20:55
  989. <Neri>: No extra words.
  990. 20:55
  991. <Erin>: could make it so they all get a common language and then everyone can pick from a few more languages like clownish but new for vulp
  992. 20:55
  993. <KasparoVv>: Yeah. Again, the language all depends on the culture of the area/pack and a bunch of other stuff
  994. 20:55
  995. <Neri>: Yah.
  996. 20:55
  997. <KasparoVv>: I don't think the whole sub-language thing'd make sense-- UNLESS
  998. 20:56
  999. <KasparoVv>: UNLESS Vulpkanin as a 'species' came to be as a result of crossbreeding between the separate species
  1000. 20:56
  1001. <Neri>: Could do that.
  1002. 20:56
  1003. <KasparoVv>: Something that wasn't able to happen biologically for a long long time
  1004. 20:56
  1005. <Erin>: well i mean they are 3 subspecies on 3 planets in the same system that shunned eachother
  1006. 20:56
  1007. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, but you know
  1008. 20:56
  1009. <KasparoVv>: Maybe there's a Romefox and Julidog or something.
  1010. 20:56
  1011. <Erin>: why is it hard to think they all had different languages or atleast dialects?
  1012. 20:56
  1013. <Erin>: mmm
  1014. 20:57
  1015. <Neri>: They would only have been separated for about 500 or so years.
  1016. 20:57
  1017. <Erin>: could just make it dialects so different ones from different planets are just supposed to talk slightly differently
  1018. 20:57
  1019. <Neri>: So not long enough for the language to completely change.
  1020. 20:57
  1021. <KasparoVv>: Yeah.
  1022. 20:57
  1023. <Erin>: mmm
  1024. 20:57
  1025. <Neri>: But definitely long enough for some speaking patterns to change.
  1026. 20:57
  1027. <KasparoVv>: The reason why I mentioned what I did is
  1028. 20:57
  1029. <KasparoVv>: It'd be a real bitch to have like 999 diff languages and dialects
  1030. 20:57
  1031. <Neri>: Again with Neri's clipped and direct speaking.
  1032. 20:57
  1033. <KasparoVv>: Where gameplay-wise all species on the Cyberiad have one language to themselves
  1034. 20:58
  1035. <Erin>: what should they all speak like then? could make it so their primary food source is kind of like an influence
  1036. 20:58
  1037. *** Val quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1038. 20:58
  1039. <Neri>: Environment prolly influences
  1040. 20:58
  1041. *** Val joined #Vulplore
  1042. 20:58
  1043. <KasparoVv>: I think at that point it'd make sense for people to put fox-like, dog-like, wolf-like and their dialect in their flavour texts
  1044. 20:58
  1045. <Erin>: like people from the winter planet might insult you by saying you smell like rotton fish or look shallow like ice
  1046. 20:58
  1047. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, environment, what earth species they most closely resemble
  1048. 20:58
  1049. <KasparoVv>: Oop! I have an idea.
  1050. 20:58
  1051. <Erin>: mmm
  1052. 20:58
  1053. <KasparoVv>: You know how foxes gecker and such, right?
  1054. 20:58
  1055. *** Val joined #Vulplore
  1056. 20:58
  1057. <KasparoVv>: I think at that point it'd make sense for people to put fox-like, dog-like, wolf-like and their dialect in their flavour texts
  1058. 20:58
  1059. <Erin>: like people from the winter planet might insult you by saying you smell like rotton fish or look shallow like ice
  1060. 20:58
  1061. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, environment, what earth species they most closely resemble
  1062. 20:58
  1063. <KasparoVv>: Oop! I have an idea.
  1064. 20:58
  1065. <Erin>: mmm
  1066. 20:58
  1067. <KasparoVv>: You know how foxes gecker and such, right?
  1068. 20:59
  1069. <KasparoVv>: I figure while speaking canilunzt, it can run a check to see a vulpkanin's dialect preference
  1070. 20:59
  1071. <KasparoVv>: Where dialect preference can be set to either 'canid' or 'vulpine'
  1072. 20:59
  1073. <Neri>: I'm thinking environment resulted in the clipped speaking for the dusty moon people.
  1074. 20:59
  1075. <Neri>: No wasting water.
  1076. 20:59
  1077. <Neri>: Less words the better.
  1078. 20:59
  1079. <KasparoVv>: Which would mean, when speaking canilunzt, it adds a few speaking verbs unique to the canids
  1080. 20:59
  1081. <KasparoVv>: and a verb or two for the vulpine like geckers or whatever Renard says
  1082. 20:59
  1083. <Neri>: Be neat.
  1084. 21:00
  1085. <KasparoVv>: Wouldn't be too nasty to code
  1086. 21:00
  1087. <Neri>: Prolly too hard to code yah.
  1088. 21:00
  1089. <Neri>: Can just put in the lorepage for speaking patterns.
  1090. 21:00
  1091. <Erin>: would you be able to add the layering thing for skin marks and hair and all that?
  1092. 21:00
  1093. <KasparoVv>: Actually not too hard, wouldn't have to do any janky stuff to accomplish it
  1094. 21:00
  1095. <Erin>: because I really want that in to make this a lot easier on me
  1096. 21:00
  1097. <KasparoVv>: well, if we did a port of TG's lizardman thing
  1098. 21:00
  1099. <KasparoVv>: But that's a huge job
  1100. 21:00
  1101. <KasparoVv>: OOC and to modularize it, too
  1102. 21:01
  1103. <KasparoVv>: Oh god ooc
  1104. 21:01
  1105. <KasparoVv>: I wish it was still summer, haha
  1106. 21:01
  1107. <KasparoVv>: So much stuff was added in then. So much more time to work on it.
  1108. 21:01
  1109. <Erin>: so you cant just copy paste some stuff like the hair layer?
  1110. 21:01
  1111. <Erin>: make multiple?
  1112. 21:02
  1113. <KasparoVv>: Actually you probably can
  1114. 21:02
  1115. <Erin>: I can add all the new sprites like heterochromia and skin types fur types and all that
  1116. 21:02
  1117. <Neri>: Heterochromia would be neat.
