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Aug 17th, 2022
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  1. You know, I’m pretty similar to Jerma sometimes. Jerma has pure charisma, strangeness, and personality in him at all times, like it’s an essence flowing through his bloodstream constantly. This essence could be referred to as Jerma Juice. Now, back to what I was talking about earlier. I do have a lot of rather unhinged moments that are kind of similar to some funny moments from Jerma’s streams. I also have brown hair like him, but he has blue eyes and I have brown. But you know who also has blue eyes? My dad. Now, Jerma is almost 40, and he is conventionally attractive, so I think it’s not impossible that Jerma could secretly be my father. It does make sense after all, considering how I somewhat look and act like him. Jerma Juice must slowly concentrate more in your bloodstream with age, through, as my blood is nowhere near as saturated as his. If that’s true, I would have to wait years before I could attain his full power, but there is an alternate theory that I have. Jerma Juice could concentrate more in your bloodstream the more your body grows. If that’s true, then I’m much closer to achieving Jerma’s full power, since I’m only 4 inches shorter than him and less than half his age. I’d still have to wait a while, or perhaps use one of those stretchy torture things they used in medieval times, but I would have his power in about 5 to 10 years. Once I have the same amount of power as him, I can find him wherever he lives and fight him to the death. Once I win, which I obviously will, I can absorb even more Jerma Juice straight from the source and become the ultimate Jerma. I’ll also have control over his channel, and with control of his massively followed Twitch channel and twice the power he had, I can host the best Fortnite streams known to man. Everybody will come to watch these Fortnite streams, and they’ll all fear and respect my power so much that they won’t even try to kill me in the game anymore. I’ll get a victory royale every time I play, until I get so many that Epic Games themselves will be forced to acknowledge that I’m so good at their game that I deserve it more than they do, and give complete ownership of Fortnite to me. Once I get control of Fortnite, I will give myself every cosmetic, create ones for myself, and even have an official Sonic and Fortnite collaboration. I’ll also unvault every item and weapon, every location, and add a million new ones as well. It will be the ultimate battle royale. Once everyone is playing this battle royale, which will be universally revered as the best video game ever, I will hire the desperate and out of work Epic Games employees to create VR technology so real that everything that happens in the game will happen in real life. I’ll send these VR headsets to everyone who is playing my version of Fortnite, which is everyone on Earth, and every last one of them will be transported into the game. I will participate myself as well, and I will win a game of Ultimate Fortnite against the entire Earth. Then, after I have achieved my final victory royale, I’ll probably take a nap. Doing all that in a single day will probably be pretty exhausting, and as the last person on Earth I’ll have to be pretty well rested
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