  1118. 21:03
  1119. <KasparoVv>: For heterochromia you'd have to put a section called 'genetic quirks'
  1120. 21:03
  1121. <Neri>: Not much use for Neri but be a neat option
  1122. 21:03
  1123. <Erin>: Well goon just has it in the hair section
  1124. 21:03
  1125. <Erin>: which they use for heterochromia, facial hair AND hair
  1126. 21:03
  1127. <Erin>: you can have 3 hairstyles or 1 hairstyle with a beard and a different eye or whatever
  1128. 21:03
  1129. <KasparoVv>: As for the hair layer thing, there'd have to be one for fur pattern and POSSIBLY even tail-pattern
  1130. 21:03
  1131. <Erin>: mix and match
  1132. 21:03
  1133. <Erin>: I could do like
  1134. 21:04
  1135. <Erin>: tail tip
  1136. 21:04
  1137. *** Valthorne joined #Vulplore
  1138. 21:04
  1139. <KasparoVv>: If we wanted to implement the muzzle-thing TG does for the lizmen, there'd be a mouth layer
  1140. 21:04
  1141. <Erin>: make it so it becomes a different colour at the end
  1142. 21:04
  1143. <Erin>: muzzle thing?
  1144. 21:04
  1145. *** Val quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1146. 21:04
  1147. <Valthorne>: Sorry about that, might want to kick the other one, flash freaked out and crashed
  1148. 21:04
  1149. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, for the lizmen on TG you can have a 'sharp' muzzle with a more pointed nose, and a round one
  1150. 21:04
  1151. <KasparoVv>: Which is like the one we have on our unathi
  1152. 21:04
  1153. <Erin>: ah
  1154. 21:05
  1155. <KasparoVv>: I figured since we're going to have doglike, foxlike, wolflike
  1156. 21:05
  1157. <KasparoVv>: There'd be tiny tiny differences in the muzzle
  1158. 21:05
  1159. <Erin>: Could also have hairstyles for vulp be like
  1160. 21:05
  1161. <Erin>: droopy ears and stuff
  1162. 21:05
  1163. <Erin>: I could do all the ears as hair
  1164. 21:05
  1165. <Neri>: Neri has a white muzzle.
  1166. 21:05
  1167. <Neri>: It's doable with the current system
  1168. 21:05
  1169. <KasparoVv>: But the thing with that is that the default headsprite'd have to get the muzzle cut off, and have the default selection be the muzzle we have now
  1170. 21:05
  1171. <KasparoVv>: The ears'd have to be a different layer if you want floppy ears and a mohawk or some jazz
  1172. 21:06
  1173. <KasparoVv>: But it wouldn't be a problem to add that layer
  1174. 20:55
  1175. <KasparoVv>: For the fox-like, the dog-like
  1176. 20:55
  1177. <Neri>: Or in general just different speaking patterns.
  1178. 20:55
  1179. <KasparoVv>: And then sub-dialects depending on locale-
  1180. 20:55
  1181. <Neri>: Neri tends to speak in clipped sentences.
  1182. 20:55
  1183. <Neri>: No extra words.
  1184. 20:55
  1185. <Erin>: could make it so they all get a common language and then everyone can pick from a few more languages like clownish but new for vulp
  1186. 20:55
  1187. <KasparoVv>: Yeah. Again, the language all depends on the culture of the area/pack and a bunch of other stuff
  1188. 20:55
  1189. <Neri>: Yah.
  1190. 20:55
  1191. <KasparoVv>: I don't think the whole sub-language thing'd make sense-- UNLESS
  1192. 20:56
  1193. <KasparoVv>: UNLESS Vulpkanin as a 'species' came to be as a result of crossbreeding between the separate species
  1194. 20:56
  1195. <Neri>: Could do that.
  1196. 20:56
  1197. <KasparoVv>: Something that wasn't able to happen biologically for a long long time
  1198. 20:56
  1199. <Erin>: well i mean they are 3 subspecies on 3 planets in the same system that shunned eachother
  1200. 20:56
  1201. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, but you know
  1202. 20:56
  1203. <KasparoVv>: Maybe there's a Romefox and Julidog or something.
  1204. 20:56
  1205. <Erin>: why is it hard to think they all had different languages or atleast dialects?
  1206. 20:56
  1207. <Erin>: mmm
  1208. 20:57
  1209. <Neri>: They would only have been separated for about 500 or so years.
  1210. 20:57
  1211. <Erin>: could just make it dialects so different ones from different planets are just supposed to talk slightly differently
  1212. 20:57
  1213. <Neri>: So not long enough for the language to completely change.
  1214. 20:57
  1215. <KasparoVv>: Yeah.
  1216. 20:57
  1217. <Erin>: mmm
  1218. 20:57
  1219. <Neri>: But definitely long enough for some speaking patterns to change.
  1220. 20:57
  1221. <KasparoVv>: The reason why I mentioned what I did is
  1222. 20:57
  1223. <KasparoVv>: It'd be a real bitch to have like 999 diff languages and dialects
  1224. 20:57
  1225. <Neri>: Again with Neri's clipped and direct speaking.
  1226. 20:57
  1227. <KasparoVv>: Where gameplay-wise all species on the Cyberiad have one language to themselves
  1228. 20:58
  1229. <Erin>: what should they all speak like then? could make it so their primary food source is kind of like an influence
  1230. 20:58
  1231. *** Val quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1232. 20:58
  1233. <Neri>: Environment prolly influences
  1234. 20:58
  1235. *** Val joined #Vulplore
  1236. 20:58
  1237. <KasparoVv>: I think at that point it'd make sense for people to put fox-like, dog-like, wolf-like and their dialect in their flavour texts
  1238. 20:58
  1239. <Erin>: like people from the winter planet might insult you by saying you smell like rotton fish or look shallow like ice
  1240. 20:58
  1241. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, environment, what earth species they most closely resemble
  1242. 20:58
  1243. <KasparoVv>: Oop! I have an idea.
  1244. 20:58
  1245. <Erin>: mmm
  1246. 20:58
  1247. <KasparoVv>: You know how foxes gecker and such, right?
  1248. 20:59
  1249. <KasparoVv>: I figure while speaking canilunzt, it can run a check to see a vulpkanin's dialect preference
  1250. 20:59
  1251. <KasparoVv>: Where dialect preference can be set to either 'canid' or 'vulpine'
  1252. 20:59
  1253. <Neri>: I'm thinking environment resulted in the clipped speaking for the dusty moon people.
  1254. 20:59
  1255. <Neri>: No wasting water.
  1256. 20:59
  1257. <Neri>: Less words the better.
  1258. 20:59
  1259. <KasparoVv>: Which would mean, when speaking canilunzt, it adds a few speaking verbs unique to the canids
  1260. 20:59
  1261. <KasparoVv>: and a verb or two for the vulpine like geckers or whatever Renard says
  1262. 20:59
  1263. <Neri>: Be neat.
  1264. 21:00
  1265. <KasparoVv>: Wouldn't be too nasty to code
  1266. 21:00
  1267. <Neri>: Prolly too hard to code yah.
  1268. 21:00
  1269. <Neri>: Can just put in the lorepage for speaking patterns.
  1270. 21:00
  1271. <Erin>: would you be able to add the layering thing for skin marks and hair and all that?
  1272. 21:00
  1273. <KasparoVv>: Actually not too hard, wouldn't have to do any janky stuff to accomplish it
  1274. 21:00
  1275. <Erin>: because I really want that in to make this a lot easier on me
  1276. 21:00
  1277. <KasparoVv>: well, if we did a port of TG's lizardman thing
  1278. 21:00
  1279. <KasparoVv>: But that's a huge job
  1280. 21:00
  1281. <KasparoVv>: OOC and to modularize it, too
  1282. 21:01
  1283. <KasparoVv>: Oh god ooc
  1284. 21:01
  1285. <KasparoVv>: I wish it was still summer, haha
  1286. 21:01
  1287. <KasparoVv>: So much stuff was added in then. So much more time to work on it.
  1288. 21:01
  1289. <Erin>: so you cant just copy paste some stuff like the hair layer?
  1290. 21:01
  1291. <Erin>: make multiple?
  1292. 21:02
  1293. <KasparoVv>: Actually you probably can
  1294. 21:02
  1295. <Erin>: I can add all the new sprites like heterochromia and skin types fur types and all that
  1296. 21:02
  1297. <Neri>: Heterochromia would be neat.
  1298. 21:03
  1299. <KasparoVv>: For heterochromia you'd have to put a section called 'genetic quirks'
  1300. 21:03
  1301. <Neri>: Not much use for Neri but be a neat option
  1302. 21:03
  1303. <Erin>: Well goon just has it in the hair section
  1304. 21:03
  1305. <Erin>: which they use for heterochromia, facial hair AND hair
  1306. 21:03
  1307. <Erin>: you can have 3 hairstyles or 1 hairstyle with a beard and a different eye or whatever
  1308. 21:03
  1309. <KasparoVv>: As for the hair layer thing, there'd have to be one for fur pattern and POSSIBLY even tail-pattern
  1310. 21:03
  1311. <Erin>: mix and match
  1312. 21:03
  1313. <Erin>: I could do like
  1314. 21:04
  1315. <Erin>: tail tip
  1316. 21:04
  1317. *** Valthorne joined #Vulplore
  1318. 21:04
  1319. <KasparoVv>: If we wanted to implement the muzzle-thing TG does for the lizmen, there'd be a mouth layer
  1320. 21:04
  1321. <Erin>: make it so it becomes a different colour at the end
  1322. 21:04
  1323. <Erin>: muzzle thing?
  1324. 21:04
  1325. *** Val quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1326. 21:04
  1327. <Valthorne>: Sorry about that, might want to kick the other one, flash freaked out and crashed
  1328. 21:04
  1329. <KasparoVv>: Yeah, for the lizmen on TG you can have a 'sharp' muzzle with a more pointed nose, and a round one
  1330. 21:04
  1331. <KasparoVv>: Which is like the one we have on our unathi
  1332. 21:04
  1333. <Erin>: ah
  1334. 21:05
  1335. <KasparoVv>: I figured since we're going to have doglike, foxlike, wolflike
  1336. 21:05
  1337. <KasparoVv>: There'd be tiny tiny differences in the muzzle
  1338. 21:05
  1339. <Erin>: Could also have hairstyles for vulp be like
  1340. 21:05
  1341. <Erin>: droopy ears and stuff
  1342. 21:05
  1343. <Erin>: I could do all the ears as hair
  1344. 21:05
  1345. <Neri>: Neri has a white muzzle.
  1346. 21:05
  1347. <Neri>: It's doable with the current system
  1348. 21:05
  1349. <KasparoVv>: But the thing with that is that the default headsprite'd have to get the muzzle cut off, and have the default selection be the muzzle we have now
  1350. 21:05
  1351. <KasparoVv>: The ears'd have to be a different layer if you want floppy ears and a mohawk or some jazz
  1352. 21:06
  1353. <KasparoVv>: But it wouldn't be a problem to add that layer
  1354. 21:06
  1355. <Erin>: Mmm, I can easily remove the ears too
  1356. 21:06
  1357. <Erin>: Could also do like
  1358. 21:06
  1359. <KasparoVv>: All I'm talking about for the muzzle and layer bit's in the TG system r.n., so coding this'd just involve using that as a ref
  1360. 21:06
  1361. <Erin>: holes in an ear and stuff
  1362. 21:06
  1363. <Erin>: mmm
  1364. 21:06
  1365. <KasparoVv>: Yeah
  1366. 21:07
  1367. <Neri>: Be nice if we could do earings.
  1368. 21:07
  1369. <KasparoVv>: I figure the ears'd be, round, sharp, large, pointed, clipped, and torn
  1370. 21:07
  1371. <KasparoVv>: oop-- and floppy
  1372. 21:07
  1373. <KasparoVv>: That'd be 'ear accessories'
  1374. 21:07
  1375. <Neri>: True.
  1376. 21:07
  1377. <KasparoVv>: If we put that in on character-creation, we'd have to add in something like bay
  1378. 21:07
  1379. <Erin>: I could add those as items to just put on your ears
  1380. 21:07
  1381. <KasparoVv>: Where you can choose stuff like that, but that's not how we operate
  1382. 21:08
  1383. <Erin>: nah.. just add it as an item that you can get from a machine
  1384. 21:08
  1385. <KasparoVv>: ^^
  1386. 21:08
  1387. <Erin>: like the clothes machines
  1388. 21:08
  1389. <KasparoVv>: A 'jewellery' machine
  1390. 21:08
  1391. <KasparoVv>: Has necklaces, watches, earrings
  1392. 21:08
  1393. <Erin>: I can do earings that would work with every type of ear including humans but it might take a bit
  1394. 21:08
  1395. <KasparoVv>: For earrings it'd be easy to do
  1396. 21:09
  1397. <KasparoVv>: If you look at the way I did the vox uniforms, have a species check
  1398. 21:09
  1399. <Erin>: Well if we want customizable ears
  1400. 21:09
  1401. <KasparoVv>: And then sprite-sheets in the main file for it
  1402. 21:09
  1403. <Erin>: you would need to check what ear sprites you are using
  1404. 21:09
  1405. <KasparoVv>: You'd just need to check the player species, I don't think uvlpkanin ears would be SO DIFFERENT that we'd have to have earrings in different spots
  1406. 21:09
  1407. <KasparoVv>: I think we should try to tailor the earsprites with that in mind
  1408. 21:09
  1409. <KasparoVv>: save alot of work tha tway
  1410. 21:10
  1411. <Erin>: Well if we want floppy ears AND pointy ears that is atleast 2 since they go in totally different directions
  1412. 21:10
  1413. <KasparoVv>: I mean, even if they're floppy, the bottom edge facing away from the head would still be in the same spot
  1414. 21:10
  1415. <KasparoVv>: Just gotta look for that one pixel that's common
  1416. 21:10
  1417. <Erin>: mmm
  1418. 21:10
  1419. <Erin>: I could do it
  1420. 21:10
  1421. <Erin>: it just might be a bit tricky to make it look good. It wont stop me though
  1422. 21:11
  1423. <KasparoVv>: Going to be a large project but I mean, so long as we get the code
  1424. 21:11
  1425. <KasparoVv>: codersprites don't matter, those can be changed easy peazy later on
  1426. 21:11
  1427. <Erin>: Yeah
  1428. 21:11
  1429. <KasparoVv>: So long as there's a basic representation in
  1430. 21:11
  1431. <Erin>: Give me those and I'll jazz them up to be consistant with the species sprite
  1432. 21:11
  1433. <KasparoVv>: yeah
  1435. 21:12
  1436. <Erin>: alright
  1437. 21:12
  1438. <Neri>: I have been saving it.
  1439. 21:12
  1440. <Erin>: I just want to do tail tips
  1441. 21:12
  1442. <Erin>: patterns for tails will be an annoyance
  1443. 21:12
  1444. <Neri>: I sorta want tail ribbons at some point.
  1445. 21:12
  1446. <Erin>: doing tips will be much easier
  1447. 21:12
  1448. <Neri>: I could see Neri with a green ribbon on her tail.
  1449. 21:12
  1450. <KasparoVv>: I'd be able to work the sprites in for the patterns later if it's ap roblem, so long as the coding framework's in
  1451. 21:12
  1452. <Erin>: so the tail just gradually changes colour
  1453. 21:12
  1454. <KasparoVv>: >tail accessories layer @neri
  1455. 21:12
  1456. <KasparoVv>: Anyway, peace
  1457. 21:13
  1458. <Erin>: cya
  1459. 21:13
  1460. *** KasparoVv quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1461. 21:13
  1462. <Neri>: Cya~
  1464. Neri
  1465. Erin
  1466. Valthorne
  1467. FoS
  1468. 21:12
  1469. <Erin>: patterns for tails will be an annoyance
  1470. 21:12
  1471. <Neri>: I sorta want tail ribbons at some point.
  1472. 21:12
  1473. <Erin>: doing tips will be much easier
  1474. 21:12
  1475. <Neri>: I could see Neri with a green ribbon on her tail.
  1476. 21:12
  1477. <KasparoVv>: I'd be able to work the sprites in for the patterns later if it's ap roblem, so long as the coding framework's in
  1478. 21:12
  1479. <Erin>: so the tail just gradually changes colour
  1480. 21:12
  1481. <KasparoVv>: >tail accessories layer @neri
  1482. 21:12
  1483. <KasparoVv>: Anyway, peace
  1484. 21:13
  1485. <Erin>: cya
  1486. 21:13
  1487. *** KasparoVv quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1488. 21:13
  1489. <Neri>: Cya~
  1490. 21:13
  1491. <Erin>: I might also do like
  1492. 21:13
  1493. <Erin>: colour swatches for each species
  1494. 21:13
  1495. <Erin>: humans and vulp
  1496. 21:13
  1497. <Erin>: maybe even vox if we add to that
  1498. 21:14
  1499. <Erin>: so i'll have it for example with humans go from really pale to really dark with a bunch of colour variations inbetween
  1500. 21:14
  1501. <Erin>: so when you pick a number instead of just shading the sprite it overlays a colour
  1502. 21:15
  1503. <Neri>: Yah.
  1504. 21:15
  1505. <Neri>: Be neat.
  1506. 21:16
  1507. <Erin>: so if you want your character to be lightly red instead of just mildly brown
  1508. 21:16
  1509. <Erin>: with humans as an example
  1510. 21:16
  1511. <Neri>: Ah~
  1512. 21:16
  1513. <Erin>: vulps would be way more varied
  1514. 21:16
  1515. <Valthorne>: I'll be back, flash is still freaking out, I need to restart
  1516. 21:16
  1517. <Erin>: k
  1518. 21:17
  1519. *** Valthorne quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1520. 21:18
  1521. <Erin>: im gonna cryo because all these rounds with the gangster guy making his greytide force are annoying me
  1522. 21:18
  1523. <Neri>: Kay
  1524. 21:19
  1525. <Erin>: So yeah what else
  1526. 21:20
  1527. <Erin>: we have history where they were at a solar travel stage but not interstellar, 3 distinct subbranches of the same species but all had racial tensions and possibly different religious background, the planet descriptions and some ideas for dialects, fur patterns aannnddd group mentality?
  1528. 21:20
  1529. <Erin>: oh and diet
  1530. 21:21
  1531. *** Val joined #Vulplore
  1532. 21:21
  1533. <Neri>: Sure.
  1534. 21:21
  1535. <Erin>: welcome back
  1536. 21:21
  1537. <Erin>: didnt really say anything new
  1538. 21:22
  1539. <Neri>: 21:18 <Neri>: Kay 21:19 <Erin>: So yeah what else 21:20 <Erin>: we have history where they were at a solar travel stage but not interstellar, 3 distinct subbranches of the same species but all had racial tensions and possibly different religious background, the planet descriptions and some ideas for dialects, fur patterns aannnddd group mentality?
  1540. 21:22
  1541. <Val>: Ah, flash is working again
  1542. 21:22
  1543. <Neri>: Might as well add that bit
  1544. 21:22
  1545. <Erin>: alright cool
  1546. 21:22
  1547. <Neri>: And yay
  1548. 21:22
  1549. <Erin>: I'll write everything we have so far in more detail.
  1550. 21:23
  1551. <Erin>: Planets:
  1552. 21:23
  1553. <Erin>: Home planet: Earthlike with varying climates
  1554. 21:23
  1555. <Neri>: I can help with specific lorebits for stuff also.
  1556. 21:23
  1557. <Erin>: Moon: Dustball that has minor terraforming
  1558. 21:24
  1559. <Erin>: Second planet: Frozen ocean planet where the diet mainly consists of fish
  1560. 21:25
  1561. <Erin>: Background lore: Vulpkanin were all one kind at the beginning of their solar travel journey but evolved some minor differences such as dietary preferences and nose/ear/fur pattern types. Leading to racial tensions which is roughly when NT arrived and forced them into an interstellar community
  1562. 21:26
  1563. <Erin>: Behavior: pack based meat eaters with minor plant matter in their diet perhaps. main meals being red meat and fish. Leader based hierarchy and depression onsets when away from a group
  1564. 21:27
  1565. <Erin>: anything else?
  1566. 21:30
  1567. <Val>: Some things around culture maybe?
  1568. 21:30
  1569. <Neri>: Yah.
  1570. 21:31
  1571. <Erin>: I don't know if we came up with too much other than it derived from hunter type culture like humans did and that they had racial stigmas and differing dialects
  1572. 21:31
  1573. <Neri>: Background lore has some additional things to add.
  1574. 21:31
  1575. <Neri>: I believed we talked about them deteching for a bit after spreading to their moons.
  1576. 21:31
  1577. <Erin>: oh right
  1578. 21:31
  1579. <Neri>: Which resulted in the divergent evolutions.
  1580. 21:32
  1581. <Erin>: something happened and they lost contact with eachother
  1582. 21:32
  1583. <Erin>: maybe thats roughly when NT arrives, when they barely regained the ability to communicate with eachother again
  1584. 21:32
  1585. <Erin>: the signal caused NT to discover the system
  1586. 21:32
  1587. <Neri>: Yah.
  1588. 21:32
  1589. <Neri>: What happened though?
  1590. 21:32
  1591. <Val>: Maybe like a sort of civil war that knocked out communication?
  1592. 21:33
  1593. <Neri>: Bluespace abnomally frying tech maybe?
  1594. 21:33
  1595. <Val>: Took down the communication network
  1596. 21:33
  1597. <Erin>: Could even be that a solar flair destroyed all of their communications equipment
  1598. 21:33
  1599. <Neri>: Oh yah
  1600. 21:33
  1601. <Neri>: Solar flare
  1602. 21:33
  1603. <Val>: That sounds good
  1604. 21:33
  1605. <Neri>: Minor star expansion?
  1606. 21:33
  1607. <Neri>: Maybe what prompted the push for space in the first place?
  1608. 21:33
  1609. <Erin>: Maybe their system is twinstar and both of them fused
  1610. 21:33
  1611. <Erin>: probably overpopulation
  1612. 21:33
  1613. <Neri>: No, Too violent.
  1614. 21:34
  1615. <Neri>: Seeing the star expanding even a little would push a race to spread out ASAP
  1616. 21:34
  1617. <Neri>: So they could have spread to their moons, then the star got larger, releasing a flare that fried comms system wide.
  1618. 21:34
  1619. <Erin>: or their star is in its dying stages
  1620. 21:34
  1621. <Val>: Maybe it's quite an old star, near the end of the life cycle
  1622. 21:35
  1623. <Neri>: Resulting in expansion
  1624. 21:35
  1625. <Erin>: so it went from a star like our own to a red giant
  1626. 21:35
  1627. <Erin>: mmm
  1628. 21:35
  1629. <Erin>: And thus that is where the racial tension comes from
  1630. 21:35
  1631. <Neri>: The isolation from it
  1632. 21:35
  1633. <Erin>: because the original planet wants to move to the new colonies but there isnt room
  1634. 21:35
  1635. <Erin>: plus the isolation
  1636. 21:36
  1637. <Erin>: sound good?
  1638. 21:36
  1639. <Neri>: Methinks the tension would just be caused from 500 or so years of isolation.
  1640. 21:36
  1641. <Erin>: yeah but the whole
  1642. 21:37
  1643. <Neri>: 500 years is long enough for the existence of other groups to become a myth.
  1644. 21:37
  1645. <Erin>: star expanding causing each planet to slowly become less like its original climate
  1646. 21:37
  1647. <Erin>: also would contribute
  1648. 21:37
  1649. <Erin>: mmm
  1650. 21:37
  1651. <Erin>: well they are like our stage in tech
  1652. 21:37
  1653. <Neri>: Seriously. 500 years is a loooong time.
  1654. 21:37
  1655. <Erin>: so they know eachother exist
  1656. 21:37
  1657. <Erin>: they have proof
  1658. 21:37
  1659. <Neri>: They have "proof"
  1660. 21:37
  1661. <Erin>: video and what not
  1662. 21:37
  1663. <Erin>: written documents
  1664. 21:37
  1665. <Neri>: They can't prove it cause comms are totes fucked and the solar flare wrecked tech.
  1666. 21:37
  1667. <Erin>: mmm could be
  1668. 21:37
  1669. <Neri>: Maybe they had most knowledge archives digital?
  1670. 21:38
  1671. <Erin>: so they went backwards kinda
  1672. 21:38
  1673. <Neri>: Yah.
  1674. 21:38
  1675. <Erin>: because of a massive solar expansion releasing a mega flare
  1676. 21:38
  1677. <Neri>: Lost a lot of data and just recently recovered right around when nanotress showed up.
  1678. 21:38
  1679. <Erin>: if we added an away mission for the vulp homeworld that would be a cool event
  1680. 21:39
  1681. <Neri>: Most vulps going for crew positions being part of an "aid" deal with nanotress perhaps?
  1682. 21:39
  1683. <Erin>: like everyone has to evacuate the system before the flare destroys the technology required to get back
  1684. 21:39
  1685. <Erin>: sure
  1686. 21:39
  1687. <Neri>: Yah.
  1688. 21:39
  1689. <Neri>: Help evac in exchange for cheap workers.
  1690. 21:39
  1691. <Erin>: so nanotrasen is evacuating the system and vulps have become indebted and now work as nanotrasen
  1692. 21:39
  1693. <Erin>: yeah
  1694. 21:40
  1695. <Neri>: Although the majority being skeptical of nanotress's intentions due to reports from members currently employed.
  1696. 21:40
  1697. <Neri>: Dangerous working environments, mass death, and so on.
  1698. 21:40
  1699. <Erin>: mmm
  1700. 21:40
  1701. <Erin>: so they have to choose between
  1702. 21:41
  1703. <Erin>: slow extinction or terrible lives
  1704. 21:41
  1705. <Erin>: damn that is harsh
  1706. 21:41
  1707. <Erin>: i like it though
  1708. 21:42
  1709. <Neri>: Yah.
  1710. 21:42
  1711. <Erin>: we should overhaul all the lore i think
  1712. 21:42
  1713. <Erin>: like 1 at a time
  1714. 21:42
  1715. <Neri>: All species?
  1716. 21:42
  1717. <Neri>: No.
  1718. 21:42
  1719. <Erin>: add new systems and really make it much nicer
  1720. 21:42
  1721. <Erin>: i mean over time
  1722. 21:42
  1723. <Erin>: not all at once
  1724. 21:43
  1725. <Neri>: Vulp is the only one that needs an overhaul.
  1726. 21:43
  1727. <Neri>: The others can be altered a lil yes.
  1728. 21:43
  1729. <Neri>: But most is fine.
  1730. 21:43
  1731. <Erin>: mmm well i still want to add a lot of these systems for all the other races
  1732. 21:43
  1733. <Erin>: like skin types and colour variations
  1734. 21:44
  1735. <Erin>: new layers and what not
  1736. 21:44
  1737. <Val>: A lore overhaul is due
  1738. 21:44
  1739. <Erin>: because having a dark grey and reddish brown vox would be cool
  1740. 21:44
  1741. <FoS>: Honestly there isn't much point in revamping lore imo. Most people don't go off of lore anyways and you don't want really restrictive lore because then you have a whole bunch of people in tiny cookie-cutter molds and that makes for uninteresting interaction.
  1742. 21:44
  1743. <FoS>: The only exception is vox - lots of vox actually follow lore.
  1744. 21:45
  1745. <Erin>: I want to be vox but i dont get the cortical stack thing and all that
  1746. 21:45
  1747. <Neri>: Since Vulps completely lack lore, could be a possibility of getting the vulp players to follow lore.
  1748. 21:45
  1749. <Erin>: Do humans have lore?
  1750. 21:45
  1751. <Neri>: I know I'm gonna be following the vulp lore that I helped develop~
  1752. 21:45
  1753. <Erin>: But yeah i dont want cookiecutter rp either
  1754. 21:45
  1755. <Erin>: i want it all very varied like human culture is
  1756. 21:45
  1757. <FoS>: Thing is - when i started making vulps i had intended to make lore but they got added to quick and someone else added lore and honestly it wasn't what i had in mind.
  1758. 21:46
  1759. <Neri>: Def not cookiecuttering the vulps.
  1760. 21:46
  1761. <Neri>: Looootta room for variability.
  1762. 21:46
  1763. <Erin>: these are all just generalizations for behavior
  1764. 21:46
  1765. <Erin>: its not something you have to follow 100%
  1766. 21:46
  1767. <Neri>: General overall behaviors yes, but not specific this and that.
  1768. 21:46
  1769. <FoS>: Tajaran have super restrictive lore, for example.
  1770. 21:47
  1771. <FoS>: "They're slaves. They only do x jobs."
  1772. 21:47
  1773. <FoS>: Probably why hardly anyone pays it any attention.
  1774. 21:48
  1775. <Erin>: FoS would you be in favour of taking the fur idea we had and adding it to other races though?
  1776. 21:48
  1777. <Erin>: because i'm totally good with making different skin types or areas that can be coloured differently for all species
  1778. 21:49
  1779. <FoS>: I wasn't paying attention during that. When I initially started working on vulp I wanted fur patterns but currently there isn't a system for that. Ideally it would be a 'tattoo' system for most races and fur/markings for some other races.
  1780. 21:49
  1781. <Erin>: like freckles for humans or different feathering for vox
  1782. 21:49
  1783. <FoS>: brb a bit.
  1784. 21:49
  1785. <Erin>: k
  1786. 21:50
  1787. <Val>: So little bits of lore added at a time
  1788. 21:50
  1789. <Neri>: Hence why we're steering clear of the Taja being slaves style thing for the Vulps.
  1790. 21:51
  1791. <Erin>: I mean lore like that is fine so long as it doesnt apply to NOW
  1792. 21:51
  1793. <Erin>: like tajarans being slaves could have been a thing in the past
  1794. 21:51
  1795. <Erin>: but theres no mechanic or good reason for them to be slaves
  1796. 21:51
  1797. <Erin>: not that would be fun anyway
  1798. 21:51
  1799. <Neri>: Yes, Vulps are working in somewhat dangerous environments and don't exactly like nanotress, but they still enjoy a fair amount of comfort.
  1800. 21:52
  1801. <Neri>: Also it's better then going extinct from solar expansion.
  1802. 21:52
  1803. <Erin>: some obviously decided to stay though
  1804. 21:52
  1805. <Erin>: so some were left without families
  1806. 21:52
  1807. <Erin>: etc
  1808. 21:52
  1809. <Erin>: just stuff people can use to add into their character background
  1810. 21:52
  1811. <Erin>: thats what you want to do is give them interesting things that they could share with another players backstory
  1812. 21:53
  1813. <Erin>: that dont apply to how they play overly much
  1814. 21:53
  1815. <Neri>: Yah
  1816. 21:53
  1817. <Neri>: And Nanotress dumping vulps from various subspecies onto the same station is prolly helping integrate them with one another again.
  1818. 21:54
  1819. <Erin>: they probably went through sensitivity training but still have their biases and judgemental views of eachother and of other species
  1820. 21:54
  1821. <Erin>: some wont though
  1822. 21:54
  1823. <Neri>: Yah
  1824. 21:54
  1825. <Val>: Vulp lore is needed though, let me just get the small amount of current lore which is like a few lines
  1826. 21:55
  1827. <Erin>: i mean of course add lore but nothing like
  1828. 21:55
  1830. 21:55
  1831. <Neri>: Neri is more or less glad to hang out with any Vulp. She might prefer to hang out with those from her dusty moon, buuuut definitely prefers vulps over humans.
  1832. 21:55
  1833. <Erin>: they "prefer" to fall into packs and some will experiance hard feelings being out of one. but there are outliers
  1834. 21:56
  1835. <Neri>: She's slightly xenophobic but not too much. Will always prefer to save a vulp or a close friend of another species over someone more injured.
  1836. 21:57
  1837. <Erin>: we will probably have some historical figures maybe
  1838. 21:57
  1839. <Erin>: the current leader of each colony
  1840. 21:57
  1841. *** Val quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1842. 21:57
  1843. <Neri>: Erin classes as a nonvulp she would have in the close friend category due to interactions.
  1844. 21:57
  1845. <Erin>: their political systems and the main views of each
  1846. 21:57
  1847. *** Val joined #Vulplore
  1848. 21:57
  1849. <Neri>: And yah.
  1850. 21:57
  1851. <Erin>: sorry val, just said their political systems and main views of each world would be explained in the lore
  1852. 21:58
  1853. <Neri>: I'd imagine vulp political structures would be rather loose.
  1854. 21:58
  1855. <Erin>: mmm
  1856. 21:58
  1857. <Neri>: Since the packswitch
  1858. 21:58
  1859. <Val>: Great, my internet is having a go now
  1860. 21:58
  1861. <Erin>: maybe say the more pack orientated found it hard to immigrate
  1862. 21:58
  1863. <Erin>: being away from their families and packs
  1864. 21:58
  1865. <Erin>: or making it in another
  1866. 21:59
  1867. <Erin>: while the outliers dont really care
  1868. 21:59
  1869. <Val>: Hmm, let me get types of political structures to see what one it would fit into the most
  1870. 21:59
  1871. <Neri>: I'm thinking a communistic technocracy.
  1872. 21:59
  1873. <Erin>: mmmm
  1874. 21:59
  1875. <Neri>: The mental switch would result in those suited for specific duties just going and doing it.
  1876. 22:00
  1877. <Erin>: i think packs themselves should be kind of like a soft anarchism while their pack based societies are more strict
  1878. 22:00
  1879. <Neri>: Yah.
  1880. 22:01
  1881. <Val>: From what I can get it most fits band society type behavior
  1882. 22:01
  1883. <Erin>: should they have a canon law?
  1884. 22:01
  1885. <Erin>: like... an eye for an eye is fair in vulp cultures?
  1886. 22:02
  1887. <Erin>: or should they be more court orientated
  1888. 22:02
  1889. <Neri>: I'm thinking they wouldn't go for the violence
  1890. 22:02
  1891. <Erin>: they are hunters though
  1892. 22:02
  1893. <Neri>: I mean, they may have been isolationist from one another, but they didn't go through any purges
  1894. 22:02
  1895. <Erin>: so violence is built into them a little, i mean we already washed it down quite a bit
  1896. 22:02
  1897. <Erin>: of couse this is more on a local level
  1898. 22:02
  1899. <Neri>: Humans are hunters also.
  1900. 22:02
  1901. <Erin>: this is actually happening in the balkens somewhere
  1902. 22:02
  1903. <Erin>: mhm
  1904. 22:02
  1905. <Neri>: We're violent as hell.
  1906. 22:03
  1907. <Erin>: theres a country with a canon law
  1908. 22:03
  1909. <Erin>: so if somebody kills a family member that family can enact revenge
  1910. 22:03
  1911. <Erin>: it adds a really interesting situation in that
  1912. 22:04
  1913. <Neri>: I'm thinking Vulp law should be more along the lines of serving x time as a servant or similar under the wronged person with certain restrictions to prevent exploitation.
  1914. 22:04
  1915. <Erin>: it is a very localized fear for families of murderers
  1916. 22:04
  1917. <Neri>: Would fit with the mental switch.
  1918. 22:04
  1919. <Erin>: mmm
  1920. 22:04
  1921. <Erin>: because i want to add something ravenous to them
  1922. 22:04
  1923. <Neri>: Territorial.
  1924. 22:04
  1925. <Erin>: since they are based on wolves, foxes and dogs
  1926. 22:04
  1927. <Erin>: there you go
  1928. 22:04
  1929. <Neri>: If they feel like their space is invaded.
  1930. 22:04
  1931. <Erin>: territorial
  1932. 22:04
  1933. <Neri>: They snap.
  1934. 22:05
  1935. <Neri>: Neri has done this before. Not violently. But has made biiig fusses when her workspace is invaded.
  1936. 22:05
  1937. <Erin>: thats normal for anybody though
  1938. 22:05
  1939. <Erin>: vulps should take it just a little further
  1940. 22:05
  1941. <Neri>: It's normal to complain.
  1942. 22:06
  1943. <Neri>: Not spend half an hour trying to get the person and their mother demoted.
  1944. 22:06
  1945. <Neri>: Dragging security down to the shop three times to escort the guy out.
  1946. 22:06
  1947. <Erin>: maybe vulps will forcefully remove people invading their space if they dont leave
  1948. 22:06
  1949. <Neri>: If they don't leave after being warned repeatedly.
  1950. 22:06
  1951. <Neri>: They don't get violent immediately.
  1952. 22:06
  1953. <Erin>: mmm
  1954. 22:07
  1955. <Neri>: Also law restrains that bit.
  1956. 22:07
  1957. <Erin>: I think that if somebody enters their area most vulps should get antagnostic with them like you know
  1958. 22:07
  1959. <Erin>: snarling and demanding they leave
  1960. 22:07
  1961. <Erin>: there will be outliers of course
  1962. 22:07
  1963. <Erin>: if they dont than minor violence might ensue
  1964. 22:07
  1965. <Neri>: In a vulp community though, getting rude, fairly nasty, and eventually escalating to literally throwing out the door is something.
  1966. 22:08
  1967. <Neri>: Unless the person is trusted enough to be in /Their/ space.
  1968. 22:08
  1969. <Erin>: yah
  1970. 22:08
  1971. <Erin>: yeah*
  1972. 22:09
  1973. <Neri>: Example being Neri letting Erin into her workshop without questions.
  1974. 22:09
  1975. <Neri>: An inverse would be when Neri made a massive fuss when Zeik Sharp bypassed the chain of command and got the cappy to give him access. Resulted in a 30 minute shitfit.
  1976. 22:10
  1977. <Neri>: Another example would be when Victor broke into Neri's shop yesterday. She snapped at him immediately when she noticed.
  1978. 22:10
  1979. <Neri>: Deescalated when he apologized though.
  1980. 22:11
  1981. <Neri>: That's another thing that could be there. Admitting when you are wrong being the norm.
  1982. 22:11
  1983. <Neri>: Also fits the switch.
  1984. 22:11
  1985. <Erin>: can easily become friends with a vulp by offering them their favorite food
  1986. 22:11
  1987. <Erin>: xD
  1988. 22:11
  1989. <Neri>: Nah. Material things shouldn't sway Vulps much.
  1990. 22:12
  1991. <Neri>: More of the effort needed to acquire the things.
  1992. 22:12
  1993. <Neri>: Hence why when Victor asked for help stealing the Cappy's gun, Neri demanded a room full of potato batteries or blue tomatoes.
  1994. 22:12
  1995. <Erin>: should vulps then give rare gifts as signs of friendship or when asking for something in return?
  1996. 22:12
  1997. <Neri>: Both would have taken quite a bit of effort to get but neither were possible.
  1998. 22:12
  1999. <Erin>: like as a sign of good intention
  2000. 22:13
  2001. <Neri>: Provided the gift took effort to acquire or make.
  2002. 22:14
  2003. <Neri>: I'm thinking accomplishment is highly valued.
  2004. 22:15
  2005. <Neri>: More so then the results.
  2006. 22:15
  2007. <Erin>: mmm
  2008. 22:15
  2009. <Erin>: so if a vulp chef burns their food they spent ages preparing
  2010. 22:15
  2011. <Erin>: the thought is what counts to other vulp
  2012. 22:15
  2013. <Val>: Looking through government structures at the moment and I found the one that fits NT perfectly, corporate republic, ticks all the boxes for that
  2014. 22:16
  2015. <Erin>: oh?
  2016. 22:16
  2017. <Erin>: what about the vulp home system worlds?
  2018. 22:17
  2019. <Erin>: im thinking like
  2020. 22:17
  2021. <Erin>: a modernized feudal system
  2022. 22:17
  2023. <Erin>: like
  2024. 22:17
  2025. <Erin>: packs act as families
  2026. 22:17
  2027. <Neri>: And yah. If a vulp chef spent a lot of effort on the food and accidentally fucked up, the effort is what matters.
  2028. 22:17
  2029. <Erin>: and the packs have heirarchies similar to feudal where its one leader and then sub leaders
  2030. 22:17
  2031. <Neri>: And explain what Corporate Republic is?
  2032. 22:17
  2033. <Erin>: and packs fall into that too
  2034. 22:17
  2035. <Erin>: so theres a leading pack and it keeps falling down the line
  2036. 22:18
  2037. <Neri>: I'm not sure a feudal system would fully work.
  2038. 22:19
  2039. <Erin>: thats for their homeworlds
  2040. 22:19
  2041. <Erin>: not on station
  2042. 22:19
  2043. <Erin>: and it would be more fluid and pack based
  2044. 22:19
  2045. <Erin>: so the leading pack can easily be upped by a more suitable pack should one arise
  2046. 22:19
  2047. <Val>: With the isolation bit before I say that could be a way to explain many different government structures, gives complete freedom of choice
  2048. 22:20
  2049. <Neri>: Ah
  2050. 22:20
  2051. <Neri>: Makes sense.
  2053. 22:21
  2054. <Neri>: I am saving the logs by the way.
  2055. 22:22
  2056. <Neri>: When this discussion is over. Will put in pastebin on forum.
  2057. 22:22
  2058. <Erin>: try to highlight the parts that are important
  2059. 22:22
  2060. <Erin>: if you can
  2061. 22:22
  2062. <Erin>: like bolden them or something or put a * next to it
  2063. 22:23
  2064. <Neri>: Not sure if pastebin allows that.
  2065. 22:23
  2066. <Erin>: should we come up with a rough draft then?
  2067. 22:23
  2068. <Neri>: Anyways. Back to government system?
  2069. 22:24
  2070. <Erin>: I still think a pack based hierarchy would work well
  2071. 22:24
  2072. <Neri>: Again why a Communistic Technocracy works in my head for this.
  2073. 22:25
  2074. <Neri>: Those suited to the jobs they are suited for.
  2075. 22:25
  2076. <Erin>: Mmm
  2077. 22:25
  2078. <Neri>: Those suited for leader roles take control.
  2079. 22:25
  2080. <Neri>: Someone more suited shows up. They ceed control.
  2081. 22:26
  2082. <Neri>: Try shoving one that doesn't feel suited into a leader role, they're gonna complain.
  2083. 22:26
  2084. <Neri>: Which is part of why Neri makes a fuss whenever she gets stuck with a Head role.
  2085. 22:27
  2086. <Neri>: Authority isn't something all Vulps enjoy.
  2087. 22:27
  2088. <Neri>: Some might like it more then others.
  2089. 22:27
  2090. <Neri>: But some just naturally prefer one or the other.
  2091. 22:29
  2092. <Neri>: She's fine with taking a "leader" role so long as it isn't actually official. Moment it becomes official, she starts complaining.
  2093. 22:30
  2094. <Neri>: Example of an unofficial is when she takes over medbay cause the CMO is AWOL and starts ordering medics around.
  2095. 22:30
  2096. <Neri>: Example of an official is when she accidentally got herself promoted to CE midshift. She complained. A lot.
  2097. 22:30
  2098. <Neri>: She still did it. But she complained.
  2099. 22:31
  2100. <Erin>: or we could put that under like
  2101. 22:31
  2102. <Erin>: vulps dont like massive changes suddenly
  2103. 22:31
  2104. <Neri>: No.
  2105. 22:31
  2106. <Erin>: so most vulps have to deal with that being new crew on NT
  2107. 22:31
  2108. <Neri>: That is waaay too general.
  2109. 22:32
  2110. <Neri>: Vulps get comfortable in a role and don't like that role changed on them without choosing so.
  2111. 22:32
  2112. <Erin>: yeah exactly that would be a massive unexpected change
  2113. 22:32
  2114. <Neri>: But change in general is too general.
  2115. 22:32
  2116. <Neri>: Too varied.
  2117. 22:32
  2118. <Neri>: Rolebased change works better.
  2119. 22:33
  2120. <Erin>: I think that change works fine on its own. if the station gets overrun by a blob even non vulps are going to not like the new situation they have been presented with
  2121. 22:34
  2122. <Neri>: But general change is too drastic.
  2123. 22:34
  2124. <Erin>: but yeah i think we should take all our behavior related ideas and pick and choose right now
  2125. 22:35
  2126. <Neri>: Too big an option
  2127. 22:35
  2128. <Erin>: we dont want to have a lot of different things players have to focus on in order to properly rp a vulp
  2129. 22:37
  2130. <Neri>: Yah.
  2131. 22:39
  2132. <Erin>: well i think i have contributed a bit to this
  2133. 22:39
  2134. <Erin>: so im gonna go lay down for awhile
  2135. 22:39
  2136. <Erin>: update me on how it goes
  2137. 22:39
  2138. *** Erin quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  2139. 22:42
  2140. <Neri>: Prolly all we're gonna get done tonight.
  2141. 22:43
  2142. <Neri>: Maybe tomorrow will have a larger group. Gonna pastebin this and put it on the forums.
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